Over the County MEEK AND VICINITY The Ladies Aid met on Wed nesday afternoon with MrB. Elmer Devall. After the business meet ing, lunch wasserved by the host ess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. George Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. George Rector spent Friday evening at the A. L. Borg home. Mary Luber spent Wednesday with her sister Mrs. Vernie John son. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Devall ami family were dinner guests at the Alvin Klopper home near In man. Gwen McKim of Redbird spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfded Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller entertained several at dinner on Saturday evening in honor of he' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth who were celebrating their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Little Dally Hood is now visiting her sisiter Mrs. Wilbur Sydow. Jouis and Earl Storjaham, and Virgil Butske of Phoenix were sup per guests at the Will Devall home on Sunday. May McGowan and Gerald and Mary Langon spent Tuesday with Mrs. E. H. Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Johsnon were dinner guests on Sunday at the Andrew Johnson home. Mrs. George Nelson entertained on Sunday for Mrs. Libby Nelson who was celebrating her birthday. Several friends gathered at the Andrew Johnson home on Thurs day evening to help Luetta cele brate her thirteenth birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John McClellani Glenna Lee, Jo Ann, Johnny and Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs. George Rector, Helen, Ralph, Freddie and Eddie, Charles Sorenson, Mrs. Delia Harrison and Mary, Donavon, Nadine and Bobby Henifin and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall, Dwayne and Bennett. After a pleasant evening ice cream and cake was served. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall motored to North Platte on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith and son, returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lowry are the proud parents of a baby boy born Saturday at the Lynch hos pital. Leander Duereke spent Sunday at the W. S. Devall home. Vernie and Hiram Johnson mo tored to Omaha on Wednesday to attend the races in which their father’s horse Kings Porter ran. INMAN NEWS rs. Moosman and family, ac companied by Tom Watson, drove to Madison Tuesday. The Harmony Club meet at Mrs. Leslie Caster’s Tuesday. A delicious lunch was served and every one had an enjoyable time. Deloris Lynch and her mother, Mrs. Dave Miller, visited Mrs. Rose Bennett, of O’Neill, Tuesday. Donna Hutton, a student at the Saint Vincent Hospital, Sioux City, Iowa, is viisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sholes and family, accompanied by Deloris Lynch, drove to Madison Friday. Margert Tickman of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Laney. Mrs. Sarah Sholes son, Jim and Grandchildren Ruthie, Mary Lou, and Ralph Herald visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and family, ol Ewing Sunday. Albert and Dave Anson, of Orchard, visited Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Sholes and family Sunday. Mrs. Jenny Wilcox returned home Saturday night with her son George, of Lincoln. Miss Catherine Sobotka returned home Sunday after visiting at the home of Mrs. Donald Wolf, o. Meadow Grove. Donald Keyes, J. T. Thompson and Richard Sholes took Donald Jacox to the Overton Ranch, 35 miles South West of Atkinson, Sun day where he is employed. Mrs. Leonard Liedy and Mrs. Walter Jacox visited at the Don ald Wolf home at Meadow Grove Sunday. Miss Hazel Fraka and Bill Wat son, student at the University of Nebraska, are home on their sum mer vacation. Mrs. John Young spent the wees end at the Art Kropp home in Ewing. Mrs. Harly Miller, of Charles City, Iowa, visited the home of Mrs. Dave Miller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Strong and family, O’Neill, visited Mrs. Dave Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Watson, John and Carlyn, visited in Lincoln over the week end. Walt Rouse of the Coast Guards is home. Miss Norma Sheets, of O’Neill has been visiting her Aunt, Mrs. Dave Miller. Beulah Luedtke, Mrs. Ruth Zim merman, Mrs. Elmer Luedtke and children, of Arcadia were Thurs day visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer home. Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman and children, of Venus, visited at the home of Mrs. Vrooman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fraka Thursday. Mrs. Elzebeth McKim of O’Neill, visited her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Englehaupth and family, Satu-day and Sunday. M. and Mrs. W. McClurg and daughters returned home Wednes day. Rev. E. B. Maxcy left Sunday for a visit with relatives in Omaha Mrs. William Muller, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Kerbel, left for her home in New York Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steams and children visited relatives in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins, of O’Neill, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hancock, of O’Neill, visited Mrs. Mary Han cock Monday. Jim Coventry and family vis ited Mr. R. Turner of Chambers Sunday. W. H. Brittlecome, of Oakdale, was in Inman on business Sat urday. L. L. Club meet Weednesdy after noon at the Mrs. William Kelly home. A delicious lunch was served, everyone had an enjoyable time. EMMET NEWS » Mrs. J. C. Sparks and family of Amarillo, Texas arrived Mon day morning for a visit with her sister Mrs. Frank Foreman and other relatives around Emmet. A. J. Storms, of Creston, Iowa is here for several days to start the blue grass work. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wayman and family visited at the Wm Schmohr home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ben Bockman, who was very ill last week iin a Stuart Hospital, is now improving. Everyone hopes she will keep on doing so. Mrs. Thomas Peacock and Grant were Sunday visitors at the Walter Vargarson home in Newport. Keith Abart accompanied Fritz Kelly of O’Neill on a trip to Omaha last Saturday. They returned Mon day. , Mrs. Clara Cole has been quite ill the past- few days but is improv ing now. Melvin Fox visited at the How ard Pettijohn home Sunday. On Mr. Burges’ arrival home from a Stuart hospital a week ago, nearly twrenty five friends visited him the next Sunday. The after noon was spent in visiting. Mr. Burge appreciated their call very much. The Ehimet Epworth League en joyed a weiner roast Wednesday evening. The pai’ty was purely Western everyone trying to dress the part the best. Dooald Coleman of Pheonix, Neb raska, spent the week end visiting Vernon Beckwith. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Luben vis ited at the Robert Fox home Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strode of Dwight, Nebraska, visited at the C. A. Henry home Tuesday even ing, Mrs. Strode was formerly Minnie Wondercheck of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McConnell entertained Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell at dinner Sunday. Gladys Schmohr spent the week end at the home of her parents. Jimmie and Merle Foreman, Walter Schmohr and Nayadene Kee visited at the Guy Beckwith home Wednesday evening. The Community Club enjoyed a pleasant evening at the Price home on the Lee Ranch Friday night. Everyone also enjoyed the dance on the porch late in the evning. Mr. and Mrs. Waited Puckett and family drove to Bassett Sunday on a little pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sporan.of Nor folk, were visitors at the C. A. Henry home Friday evening. Happy Home Makers Club The Happy Homemakers met at the home of Mrs. Haddin Geary, May 30. We discussed our plans for the summer. On June 16 we plan to meet at the home of Mrs. John Steskel, our leader. All ten members were present. Miss Norman Hopkins and Mr. Stout were guests. Marie and Marlene Geary were hostesses and served lunch. Now is the time to subscribe for The Frontier, 02.00 per year. Happy Hour Club The Happy Hour Project Club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur O’Neill on Mondayt June 2. After the noon luncheon the leaders led a discussion on the im portance of vitamins in the daily diet and the best methods of can ning fruits and vegetables. Nine members and two visitors were present at the meeting. An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all present. BRIEFLY STATED Miss Dorothy Jordan returned on Saturday from Lincoln, where she has been attending the State Uni versity, to spend he summer vac ation with her mother, Mrs. Ann Jordan. Jimmie Herre, a student at the University of Nebraska, arrived home on Sunday to spend a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre. He will then go to Kansas City, where he will spend the rest of his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mapes, of Joilet, Illinois, visited here on Fri day and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Protivinsky. From here they w-ent to San Fran cisco, California, where they will make their home in the future. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith, Sr. and Mr. Smith’s mother, Mrs. C. T. Smith, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, TWO MEN WANTED AT ONCE Manager of large, well known feed company must appoint two men for good paying work in localities where this newspaper is circulated. Deliver orders to farmers, render service and do other work. Farm experience or any kind of sales experience helpful. Must have a car. Pleas ant, permanent work. Send only name and address. Personal in terview arranged. Write box 100, The Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. Name .. Address . returned on Monday evening from a vacation to Tacoma, Washington, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ord, and with their son, Charlie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Biglin, and daughters. Betty and Jean, left on Sunday for Lincoln, where they attended the graduation exercises of the University of Nebraska, when their son, Robert was grad uated from the medical school. They returned home Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arbuthnot and Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot drove to Sioux Ctty, Iowa, on Tuesday, where they met Miss Roberta Arbuthnot of Washington, D. C., who will spend the summer vaca tion here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot, and other relatives. The marriage ceremony of Mr. Phillip E. Lee, of Clearwater, Neb raska, and Miss Been Florence Cary, of Clearwater, Nebraska, was held at the Presbyterian Manse of this city on June 9, Dr. J. E. Spencer, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are taking a trip through the Give your pullets the Act dox Treatment. Acidox is given easily, in the drink ing water, like Germozone. Because its acid is con trolled, Acidox does not throw the birds on *ced Greatest loss from Coccidioais is in w set back to the birds, and delayed growth and development. They need a medicine that will help them resist the disease and reduce death losses without upsetting them. Give them Acidox. A 12-oz. bot tle to treat 300 chicks for 2 weeks, *1.00. | Johnson Drugs ‘ STOCKMEN ’ Good prices and brisk demand. * An Ideal Combination. If you have Livestock to sell, con sign them to us. Sale Every Monday! O'NEILL LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO Phone 2 .O’Neill, Nebr. FATHER’S DAY June 15th 0 Ties Are a Good Gift! Traditional gift . . . ties this year are more welcome than ever. These are tailored of non-crush fabrics, wool lined for longer life and a neater knot. Diagonals, small spaced figures, solidr. Many colors. Others 40c and 69c west and will make their home near Nampa, Idaho. Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Deao, of St. Paul, Minn., left for their home Sunday after spending the past week with Mrs. Devo’s parents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hendricks of near Middle Branch. Miss Mabel Hendrick accompanied them and will attend summer session of the University of Minnesota. Mrs. Mary Sanders, of Great Falls, Montona, arrived here on Thrusday to make an extended visit with her brother, John Pro tivinsky and his family. She will then go to Shelby, Mississippi, where she will make her home in the future. Mrs. Claude Johnson and daugh ter, Barbara, expect to leave on Friday for their home in Sioux Falls, S. D. Her two sons, Joe and Bobby will spend the balance of the summer here visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pro tivinsky and Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Johnson. Mrs. A. M. King, Miss Geraldine Cronin and Miss Lenore Brown of Sioux City, Iowa, returned on Sun day from a weeks vacation spent in Colorado, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mont gomery at Trindad, Colorado, and with relatives and friends at Den ver, Colorado. J. B. Ryan left on Tuesday for Sioux City, Iowa, where he will visit his sister, Miss Mary Ryan, and then go to Chicago, Illinois, where he will attend the graduation excercises of De Paul University, on Wednesday afternoon, when his son, Joseph, will be graduated from the law school of that university. Mr. Ryan expects to return home on Saturday. Last Sunday Joseph Steskal went down to Omaha for the Nebraska Deaf Alumni picnic.,, which W* attended by about 200 deaf people form all over the state. He also visited Boy’s fown and inspect ed all the new buildings, including the church. He also had visit with Father Flannigan who told him that he was glad that Joe was now the owner of a barber shop in O’Neill. Joe was a former member of Boy’s Town, being there £rom 1932 to 1936. The marriage ceremony of Mr. Leon Richardson, of Brocksburg, Nebraska, and Miss Twila A. Hitch cock, of Jamison, Nebraska, was held at the Presbyterian Manse of this city on June 3, Dr. J. J\ Spencer officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson expect to make their home at Jamison, Nebraska. READ THE AD$ Along With the New FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 13 and 14 I National Fitness Efforts! NANCY ANN ENRICHED WHITE BREAD to produced to help you have a good, nourishing daily diet as the nation prepares for defense. It offers you a splendid source of two important Vitamins (including VITAMIN Bi) and iron. This loaf has been enriched to meet the requirements proposed by the Committee on Food and Nutrition of the National Research Council for “Enriched Bread.” NANCY ANN WHITE BREAD 1/» Ounce 11 Pound 1A 10 Loaf. 1 2 Loaf ... 1UC SUPERB—RED RIPE Whole Tomatoes Under the Superb label you buy toma toes, not water. Cans are so full of red, ripe whole tomatoes there Is little room left for water. No. 2 11/* Can ... lit Dozen d»l OQ Cans