The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 29, 1941, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Over the County
The Meek school closed on Fri
day. May 23, with a picnic dinner
at noon. The afternoon was spent
at kitten ball, horse shoes and
races, after which ice cream and
cake were served. Mabel Devall
being the teacher.
Ed Johnson of North Platte,
and Mrs. Charles Griffith of Rear
ney were overnight guests at
the’home of Mrs. Griffith's broth
er, A. L. Borg and family on Satur
day, returning to their homes on
Cleora Lou Fox has been quite
ill the past week but is improving
at this writing.
A large crowd attended Clean
Up-Day at Pleasant Valley ceme
tery on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall of
Sioux Falls, S. D., spent several
days the past week at the Harry
Fox and Will Kaczor homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross drove
to Grand Island on Thursday, tak
ing Mrs. George Weldon there on
vvay to California after spend
ing several days visiting relatives
in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller were
dinner guests on Sunday at the
Roy Karr home.
Mrs. Ralph Ernst returned home
on Thursday from the hospital in
Several ladies gathered at the
home of Mrs. George Rector on
Wednesday afternoon. Lyndell
Stout of O’Neill was there also to
help organize a project club. The
club was named the “Cactus Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller spent
Monday at the home of Mrs. Emma
Mrs. Nora Griffith of O’Neill
was an overnight guest of Mrs.
Delia Harrison on Friday return
ing to her home in O’Neill on Sat
Dinner guests on Sunday at the
Will Devall home were Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Kleopper, of Inman;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and
M^. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and
Jeanette Duereke is now em
ployed at the Dick Robertson home.
Mrs. Cole returned to her home
at Page on Friday after spending
several days at the Ralph Ernst
Oswald Duereke turned his car
over near Cedar Falls on Monday
of last week. No one was seriously
injured, Oswald receiving a few
minor cuts and bruises.
Mrs. Andrew Johnson and
daughter, Luetta, spent Monday at
the home of Mrs. Delia Harrison.
Mrs. J. F. O’Donell went to
Omaha on Sunday to spend several
days visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Marion Dickson of Norfolk
spent Sunday here visiting her
parents, Judge and Mrs. R. R
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Berry and
family from Kadota, South Dakota,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Burge over the -week end.
Mrs. Harold Fager returned on
Sunday evening from Crofton, Ne
braska, where she spent the week
end visiting friends.
Miss Eileen Davidson spent the
week end visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Davidson. _
Mrs. Catherine Reiser left on
Friday for Sioux City, Iowa, where
she will visit friends over the week
Mrs. Loren Nelson left on Satur
day evening for Chicago, Illinois,
where she will make an extended
visit with relatives and friends.
Lyle Johnson, of Hastings, Ne
braska, arrived on Saturday to
spend a few days visiting his
brother, I. W. Johnson.
Miss Helen Suchy left on Sun
day for Omaha, where she will
make an extended visit with rela
tives and friends.
Misss Janet Farris spent Mon
day in Long Pine where she attend
ed the Alumuni banquet, returning
the same night.
Miss Marcella Rubel of Gregory.
South Dakota, arrived in O’Neill
on Sunday to attend the Alumnae
Banquet of St. Mary’s Academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva en
tertained a group of their friends
Sunday with a dinner in honor of
their son, Fred’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva and
son Fred, and Francis Valla attend
ed the silver wedding anniversary
of Frank Soucek at Oakview Park
Monday night.
Harry Piercy, who has been at
tending St. Mary’s Academy, left
on Wednesday for his home in
Valentine. _
Mr. ad Mrs. Frank Jensen and
son, Lawton, left on Sunday for
Wisconsin, where they will make
their future home.
Warren Thompson and Joe
Kerran. of North Dakota, were
visiting friends in O’Neill over
the week end, while on their way
to Indiana.
Miss Hazel Schwisow and Miss
Mary Roberts of Omaha, spent
the week end here visiting at the
home of Miss Schwisow’s father,
Glen Tomlinson left Monday
morning for Fort Smith, Arkansas,
and Springfield, -Mo., where he
will spend a week on business and
visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Hilda Simmons, of Norden,
Nebr., arrived Sunday to attend
the Alumnae banquet and gradu
ation exercises of St. Mary’s Aca
The Misses Alice and Joan Jack
son, of Springview, came down on
Sunday to attend the Alumnae ban
quet and spend the week visiting
friends and attending the gradu
ation exercises.
Mrs. F. J. Fisher drove to Scrib
ner after her daughter, Evelyn,
last Friday and brought her home.
Miss EVelyn is a commercial teach
er in the Scribner High School.
Mrs. A M. Turner and children,
of Winner, S. D., spent the week
end in O’Neill visiting at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Teresa Con
Mrs. Kenneth Pond, of Blair,
Nebraska, arrived on Saturday t
visit her brother, Sumner Downey
and to attend the Alumnae reunion
of St. Mary’s Academy.
James Harty of Portland, Or
egon, who is here visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harty,
spent Friday in Omaha, visiting
Robert Biglim_
Private Mike Hartv left on Sat
urday for Fort Robinson, Arkan
sas, after spending a week here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Harty.
Mrs. I. W. Johnson and daugh
ter, and Miss Mary Jane Morgan
left on Sunday for Omaha, where
they will visit at the home of
Mrs. Johnson’s parents.
Dr. and Mrs. Merle Hunt of
Battle Creek, Nebraska, spent Sun
day here visiting at the home of
his parens, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Jack Vincent, student at the
University of Nebraska, arrived
home on Tuesday to spend a weeks
vacation visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Vincent.
Basil Price, who attends Creigh
ton University, came up last Fri
day evening and spent the week
end visiting friends and relatives,
returning to Omaha Sunday.
Private Walter Donohoe left
Saturday for Camp Robinson, Ar
kansas, after visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donohoe the
past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and son
Jerry, are expected from Wayne
Nebr., to spend Memorial Day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Powers, of
San Francisco, Cal., arrived here
Sunday to spend a few days visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Miles.
Mrs. L. J. Conklin, of Omaha,
arrived here last week for a few
weeks visit at the home of her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Miles.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bowers, of
San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. L. J.
Conklin, of Omaha and Mrs. F.
A. Miles left Tuesday for Valentine
where they will visit Mrs. Miles’
sister, Mrs. E. L. Selden.
Mrs. Tom Semlock of Norfolk,
spent the week end visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Enright, and also attended
the Alumnae banquet at St. Mary’s
academy on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoppe left
on Friday for their home at Los
Angeles, California, after visit
ing here for the past two weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Miss Katherine Murphy, of
Omaha, spent the week end in
O’Neill as the guest of Miss Eileen
Davidson, at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim David
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, of
Crawford, arrived here on Sunday.
Mr. Jones returned home the same
evening, while Mrs. Jones remained
to spend a week visiting with hr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
The Misses Marion Dickson, Ar
lene Adams and Mary Virginia
Agnes of Norfolk were in O’Neill
on Thursday to attend the opening
of the O’Neill Country Club.
Misses Peggy and Joan Calvert,
of Norfolk arrived on Friday tr
spend a week visiting at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Calvert,
Lawrence Hanna left on Wed
nesday for Los Angelcr., California,
where he will attend the summer
session of the University of South
ern California, and will work to
wards his doctor’s degree.
Mrs. Henry Lohaus, son, John
Lee, Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. Mary
McLeod and Jimmie Golden re
turned on Saturday from Omaha,
where they spent a few days visit
ing relatives.
Mrs. Tom Regan of Omaha, ar
rived on Saturday, to visit her
sisters, Mrs. Tom Green and Mrs.
McKinley Simonsen and to attend
the annual alumnae reunion at St.
Mary’s academy.
Lt. Ralph Oppen, who has been
stationed at the army camp at Fort
Robinson, Arkansas, has been or
dered to report to the Medical Field
Service School at Carlisle Barracks,
Pa., on May 31st to a one months
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frenking and
children of Omaha, arrived on
Saturday to visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gallagher and
Mrs. Frenking’s mother, Mrs.
McCafferty for the week end.
John Protivinsky, who has been
attending school in Sioux Falls,
S. D., arrived on Saturday to
spend the summer vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kirwin left
on Monday afternoon for Sioux
City, Iowa, after Mr. Kirwin had
received a telegram informing him
of the sudden death of his young
est daughter, Marie.
Mrs. Eliza Wilson of Wann,
Nebraska, and her son, Arthur, of
Oakland, Nebraska, spent Friday
here visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Calvert. Mrs. Wil
son is a sister of Mr. Calvert.
Mrs. Homer Muiien, Mrs. Eliza
Wilcox, Mrs. Tom Brennan and
son, Gene, returned on Sunday
evening from Omaha, where they
spent the week end visiting rela-1
Mr. and Mrs. George McRlm of
Albuquerque, New Mexico, arrived
on Thursday evening to spend two
weeks here visiting at the home of
Mrs. McKim’s mother, Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noyes, of
of Winnetoon, Nebr., and Leonard,
Lsyle, and Grace Mlady, of Verdi
gre, attended the graduation ex
ercises at O’Neill High last Wed
nesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKim of
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mrs.
J. C. Harnish and her daughter,
Miss Ruth drove to Plainview on
Sunday and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Carnes.
Mrs. Mary Uttley returned on
Sunday from Stuart where she
has been convalescing the past
six weeks from a serious operation.
We are happy to report she i:
feeling much better.
Mrs. Clyde Streeter, Mrs. Dean
Streeter, Mrs. Mattie Soukup, Polly
Rickley, Vincent Streeter, Gene
Streeter and Marjorie Cronin
drove to Stuart on Friday to attend
the school picnic of District 58
which was given by Elaine Streeter.
Miss Margaret Carney of Du
Bois, Wyo., who has been attending
S. Mary’s Academy the past year,
left on Wednesday for Denver, Col.,
whre she will visit her father, fol
lowing which she will return to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Buell and
daughters, Patrica and Violet,
came down from Rose, Nebr., on
Thursday to attend the graduation
exercises of St. Mary’s Academy.
Their daughter is a member of the
graduating class.
The Misses Mary and Marguerite
Ziring of Norden, Nebr., were here
Sunday to attend the Alumnae
banquet. Marguerite returned
home on Monday while Mary re
mained over for the graduation
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas ol
Brady, Nebraska, arrived on Sun.
day to visit at the home of hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Proti
vinsky. Mr. Thomas will return
on Sunday, while Mrs. Thomas
will remain for the next two weeks.
Ewing, Nebr.
Music by
Starting June 8 dances will be
held on Sunday Nights!
Coming—Lloyd Hunter!
Mrs. Emmet Moore and daugh
ter, Marylin and son, Tommie,
left on Friday for Nebraska City,
'<»r a few days visit. Mr. Moore,
who was in Lincoln, on business,
joined them there on Saturday
and they returned home on Mon- j
day evening.
Mrs. Mary Stevens and her »on,;
Floyd, who have been here visiting ]
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-;
ling, left on Monday morning for
Fort Collins, Colo. Mrs. Stevens!
has been here visiting about a
month, while Floyd has been here |
a week.
O’Neill relatives have received;
word of the birth of a son on Fri- j
day, John David, to Mr. and Mrs
John de Hall, of Birmingham,
Alabama. Mrs. de Hall will be
remembered here as Miss Marion
Arbuthnot, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot.
Captain Paul Ritchie of Fort
Knox, Ky., visited here on Friday
with his sister, Mrs. Jess Scofield,
while on his way to Seattle, Wash
ington. Captain Ritchie expects
to remain in Seattle until Septem
ber, and then leave for duty in
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dowd and
daughter, and Miss Nadine Mc
Nally, of Schuyler, Nebraska, visit
ed in O’Neill on Sunday. Mrs. Dowd
and her daughter will remain for
a weeks visit with relatives, while
Leo and Miss McNally returned
on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleinsmith
and children of Murdo, S. D., ar
rived in O’Neill on Wednesday to
attend the graduation exercises
of St. Mary’s Academy. Their
daughter, Ethel, and son, Gerald,
are members of the graduating
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davidson
and daughters, of Casper, Wyo.,
arrived on Saturday to spend a
few days here visiting at the home
of Mrs. Davidson’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. Morrison and Mr.
Davidson’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Beha, Mr.
and Mrs. Mat Beha and son and
Miss Nan Beha left Tuesday morn
ing for Omaha, from which place
Miss Nan will go on to New York
to resume her work. The others
will visit in Omaha for a few days j
and then return home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen and
son, Robert, will leave the first
of next week for Lincoln, where
they will meet their son, Donald,
a student at Nebraska Weslyen,
and then go to Omaha, where Mr.
Bowen will attend the State Con
vention of the Masonic Lodge, as a
delegate from this lodge.
Or. Tuesday work was started on
the new home being built on the
northwest corner of block nineteen,
for Mrs. M. R. Sullivan. The
house, which is to be two stories,
will have a forty-two foot front
and will be twenty-eight feet in
length. It is Cape Cod style and
the contractor is Ed Burge.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Loeffler
and daughters, Mildred and Mary
Jo, drove to Lindsay, Nebr., on
Monday where they attended the
wedding of Miss Coletta Loeffler
of Lindsay and J. F. Morris of
Lincoln. Miss Mildred Loeffler
who is a cousin of the bride, acted
as bridesmaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Moore,
daughters Dorothy, Marilyn, and
son Tom, and Violet Meckem of
DuBois, Wyo., left on Thursday
morning for Casper, Wyo., where
they will visit Mr. Moore’s brother,
Charles Moore. Dorothy and Vio
let will go on to Du Bois where
they will spend three weeks.
and all take ADLER1KA when
needed.” (W. N.-Iowa). When part
ly digested foods decay, forming
gas, bringing on sour stomach or
bloating, try ADLERIKA. Get it
Mrs. Mattie Soukup has received
word from her son, Francis, of
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., that he
has been appointed a sergeant.
Fort Leonard Wood, which is one
of the newest army camps in the
United States, is also expected to
be one of the largest, with ap
proximately seventy-five thousand
men stationed there.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Chet Potter of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
arrived on Saturday to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Proti
vinsky. Mr. and Mrs. Potter and
Mr. Johnson returned on Sunday
evening, while Mrs. Johnson will
remain for a longer visit with her
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson
and Mrs. H. J. Reardon left Wed
nesday for Omaha, and North
Platte, Nebraska, where they will
visit at the home of Mrs. Tomlin
son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
McNally, and also at the home of
Mrs. Reardon's daughter and her
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mc
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith, Sr.,
and Mrs. C. T. Smith, of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, left Tuesday morning
for Tacoma, Washington, where
they will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Smith’s daughter and her
family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ord.
Mrs. C. T. Smih of Council Bluffs,
who is Mr. Smith’s mother, ar
rived on Sunday to accompany
them on the trip.
Mrs. Bert Fowler, of Seattle,
Washington, was in the city last
Saturday visiting her many old
time friends. Mrs. Fowler will be
remembered here as Miss Mary
Howe and served for several years
as deputy postmaster. She left
here over twenty-five years ago
and this was her first visit to the
old home town. This office ac
knowledges a short visit with Mrs.
Mrs. Max Wanser of Ewing and
Mrs. Pat Regan of Stafford, will
leave on Thursday evening for
Notre Dame, Indiana, where they
will attend the graduating exer
cises of that university, at which
time, Mrs. Regan’s son, John,
will be graduated. John, who is
a Brother in the Holy Cross order
of Notre Dame, will return with
them for a two weeks visit with his
Mrs. Ann Jordan, M. H. Mc
Carthy and daughters, Misses
Katherine and Jean, left Friday
morning for Hastings, Nebraska,
where Mr. McCarthy and Jean left
with Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy
and daughter for North Prairie,
Wisconsin, being called there by
the sudden death of Mr. McCarthy’s
brother, Dr. George McCarthy.
Mrs. Jordan and Miss Katherine
McCarthy returned on Friday af
ternoon to O’Neill.
Miss Mildred Manser closed a
very successful term of school in
1 District No. 5 on Friday afternoon.
This is one of the nicest school
districts in the couny. It is a
completely modern new building,
built last fall. It is equipped with
venitian blinds, and is a cement
building. Dinner was eaten in the
[ small dining room in the basement.
| There is also a kitchenette. Miss
Manser has been teaching in this
! district for three years and is the
erst to teach in he new school
Subscribe For The Frontier.
Tuesday, June 13th
Alice Givens - Lawrence Ziska
We, your home livestock market,
offer to you our services.
If you wish to buy or sell livestock,
give us a trial.
Sale Every Monday!
Phone 2 O'Neill, Nebraska
It’s far from easy to continuously plan meals that
delight every member of the family and keep within
your budget. Shop at Council Oak for seasonable
Budget Balancers” that bring suggestions for varied
menus and make it easy to save.
Smoked Picnics Uv?ra7»ib'.lb. 27c
These ready to serve " Hockless Picnics" Supply
the Meat for a good size Picnic Party.
Cold Plate Sandwirh .. Meats, lb. 23c
Beef Roasts 22«ndand.17c
Roasts & Chops SaTind.18c
Big and Ring Bologna, lb.16c
Fresh Smoked Wieners, lb.23c
Sliced Pork Liver, lb.-,12«
Pure Pork Sausage, lb.15c
Ring Liver Sausage, lb.16c
Fresh Ground Pure Beef, lb.19c
Morning Light Bartlett
Pears c..21c
Superb Heavy Syrup
Prunes, 2 c». 29c
Asstd. Plain Cookies, 2 lbs. ... 19c
Kraft Caramels, per pound .. 18c
Peppermint Lozenges, pound 15c
“Enriched by Nature”
Ma Brown Whole Wheat Bread
Many say it surpasses any bread they ever tasted.
Superb Amber
Syrup 50p'Ld*p.ii47c.27c
Van Camp’s
Pork & Beans 10c
Paper Baking Cups, package . 8c
Drinking CupsSiVind.Pkg. 8c
‘Savaday’ Plates & Napkins m 8c
Swift’s Cooked
Corned Beef £„!... 21c
Morning Light Sliced
Table Beets, 2 g;„,2 17c
Enriched with Vitamins and Minerals
Nancy Ann Bread frriUnd''if 10c
Best for Sandwiches because it stays fresh longer
“RED DOT” (Regular 25c Size)
Potato Chips, 12 gzg 19c
Superb Regular ... Oats Package .... 15c
Miracle Whip S3 .32c
Northland Sweet Pickles Quart 29c
“TAC-CUT” Drip and Regular Grind
Coffee 2°Pou„d J»r 241...
^ 22-Carat Gold Pattern
I AflPP Dishes In exchange for
the empty b„s.
Pound . .. .25c 3 Pound Bag. ..
“No-Rub” White
Shoe Cleaner |0°tztla. 12c
^ 2 Regular Pkgs.19c
Large Package .21c
wA Giant Package.55c
^ Regular Pkg.8c
ftlYVOAl L.arge Package ... .18c
WU1 Giant Package ... .51c
Large Florida Valencia
Juice Oranges, dozen.27c
New Crop Valencia
Sunkist Oranges Dozen .27c1
Extra Large Size
Sunkist Lemons, dozen_27c
Firm—Red Ripe
Fresh Tomatoes, pound ... .10c
New Crop Lettuce .9 c
Fresh Cut
Home Grown Rhubarb, lb. .. 2c