The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Artared at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska. .$2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska.... 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of asUtacribers will be instantly re stored from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid lor, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between pub-! Usher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 26c an inch (one eolnmn wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, subse-, Quent insertions, 6c per line. A Word To Frontier Readers We wish to call the atten tion of those of our readers who are in arrears that we must have money to continue in business. Many of our readers have doubtless thoughtlessly al lowed their subscription to run along year after year, and we ask them now to come in and settle. Payment of these little bills mean a good deal to the publisher as they run into hundreds of dollars. 80 we trust you will call, settle up, and start 1941 with a clean alato. (Continued from page 1) Ethel Givens. Marty Hamilton. George Hammond. Francis Hickey. Caroline Jareske. Eileen Kelly. Dale Kersenbrock. Ethel Kleinsmith. Gerald Kleinsmith. Irma Langer. James Matthews. Etta Meyer. Robert Miles. Catherine McNichols. Leone Mullen. Mildred O'Malley. Robert Parkins. Lillian Peter. William Ryan. Rose Anne Schylte. briJ John Shoemaker. Ted Sirek. Monica Shorthill. Dorothy Valla. THE DAYS OF 10M6AG0 Fifty-Five Years Ago The Frontier, May 27, 1886 O’Neill market prices: Rye 25c, Oats 24c, Eggs 7c, Wheat 45c, Fat Steers $3.00, Potatoes 25c, Barley 20 to 30c, Corn 19 and 20c, Butter 9 and 10c, Hogs $3.00 and $3.10, Fat Cows $2.25 and $2.50. Up to May 21st the rails on the F. E & M. V. railroad were laid six miles west of Fort Robinson. Mr. Bridges is on the ground looking after the construction of the new mill. Mr. W. T. Evans, wife and child of Boone, Iowa, arrived in O’Neill last week and will remain per manently with us. Mr. Evans will engage in the restaurant business with Frank Thomas. Fifty Years Ago The Frontier May 28, 1891 A postoffice has been established at Spencer, Boyd county, the new town over on the reservation. The Frontier has learned through Superintendent Dudley, who was out that way recently, of an ex perimental forest being set out by the government about five or six miles west of Swan Lake, in the southwestern part of the caunty. The work is being done by the residents and under the directions from the government. They are planting pine trees and have already set out 25,000 and are planting them right in the sand hills. The Item, May 28, 1891 John Cronin, one of the pioneer residents of the county and one of its largest and moat successful farmers, passed away at his home four and a half miles north of town last Monday morning, at the age of 67 years. He came to the county fror Illinois in 1876. Forty Years Ago The Frontier, May 30, 1901 The report of small pox at O'Neill has undoubtedly spread like a wild prairie fire in October, and perhaps been magnified ten, twenty or a hundred fold. So far we have heard of only one case. Jack O’Donnell who, until he was taken sick, had been helping with the branding on the old McClure ranch southeast of this city. He is geting along nicely. Ed Grady and C. C. Millard left Monday for Keystone, S. D.t to develop their mining property. Thirty Years Ago The Frontier, May, 25, 1911 Mrs. Emily Saunders, wife of Benjamin Sanders, died at her home in this city last Monday even ing, after an illness of several years, at the age of 73 years and five months. She had been a resi dent of the county since 1879. A splendid rain visited this sec tion last Sunday and Sunday night and one that was badly needed. Twenty Years Ago The Frontier, May 26, 1921 Edward F. Gallagher died at the Clarkson hospital in Omaha last Tuesday morning, May 24, after an illness of several years at the age of 64 years, 11 months and 16 days. He had been a resi dent of this city for thirty-five years. H. E. Coyne, J. P. Golden and Frank Barrett left Monday morn ing for Lincoln to attend the state convention of the Knights of Columbus. Two fine rains fell in Holt county this week. The precipitation Tues day evening amounted to one inch and fourteen hundreths of an inch while the rainfall Wednesday night was eighty-seven hundredths of an inch. Ten Years Age The Frontier, May 28, 1931 Genevieve Drueke and Arthur O'Neill were married in Spencer, Nebr., on Sunday, May 17, 1931, by the Catholic priest. They will make their future home on the O’Neill ranch in the northern part of the county. The O’Neill base ball team blanked the Creighton team in a fast game last Sunday. The score was, O’Neill, S Creighton, 0. Honeycutt and Holliday was the battery for O’Neill, Newhaus and Bartling for Creighton. Frank Phalin expects to move his barber shop to the west room of the new building being erected by A. E. Bowen on east Douglas street. CONGRESS " A* III! IV [ KARL STICAN Albert Engel, a representative from Michigan, has been a one man committee to investigate er penditures in the construction of army cantonments. To date, he has visited thirteen of these places. To the approximately $800,000,000 spent, he figures that about 30 per cent has been wasted. He is put ting this information in the Con gressioal Record from time to time for the attention of members of Congress and Administrative officials of the government. From the committees on Mer hant Marine and Naval affairs have come far reaching measures that have passed the house during the week. The Naval Affairs Com mittee put through a bill authoriz ing the construction of many new auxiliary vessels needed by our fighting ships. They will cost about 5 million dollars each. No navy can move without auxiliary crafts. The Committee on Mer chant Marine effected House pass age of a measure to increase ad ministrative power respecting priorities or cargoes and ship movements and to authorize the construction of additional cargo ships. The building of the two ocean navy is progressing. In the meantime Uncle Sam is on record to maintain the freedom of the seas. Members are demanding armed protection for unarmed Am erican merchant ships. Others de mand transfer of ships to British registry to avoid the danger at tending the ships hauling contra band. Believe it or not, Carl Vinson chairman of the House Committee on Naval affairs, has accepted an invitation to visit Ted Metcalf— the Chief Admiral of the Nebraska Navy. Experts say that it cost more to build the Martin Bomber plant at Omaha than it could be built else where, but they admit that the rea sons it wms built in Nebraska are because the location is strategic and much safer. Less talk about convoys in Wash ington this week. Reason is that Admiral Land told House mem bers that sinkings of ships bound from America to Britain are negli gible. Big advertisements in Wash ington papers read, “Britain De livers the Goods—Sixty thousand pieces of merchandise reach us safely from England within the past few weeks. Prices about a third of'what you have to pay or dinarily.” Union Labor spokesmen ask embarrassing questions about labor scales in Britain and the ef fect of imported competitive goods on American products. L. E. Tyson, Nebraska Aeronau tics Commission Engineer, has been spending several days in Wash ington consulting CAA and Army officials respecting the joint ef forts of the state and the Federal Government to develop the facili ties of aviation, Mr. Tyson be lieves the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission program for this year is meeting with high approval here. If Uncle Sam ever finds himself short of aviators some blame will attach to rules and regulations that operate against young men who have not had college educa tions. At the present time, the army will take not to exceed 25 per cent of the pilot trainees from among men who have had less than two years of college work. Even these non-college youth have one or more strikes against them. In our land today we have many far mer boys, mechanics, clerks and others who have had no college training but want to be service pilots. Some of them have many hours of flying to their credit. But they can’t get into Uncle Sam’s aviation schools to be train ed to fly and defend this country in time of need. General Con nelly, head of the CAA, who is a friend of the non-college boys, says something ought to be done about that. When war comes, we will have to go into civilian life for our defenders who must fight on the ground, in the air and under the sea. Several Southern States require their citizens, in order to qualify for voting, to pay poll tax. The poll tax laws are so stringent that less than 15 per cent of the citizens exercises their right of franchise. As a result of this restriction five members of Congress from the South received fewer than 5,000 votes each in the 1938 election. These five members hold important committee chairmanship posts. Six teen of our Southern Congressmen were elected in 1938 with fewer than 6,000 votes each and a total of 32 southern congressmen were elected with fewer than 11,000 votes each. This is significant in connection with the fact that without the votes of the congress men from the poll tax states, and those with restrictive registration requirements for voting, the Lease-Lend Bill could not have been passed in either the House or the Senate. So, in this case a minority of the voters through their Repre sentatives in Congress, determined the future war policy and welfare of the nation. Recent visitors in the office of the Third District Congressman are Fred Berry, Wayne; Mrs. George Prasse and daughter Ber tha, Columbus; Dr. G. E. Charl ton, Norfolk; W. H. Anderson, Lincoln; Clarence Mackey, Fre mont; Dwight Felton, Lincoln; Otha DeVilbis, Lincoln; Bernice Mellenman, Norfolk: Louis A. Holmes, Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan and son Thomas, Tilden; L. E. Tyson, Lincoln; Val Peter, Omaha; John Franek, South Omaha. Minnie B. Hardy who was clerk of the Court at Stanton, Nebraska, for a long time, is visiting nieces in Washington. Her home is now in Bristow, Oklahoma, but she says she likes Nebraska best. Norfolk will have some distin guished visitors June 15, 16, 17, when the Nebraska chapter of the Association of Postmasters holds its annual convention there. Bill Bray, special assistant to Post master General Walker will be there to speak, and Walter Myers the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General tells the Third District office that he, too, will be there if he can arrange it. The Fourth Assistant will dedicate a new post office building at Benson, Nebras ka, on June 14. Late Rumors among the majority in the House indicate shake-ups in high places in Washington. One rumor is that Madame Perkins will be replaced soon. Another is that a place in the government in Washington is about to be made for Mayor LaGuardia of New York and also for Wendell Willkie. A stranger report is that Secretary Hull may step out but those close to the State Department activities find this difficult to believe., Rob ert Jackson, attorney general, is believed scheduled to succeed Chief Justice Hughes of the Supreme Court. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan of Til den accompanied by their son Wil liam, came to Washington to visit their son Tom, who is already em ployed here. William will remain in Washington on account of em ployment previously accepter!. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will visit Miami, Florida, before returning to Til den. Parity price* or farm products are prices that would place the farmer, the laboring man, and the indistrial ist on precisely the same basis as to their relative earning power as they were before the de pression. . With labor now having a guaranteed floor below which wages cannot drop, and with in dustry now receiving government contracts, on a cost-plus-profit guaranteeo basis, many members feel that the farmer who is both the greatest consumer and the most important producer in the country, should receive similar protection. Financially the days ahead arc not bright. We are in debt now 50 billion dollars. On top of that we have already authorized a 40 billion dollar defense program. That means a 90 billion dollar debt. A rumor comes now regarding plans already drawn to double our defense program which means an other 40 billion dollar expenditure and a national debt of 130 billion dollars, or a debt of $1,000 upon every man, woman, and child in the United States. It may mean an army of several million Ameri can boys prepared to fight for Democracy at any time—any where. In answer to several questions about the status of Sweden. The' answer to that comes from Woll mar Filip Bostrom, the Swedish minister here in Washington. He states that Sweden is strictly neutral and is doing business as usaul with everybody in the world who wants to do business with Sweden. He says anyone suspec ted of fifth-column activities is put in jail. Belligerent ships are searched. Belligerent airplanes flying over Sweden are chased away and the six million people of Sweden are trying to get along with everybody and want to be let alone. The Swedish army has been increased to war strength. All gasoline is reserved for mili tary use and gasoline substitutes run commercial cars. The Minis ter tells friends he hopes Sweden can continue being let alone. The best way to get favorable publicity from the Washington newspapers is to fight for more and bigger lump sum appropria tions for the District. Maryland and Virginia members ane great fighters for bigger grants of Uncle Sam’s money to Washing ton. The reason is that Maryland ■ and Virginia taxpayers are re lieved of a lot of expense by bene fits received from government ac tivities here. The House voted down a bill which was designated to give the city of Washington revenues equivalent to about 21 percent of its annual expenses out of the Federal Treasury. That would be about nine and one-half million dollars a year and as the Federal government acquired more land in the city, the amount would in crease. Members who want some of these government functions de centralized and moved out into the states, think that business is so good in Washington the people here ought to pay Uncle Sam a bonus instead of taxing him to stay here. The lump sum now given to the District of Columbia each year is six million dollars. The balance of the District’s bud get about 46 million dollars is raised by local taxation. But through other means the town gets much more from the government treasury than any other city in the country. For fifteen years the American farmer has been hearing much about surpluses and overproduc tion. He has been told to reduce acreage in order to do away with surpluses and overproduction, the supposed twin obstacles to farm prosperity. Overnight the picture has changed. Now we are told we Give your pullets the Aci dox Treatment. Acidox is given easily, in the drink ing water, like Germozone. Because its acid is con trolled, Acidox does not throw the birds off feed. Greatest loss from Coccidiosis ts in the set back to the birds, and delayed growth and development. They need a medicine that will help them resist the disease and reduce death losses without upsetting them. Give them Acidox. A 12-ot. bot tle, to treat 300 chicks for 2 weeks, SI.00. Johnson Drugs bibbfst babsaim mm m YIABS-HOW IB FUU SWIM!! A WIDE SELECTION OF MANY MAKES AND MANY MODELS Generous Trade Allowances - Low Down Payments - Easy Terms LATE MODELS and these prices are REALLY LOW! 1938 Ford V-8 Tudor Extra Good. 1940 Mercury Sedan Radio ond Heater. New Rubber. At a Bargain! 1936 (hevrolel (oupe A good one. 1935 4-Door Plymouth Very good at o very low price. 1932 Chevrolet Truck with Stock Rock. Good run ning condition at a bargain. Our reputation for Fair Dealing is your BEST GUARANTEE! You simply must see these AMAZING BARGAINS! 1940 Deluxe Tudor in excellent condition. A bargain! 1936 Ford V-8 Tudor Very good. USED FORD V-8 Popular Specials 1937 Ford V-8 Tudor Very good motor and good tires at a Bargain Price! 1938 Ford V-8 Coupe Radio and Heater. Very Clean. A Bargain! LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Phone 16 O'Neill, Nebr. DEALER ADVERTISEMENT Your FORD-MERCURY dealer face the danger of a food short age. In order to become “the pantry of democracy” we must produce more meats, fats, eggs, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. The same government that advised farmers to reduce production last year, now urges the farmers to increase production. State department officials have been rather disturbed by occuran ces in Argentine which are inter fering to a minor degree with the “good-neighbor policy” which that department has been advocating and promoting. The showing of an American movie film in a Buenos Aires theatre precipated a riot in which many in the audience were injured. Argentine has been a reluctant participant in the Pan American program. Re cently it was loaned an additional 61 millions to help relieve the agriculture situation there, and it has been one of the countries which has had loans of many more millions in times past. Upon the latest loan, it shipped great quan tities of food supplies to Spain. Then, too, Chili rather upset the diplomacy crowd by sending birth day felicitations to Hitler, and the little “republic” of Panama has been acting up a bit in the same direction. A new corporation has been formed by nine large industrial concerns to promote trade with Argentine by the importation of more of its products into this country. Peru is also one of the countries which will furnish allot ments of sugar under the new plan advocated by the Department of Agriculure. Other South Am erican countries will share in the increased allotments. The beet sugar growers of the middle west sought to obtain the increased al lotments of the sugar supply occasioned by the loss of the ship ments from the Phillippine® and WEDDING DANCE Monday, June 2nd Deloras Morgan - Arthur Pacha MULLEN'SORCHESTRA CRYSTAL BALL ROOM ATKINSON. NEBR. the East Indies, but instead they will be recompensed by the sub sidies payable from the special sugar tax of one-half cent per pound, which now raises 69 mil lions per year. Much of our na tions supply of sugar will continue to come from Cuba. Eddie Gilmore used te write feature stories for the associated press here in Washington. One of his close friends was Art Hud son of Nebraska. When the A. P. asked for volunteers to go to Lon don to cover news, Gilmore was of the first to volunteeer. Hudson followed him over with the Red Gross. The other day they met after a German raid. Both were doing voluntary firemen's work ex. tinguishing fires. “Wanted Parachute At Once” FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED TRY OUR WANT ADS CASH at Once We advance money on all makes of ears—without delay or bothersome details—and without co-makers or en dorsers. The most conven ient way to get cash in a hurry and at low rates. If your car isn’t paid for, ask about our thrifty refinancing plan. Usually we can re duce 'payments as much as one-third to one-half and pro vide extra cash besides. For Quick Convenient Loans Central Finance Corporation Prompt Courteous Service 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’Neill C. E. Jones, Mgr. Loans made in nearby towns. An Easy-Going Outfit A SMART Outfit An Inexpensive Outfit —All Rolled Into One! MEN'S SPORT SETS ONLY— $2.98 The coolest things in summer dress—ond the most color ful—at a cost for less than you expected to pay for a COMPLETE outfit! Rich spun rayons and cool cottons — many of them Sanforized!* And casually tailored with open collars and short sleeves to give you supreme freedom of motion! Others $1.98-$3.98-$4-98 PEN | Y'S