The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 29, 1941, Image 1

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The Frontier
By Ron mine Saunders
As the news story had it, one
of those Hollywood celebrities seek
ing her freedom from matrimon
ial ties at a Nevada divorce colony,
hluahed under her seashore tan
when questioned as to a new ro
mance. A Hollywood divorce is
not news but it is news to learn
that a blush can come out of this
modern sodom.
Mrs. Bernard Kennedy was in
Stuart and Atkinson most of last
week with a very sick little girl,
6-yr.-old Coleen. She was able to
bring the child home at the end of
the week.
We have no accurate way of
measuring either rainfall or veloc
ity of the wind which takes our
sombrero spinning, but a safe
guess on the rainfall is 2 inches on
May 19 and 20. The past two
Sundays stirred up a gale like in
the days of Jonah, when “the sea
wrought and was tempestuous.'
Rev. Mr. Petersen of the Free
Methodist church enjoyed a visit
from his mother and sister, who
were here from Lincoln a few days
last week. They all went over to
Butte Friday to attend a district
Tom Baker chased out of bed j
the other morning when Mrs. Bak-;
er raised the cry of Wolf! A pesky r
coyote got in with some cows that
had little calves, had badgered the
cows around and made c. leap for
a calf just as Tom, both shoes oti ,
but only one suspender hooked up
over a shoulder, got on the scene
with a shotgun. At a mighty yell
and a roar of powder and shot the!
coyote made his get-away. Tom j
don’t know whether it was the
shotgun or the yell that saved the
The funeral of George Traever’
was held at Amelia last Thursday;
and burial at Atkinson. The de-|
ceased had been a resident of Holt
county for 65 years, coming to!
O’Neill in 1886, but for many years (
his home has been on the ranch a
few miles north of Amelia. Mr.
Traever and I had been on the
intimate terms of those who ad
dresf each other by the given name.
We were in the bloom of youthful
vigor when thrown into more or
less close association by mutual
faincies in the frontier town that
has now become somewhat of a
metropolitan* county seat. I did
not get to the funeral but knew
George had been in declining
health the past three or four years,
his friends hoping against hope
for his ultimate recovery. He was
a splendid citizen, a Christian
gentleman, a devoted friend, father
and husband, and the community
where he pioneered in early man
hood has sustained a distinct loss.
An immortal bard has said that
one whose soul is not stirred by
the concord of sweet sounds is base
enough for any villiany. Holt
county music lovers have been
amply entertained in recent weeks
with the golden notes of song and
harp brought to us by a fine grouj
ef school boys and girls. I have
seen some of these gToups but was
unable to tarry for their program.
The southwest has its daily pro
gram on nature’s vast quivering
harpstrings—the hum of insects,
the song of birds, the wind in the
treetops, the patter of rain on
shingle and pane, the roll of thun
der and the throbbing of the
storm King’s mighty soul as it
sweeps across the prairie.
“Let me tell you, O my brother, if
you haven’t learned to hear
All the music that is swelling daily
round you year by year;
If you haven’t caught the melodies
that nature plays and sings,
You are missing all the music of
Jehovah, King of Kings.”
“All the music, O my brother, O
my sister, is for you;
Will you not, then, listen for it,
as your journey you pursue?
It will fill your life with sunshine,
it will banish pain and care,
If you only catch the music that
is swelling everywhere.”
Vernon Harley, of Bliss, was ar
rested on May 22 by Patrolman
Meistreal for speeding. He ap
peared before the court on May 26
where he pled guilty, and was fined
g|10 and 3.10 costs.
St. John's Round-up Club
On Tuesday evening. May 20, the
members of St. John’s 4-H Round
Up Club held another meeting at
St. John’s Hall. Several different
chib topics were discussed and
health bulletins were distributed
among the members.
These bulletins are to be care
fully studied and will be the main
topic for discussion at our next
Candidates were nominated for
a song leader, Kathym Funk re
ceiving the highest number of
votes. Our next meeting will be
held on Tuesday, June 10th, at 8
p. m.
Kathryn Funk,
News Reporter.
Roosevelt In Fire
Side Chat On
Tuesday Night
President Roosevelt in a fire side
chat last Tuesday night proclaimed
the existence of an “unlimited
national emergency.” He declared
that America would do all in her
power to continue her help to
England and bluntly stated that
America would “actively resist’’
any attempt by Hitler to gain con
trol of the seas. He said Hitler
and the axis powers wanted to con
quer the world and “strangle the
United States of America.” As
serted that war was “coming close
to home,” and warned that “we will I
not hesitate to use our armed forces
to repel attack.”
He called upon manufacturers to
give precedence to materials the
nation needs and “upon our loyal
workmen as well as employers to;
merge their lesser differences in
the larger effort to insure the sur
vival of the only kind of govern-!
ment which recognizes the rights |
of labor or of capital.”
He also referred to the labor
problem in these w’ords: “The
overwhelming majority of our citi
zens expect their government to
see that the tools of defense are
built and for the very purpose of
preserving the democratic safe
guards of both labor and manage
ment, this government is deter
mined to use all its power to
express the will of its people, and
to prevent interference with the
production of matena s essential to
our national security.”
His pledge that whatever may be
necessary to get the goods to Eng
land would be undertaken—prompt
ly construed in some quarters as a
possible forerunner of the convoy
system—was prefaced by a dis
closure that the Germans were
sinking merchant ships at a terrific
rate, more than twice as fast as
English and American ship yards
can replace them.
He asked whether, in view of
the world situation, the nation
should “hesitate to take every
single measure necessary to main
tain our American liberty."
The President further declared,
“heretofore, with profound con
sciousness of my responsibilities
to my countrymen and to my coun
try’s cause, I have tonight isssued
a proclamation that an unlimited
national emergency exists and re
quires the strengthening of our
defense to the extreme limit of
our national power and authority."
M. J. C.
Opening Concert
of the
Saturday Evening, May 31
8:00 o'clock
Patriotic *
1. March — “Ramparts We
2. March — “Bugles and
3. Ballad—“There’s a Long,
Long Trail a Winding”—
4. Selection — “Over There”,
Medley of War Songs of
5. March—“Semper Fidelis”
6. Patrol — “Spirit of Ameri
7. Marching Song — “It’s A
Long, Long Way To
8. Vocal Solo—“Till We Meet
Again” — John V. Sulli
9. Descriptive Selection —
“There’s Something
About A Soldier”—Gay.
10. March—“Stars And Stripes
11. “Taps”—Davene Loy and
Dorothy Yocum.
12. National Anthem.
County Eighth
Grode Exercises
Held Saturday
The annual eighth grade gradua
tion exercises for Holt County,
were held on last Saturday after
noon, commencing at one-forty
five in the afternoon in the audi
torium of the new high school. Two
hundred and twenty-three grad
uates from all over the county were
awarded certificates of graduation.
Following is the programe given
at the exercises: Invocation, Rev.
John Spencer; Accordian Solo,
Clarence Juracek, of District No.
49; Musical Selection, District No.
183; Address, “Air Castles,” W.
H. Munson; Instrumental Sex
tette, O’Neill Public School; Pre
sentation of Honors and Diplomas,
County Superintendent, McCul
lough; Entertainment, “Smile
Magic,” Mortoni, Lincoln, Nebras
ka. W. H. Munson, of Beatrice,
Nebraska, who gave the principal
address, is Jhe County Superinten
dent of Gage county.
Eleven pupils over the county
maintained a very high scholastic
standing in their examinations, all
attaining an average of 94 percent
or over. These pupils are: Gloria
Ott, District No. 228; Verna Mill
er, District No. 56; Jean Wander
see, District No. 134; Lovinna
Kloppenborg, District No. 20; Leo
Hawk, District No. 108; Eugene
Hamik, District No. 203; Norma
Fox, District No. 38; Ruth Harris,
O’Neill; Marie Gibson, District
No. 134; Luetta Lenz, District 107;
Thelma Morgan, O’Neill; and
Frank Murphy, St. Boniface.
Winners of the T. B. essay con
test, which is sponsored every
year by the T. B. Association and
the County Superintendent are:
Delores Kallhoff, Disrict No. 227;
Lorraine Johnson, District No. 144;
Loretta O’Malley, District No. 167;
Joseph Miller, District No. 227;
Mary Menish, District No. 9; and
John Sweet, District No. 86. *
33 Graduate
From St. Mary's
On Thursday
Thursday morning thirty-three
seniors from St. Mary’s Academy
were awarded their diplomas at
Commencement Exercises held at
St. Patrick’s Church at 10:30
o’clock with Rev. Burke of Plain
view delivering the address and
Monsignor J. G. McNamara con
ferring the honors.
The entire class attended a High
Mass at St. Patrick’s church at
8:00 o’clock, all receiving Holy
Class Day Exercises were held
Wednesday evening at St. Mary’s
Academy and the following pro
gram was given:
Class Day
Grand March Militaire, Wollen
haupt—Sheila Barrett.
Greetings—George Hammond.
Roll Call—Constance Biglin.
Violin Duet — Darlene Dalton,
Dorothy Valla.
History I—Etta Meyer.
Vocal Solo—Charlotte Buell.
History II—Irma Langer.
Flute Solo—Lillian Peter.
History III—Dale Kersenbrock.
Vocal Solo—George Hammond.
History IV—Junior Shoemaker.
Senior Chorus.
Class Motto—Donna Fronek.
Mixed Quartette.
Class Colors — Mildred Cavan
Violin Solo—Darlene Dalton.
Class Flower — Catherine Mc
Nichols. ,
Trombone Solo — Robert Par
Class Patron — Mildred O’Mal
Vocal Solo, “Ave Maria”—Verne
Class Prophecy—Eileen Kelly.
Boys’ Quartette.
Class Will—Rose Anne Schulte.
Valedictory—Robert Parkins.
Senior Chorus.
Accompanist for musical num
bers—Mrs. F. E. Parkins.
Class Officers
President—George Hammond.
Secretary—John Shoemaker.
Vice-President—Constance Big
Treasurer—Eileen Kelly.
Class Motto—True to God; true
to self.
Class Flower—American Beauty
Class Colors—Blue and Gold.
Class Patron—Our Lady of Per
petual Help.
Class Roll
Constance Biglin.
Mary Brophy.
Charlotte Buell.
Mildred Cavanaugh.
Verne Coyne.
Darlene Dalton.
Dorothy Dalton.
Norbert Fernholz.
Donna Fronek.
(Continued on page 4)
Miss Grace Millard died at her
home in this city on Monday after-1
noon, about 4:30, at the age of;
48 years, four month.-; and twenty
eight days. The funeral was held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock
from the residence, Rev. V. C.
Wright officiating and burial in
Prospect Hill cemetery.
Deceased was bom in this city
on December 28, 1892. the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Millard,
pioneer residents of this city and
county. She had been a semi-in
valid for several years, but her last
and fatal illL»aaa»8 was only of
two weeks duration. She is sur
vived by her mother, Mrs. Charles
C. Millard, who has lived in
the city of O'Neill for more
years tK^n any other in
habitant. Two brothers and two
sisters. They are: Fred, Omaha;
Ralph, O'Neill; Mrs. L. B. Massa
jcar, Omaha; Mr*. L. E Hughes,
Denver, Colo., all of whom were
present for the funeral services.
The ballbearer* were life long
friends of the family, most of
them having been residents of this
city and acquaintances of the
deceased for over a quarter of a
The Third Annual
Session Bicameral
Adjourned Friday
The third annual session of the
bicameral legislature concluded
their session last Friday afternoon.
In some things we are of the
opinion that they made a fairly
good record, while in other in
stances their efforts do not receive
much commendation. The law pass
ed relieving hardpressed taxpayers
of interest charges prior to 1939,
provided the taxes are paid before
July 1, 1942, will be of benefit to
a gTeat number of people over the
state who have been hard hit by
the lopg period of depression and
it meets with general approval ir
this section. The congressional
redistricting bill does not receive
much favor in this county. We
were taken from the Third Con
gressional district and put over in
the Big Fourth district, now repre
sented by Congressman Coffee of
Chadron. Most of this district is
predominantly cattle and irriga
tion. We have a lot of cattle here,
but wre do not have irrigation and
our people would have been much
better satisfied to have remained
in the Third district, a purely farm
ing disrict. But we have been
changed and will have new com
panions for at least ten years.
Garfield Lodge Entertains
At Bridge Thursday Eve
Garfield Lodge A. F. & A. M.
Entertained members of the order
of the Eastern Star and invited
guests at Bridge Thursday evening,
May 22, at the I. 0. O. F. Hall.
Features of the evening were a
piano solo by Mrs. John Harbottle,
a trombone selection by Miss Patsy
Kruse, a vocal number by Miss
Genevieve Graves and a musical
reading by Mrs. Howard Manson.
Hot weinie sandwiches and coffee
were served to thirty-eight at the
Mrs. Mary Hewitt of Atkinson
visited here on Monday with her
daughter, Mrs. R. H. Parker and
Mr. Parker.
St. Mary's Alumnae
Ass'n Holds Annual
Reunion Sunday
The Anuual Reunion of the Al-j
umnae association of St. Mary’s
Academy was held in the gymnas-i
lum on Sunday, May 25. Follow
ing the banquet, during which St
Mary’s band, under the direction
of Prof. Ira George, played several
selections, the following program
was given:
Under the able and witty direct
ion of Margaret Hammond, who was
a witty and gracious toastmaster,
Jane Parkins paid a fine tribute to
our Alma Mater. Verne Coyne
then sang two solos, “Fairy Roses”
and “America, I Love You.”
Stephen Price followed with a
stirring toast to “Our Clergy.”
Charlotte Buell then sang “Sylvia”
and “At The Balalaki.” A mixed
quartette, consisting of Verne
Coyne, Bob Parkins, Eileen Kelley
and George Hammond gave a beau
tiful rendition of “Sundown.”
Perhaps one of the most inspir
ing speeches was given by Mrs.
FranlP Biglin, whose address was
entitled: “Welcome, Class of
‘41.” Her speech made a deep
and lasting impression on all who
heard it She concluded with these
words: “To Thy Own Self Be
True, And it shall follow as the
Night the Day, Thou cans’t not
then be false to any man.”
The response was given by her
daughter, Constance Biglin, who
is a member of this year’s gradu
ating class. Brief talks were
given by Monsignor McNamara,
Father Parr, Mother Virginia and
Mrs. Froelich, who is the retiring
president of the Alumnae Associ
ation and who for the past two
years with the other officers has
given untireingly of her time and
effort to work for the good of the
One of the high lights of the
evening wras the singing of the
"Blue Danube Waltz” and “Ama
polia,” by Joan Frenking. Al
though only nine years old, Joan,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. A.
Frenking, of Omaha,( Mrs. Frenk
iing will be remembered here as
Florence McCafferty bom and grew
to womanhood in this city) has a
lovely soporano voice and perfect
poise. We predict a rosy future
for Joan.
At the end of the program
Mother Virginia presented Lillian
Peter and Robert Parkins with
certificates awarded by the Ne
brarska High Schools Activities
association in recognition of their
musical ability displayed here at
the district music contest, which
entitled them to compete in the
national contest at St. Paul where
both received high ratings,
ing of the Federation Hymn and
ing of the Federation Hym and
the guests went home feeling an
even closer bond between them and
their Alma Mater.
Jitterbug Ball At Country
Club Monday, June 9th
The O’Neill Country Club
cordially invites all the Junior
Members of dancing age to attend
the first annual Jitterbug Ball on
Monday evening, June 9th, at
eight o’clock.
Cars will be waiting in front of
the Court House between seven -
thirty and eight to take parties to
the Club.
Roy Carroll of Bassett, Nebras
ka, was in O’Neill on Monday, at
tending the Highway 20 convention
and visiting old friends.
Program For
To be held Friday morning at 10:00 o'clock at the High
School Auditorium, followed by exercises
at the cemeteries.
Band—Patriotic Selections.
Rev. V. C. Wright
Boys' Quartette.
George Hammond
Rev. John J. O'Brien
Vocal Solo -----------
Genevieve Graves
Davene Loy - Dorothy Yocum
Benediction -----------
Rev. V. C. Wright
Consumers Public Power
Announces Cooperation
With Local Retailers
Complete cooperation with pri
vate firms retailing electric ap
pliances and equipment in centers
in which are also located retaill
merchandise stocks was announced
today as a general policy of the
Consumers Public Power District.
The policy, outlined by General
Manager V. M. Johnson, received
the full endorsement of the Con
sumers Board of Directors, and
was ordered by it as the District’s
permanent policy in merchandise
Consumers President Charles B.
Fricke summarised the policy in
these words:
“While the District contemplates
an aggressive program of appliance
sales in all our divisions, at the
same time this program will never
be destructive to our competitors
in the retail sales field.
“This means that our quoted
price of merchandise will not be
embarrassing to other dealers
handling similar lines of electrical
equipment, nor will our trade-in
allowances be runious to our com
Hiway 20 Ass'n
Meets Here On
Monday, May 26
The annual convention of High
way Twenty Association was held
in O’Neill on last Monday, May
26th, with over a hundred dele
gates registered from the various
towns between Thermopolis, Wyo.
and Sioux City, Iowa. Three dele
gates from DuBois, Wyo., which
is beyond Thermopolis, and which
is not on Highway 20 but which
belongs to the association, also
attended the meeting. The Mayor
of Casper, J. F. Cowan, also at
tended, along with a large dele
gation from that city.
The day was given over to busi
ness metings, in which various
methods of promoting increased
tourist travel over Highway 20
, was discussed. A representative
from the State Engineers office
i was present and told the enthusi
astic gathering that the last link
on Highway Twenty in Sioux
county would be completed by the
middle of June.
Roy Chamberlain, President of
the Association, whose home is in
Lusk, Wyo., and who was present
at the convention, was re-elected
president; as were also the Vice
President, George Earl Pelt, of
Lusk; and C. W. Erwin, Treasurer,
of Lusk. Bert F. Bell, who has
served as Executive Secretary
Manager for the past year, was
also re-elected. Eight new direc
tors for the association were elect
ed, and they are as follows: Dale
Hewett, Ainsworth, Nebr.; Dr.
Peters, Randolph, Nebr.; R. Y.
Ross, Crawford, Nebr.; Max Mor
timer, Thermopolis, Wyo.; Theo
dore Burkle, Painview, Nebr.; A.
J. Copenhaver, Douglas, Wyo.;
Sherman McKinley, Sioux City,
Iowa; and J. D. Cronin, O’Neill,
The retiring directors of the
association, many of whom were'
present at the convention, are:
Tom Miller, Lusk, Wyo.; Hans
Grutsch, Hay Springs, Nebraska;
Paul Engler, Bassett, Nebr.; R. R.
Dempster, Chadron, Nebraska;
and J. F. Cowan, Casper, Wyo.
The American Legion Junior
Drum and Bugle Corps of Bassett,
Nebraska, which is the official
corps of the association, was
present at the all-day convention,
and three times during the day,
entertanied the delegates with
their playing and intricate march
ing. The corps, which is under the
direction of Carl S. Carrell, is, in
our opinion, easily one of the most
outstanding junior drum and bugle
corps in Nebraska. It is composed
of fifteen boys and fifteen girls,
ranging in age from 9 to 17 years,
and in their cadet uniforms pre
sented a very neat and attractive
appearance. Phyllis Carrell, age
16, is the directing majorette, and
led the band through a large num
ber of intricate formations.
The O’Neill and St. Mary’s com
bined high school band, under the
direction of Ira George, played a
concert on the street at five
o’clock, which was very well re
In the evening ,at seven o’clock,
approximately three hundred were
served at the banquet, which was
under the direction of the Presby
terian ladies. Julius D. Cronin
served as toastmaster for the
gathering, and called upon numer- j
ous delegates form the various
towns to address the gathering.
The O’Neill high school band
played a concert during the ban
Mrs. M. F. Meer, of Valentine,
is expected to stop in O’Neill on
Friday for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Meer wil go from here to
Rushville, Tenn., to get her daugh
I ter, Mary Ann, who is attending
Ward Belmont school.
Summary Of New
Laws Passed By
1941 Bicameral
Following is a brief summary of
the contents of the new laws en
acted at tht 1941 session of the
Nebraska legislature, in which the
main changes and provisions are
outlined. Those carrying the word
“emergency” are now ineffect, or
will be if and when the governor
signs them. Those not so marked
become effective within three cal
endar months from the date of ad
journment. Because of the fact
that the governor has five days
in which to approve or disapprove
bills after they have come into
his hands, those upon which he has
not acted at this writing are carried
in a separate list as are also those
which he vetoed. A total of 202
bills were passed of which six
were vetoed. Two years ago 144
were passed and five vetoed.
L. B. 29—Provides that if the
second half of the previous year's
taxes on real estate are the only
taxes delinquent it shall not be
subject to sale; by Weborg.
L. B. 39—Prescribestherequisite
number of percentage of votes cast
to carry proposals for internal im
provement law; by Gants.
L. B. 160—Provides a special
open season and regulations con
cerning beaver; by Hanna, Gar
L. B. 136—Prescribes procedure
whereby cities of the first class
which have suffered a decrease of
population below 6,000 may reor
ganize and be governed as cities
of the second class and may sub
sequently if so desired reorganize
again as cities of the first class.
L. B. 301—Permitted county
boards, in counties of 8,000 or less
which row have a district court,
to retain the office, by resolution,
until the next general election,
when people should vote on ques
tion; Neubauer.
i L. B. 329—Permitted county
i boards by resolution in counties of
I 16,000 or more, to retain register
| of deeds until next election, when
I voters will pass upon the question;
by Mekota.
L. B. 130—Tax moratorium, was
also disapproved, but was passed
over veto.
L. B. 212—Empowers the district
court to hear all cases where the
state of Nebraska or the board of
educational lands and funds is the
owner of or has or claims any in
terest in any bonds or other obli
gation of any drainage, irrigation
districts, or any other political sub
division for he purpose of determin
ing the adjudication-! of the validity
of any rights or liabilities;permis
sion given any person to join as a
in proceedings ivolving the own
ership of the state or hoard. In
tended to clean up defaulted bonds
owned by state board. By Howard.
L. B. 154—Provides for the «e
ganization of the co-operative land
companies to facilitate the <‘|,Tihi
tion of agricultural and grazing
lands and prescribes the powers
and functions of such companies;
permits the making of contractor
with the United States, the state
of Nebraska or any yof their agen
cies for the purpose of effectuating
any plans for rural rehabilitation
or with any non-profit corporation
organized for such purpose; makes
obligations of company secured by
first mortgage lawful investment
for funds of any insurance com
pany which has conveyed real es
tate to the co-operative in the full
extent of the purchase price. By
L. B. 183—Provides procedure
and gives authorization of funding
of general indebtedess of any po
litical subdivision and to issue
bonds at interest rates not exceed
ing 5 percent without submitting
to a vote unless a referendum sign
ed by 20 percent of the voters is
filed. By Howard. Emergency.
L. B. 403—Contains a number of
amendments to the unemployment
compensation law among which
are provisions for special benefit
rights for individuals inducted in
to the armed forces; revises the
method of determining the weekly
benefit amount; eliminates special
treatment of part time workers;
changes the basis of contribution
liability from wages payable to
wages paid; provides three year
reserve account experience as a
basis for future contribution rates;
provides for insuring the solvency
of the pooled account; consolidates
prennial peppergrass and Russian
(Continued oa Page 8)