The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 22, 1941, Image 1

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    The Frontier
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Highway 20 Annual Convention To Be Held
In O’Neill On May 26,1941
The annual convention of the Na
tional Highway 20 association will
be held in this city next Monday
and it is exepected that from 200
to 500 delegates will be present,
from as far east as Chicago and
even from the west coast and
O’Neill has made, through the
Commercial Club, arrangements to
properly entertain their guests
while in the city.
The fi st meeting of the con
vention will be at 10:00 o’clock a.
•m., in the Golden Hotel, which
will be devoted to a round table
discussion. The afternoon session
will be held from 2:00 to 5:00 and
will be devoted to the election of
officers, committee appointments
and the election of officers for
the coming year. At 7 o’clock that
evening there will be a banquet in
the High School Auditorium at
which the business men of the
city will mingle with the delegates
and try to make them feel at
home. A committee from the
Commercial Club, consisting of Dr.
J. P. Brown and Harold Lindberg,
who is also a director of the
Highway 20 Association, have been
selling tickets for the banquet and
have been meeting with marked
As a publicity stunt for the con
vention the Vice-President and the
Secretary of the Junior of Com
merce of Thermopolis, Wyo., will
fly to the convention and are ex
pected to arrive in this city at 9:45
a. m., on Monday morning. On
their way here from Thermopolis
they will circle each town they
pass over and will drop advertising
matter boosting Highway 20 and
the convention in this city. They
will be greeted on their arrival by
a delegation from the Commercial
Club of this city.
The Bassett American Legion j
Drum and Bugle Corps, adopted
by the National Highway 20 As-|
sociation as their official Drum I
and Bugle Corps, will be here!
and furnish music for the conven
tion as well as bands from other
towns along the highway, including j
the consolidated High School and ■
St. Mary’s bands of this city, and
there is no better High School
band in the state. The Drum Corps
will play and parade in this city
at 10:00 a. m., at noon and at 7.00
p. m. The Corps consists of thirty
members, fifteen boys and fifteen
girls and they range in age from
9 to 17 years.
On The Sidelines
By Observer
Last Sunday afternoon the
O’Neill Shamrocks walked away
with their twelfth consecutive win
by sending Stuart back home at
the short end of a 13-3 triumph.
The team looked better last Sun
. day than it has so far this season
as it had for the first time a team
composed of many of the players
of last year. Sunday’s standout
was Dick Tomlinson, O’Neill Mana
ger, who had four blows for five
times at the plate, one of them
being a home run. Wind made
the judging of flys a hard task and
caused numerous errors on both
Wednesday night the St. Mary s
Alumni Association gave nine
seniors their last banquet for the
sports they have competed in the
last year. Seniors graduating and
leaving a big hole in the line-ups
for next year are: Ted Sirek,
George Hammond, Fritz Hickey,
John Shoemaker, Duke Kersen
brock, Bob Miles, Bob Parkins, Bill
Ryan and Jerry Kliensmith.
It has been rumored that Ted
Manser, the High School’s best bet
as thair track team next year, is
moving from O’Neill this summer
and will not be able to attend
O’Neill High during his Senior
year. Ted has been a letter earner
(in Football, Basketball and Track
and his absence will be a great
loss in the already hard hit O’Neill I
line-up next year. Another great
loss for the High due to graduation
will be that of Zane Cole, Football
captain of the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKenna
entertained about fifty couples at a
tea at the Golden Hotel on Satur
day afternoon, honoring her sister
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Hiltrabrand, of Waubon, Mass.
Former O’Neill Girl Has
Happy Birthday Surprise
Mrs. Ella Gaughen, whose birth
day was Monday, was most happily |
surprised on that day and was the
recipient of many lovely cards,
gifts and flowers. Among the
gifts was a most unique one from
her son, Captain Thomas Gaughen
TWA pilot of New York City. This
gift had come about four days
before with the admonition from
Thomas, “Don’t open until your
birthday,” and “if it doesn’t fit,
send it back.” Mrs. Gaughen and
several of her friends to whom she
showed the box speculated greatly
as to the contents of the small, ex
ceedingly heavy, wooden container,
and made various guesses as to
what it held. Some of them ex
pressed the wish to be there at
the “opening” and so Mrs. Gaughen
cordially invited them in for the
afternoon and planned a little
party for the event. But she had
not reckoned on several other of
her friends of long standing who
knew of her birthday and was,
therefore, greatly surprised when
they too came bringing with them
well filled baskets for a regular
celebration. With this happy and
congenial group present the cere
mony of opening the box began.
The box was labeled “glass’” and I
the shipping value was marked at
$300. The suspence was turned to;
exclamations of delight when the
opened box revealed a thick glass
bank measuring inches
and filled to the limit with silver
coins, currency and checks, the
total value of which one could only
conjecture. Thomas had started
filling the unique 1939 World’s Fair
souvenir bank three years ago.
The glass of which the bank was
made is identical with that of the
glass house displayed at the fair.
The gift was indeed a worthy one
from a worthy son to a wonderful
mother. The ladies spent a most
enjoyable afternoon together. Two
lovely birthday cakes featured the
bountiful lunch, a chocolate angel
food brought by the ladies and a
beautifully decorated whit© layer
cake, a gift of the honoree’s daugh
ter, Mrs. Cecil Muller. It had
formed the center piece for the din
ing table at the Muller home in
Omaha the day before, when Mrs.
Gaughen was the honor guest at
a birthday dinner.—North Bend
Mrs. Louisa T. Stevens
Mrs. Louisa J. Stevens died at
her home in Page last Sunday
morning At 8:30 a. m., after a
short illness, at the age of 81
years, four months and twenty
three days. The funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock
from the Methodist church in Plage,
Rev. Leo Carpenter officiating and
burial in the Page cemetery.
Louisa Jane Andrews was born
in Buchanan county, Iowa, on
December 25, 1859. She grew to
womanhood in her native state and
there ou August 31, 1879, she was
united in marriage to Roscoe
Stevens. The following year she
came to this county with her hus
band and located northeast of Page,
where they lived for many years
un$il their removal to Page. Ten
children were born of this union,
two of whom have preceeded their
mother in death, leaving her aged
husband and seven sons and one
daughter to mourn her passing.
The children are: Harry L., Sioux
Falls, S. D.; Willis W„ Oshkosh,
Wis. Floyd M., Fremont, Nebr.;
Alvin E., Rocklin, Cal.; Raymond
R., Orchard, Nebr.; Mrs. Roy
Waring, Middlebranch; Clarence
and Bryan H., Page She is also
survived by thirty grandchildren,
fourteen great grandchildren, one
sister and one brother.
Marriage Licenses
A marriage license was issued
on May 19th to Francis Weller of
Atkinson and Inez Kaiser of
The office of the couty judge
issue a marriage license on May
17th to Charles l^arson of Atkin
son and Katherine Oetter of
Officers of P. C. A. Will
Attend Meeting in
Omaha Next Week
Directors of the O'Neill Product
ive Credit Association and James i
W. Rooney, secretary-treasurer, are
scheduled to attend a conference in I
Omaha on May 27 and 28th, ac
cording to D. C. Schaffer, O’Neill,
Holt county rancher who is presi
dent of the association.
Mr. Schaffer said the purpose of
the meeting is to study the credit
problems of agriculture and ex
plore the ways and means of broad-!
ening the benefits of Production
Credit associations among more
farmers and ranchmen.
Directors of the local agricultur-j
al co-operative, which advanced
better than $557,000.00 in loans
last year, are: G. F. Clark, Bur
well; Otto Oberg, Ericson; OttO|
Krupicka, Spencer; W. F. Gribble,
O’Neill and Mr. Schaffer.
Livestock Receipts Light
But Prices Higher
Receipts of livestock at the local
auction were light again this week,
but prices looked higher, especially
on the good kinds. The demand
was very active on practically all
classes. Generally the quality of
the offering was under that of
recent weeks.
In the calf division the receipts
were somewhat limited. The best
steer calves offered cashed at
$11 .75, with the bulk selling from
$10.50 to 11.50 A few heifer
calves cashed as high as $11.00,
but most of them sold from $0.50 to
Not enough yearlings were here I
to make a quotable market.
Cows were fairly well represent
ed and prices weie about steady
with a \yeek ago..
Prices on hogs were definitely
higher with an $8.73 practical top
being paid for the long end of the
butcher hogs. Stock pigs were
quite plentiful. These sold mostly
by the head and brought fancy
A few ewes with lambs at side
were here and sold by the head.
The next regular auction will be
held Monday, May 26.
Scottville Calf Club
The Scottville Calf Club was
organized at the Mineola school
house on May 10, County Agent
Stout being present to assist in the
organization. Officers were elect
ed for the coming year. There are
twelve members and two associate
members in the Club.
The next meeting will be held
May 28 at the home of Ed Krug
man. Reporter.
Educational Notes
The Eighth Grade Promotion
Exercises will be held at the Pub
lic School Auditorium on Saturday
afternoon, May 24. The class
picture is to be taken in front of
the Court House promptly at 1:15
P. M. The exercises in the auditor
ium will begin at 1:45 P. M. Two
hundred twenty three eighth grade
pupils will receive diplomas.
Any one desiring free high
school tutition for the school year
1941-1942 should have their ap
plication in this office by July 1,
in order to be included in the levy
made for this purpose.
I should like to call the attention
of any one interested in transfers
for school privileges to the fact
that the legislature now in session
has made a decided change in the
temporary transfer law. The law
has been passed with an Emer
gency clause which makes it ef
fective immediately. By it all
temporary transfers are cancelled
at the end of this present school
year. Any one wanting a transfer
for school privileges for the school
year 1941-1942 must make out a
new petition for it. All cards sent
to this office concerning transfers
for next year have been made null
and void. All transfers for next
year must be new petitions made
to this office before the second j
Monday in June.
Supplies for the annual meeting j
will be mailed out this week to,
those who have not already called '
for them. The date of the annual i
meeting is Monday, June 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Moore ar.d i
son, Tommy, returned Tuesday
evening from Nebraska City, where
they were called by the serious
illness of Mrs. Moore’s father, W.
J. Bro. Mr. Bro passed away and
funeral services were held for him j
on Monday, at Syracuse, Nebr.
Mrs. August Troshynski
Mrs. August iVoshynski, Sr., one
of the few remaining pioneer wo
men of this county, died Friday'
morning, May 16, at her home
north of Emmet, Mrs. Troshynski
had weathered the trials and
storms of a full life of nearly 75]
years, and was a complete invalid
for about three years. The funeral
was held Monday, May 19, at
Epihany Church in Emmet, with
Father O’Brien as celebrant of
the Requiem Mass and Monsignor
McNamara and Father Parr in the
sanctuary. Interment was in Cal
vary cemetery in O’Neill.
Mrs. Troshynski was born Leo
poldine Steskal, in Gross Siegharts,
Austria, on November 9, 1866. At
the age of twelve, Teenie, as her
friends have long known her, came
with her parents to a new land
and settled northwest of O’Neill.
All of her life, with the exception
of the six years she spent in:
O’Neill, and two years in Clear
water, she lived in this very
same farm community. On No-'
vember 3, 1886, she was united in I
marriage to August Troshynski,!
an only son, whose living descend-;
ents now number twenty-eight
The ten children who survive to
mourn the passing of a saintly
mother are; Sister M. Jolenta of
St. Francis Mission, S. Dakota;
Jack, Tom, Bill, Mike and Mrs.
George Wilson of Emmet; August
of Atkinson; Henry of Detroit,
Michigan; Dan of Amelia; and
Sister M. Antonella of O’Neill. Two
sisters, Mrs. Joe Bruder and Mrs.
Pete Tusmla and a brother, Ed
Steskal, join the children in their
The greatest tribute the com
munity could pay to Mrs. Troshyn
ski was the presence of hosts of
friends at the Requiem Mass and
the burial rites. Old time settlers,
relatives and Tyiands from all over
the county came to pay their last
tokens of respect. All of her
children were able to be present
for the funeral except Henry, of
Detroit, who had spent a week
with his mother at Christmas time.
Six of her sons, their mother’s
pride and joy, boie her remains to
the grave.
The kindness and sympathy of
neighbors and friends was a great
source of consolation to those who
are left behind to mourn the pass
ing of another dear, old-fashioned
mother. xxx
Several Students Win
Honors at St. Paul
Twenty students from O’Neill
High and St. Mary’s Academy
left O’Neill last Wednesday for
St. Paul, Minn., where they com
peted in the national regional
music contest held in that city,
having won the right to compete
in the national contest by winning
a superior rating in the district
contest held in O’Neill earlier in
the spring.
Twenty-three medals were awar
ded to the O’Neill contestants,
these being the only Nebraska
schools represented at St. Paul, as
most of the other schools went to
Topeka, Kansas. Those winning
the silver medal for superior rating
were: Robert Parkins, trombone
solo; Roy Lundgren, French Horn
solo; Dorothy Lowery, Comet;
Dorothy Lowery, Dorothy Yocum,
Roy Johnson, comet trio; Robert
Mitchell, Boys medium voice; and
Clara Lowery. Girl’s high voice.
Bronze medals for an excellent
rating were awarded to Dorothy
Yocum, Meredith McKenna, Dor
othy Lowery, Warren Burgess,
Betty Harris and Richard Selah,
Brass Sextette; Roy Lundgren,
Betty Harris, Robert Selah and
Larry Kirwin, French Horn Quar
tette; Keith Vincent, Lydia Halva,
Jerry Toy and Marion Olson, Clar
inet Quartette; Patsy Kruse, Trom
bone solo; and Shirley ClaussoH,
Baritone solo.
This is by far the best record
made by the O’Neill and St, Mary’s
students, and it is encouraging to
see the large number who were
able to compete in the regional. A
• tudent may win one of five pos
sible ratings at a regional contest,
these ranging from Highly Super
ior, Superior, Excellent, Good and
The following persons drove
their cars to take the contestants
to St. Paul. Dr. L. A. Burgess,
Mrs. H. G. Kruse, Mrs. J. P. Brown,
Mrs. C. E. Lundgren, A. E. Bowen
and Mrs. Bennett Gillispie.
The music departments of the
two schools wish to thank every
one who contributed in any way
to make the trip possible.
Ten Holt County Boys
Leave Next Month
For Service
The following Holt county boys
will report to the local draft board
at 1 a. m., on June 10, 1941, when
they will be sent to the induction
station at Omaha for a year’s ser
vice in the military branch of the
United States: Louis Zastrow,
O’Neill, No. 862; Bernard Strake,
Stuart, No. 1737; Eugene Wellar,
Atkinson, No. none; Jerald Snyder,
Ewing, No. 260; Melvin Ticker
son, Amelia, No. 213; Raymond
Barbes, Atkinson. No. 244; Tommy
Dunn, Jr., Atkinson, No. 219; Lyle
Slaymaker, Stuart, No. 1134; Hans
Braun, Atkinson, No. 309; Lloyd
Taylor, Chambers, No. 165. These
boys are all volunteers. Two more
of the Holt county registrants have
volunteered for a years service
within the past week. They are:
Bernard Jardee, O’Neill and Del
mar Price, Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace and
family returned on Monday evening
from Monroe City, Mo., where
they spent the week visiting at
the home of Mrs. Wallace’s mother,
Mrs. Annie J. Sewerd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Donnell and
Anthony O’Donnell of Ukiah, Cali
fornia, arrived on Sunday and are
visiting at the home of Mr.
O’Donnell’s parents at Emmet,
Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Esther Cole Harris and Mrs.
Guy Cole drove to Sioux City, la.,
on Thursday where they attended
a voice recital given by Mrs. Har
ris’ daughter, Miss Ruth Harris, v
senior at the Momingside College
of Music.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Froelich, Miss
Jane Parkins, Mrs. Charles Stout
and Charles Yamall drove to Sioux
City on Monday, where they visi
ted Charles Stout, who is in St.
Vincent’s hospital.
The committee in charge of the
dinner and dance at St. Mary’s
Academy on Sunday evening, de
sires to thank everyone who so gen
erously contributed in any way
possible to make the evening a
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas,
of Lexington, Nebr., left for their
home on Thursday, after spending
a few days here visiting Mrs.
Thomas’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Protivinsky.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss and child
ren. and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ham
mond returned Wednesday evening
from Denver, Colo., where they
spent the week end visiting Miss
Mary Lois Hammond and other
relatives and friends.
Private Walter Donohoe arrived
on Sunday to spend a week’s fur
lough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Donohoe. He will leave
on Saturday to return to Fort
Robinson, Arkansas, where he is
The basketball boys of St, Mary’s
Academy were entertained at a 7
oYloek dinner at the Golden Hotel
on Wednesday evening by the
Alumnae association. Monsignor
McNamara, Rev. Pan- and Coach
Jack Arbuthnot were honored
James Harty, of Portland, Oi-e.,
arrived on Monday to spend his
two weeks vacation here visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Harty and other relatives and
friends. Miss Mary Harty and
Jack drove to Grand Island on
Monday afternoon to meet him.
Mrs. Arlo Hiatt and Mrs. C. F.
i Grill entertained at a handerchief
shower at the home of Mrs. Hiatt
on Tuesday evening honoring Mrs.
Martin Penisten, who is leaving the
end of the month for Omaha, where
I they will make their future home.
Mrs. Roy Sauers won high at
bridge, Mrs. Dorlin Loekman, sec
ond high and Mrs. Chris Yantzi
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hiltabrand
and children of Waubon, Mass
left on Sunday for their home after
visiting here for the past two
weeks. Mrs. Hiltrabrand and
children remained here during the
two weeks, while Mr. Hiltrabrand
went on to the west coast on busi
ness, reurning to O’Neill on Satur
day. They were visiting at the
home of Mrs. Hiltrabrand’.? sister,
Mrs. C. F. McKenna and Mr. Mc
1 Kenna.
About One Hundred Business and Professional Men
Spend Evening Visiting Friends Here
O’Neill played host Tuesday even
ing and night to approximately 100
Omahans who visited the city iif
connection with the annual Good
Will trip of the Omaha Chamber of
Riding an eight-car special train
and accompanied by Dan Dusdenes
famous colored band, the good will
delegation arrived here for an all
night stop at 5:10 p. m.
The delegation was met at the
depot by a large number of thp
business men of the city, headed
by Mayor Kersenbrock and the
consolidated High School band.
They marched up town headed by
a state highway car, driven by
Patrolman Brt and he had as pas
sengers Mayor Butler of Omaha
and Mayor Kersenbrock of this
city. They were followed by the
High School consolidated band and
the O’Neill delegation and then fol
lowed Dan Dusdenes famous band,
who headed the boosters. The
troopers were garbed in white felt
hats and red, yellow and green
coats (Ak-Sar-Ben colors.) They
stopped on the main comer where
the members of the delegation
distributed candy and balloons to
the hundreds of kids who had as
sembled to greet the boosters.
Others in the party chased around
town to greet their many business
friends and acquaintenances in the
city. A free dance was put on at
the K. C. hall for the entertainment
of the Boosters and it was very
liberlv patronized.
On the train were a group j
of entertainers header! by Lyle
DeMoss of Radio Station WOW.
The troups was featured on
programs at points where the
Omahans remained overnight.
Leaving Omaha Sunday evening,
May 1R, the Good Will Special is
making a 1,7f>0 mile tour which
will take the Omahans through a
total of 83 towns in Nebraska,
South Dakota and Colorado.
Representatives of about eighty
of the business firms of the city j
were on the trip and all of them !
seemed to he thoroughly enjoying J
themselve«. Lack of space prevents |
us from listing those in attendance..
The 1041 Good Will trek will hei
completed .Saturday evening, Mayj
24, when the special train arrives j
back in Omaha.
Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell, of Sioux
City, spent Sunday with the home
Thie Misses Vira and Vivian
Eidenmiller drove to Stuart on
Sunday, where they spent the day
visiting with Mrs. Mary Anstine
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh.
Miss Marion Dickson left on
Thursday for her home in Norfolk,
after visiting here at the home of
her parents, Judge and Mrs. R. R.
Dickson for the past ten days.
Mrs. William Tatreau and
Harold Hunt, of Omaha, spent
Sunday here at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Mrs. Ivan Budrovic arrived in
this city Tuesday afternoon from
Los Angeles, California, for an ex
tended visit with her mother, Mrs.
Julia Harrington and other rela
Mrs. Kenneth Martyn and chil
dren left on Saturday for Lincoln,
where they will visit Mrs. Martyn’s
parents. Mr. Martyn will join
them there as soon as the school
term is over.
The Sunshine Sewing Club held'
their third meeting at the Arthur
Burge home on May 16th. All
members were present. The next
meeting will be held at the Clar
ence Ernst home June 6th.
M. A. Whaley, one of the pioneer
residents of Shields township and
one of its most successful farmers
and stockmen, was a pleasant call
er at this office Monday, extending
his subscription for another year.
He has been a reader of The Fron
tier for nearly forty years and says
that home would not be the same
without its weekly appeavence.
Mr. Whaley had a severe sick sped
the past winter, but is now com
pletely recovered, a fact that will
be pleasing news to his many
friends over the county.
Celebrate Twenty-Fifth
Wedding Anniversary
On Sunday, May 18th, oecured
the twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Gay
Young. Those who helped them
celebrate at their home north of
Atkinson, were: Mr. and Mr*.
Ralph Young; Thelma, Edward
and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Young and children; Jake Long;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Rouse and family; Miss Maud
Rouse; Arthur Rouse and sons;
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Riser; Miss
Rose Rouse and Mrs. F. H. Grif
fith. A delicious dinner was served
and the afternoon was spent in re
viewing old times and visiting.
The young people played ball,
while the old folks were enjoying
the gabfest. All departed for
their homes at a late hour, wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Young many more
happy anniversaries.
The Weather
High Low Free.
May 15th 67 58 .04
May 16th 66 52 .40
May 17th 72 52
May 18th 83 60
May 19th 78 60 .38
May 20th 69 52 .39
May 21st 77 48
Francis Welsh of Norfolk was in
O'NjtJl! Tuesday on business.
Jack Arbuthnot made a business
trip to Norfolk on Monday.
Miss Janet Pharris spent Friday
visiting at the home of her parents
at Long Pine, Nebr.
Atorney P. R. Mounts of Atkin
son, was in O’Neill Wednesday
transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson
announce the birth of a son, Larry
Eugene, on Tuesday, May 20.
Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe an
nounce the birth of a son, on Fri
day, May lfith.
C. R. McCotter of Omaha, visit
ed on Tuesday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Hayes.
Miss' Rita Higgins ajnd Miss
Almeda Kubart spent the week end
visiting friends at Norfolk.
Mrs. Frank Reece, of Valentine,
arrived here on Monday to spend
the week vsiting friends.
Miss Shirley Grass left o« Tues
day morning for Oakland, Oregon,
where she will make her home in
the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoppe, of Los
Angeles, Cal., arrived on Saturday
and are visiting at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Loran Nelson.
Mr. and Mtst. Dan Kelley, at
Winnebago. Nebr., spent the week
end in O’Neill visiting relatives
and friends.
Mrs. P. O'Donnell and son, Cedi,
of Omaha, were in O’Neill over the
week end visiting relatives and
Miss Sadie Harte, of Long Beach,
California, arrived last week and
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Harte.
M. J. Murphy, wife and daugh
ters Mary and Catherine, of Lin
coln, are visiting the W. G. Beha
Mrs. Edward Campbell and son,
Eddie, returned Thursday from
Rochester, Minn., where they went
through the Mayo Clinic.
Miss Bessie Jones, of Omaha, ar
rived on Wednesday to spend a
few days visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Jones.
The O’Neill base ball team, won
their first game of the season on
the local diamond last Sunday
when they took the Stuart team
with a score of 13 to 3. O’Neill
secured fourteen hits to five garn
ered by the Stuart sluggers. The
batteries were: Stuart, Rudolph
and Ritherford; O’Neill, Honey
oiift.. E. Thorin and Tomlinson.
O’Neill will play a return game
at Stuart next Sunday afternoon.