The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 15, 1941, Image 7
U. S. Seizes Nazi Sailors In another direct anti-Nazi move, government agents rounded up more than 160 stranded Nazi seamen for shipment to American "concentra tion camp or camps." This soundphoto shows some of those seized board ing a cutter at New York, en route to Ellis Island for detention. _ — I Good Will Flight Ends in Tragedy Bolivian Minister Don Luis Gauchalla, second from left, examines personal effects of Capt. Rafael Rivas, aide to chief of the Bolivian air corps, who died when his good-will plane crashed during take-off from Washington, D. C„ airport. Captain Taborga, aide to president of Bolivia, was taken alive from the flaming wreckage, but in critical condition. The ship crashed on the second leg of a 10,000-mile good-will flight. Speaks in Chicago Lord Halifax, British ambassador to the U. 8., shown as he delivered his speech in behalf of American aid to Britain, in Chicago. He declared “war’s end must bring a system by which all men will find opportunity to build the foundations of a good and decent life." Against War Former Gov. Philip LaFollette of Wisconsin, as he delivered a fiery anti-war speech in Hinsdale, 111. He urged that America remain at peace. President Opens Defense Savings Campaign UNTj ® STAl SAVlI President Roosevelt is shown as he purchased the first defense savings bond and officially opened the treasury’s multi-million dollar defense savings campaign. The new savings stamps and bonds are on sale at post offices and banks and range from 10 cents to $10,000 in denomination. Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau is shown handing the President his bond just before the nation-wide radio addresses. Chamber Hears Army and Navy Chiefs Members of the United States Chamber of Commerce attending the twenty-ninth annual meeting in Washington heard from the top-ranking officers of the army and navy. Photo shows, L. to R., Gen. George C. Marshall, U. S. army chief of staff; Admiral Harold R. Stark, chief of naval operations; Tbos. Mclnnerney, vice president Chamber of Commerce. Happy Birthday? Faisal II, king of Iraq, who cele brated his sixth birthday while the artillery of his army was shelling British troops who had taken refuge in the R.A.F. base at Habbaniyah, Iraq. Pro-Nazi Rashid Beg Gailani is in the saddle as premier of Iraq. Greek Leader General Tsolakoglu, who signed the Greek surrender at Salonika, and who is reported to have formed a new government, rival to that of King George II at Crete. More Power for the R.A.F. The largest fleet of light planes ever seen in New York was christened on behalf of the R.A.F. benevolent fond, and will make a barnstorming tour of the country to raise funds for the families of England’s air defend ers. The fleet was inspected by these models. Inset: A Canadian woman working in a De Haviland aircraft factory at Ottawa, Canada. In Canada, women are taking the place of men in industry. ‘Before and After’ in Ireland Northern Ireland has had a taste of Nazi wrath, and southern Ireland is getting ready to meet “any In vader.” At the left an impromptu concert is enjoyed In a destroyed area of Belfast after German bombers visited Northern Ireland. At least 500 lives were lost. Right: Prime Minister Eamon De Valera of Eire Inspects troops during the greatest military display ever seen in Dublin. Standing Ready—Somewhere in England In the "danger zone,” the Dover-Folkestone area of England, which has become the “front” in the battle of Britain, home-guardsmen patrol the barren sea cliffs and shore—ready to give Hitler’s Nazis a warm welcome If they come. Sergeant W. Read, a retired civil servant, stand ing guard, typifies the spirit of Great Britain. New Chinese Foreign Minister Greeted Here Appointed foreign minister of China while serving as that nation’s ambassador in London, Dr. Quo Tal-Chl is shown on arrival in New York. L. to R., Newbold Morris, president New York city council, welcom ing Dr. Quo Tai-Chl, while Dr. Mu Shih, Chinese ambassador, and Li Yu Ying (right) personal representative of Chlang Kai-shek, look on. ‘Buddy’ Poppy Girl Daughter of a World war veteran, Joan Leslie, actress, is shown in her new role of national “buddy” poppy girl. She was selected for the 1941 “buddy” poppy campaign of the Vet* crans of Foreign Wars of the U. S., | for aid of veterans’ families. Bomb Shelter Jacob Baker of Cleveland, with model of his shock-proof bomb shel ter which will house four persons. Mr. Baker says the shelter will b« in process of manufacture soon. ¥he Gettysburg Address Available for Framing : TPHE world will little note, nor long remember what we say here . . Those were modest words Lin coln spoke at Gettysburg—and they proved wrong. For Ameri cans do remember, still live for the ideal he expressed that day. • • • The Gettysburg address. In Lincoln’s handwriting, is one of our new set, “Three Great American Documents.” Others are the Bill of Rights and the original Star Spangled Banner, in Francis Scott Key’s handwriUng. All are handsomely printed, full size, in sepia on cream an tique paper. Includes a 4-page leaflet giv ing the histories of the documents. For the set, send your order to: READER-HOMB SERVICE 635 Sixth Ave. New York City Enclose 10 cents In coin for your set of THREE GREAT AMERICAN DOCUMENTS. End of the Icicle Ray—You’re just like an icicle. Gladys—Well, you know an Icicle melts easily enough wherj you hold it. Stock market tips are good buys that often turn out to be farewells. Nothing New Mrs. Djones—Here’s an advertisement of a new kind of shirt that hasn't any buttons. Hjones—Huh? I’ve been wearing that kind for years. Two Chances Hunter—Yes, sir, when that bear chased me I jumped for a limb twice as high as my head, but I missed it. Meeker—That was tough luck. Did he hurt you much? Hunter—No, while I missed the limb going up, I grabbed it com ing down. Steam Up Foreman—Say, that new man we put on the job is a regular steam-engine. Boss—Good worker, is he? Foreman — No, he’s a good whistler. Paying One’s Debt There are but two ways of pay ing debt—increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out.—Carlyle. Kelp to Relievo Distress of [FEMALE PERIODIC COMPLAINTS Try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to help relieve monthly pain, headaches, backache and ALSO calm irritable nerves due to monthly functional disturbances. ■* Plnkham’s Compound Is simply marvelous to help build up resist ance against distress of difficult days." Famous for over 60 years! Hundreds of thousands of girls and women report remarkable benefits. WORTH TRYING I ....■" ’- :: WNU—U20—41 Profit by Adversity We become wiser by adversity; prosperity destroys our apprecia tion of the right.—Seneca. W/HEN kidneys function badly and yf you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous,, all upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask your, 'neighbor!