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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1941)
Over the County INMAN NEWS Vere Butler of Blair, Nebraska, visited relatives and friei.ds in In man for a few days last week. Bob Sholes, Arlin Costor, La Vera Lynch, Virgil Tomlinson, and Bob Mossman, all of the C, C. C. camp in Madison, spent the week end visiting friends and relatives in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Abrahams of Omaha, arrived in Inman Satur day where they will stay for a few weeks. Baccalaureate Services for the Inman Seniors were held in the Inman auditorium last Sunday evening. Bill Morsbach, of Bartlett, visi ted his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morsbach Sunday. The Juniors and Seniors of the Inman high school enjoyed a Ban quet given at the Golden Hotel Saturday evening. Following the Banquet, they visited the O’Neill threatre and saw “Gone With The Wind.” Mrs. Ira Watson and daughter, Ruth, drove to Neligh Friday to get Carlyon Watson, who had been visiting in Neligh for a few days. J . Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and children and Mt. and Mrs. ^lanuel Cnosser drove to Newport Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Sparks. A group of the Inman Odd Fel lows drove to Neligh Wednesday evening, #here they visited the Neligh lodge Mrs. Emery Peterson of O’Neill visited at the home Of her mother, Mrs. Bob Conard, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wolfe of Norfolk, have been visiting friends and relatives in Inman for the past few days. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Leidy and son, Russell, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacox, drove to Meadow Grove Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald \Volfie and family. C. D. Brittell and C. E. Brit tell of Chambers, were in Inman Wednesday on business Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and son, pf Orchard, visited at the home of Mrs. Noe’s father, W. H. Chick en, last Thursday, Miss Marjorie Butler, Marvin Youngs and Bill Watson, all of Lincoln, spent the week end visit ing friends and relatives in In man. Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Renner of O’Neill were Inman visitors Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Brittell, of Chambers, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brittell, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Renner and daughter, of Mankato, Kan sas, visited at the home of Mr. Renner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Renner, Sunday. The Auxiliary of the Latter Day Saints church held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Lee Conger last Thursday afternoon. A de licious lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Ralph Stevens, of Page, visited her mother, Mrs. Bob Con ard, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins drove to O’Neill Sunday to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marsh left last Wednesday for their home in Enid, Oklahoma, after spending the past month with Mrs. Marsh’s mother, Mrs. Mary Hancock of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller and children, of Neligh, visited at the W. J. McClurg home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conger and children of Elgin, visited Mr. Con ger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Conger, Sunday Ole Johnson, of Royal, visited at the Lewis Kopecky hbme Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son Jimmie, of Orchard, visited at the home of Mrs. Cooper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tompson Sr., Sunday. The L. L. Club met last Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Kelly Sr. A delic ious lunch was served by the hos tess. Leonard Leidy drove to Omaha Sunday evening on business. The Gannon school, taught by Roland Dodd, closed last Friday with a school picnic. Mr. and Mrs. George Conard and sons of Meek, visited relatives in Inman Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Wilbur Hancock of O’Neill were ii\ Inman Sunday. Frank Watson and children left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in O’NeiH. Mr. and Mrs. Dkk Steams drove to Geneva Friday, returning to their home in Inman Saturday. Miss Midmi Keyes entertained her pupils at a dinner given at her home Thursday evening. Af ter the dinner they attended the show in O'Neill. The Ladies Aid held dinner at the aid parlor Monday. The Holt County Ministers held a Ministral Meeting at the M. E. Church Monday. MEEK AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and Mrs. Sam Robertson and son Ray mond motored to Omaha on Tues day where Mrs. E'mst will enter a hospital and Raymond Robertson will have some dental work done. The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. A. L. Borg on Wednesday ofter noon. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs. Roy Karr, President; Mrs. George Hansen, Vice - President; Mrs. Blake Benson, Secretary and Mrs. Charles Linn, Treasurer. Several guests were present. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Elmer Devall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luber motored to Butte on Thursday to attend the funeral of August Pier son. They also visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Warren Femo. Estel Thomas was an overnight guest of Mrs. Delia Harrison on Wedenesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sydow were guests on Sunday at the Ed Hood home. Mrs. Roy Kan- is caring for the Ernst children while their parents are in Omaha. Word was received here that Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith of North Platte, Nebraska, are the parents of an eight and a half pound baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Johnson and family were dinner guests on Sunday at the Andrew Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth and family spent Friday evening at the Orville Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Remter and Mary Janice were guests on Sun day at the Swede Sedivy home. Mrs. Andrew Johnson and daughters Luetta and Naomi spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Delia Harrison. Mrs. Elmer Devall and sons and Mrs. Delia Harrison and Mary were dinner guests on Monday at the Ed Thomas home. EMMET NEWS Mrs. Lizzie Klinkerheard, of Sioux City, Iowa, who has been visiting at the D. H. Allen home for several days returned to her home last Thursday morning with her son of Sioux City. Mr. Arthur Burge is at present in a Stuart hospital for a few days. He entered the hospital Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman visited at the Geo. Ries home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Farr and Mrs. Earl Farr were visitors at the W. R. Tenborg home Tuesday. Miss Ilene Grutsch and her pupils enjoyed a weiner roast Thursday afternoon by the river. Miss Mamie Young, who has been pastor of the United Brethern church of Ord, Nebr., and Mrs Myrta Fox of Miller, Nebr., came to Emmet Wednesday. Mrs. Fox is visiting at the home of her sons for a few days while Miss Young drove on to Laurel. Mrs. Floyd Butterfield is a patient in a Stuart hospital where she underwent a tonsilectomy op eration. Mrs. John Conard entertained the Emmet Bridge Club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Shaw won high, Mrs. Fred Saunto low and Mrs. Jess Wills traveling. Dell McCain of Chambers, was an overnight guest at the Homer Lowery home Monday night. MJrs. Guy Cole will take a loan of Seniors from O’Neill high to Omaha Friday for their annual “sneak day.” Mrs. Myrta Fox visited at the Melvin Luben home Monday. The ninth and tenth high school grades enjoyed a visit to O’Neill where they attended the show, “Gone With th* Wind,” on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern accompanied by Mrs. Lynn Howard of O’Neill, drove to Nor folk Friday where they spent the day. -v Olive Beckwith spent the week end at the home of her parents and stated that her school will be dismissed this week with a com munity picnic on Saturday. Rev, and Mrs. Peacock attended 8 minister’s meeting in Inman Monday. The Community Club enjoyed a pleasant evening at the J. 0. Pat terson home Friday evening. Little Bobbie Perry, who has been ill with the whooping cough the past week, is much improved now. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox and fam ily, Howard Pettyjohn and Don ald Luben visited at the Melvin Luben home Monday evening where they were treated to ice cream late in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strong and family were guests at the Cecil McMillian home Sunday. Several pupils from in and around EYnmet went to O’Neill Thursday to take some Eighth grade exams, which they hope will raise their averages. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern called at the Arthur Givens home Thursday evening. Margaret Carney and Violet Mechen, of O’Neill, spent the week end at the Clarence Shaw home. Guests at the Clarence Shaw home Sunday were Mi’s. Anibrcs Rhode, Miss Mary Carney, Mar garet Carney, Violet Mecken, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw, all of O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gribble if Chambers. Zane Cole injured his leg rather severely Monday evening when he fell on a lilac branch pushing it into the calf of his leg. A group of old friends and neighbors enjoyed a party in honor of Mrs. Minnie Dahms Friday af ternoon at the Henry Kloppenborg home. Those present were Mrs. James O’Donnell, Mrs. Joe Wink ler and Leona, Mrs. Clara Winkler, Gus Dahms and John Alfs. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern were Sunday dinner guests at the Guy Beckwith home. Lutheran Notes Lutheran services at the Epis copal Church on Wednesday, May 21, at 8 p. m., conducted by Rev. Vahle of Atkinson. Old Time Revival at The Meek Church Located sixteen miles north and one mile east of O’Neill. Services now in progtess even’ night but Mondays and Saturdays. Bring the whole family, enjoy the good gospel ’ preaching and singing. Miss Hazelle Reed of Grand Island, Nebraska, is the Evangelist. Her co-worker, Miss Evelyn Bethurum, of Colorado, plays the piano, guitar and piano aecordian. BRIEFLY STATED Judge R. R. Dickson made a business trip Omaha on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen of Lindsay, California, and Mrs. Dew. ey Wetzel of Lincoln, Nebraska, spent Monday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas of Lexington, Nebraska, arrived on Monday evening to spend a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Protivinsky. —ATTENTION FARMERS: If you are feeding alfalfa, sweet clover, cane, sudan, or other sor ghums see your Cane-Trol dealer. —L. D. Putnam 1-2 Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Moore left on Tuesday for Nebraska City, Nebraska, being called there by the serious illness of her father, W. J. Bro. Mrs. Homer Mullen entertained the members of the Delta Dek at a seven o'clock dinner followed by cards on Wednesday evening. Miss Bea Rohde, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Bridget Rohde, will leave on Sunday for her home in Omaha. Mrs. James Walling entertained the members of her bridge club at a seven-thirty o'clock dinner, fol lowed by cards at her home on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham returned on Friday from Roches ter, Minn., where Mr. Birmingham! went through the Mayo Brothers clinic. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McManamy, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, spent the week end here visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Kubitchek and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Barieman and son, left on Wednesday foi Omaha, where they will spend a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Godak. [ ROLLER SKATING South of the Border From 2 to 5 P. M., 10c From 7 to 11 P. M., 25c } Dance Sunday Night Men 40c - Ladies 10c Stockmen! We offer a good, dependable home market for your surplus livestock. Try us with your next consignment. OUR AIM IS TO SERVE YOU IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. • \ V r ' . \ _ SALE EVERY MONDAY O'NEIL^LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO Phone 2 •O’Neill, Nebr. I A record never before approached! ^•When the 29,000,000th Ford rolled recently from the assembly line, an all time record for the industry was set. 29,000,000 units built by the same man agement and all bearing one name—a name that has become one of the best known trade-marks in the world! It is significant that this achievement comes at a time when our country is making a mighty effort to re-arm swiftly. For to further that effort, to help speed it along in any possible way, we have offered the vast facilities of the Rouge Plant and every ounce of our experience. As you read this, a new $21,000,000 Ford airplane engine plant, started only last fall, is nearly completed. A new mag nesium alloy plant, one of the few in the country, is already in production on light* weight airplane engine castings. Work is right now under way on a new $ 18,000,000 plant for mass production of big bomber assemblies. Orders have been filled for military vehicles of several types, including army reconnaissance cars, staff cars and bomb service trucks. I n the midst of this activity for National Defense, building the 29 millionth Ford car is simply one part of the day’s work. The public has acclaimed the 1941 Ford car as the finest in Ford history. Ford Dealers are enjoying their greatest sales and expecting their best year since 1937. It is good to be producing the things America needs, and to be setting records on the way! FORD MOTOR COMPANY Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot drove to Norfolk, Wednesday on business. »♦ Mrs. Milton Hester and son, Bobby, of Lincoln, Nebraska, ar rived on Tuesday and is visiting her brother, Walter Sire and Mrs. Sire. Mrs. 0. A. Kilpatrick spent the week end visiting her daughter and her family at Orchard, Ne braska. The O’Neil] Women’s Club wiB meet at the home of Mrs. Osen l.A\iph on Wednesday, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rice and soa Richard of Creighton and Will Johnson of Plainview, spent Sun day at the Lucas ranch. Mrs. Ed Birrge and daughter, Ruth, spent Friday and Saturday visiting relatives and friends at Norfolk. Friday and Saturday May 16 and 17,1941 SERVE BALANCED MENUS! It is bring done on a balanced budget by thrifty home keepers who make their own personal selections from the wide variety of "Dependable" foods at Council Oah. _COI’NCIL OAK IS A SAFE PLACE TO SAVE TENDER JUICY BEEF ROASTS PER AA( «C LB.AND If FRESH PORK STEAK PER 91C i LB.* ■ FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER ,,„n...... ir GROUND IN OUR OWN MARKETS FRESH (ROUND PURE BEEF 1 r DELIGHTFULLY SPICED MILD CURE SUMMER SAUSAGE lb 24c AfifinnTTPn LUNCHEON MEAT _ NECK BONES PER AC LB. ■ BEEF SHORT RIBS PGR 11( lb.1 e BACON SQUARES PER 44}C LB. .. ■ —■ DOLE'S HAWAIIAN DlklF ADDI F CRUSHED AND A 9-OZ. «C rmcArru: tid bits Acans i# The luscious tropic goodness of field ripened pineapple sealed in the can for your enjoyment in Salad, Cocktails and Robb Ross Gelatin Dessert. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 25c MORNING LIGHT URGE SWEET PEAS 2 Zl 23c Large, Sweet, Meaty Peas that are as tender as the smaller size peas. MILLER'S WITH *1 riGS. AJC WHEAT FUKES , REM,l MS 2 F ,R 21 “ENRICHED BY NATURE" HA BROWN WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Manv say that it surpasses any bread they ever tasted. (OUR EVERY FRIDAY FEATURE) ENRICHED WITH VITAMINS AND MINERALS NANCY ANN WHITE BREAD U OUNCE 7C H POUND flAC LOAF / 12 IOAF IU "RED DOT" EXTRA LARGE <AC POTATO CHIPS 12 02 PKG 11 VELVEETA £.™NU 2 27 SERVE HOT OR COLD PREM 2 -12 OZ. CANS.. By the makers of Swifts Premium Hams. MORNING LIGHT "FULL FLAVORED" TFAC 'z LB-GREEN JAFAN 22c 0CC I LA J y2 LB. orange pekoe “TAC-CUT” COFFEE Vacuum Pack. Regular and Drip Grind. POUND. 2 POUND j jar :. I “COUNCIL OAK ” COFFEE Exchange the empty bags for 22-carat Cold Pattern Dishes. POUND _. *QC 7 <1 POUNDS.... rRKfn pound ,7c 45c tniJVV 3 POUND CAN. PRE-CREAMED AND MIXES INSTANTLY SWEET CORN CANDY 101c POUND . ■*'2 CREAM BRIDGE MIX CANDY 101c LB.. >*2 ICED SPICE COOKIES 2 LBS 19° j^QPPT 2 - SMALL SIZE 19c LARGE 21e r|"C UKCn GIANT SIZE PACKAGE . ™ Dreft is doubly appreciated when there in a bi* pile bf dishes to wash. AVVflAI REGULAR PKG. 8c 1QC UAYUUL LARGE PACKAGE . . GIANT PACKAGE .-...51 LARGE FLORIDA VALENCIA PER 7QC JUICE ORANGES v CRISP - NEW CROP PER rC HEAD LETTUCE HEAD 5 FRESH CUT - HOME GROWN POUND 7C ACPAR ArjlTC BUNCHES- f SCARLET RED RADISHES A BCHS Ec “ FOR_* NEW CABBAGE Oc POUND_O NEW POTATOES Now more plentiful and more reasonably priced—Red Triumph* and California White Shafters for your selection.