The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 15, 1941, Page FOUR, Image 4
— m } Tbs Frontier m EL Cronin, Editor and Proprietor stared at the postoffice at O'Neill ■abraska, as Second Clau Matter. SUBSCRIPTION Oh Year, in Nebraska..$2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska.... 2.20 Every subscription is regarded as aa open account. The names of aafeecribers will be instantly re •saved from our mailing list at ex ptoatior, of time paid for, if pub Baber shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price.; Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made s part of the contract between pub lisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged far on a basis of 26c an inch (one autumn wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, subse- j •sent insertions, 6c per line. * r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - A Word To Frontier Readers We wish to coil the atten tion of those of our readers who are in arrears that we must hare money to continue in business. Many of our readers hare doubtless thoughtlessly al lowed their subscription to run along year after year, and we ask them now ta come in and settle. Payment of these little bills mean a good deal to the publisher as they run into hundreds of dollars. So we trust you will call, settle up, and start 1941 with a clean slate. THE DAYS OF LONG AGO Fifty-Five Years Ago The Frontier, May 8, 1886 Miss Flora Berkley went to Nor folk Monday. J. P. Spittler, of Ewing, was in O’Neill several days the first of the week soliciting aid for the erection of a Catholic church at that place. The mill is certain. Bridges of Beatrice will build it and it wil’ have a capacity of at least 100 barrels. The mill will be erected at the foot of Fifth street on lots donated by Patrick Fahy. The es timated cost of the mill complete is $40,000.00 The Frontier, May 13, 1886 Weather line and corn planting progressing fast. Mathew’s new brick house is be ing completed as fast as possible. Mr. Bridges already writes that he will probably build an elevator also in O’Neill in connection, though a separate building, with the mill. Edward Adams, brother of David, arrived in O’Neill Satur day evening on a visit to his friends here. The long looked for and much desired event in the history of the Methodist Episcopal church in this city took place on the 9th when the church was dedicated. Rev. Dr. Maxfield, president of the Central City College, and Elder Hodgitt being present to conduct the services, assisted by the pas tor, Rev. E. Bargelt. Fifty Years Ago The Frontier, May 7, 1891 It is announced that the Pacific Short Line road will be sold at receiver’s sale within the next month or two. The increase in the business done by the Short Line in O’Neill last month was $2,507.64 over the proceeding month. Died, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Patrick Murphy, who re aides a few miles north of O’Neill, on Saturday morning, May 2, Mrs. Julia Dwyer, aged 94 years. Mrs. Dwyer came to this county with her son, John, in 1878, and was one of the old time settlers of the colony. _j_t*i : The Frontier, Ma^' 14, 1891 Edward Adams of the Farmers tank of Page was married last Thursday to Miss Sarah McMillen of that place. The following O’Neillites went to Omaha to sec the presidential party and tc participate in bis wel come to Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Me Evony, G. C. Haze let, H. M. iJttley, Harry Uttley, Barret Scott, S. C. Sample and Pat Big lin. The Item, May 7, 1891 They are still pounding away on the artisian well and have reached a depth of 325 feet, and there is 280 feet of water in the well. The Item, May 14, 1891 Seventeen years ago last Tues day at noon eighteen weary pil grims under the leadership of the late lamented General John O’ Neill, founded a colony and city which is now called after the founder, O’Neill. Of the eighteen pioneers but six are now residents of Holt county. They are: Neil Brennan, Pat Hughes, Thomas Cain, Thomas Connolly, T. N. J. j Hynes and Tim Connors. Forty Years Ago . The Frontier, May 9, 1901 Joe Ryan and Jim Lacy arc another new butcher firm. They take charge of the Hick’s meat' market which Frank Brittel ha.‘ been operating for the past year. Campbell Bro’s. show was re ceived in O’Neill Monday by an immense throng of people. It j was the biggest crowd since Vice- j President Theodore Roosevelt was j here. The Frontier, May 16, 1901 Died, at her home in this city on last Sunday evening, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, wife of Sena tor Frank Campbell, aged 41 years, 4 months and 21 days. She wae a resident of O’Neill since 1881, coming here with her hus band the year after their marriage. Henry Werner and Miss Millie Myers, both of Emmet, were united in marriage at the Methodist par sonage on Wednesday. Thirty Years Ago The Fronier, May 4, 1911 T. D. Hanley has commenced evacuation for a residence which he will erect on Clay street, be tween Sixth and Seventh. It will be 30x38 ft Mt. and Mrs. J. P. Gallagher are I rejoicing over the arrival of a sop I at their home Sunday night. One of the hardest snow storms ever seen in this section, even within the memory of the oldest inhabitant, visited this section last Sunday and Sunday night. A splendid rain fell Saturday morn ing lasting nearly all forenoon. That night a heavy rain fell which lasted until noon Sunday when it turned into sleet and then snow, which lasted all night. The Frontier, May 11, 1911 H. J. Hammond, Ben Grady and William Biglin left Monday after noon for Omaha, where they go to attend the state convention of the Knights of Columbus as delegates from the local council. Patrick Shea left Sunday night for Buffalo, S. D., near where he has a homestead and where he will farm this season. Twenty Years Ago The Frontier, May 5. i—1 Forrest Shearer, son of Bert ( Shearer, John Kaup. son of John Kaup, of Stuart, and Thomas Einstine, of Creighton, were drowned at Dora Lake fifteen miles south of Stuart Sunday when the boat from which they were fishing overturned. Senator and Mrs. D. H. Cronin returned home last Thursday night, the legifd^t ure adjourning sine die at noon Thursday, after the longest session in the history of the state. The Fronier, May 12, 1921 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla are rejoicing over the arrival of a young son at their home. S. J. Weekes and Judge R. R. Dickson will leave in the morning for Fremont where they will at tend the funeral of Michael Dow ling, former president of the O’ Neill National bank, who died last week at Los Angeles, Cal. Died, at his home in Paddock township, fifteen miles northeast i of this city, on Friday morning, May 6, 1921, Peter Lansworth. He was a little over 69 years of age and had been a resident of this county since 1882. Ten Years Ago The Frontier, May 7, 1931 The weather turned extremely cold again Monday night when the mercury dropped to 31 degrees. Tuesday night it registered 24. A number of old timers claim the fruit crop is ruined. The Frontier, May 14, 1931 One of those million dollar rains fell over Holt county and the en tire state of Nebraska last week. The rainfall here was 1.63 inches. Miss Irene O’Donnell and Will iam Credle, boh of Chicago, were united in marriage in that city last Saturday. BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. Medard Connelly anounce the birth of a daughter, on Wednesday, May 14th. Mrs. W’. J. Froelich entertained the members of the Contract Club at a seven o’clock dinner followed by cards at her home on Wednes day evening. Mrs. C. J. Gatz entertained the members of the Delta Deks at a seven o’clock dinner, followed by cards at her home, on last Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Benson of Norfolk, spent Sunday here visit ing at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burge and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson. F. E. Parkins and E. A. Cowley expect to go to Columbus on Satur day, where they will attend thp opening of , the new Consumers Power building. Dr. W. H. Mullen, of Omaha, was in the city Sunday visiting with his many old time friends and in cidently taking in the Knights of Columbus initiation. Miss Margaret Howard left Thursday morning for Lincoln, where she will visit at the home THE Instalment Wolf frequent ly gets the Instalment Buyer —but never the Instalment Saver. The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus aad Uadi Tided Proflta. fl40.000.00 TUs Buk Carries Ns laMtteteees ef OAears er StockbeMen. Member Federal Deposit lusuruct Corporation j of her sister and her family, Mr. I and Mrs. Frank Davidson. Mrs. C. MeKer.' h and Mrs. W. P. Hiltabrand and daughters of Waban, Mass., returned Tuesday from Lincoln, where they spent the week end visiting relatives. Mrs. Carrie Hess and Mrs. S. J. Benson, of Wayne, were here oi Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burge and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson. I KARL IT!FAN Debates on our international af fairs become more heated in the i House and Senate each day. A few months ago, no speaker would have dared to speak openly for convoying. Each day, now, some speaker demands that we stop be ing hypocritical and begin con voying immediately. Audible "boo ing” of speakers has started on the House floor. The situation is becoming critical. Many mem bers who say they would even vote for convoys, are waiting for the White House to clarify the earlier statements of the Presi dent to the effect that he would not send men to Europe again; that convoys mean shooting and shooting means war. Some spokes-, men close to the W'hite House maintain that the President meant what he said; that we are not going to convoy and that men are not going to be sent to E'urope Others, however, say just the opposite. These say we must con voy and that “we are going te convoy.” Some even say we should declare war. It is so confusing that some members who are anx ! ing that they be told just exactly what the Administration intendj ; to do. They believe that the country should also be told the | truth. The Appropriations Committee of the House has demanded that the Byrd Anartic expedition be liqudated. Those who sought more money for it, thought it was good natinal defense. The committee couldn’t see it. $937,000 has already been spent upon the expedition exclusive of the use and cost of reconditioning two ships. The men will be brought back from Anartica and the ships will be re employed at thtir usual stations. No minerals of commercial use] were found by the expedition. I This town wanted Congress to I appropriate forty thousand dollars i for rest rooms for people who sit I along the Potomac summer nights j to listen to symphony orchestras. The Approptiaions Committee didn’t figure that was national defense and turned the item down. Other demands for money of simi lar nature which used to pass read ily are being disalowed now. But some really big items calling for many millions which are not actu ally national defense are not eliminated. They are too deeply rooted in the affection of a major ity of members and have adminis tration blessing. Women here say that black stockings will come back into style because most of the titled ladies who flocking to Washington from Europe wear black stockings. Believe it or not, a “coke and an aspirin” is the breakfast menu for many dizzy society girls in Washington. Road boosters hold meetings al * most daily here. * The pVbposed 1287,000,000 National Defense , highway bill is the attraction, j Hearings on that bill can be ex pected in about a week or so. Road people believe the army has been holding up this legislation because it did not give the, Budget the necessary defense highway es timates. Many state highway en gineers have been holding up some important road work waiting to see what happens to this proposed new legislation. Nebraska is one of the states vitally interested. Dr. George E. Charlton, Super intendent of the Norfolk State Hospital, has been in town several days visiting some of the impor tant hospitals and clinics here. He was one of the prominent doc-j tors that attended the meeting of ] psychiatrists at Richmond, Vir- j ginia. Lawyers from all parts of the United States have been here at tending the sessions of the Ameri can Law Institute. Among those from Nebraska who have attended these meetings are Chief Justice Robert Simmons, Dean Foster of the University of Nebraska Law school, Paul Good of Lincoln; Fred Berry of Wayne; W'illiam Ritchie and George Tunnison of Omaha. The weather in Washington warmed up close to the 100 mark on the thermometers. By coinci dence, the W'ays and Means Com mittee took up the matter of new legislation the day following the peak weather. For many years, new legislation has not been brought up until hot weather came on. Then through the long sum mer months, every day a “broiler,” the hearings continue. Some seem to think it wDl not require so Jong a time, ni>w, with the pressure of events at home and abroad, but they may have another “think” coming before September. It may appear easy to departmental ex perts to add 3H billion* in rev enues to the 9 billions of the pres ent, but there will be conflicting views in plenty as the bill takes form. And after the Ways and Means committee and the House has legislated, still there will be the Senate committee and the Senate to take up the matter, al most as though no hearings had been held, and go over the proposi tion anew. There will be tax legis lation at this session, but it may not be before Thanksgiving time— if the history of legislation on big revenue bills is any criterion. Jim Barnes who builds ships, has a private lake in Maryland. Once in a while he invites friends to go there to fish. The lake abounds with crappies, bass, perch, and pike. Every hook used must be barbless. Believe it or not, every bass caught, weighing less than three and a half pounds must be thrown back into the lake. DANCE AT SUMMERLAND Ewing, Nebraska Saturday, May 17 —Music By— The Royal Swingsters and their fine band. .1—.. . 1 Coming May 24: JACK ROSS and his Royal Canadians. SMARTER *yytW • FINER fABRICSL 1 Exquisitely tailored of j COUNTRY CLUB CREPE I and SEERES—The two dis- s tinctively different fabrics that require no ironing ond a collection of novel cottons including SPORTSWEAR PIQUES. WAYSIDE WAFFLES ond WOVEN CHAMBRAYS. New weaves . . . new patterns . . . new colorings. A glorious array of fresh and frivolous styles that are perfect in every detail of line and trim. Cneerfu! splashy and subdued colorings ... All priced o make it wise and thrifty to buy two/ three s id even four. t_ _'_ ' __— M