Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
Striking Coal Miners Go Back to Mines The first group of coal miners to return to work following an agree ment ending the general shutdown of bituminous coal mines by the United Mine Workers of America (C.I.O.), which began April 1 and con tinued for a whole month. The miners are shown entering the shaft •f the Dun Glee mine, near St. Clairsville, Ohio. White House ‘Firster’ Is First Again John Hunefeld, 75, who has headed the New Year Day reception line at the White House each year since 1924, was right on the spot again when the sale of defense savings bonds opened in the district. He was first in line at the city post office. Photo shows James Hudson making the sale to Mr. Hunefeld, as Mrs. Mary Hinton looks on. Fire Demon Takes Heavy Toll in East Damage estimated at about $2,000,000 was caused in tbe Ocean Bluffs, Mass., area as the result of a fire that destroyed a church and leveled more than 450 cottages. Only a timely shift in wind saved hundreds of other houses. The above photo shows a row of cottages burning fiercely when the fire was at its height. Mexican Army Doctors Study U. S. Methods iM———g—ibq—dab———mfflmn—mnnminnimnnnnnnrnin—ir—g Mirtirm—tiit— u—nimvog Mexican army medical officers visit a Chicago draft induction station to study U. S. army methods. From left, Capt. L. Johnson of the draft center. Mexican army men, Majors Salas, Vera and Sanchez; Lieu tenant Colonel Ramos and Major Gomez. Captain C. Buczynski, of the draft center. Major Zapata of Mexico. Seated: R. Forsythe, a selectee. Says He’s ‘Gestapo’ Bruno Johannes Valianski, self styled agent of the Nail “Gestapo” secret police, at Ellis Island. He was questioned about a small theft, and unfolded a lurid tale of his serv- ! ice as an alleged agent of the “Gestapo” and revealed a swastika scar brand on his arm. U. S. Chamber Head Albert W. Hawkes of Kearney, N. J., elected president of the U. 8. Chamber of Commerce, following final business session of the 29th annual meeting of the chamber. U. S. Loan to China Signing of a stabilization agree ment involving the purchase of Chi nese yuan by the U. S. stabilization fund to the amount of $50,000,000 was another important step in the monetary co-operation between the United States and China. Photo shows (seated) Henry Morgenthau Jr., secretary of the treasury, and T. V. Soong, representing Chila. Standing: Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese am bassador. Wins Safety Award Gov. R. A. Hurley of Connecticut (left) receiving the National Safety Council’s 1940 grand award for states from Col. John Stllwell, presi dent of the Council, whose traffic contest Is conducted in 1,281 cities In the 48 slates. Turning Out Tanks in Quantity Lots ' iiim*—«—m i ■ >>■ •'«•■" I I. II One of the large cogs in the U. S. defense machinery is this production plant of the American Car A Foundry company at Berwick, Pa., where tanks are turned out by mass production methods. Here is an assembly line with tanks reaching as far as the eye can see, while workmen put on the finishing touches. (Inset) New tanks leaving the plant for their first road test. First U. S. ‘Concentration Camp’ A view of the first U. S. “concentration camp,” at Fort Stanton, N. M., where 300 members of the crew of the scuttled German luxury liner Columbus are interned for the war’s duration. Barracks adjoining the fort are their homes, but they are not confined as ordinary prisoners, being permitted to occasionally explore the nearby foothills (shown lower left). Map shows the location of Ft. Stanton. Soldiers, Take Your Post! While buddies gathered round to watch and learn, members of the Fifty-eighth Signal Battalion at Camp Forrest, Tenn., show off their pole climbing prowess in exercises designed to school men In the fine art of field communications. In actual warfare, soldiers of signal corps must be adept at tree-climbing. Climbing irons are used. Demonstrating Aircraft Warning System Plotters in action in New York city information center during an actual demonstration of aircraft warning system of Northeastern states. Under direction of the supervisor (upper right), they chart the course, altitude, number and type of spotted planes. Control platform (upper left) advrses different fighter bases of the approach of the enemy. Inspects Plant Air Marshal ‘‘Billy’' Bishop of the Royal Canadian air force (right) In spects the huge Douglas aircraft plant at Santa Monica, Calif., where many planes for the RAF are made. He is shown with Donald Douglas, president of the plant. 6In the Army Now’ Dick Chapman, national amateur golf champion (left), is welcomed by Brig. Gen. Walter Weaver, as he reports for duty at Maxwell Field, Ala. Chapman is one of many top flight athletes being called to duty. I SEWING CIRCLE 8895 PVERY line and detail of thi* charming basic is flattering to slim figures—the sweetheart neck line, the soft bodice drapery, the tiny corselet waistline and grace ful skirt fullness. For this, choose silk print, flat crepe, taffeta or sheers. • • • Pattern No. 8895 li designed In even sizes 12 to 20. Size 14, short sleeves, 4 yards 39-lnch fabric; bracelet aleevea, 4ffc yards. Send order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1324 111 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pattern No...Size. Name ...... Address .. CREMATION I FOREST LAWN CEMETERY I . OMAHA . CREMATION of the most modern type Write to ua for booklet Laws Gravitate Laws and institutions are con stantly tending to gravitate. Like clocks, they must be occasionally cleansed, and wound up, and set to true time.—H. W. Beecher. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Oaa trapped in the atomarh or fullet may act Uka a halr-trlfgcr on the heart. At tho Brat algn of dlatnas •mart men and women depend on Bcll-aoe Tablet* to ■at taa tree. No laxatln but made or the fa fleet acting madlrlnea known tor acid lndlxaation. It tlw FIBAT DOSE doean't prove Hell-ana better, return haul* to iu and rattire DOUBLE Monty Back. ISc. Easing Relaxation Straining breaks the bow, and relaxation relieves the mind. [-Nervous Restless-] RiVIA V Cranky? Restless? 1111 IN* Can’t sleep? Tire WII IV ■ easily? Because of distress of monthly functional disturbances? Then try Lydia E. Ptnkham’s Vegetable Com pound. 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