The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 08, 1941, Image 6
___ . . . JUST LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE! (See Recipes Below) IT WAS WONDERFUL FOOD! Remember flying home, pigtails thumping, to smell supper, and guess? Remember being saucer eyed as mother's marble cake took a blue ribbon at the fair? And re member licking the last bit of sweet ness from the frosting platter? I know you must remember. How could you forget? It was wonderful food! And it’s to the best cooks in the world — our mothers — that this week's column is dedicated. When you pay them homage on Mother’s day, 1941, perhaps you’ll enjoy us ing some of the following recipes, favorites of the long ago. In those days, to be caught with out plenty of food, and good food, too, xor au com ers was to show oneself a poor housekeeper, a bad hand in the kitchen. But times have changed. A large I "crock” of but ter, a “basket” j of eggs, and a “wedge” of cheese are no longer a part of the regular supplies on the shelf in the vegeta ble cellar. Not are recipes penciled on the fly-leaf of the family ledger. I But the basic goodness is still the same. So. whether it be crusty brown doughnuts, chicken pie and jelly roll, huge, fluffy cakes, or rich chocolate pie, let's take mother back, down memory lane! Lovely to look at and utterly de lightful to eat is the Sour Cream Dev il's Food Cake, which I’m sure was a favorite of grandmother's. Sour Cream Devil's Food Cake. 2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon soda % teaspoon salt % cup butter or other shortening iy« cups sugar 1 egg, unbeaten 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla % cup thick sour cream % cup sweet milk Sift flour once, measure, add soda and salt, and sift together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream to gether well. Add egg and beat very thoroughly; then chocolate and va nilla, and blend. Add about one fourth of the flour and beat well; then add sour cream and beat thor oughly. Add remaining flour, alter nately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Turn into two greased 9-inch layer pans and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 30 minutes, or until done. Spread Felicity Frosting on top and sides of cake. Top with glossy LYNN SAYS: In an old book of household ad vice, written in 1879, are some words of wisdom "to help home makers." I’m passing them on to you "for what they’re worth” in the modern, up-to-date home. "Use a clam shell to scrape skillets or saucepans; to scour your iron pots and griddles, use wood ashes. "Sweeping a carpet with new fallen snow will make it look very bright and fresh. Also, it is a good plan to save tea leaves, and, with them not too moist, sweep a dark carpet. This is not advised for light colors. "Woodwork may be dusted with a long-feathered wing, preferably that of a turkey. "For washing fine clothes, use a pounder—not a large, old-fash ioned affair, but one about twice as large as a potato masher, and pound your clothes as they soak in sal-soda water. The rubbing on a board will then be very easy. Use a clothes wringer if you can possibly get one. “Never buy ground coffee. Take whole berries and heat; grind while hot. "All housewives should be well adversed in cookery, and should know how to make good dishes, such as ‘Jenny Lind Cak ’ ‘Pars nip Pie,’ ‘Marrow Dumplings’ and ‘Flannel Pancakes.’ ” THIS WEEK’S MENU Menu For a Mother-Daughter Banquet (For not-too-Iarge a group) Strawberry and Pineapple Cup Roast Chicken Giblet Gravy Bread Filling Fresh Asparagus Fruit Salad Ice Cream Coffee Cookies Milk chocolate coating, made by com bining 1 square unsweetened choco late, melted, Vi cup sugar, and Vi cup water. Cook over low flame until smooth and thick. Cool slight ly. Double the recipe for three 10 inch layers. Felicity Frosting. 2 egg whites, unbeaten 2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed Dash of salt 7 tablespoons water Combine egg whites, sugar, salt and water in top of double boiler, beating with rotary egg beater un til thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water, beat constant ly with rotary egg beater, and cook 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in peaks. Remove from Are, but allow to remain over hot wa ter, and beat 2 minutes longer. Place over cold water and continue beating 3 minutes. Makes enough frosting to cover top and sides of two 9-inch layers. • • • Just like mother used to make. That’s what you’ll say when you taste the delicious cookies, ma le by the directions giv en below. When mother baked cookies she made > them rich with - butter and usual ly full of fruit, like: Fig Oatics. Boil 5 minutes in water to cover: 14 cups dried figs Drain, clip stems and cut figs into thin strips (scissors are handy). Cream together: 1 cup butter 2 cups beet or cane sugar Add: 3 eggs, beaten Blend well, then add liquids: V* cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift together and add: 14 cups sifted all-purpose flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Add: Figs 5 cups quick-cooking oats Stir until well blended, then drop by small spoonfuls onto greased cooky *heet and flatten slightly. Bake in moderately hot oven, 400 degrees F., for 13 to 15 minutes. Press a nut meat, strips of fig or cherry into tops before baking if desired. For a glazed top, brush with hot honey after baking and place under broiler for a minute or two. Makes 54 dozen medium-sized cookies. • • • Do you recall the old cracker bar rel? It was a necessity in days gone by when homemakers often made their own crackers, and even their own baking powder and bread start er. Thinking that perhaps in your spare moments you might like to try your hand at cracker making, I'm including a recipe. Crackers Made With Yeast. 4 package granular yeast 1 pint warm water 14 quarts flour 1 tablespoon salt V4 cup sour milk 4 cup shortening 1 teaspoon soda Set sponge of yeast, water and j flour at night. In the morning add | the other ingredi- ___ ents and flour to stiffen very stiff. • Pound with roll ing pin. Fold over and pound again. Continue until the dough is smooth. Place on a lightly floured board and roll in a thin sheet. Cut in squares and punch holes on top with a fork. Place in ungreased pans and bake in a 400-degree F. oven. These are j inexpensive and very good! j (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Lf CMnO Scott WntiOH (Released by Western Newspaper Union.1 That Famous Bixby Letter IT HAS been called -the world's most famous letter.” also "the most sublime letter ever penned by the hand of man," and few persons who have read it will disagree with the aptness of either characteriza | Uon. For both refer to the message 1 which Abraham Lincoln sent to Mrs. Lydia Bixby of Boston in 1864 when i he was told that she had lost five sons on the field of battle. This letter has also been called "a beautiful blunder.” because it was inspired by an erroneous re port of the facts in the case. Iv is true that Mrs. Bixby had five sons in the Union army. However, only two of them were killed in battle. Of the other three, one was honorably discharged after two years’ service and two were—deserters! Now there is good reason to be lieve that another blunder has been made in regard to the Bixby letter— that Abraham Lincoln did not write it at all and that the often-repro duced facsimiles, including this one: dt flu. S. .^. 4-u., A-. J 4u 4 pJL 4—^ y off. y— AU *4 A^4a y 4— *«! ft.-f — *4 y4«t. yy*u/ 4. -uA ua f 4- y •4AAM, dLt y tuuA -./—.A. are forgeries of the handwriting of the man who actually penned it! Those are the conclusions of a his torian whose research has turned up some startling facts about this fa mous epistle. He is Sherman Day Wakefield, secretary of the Lincoln Fellowship of New York and author of the book, "How Lincoln Became President.” Two years ago Mr. Wakefield wrote an article for the February issue of the magazine, Hobbies, in which his conclusions were that "we cannot be sure whether Lincoln wrote the . letter to Mrs. Blxby or not, al though it appears doubtful, but we can be sure that we have neither the original nor any true facsim ile copy of the original and that none of the cur rent reproduc tions was made from the origi- sf nal." Since then, /{/&<* Mr. Wakefield’s investigations have confirmed his suspicions of the authenticity of the letter and led him to the conclusion that Lincoln was neither the au thor, nor the actual writer, of it The man who was both was John Hay, Lincoln’s secretary! Mr. Wakefield presents the evi dence to support that conclusion in an article, “Who Wrote Lincoln’s Letter to Mrs. Bixby?’’, which ap peared in the February, 1941, issue of Hobbies. For John Hay himself confided to at least two men that he, instead of Lincoln, had written the Bixby letter. One of them was Wal ter Hines Page, American ambas sador to England during Wilson’s administration, and the other was Viscount Morley, the distinguished British statesman and author. “Here we have two different accounts . . . involving different men of un impeachable veracity . . . which agree that John Hay said he was the author of the Bixby letter," writes Mr. Wakefield. “If it were possible to doubt one story, it is ex tremely unlikely that both stories can be dismissed.” Mr. Wakefield proves that Hay often imitated Lincoln’s handwriting when he was the President’s secre tary and that many documents, be lieved to be in Lincoln’s handwrit ing, are actually the work of Hay’s pen. It is not likely that any ques tion of the authorship of the Bixby letter came up while Lincoln was still living, for his assassination oc curred less than five months after it was written. When it became so famous, Hay naturally was reluc tant to claim then that he, rather than the martyred President, was the author. But, as Mr. Wakefield points out, "he did feel that in jus tice to the truth and to himself, the fact of his authorship should not be lost to the world, and so he chose to tell at least two outstanding men of his time that he had written it.’’ # • • • The letter to Mrs. Bixby was sent to Adjutant-General Schouler of Massachusetts who delivered it in person to Mrs. Bixby on November 124, 1864. Its text was printed for the first time in the Boston Tran script on Friday, November 24, and the following morning both the Bos ton Advertiser and the Boston Jour nal carried it. The first facsimile ap peared in 1891 when Michael F. To , bin of New York applied for a copy | right for one but whether or not he had the original, or if it is still in existence, is still a mystery. I I F (Associated Newspapers.) WNU Service. .—.— . EREMY’S father, Damon Slade, who owned the big Bar S cattle ranch, the range of which bordered on the iatema tlonal line, had warned Jeremy re peatedly never to ride into Jurano unless accompanied by one or more Bar S riders. All of which served only to whet Jeremy’s imagination and to promise himself that at the first opportunity he would pay Ju rano a visit without the protection of .Bar S riders, or any other riders. Jeremy was only 19, and had been watched over pretty closely by a doting father. It hadn’t occurred to Damon that his son, like other men’s sons, must necessarily inves tigate the world a bit on his own hook. Jurano was, Jeremy discovered, everything that his father and the Bar S riders had warned him against. Jeremy hitched his sorrel mare to the rail in front of the most preten tious looking saloon and headed for the door. His spurs clinked musi cally as he came up the steps. He swaggered a bit as he crossed the narrow veranda. He cocked his pearl gray Stetson at a rakish angle as he pushed open the twin doors and stepped inside the barroom. The barroom was practically de serted. A number of waiters were arranging tables preparatory to the evening’s business An orchestra was tuning up on a raised platform. A barkeep was swabbing the mahog any. Jeremy hooked his heel in the brass rail, leaned an elbow on the bar and ordered whisky. By turn ing his back he prevented the bar keep from seeing the wry expression on his face as he took his first drink. Jeremy hitched his sorrel mare to the rail. Things were beginning to reel a lit tle by the time the contents of the glass was consumed, and Jeremy strode swaggeringly over to a table. For want of something better to do he poured himself another drink and slowly sipped it. It seemed like hours later that Jeremy found himself sitting at the same table with a half-dozen con genial companions, all of whom were uproariously drunk and in good spir its. A small, bellicose-looking man was standing on a chair making a speech. Jeremy strained his ears to catch the words. “—Americans are all pigs; pigs and dogs.” Jeremy stood up, reeling. He wasn’t so drunk, he told himself, but what he could resent such an insult. Grasping the table’s edge for sup port, he struck out and knew dimly that his blow had caught the belli cose speechmaker in the stomach. Down he tumbled, folding up like an envelope. Jeremy heard roars of applause and laughter. Then someone seized him from behind, thrust him back ward. Jeremy couldn’t remember exactly what happened after that, but when he came to his senses again the barroom was practically deserted. The orchestra was pre paring to go home for the night. He looked around ahd found that he was seated at the same table, and that there was a man with a waxed mus tache seated beside him. Jeremy shook his head. What s happened? I been here all night?” “Ah, m’sieu ees feeling better. Perhaps m’sieu had better rest be fore eet ees time for the duel.” “Duel? What duel?” “M’sieu does not remember. The duel you have promised to fight with Andre LaValle tomorrow at sunrise. M’sieu LaValle is the man you struck while he made zee speech. He ees also zee greatest pistol shot in all the countree about Jurano. I am m’sieu's second." “Do you mean to say I promised to fight a duel tomorrow at sun rise?” “Exactly, m’sieu.’’ “But, look here! I was drunk. I can’t remember." “Ah, but M’sieu LaValle was also drunk. He ees insulted.” “Well, let him be insulted. I’m i getting out of here.” “But no. Eet ees a matter of ! honor that m’sieu remain.” j Jeremy ran a hand through his hair and tried to think clearly. He remembered hearing stories about men who had refused to fight in duels. There was a name for that type of individual. Great heavens! j What had he got himself in for? The man with the mustache was j speaking again. “Ees eet that j m’sieu is a good shot?” I Jeremy thought he detected a note of anxiety in the man's voice Things weren't at all clear, but he decided to bluff along as far as he could. “Good shot? Well, maybe I’m a bit rusty now\ At the last in-1 ternational shoot, I only came in sec ond." “Second!” The mustached man’s ' eyes popped open. There was nc ! doubt now about the anxiety of his tones. He stood up. “If m’sieu will but wait, I will make zee arrange ments for tomorrow." Then he was gone. Jeremy slumped forward, resting his head on his hands. He felt weak and sick and lonely . . . When Jer emy again opened his eyes, the room was dimly illuminated with daylight. He sat up, thankful at last his head was clear. He got to his feet and started for the door. About to descend into the street he saw a group of men approaching. At sight of him they set up a whoop and came running toward the steps. “Hello, young fellow. Well, w'e're betting on you. How you feeling?” They were Americans, and they had come to watch him fight his duel! Jeremy suddenly felt weak again, remembering his boast about the international shoot. Without waiting for his reply, two of the Americans picked him up and with shouts of joy set him astride the sorrel. Within a minute’s time he found himself the center of a group of riders, galloping toward the outskirts of the town. A mile or so beyond the outskirts they came upon a group of men beneath a cotton wood tree. Jeremy saw the mus tached man of the night previous, and a small bellicose individual, whom he judged to be LaValle. At sight of the Americans the mus tached man approached, singled out the leader of the Americans, and called him to one side. They were in conference for fully three min utes, at the end of which time the big American returned to where Jer emy was still sitting astride the sor rel. “Well, young fellow, I guess you’re out of luck. The great LaValle is willing to meet you half way. Says he'll apologize for what he said, if you'll apologize for hitting him. You must have said something to Mr. Mustache to scare them off.” A great wave of relief surged through the youth. He struggled to maintain an attitude of indifference rather than thanksgiving . . . Once back in town Jeremy left the Americans and started for home. His one objective now was to put Jurano as far behind him as pos sible in the quickest possible time. Back at the saloons the big Amer ican and his companions were laughing till the tears rolled down their cheeks. They felt quite sure that they had obeyed old Damon Slade’s order and “thrown a scare into his son,” and had a good time while doing it. They doubted if young Jeremy Slade would care to visit Jurano again right away on his own hook. Hollywood Models ‘Paint’ Picture of Ideal Husband Models aren’t choosy about what they want in their husbands-to-be— all they ask is that he be an average guy. No Adonis need apply for a matri monial position with the majority of the members of the Hollywood Model club, a recent poll of their shapely ranks showed, but Pamela Paul, executive secretary, said they did set forth these requirements: Height, five feet 10 inches; weight, 170 pounds. Can be one-quarter bald, but must have most of his own teeth and aver age health. Under this comes ‘‘we’ll make allowances for hangover head aches and nervous indigestion.” He must play duffer golf, fair poker, lousy bridge and passable ping-pong or badminton. At least three suits—one not snmy. Grouchy before breakfast, but “sweet” afterward; loyal to his friends; Indifferent to his enemies, violently partisan in opinions and take his wife for granted! Must be a garden putterer, like home life, kids and dogs, but will be required to get mad at all of them occasionally. “And that," Miss Paul said the models were agreed, “is the kind of guy you don’t find in Hollywood!” “We ought to know!” chorused Wendy Wood, Normajeanne Jordan ! and Florence Lundeen, models who | said they had been conducting a quiet bit of research on the side ' in a vain effort to discover their ideal man. Vincent Van Gogh German invasion of The Nether lands did not prevent issue of the announced 1940 summer ’bultural semi-postals, scheduled for release May 11, the day after Hitler’s armies crossed the border. But oc cupations did delay arrival of the stamps in United States. Included in the series of five stamps, picturing Dutch notables, is Vincent Van Gogh, painter. Van Gogh is a newcomer to philately's portrait gallery. Simple, hard-working people were the artist’s favorite subjects. His early paintings of miners, labor ers and peasants were heavy, dark and dull. Later, however, Van Gogh was persuaded to use bright colors. His technique was not sci entific and calculated, but almost barbaric in its emotion. At 35 the artist suffered a nervous breakdown, threatened to stab a friend,. Then repentant, he cut of! his own ear. The last two years of his life were spent in a hospital for insane. He comitted suicide in 1890. Farm Topics y GOOD PASTURE REQUIRES ‘REST’ Planned Control Increases Profits on Livestock. By F. V. BURCALOW (Extension Agronomist. University of Wisconsin) Good pastures that provide an abundance of nutritious and succu lent forage throughout the grazing season also help the farmer who has them to produce livestock and dairy products at a profit. Present pasture grasses and leg umes will not remain productive un der continuous close grazing during the entire season. In most areas a planned series of pastimes is needed to provide an abundance of succu lent forage throughout the entire grazing period. Available permanent pasture should be used as the basis of a planned pasture program. Perma nent pastures need to be improved and most of them will respond to an improvement program. Many have been taken too much for granted and are now weed infested and unproductive. Depleted soil fer tility and continuous over grazing are two important factors causing this condition. Most of these pas tures are hungry for nitrogen and need to be fed. Soil and climatic conditions determine whether the nitrogen should be fed in forms of commercial nitrogen fertilizers or through the use of legumes which can make atmospheric nitrogen available for use by the grasses. For pastures in which the grasses normally used are subject to periods of drouth dormancy, nitrogen is most economically provided by use of drouth resistant legumes. The old adage “Take care of the legumes and the grasses will take care of themselves” could well be used as a rule for the improvement of permanent pastures, especially those which periodically suffer from drouth. A good program would con sist of replenishing the soil with ade quate supplies of lime, phosphate, and potash for the growth of leg umes, working these minerals into the soil and preparing a seed bed so that legumes could be estab lished. The improved area should then be fenced so that grazing can be regu lated to aid in establishing and main taining the stand of legumes. Protein Supplement Helps Beef Cattle Gain Finish Sam L. Williams, assistant exten sion animal husbandman of N. C. State college, has an answer to the question: "Can beef be pro duced without a protein supple ment?” This is what he has been telling beef cattle breeders and feeders who have asked the question in re cent weeks: “In my opinion it can be done, but it is neither practical nor profitable." Then he goes on to explain that the important thing to the cattle producer is how much weight and finish he can put on his cattle and how long it will require. Efficient production is essential to greatest profit in any business, and this is especially true in the cattle busi ness. Some of the more common protein supplements are cottonseed meal, soybean meal, linseed meal, and corn gluten meal. All of these are about equal in feeding value. Williams explained that the econ omy of feeding a protein supple ment lies in the fact that such feeds are responsible for more efficient utilization of feed, larger gains, higher finish, and a greater selling price. Insurance on Wheat Reaches New High A record number of crop in surance contracts—420,077—has been written as protection on the 1941 wheat crop in 36 states, ac cording to Leroy K. Smith, man ager of the Federal Crop Insur ance corporation. This number exceeded by 41, 917 the 378,160 contracts written on both winter and spring wheat last year. The 1941 contracts guarantee growers a total produc tion of 110,591,202 bushels of wheat from 10,946,284 insured acres. “This is the third successive year that the federal crop insur ance program has shown consist ent gains in the number of con tracts guaranteeing wheat grow ers protection from all unavoida ble hazards," the manager said. Care for Parasites A drug called phenothiazine will aid the farmer in ridding horses, cattle, swine and other domestic animals of internal parasites, ac cording to Carrol E. Howell, man ager of the University of Califor nia’s W. K. Kellogg institute of ani 1 mal husbandry. 1 It was found that thi treatmen* ^ completely eliminated stomach worms in 37 of the animals and was ; from 78 to 95 per cent effective in the other eight. Pattern No. Z9278 PARMER BROWN’S little boy, 1 patched overalls, straw hat and polka-dot neckerchief, poses for a most practical cutout. He gladly holds a hose and sprinkles lawn or garden the whole day through. * • * In 16-inch size, the outlines for this over all boy are on Z9278, 15 cents. Trace him on plywood or thin lumber, cut out with jig. coping or keyhole saw and paint a* suggested on the pattern, or as you wish. General cutout directions accompany the order. Send your order to: AUNT MARTHA Box 166-W Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No... Name ... Address ... J. Fuller Pep By JERRY LINK. Cousin Carrie has things figured out. "Fuller,” says she, passln’ me my second helpin’ of KELLOGG’S PEP, “the reason you’re a go-getter Is because you’re a come-backer.” And I got to admit, KELLOGG’S PEP has got me goln’ and cornin’ —goln’ and gettln’ things done and cornin’ back for more PEP each mornln’. That’s what comes of gettln’ all your vitamins, KELLOGG’S PEP hasn’t got ’em all, of course, but It’s extra-long In the two that are extra-short In lots o’ people’s meals—vitamins Bi and D. ffeMpjir PEP A cereal rich in vitamins B, and D Sin of Omission A wrong-doer is often a man that has left something undone, not always he that has done some thing.—Marcus Aurelius. Spray with "Black Leaf 40.” One ounce makes six gallons of effective aphis spray. Use "Black Leaf 40” on aphis, leafhop pers, leaf miners, young sucking bugs, lace bugs, mealy bugs and most thrips, wherever found on flowers, trees or shrubs, or garden crops. 4,61 Tobacco By-Products & LoutavOMJKaintuclw ^ Working of Rumor Rumor does not always err; it sometimes even elects a man.— Tacitus. ".. . ..* 'Today’s popularity of Doan’s Pills, after many years of world wide ur.e, surely must ■ B • J I B fl ■ ■ lie accepted as evidencs of satisfactory use. HHBHBMI^^B And favorable public opinion supports that of the able physicians who test the value of Doan’s under exacting laboratory conditions. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read, the objective of which is only to recommend Doan's Pills as a good diuretic treatment for disorder oi the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot stay in the bipod without in jury to health, there would be better un derstanding of why the whole body suffers when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica tion would be more often employed. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney function. You may suffer nagging back ache, persistent headache, attacks of diz ziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffi ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, all played out. Use Doan's Pills. It Is better to rely on » a medicine that has won world wide ac claim than on something less favorably known. Ask your neighbor/ WNU—U19—41 I BARGAINS | jr—* j JI —that will save you many a ;! ;; dollar will escape you if ;; <’ you fail to read carefully and j; ! regularly the advertising of <; local merchants » * » <; |jjN_THJS_P»PEII j