The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 24, 1941, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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SEVEN ROOM House, partly
modern with garage and two lot®.
Two blocks from school.—Dick
Tomlinson. O’Neill. 50-4
WHITE Blossom sweet Clover seed;j
also used tractors and listers.—
F. M. Keating & Sons, Atkinson.
®E1) CEDAR POSTS, All Sizes.—
Earl Wrede, O’Neill. 45-26p
machine, 2 burner oil stove, chairs,
Aladdin lamp, oil lamps, dishes,
glassware, kitchen utensils.—
Mi s. James W. Rooney, O’Neill.
- ... — ..A, ■■ .
SADDLES and Riding Equipment.
Send for new catalog up to date
styles. Reasonable prices.—Harp,
ham Brothers, Lincoln. 49-2
SEVEN Room House. Good price
and Terms.—Ed Hall. 49-2 j
bushel. Feterita seed, short stem
kind, $1.50 ' per Cwt.—Harry
Smith, Walnut, NeLr. 50-4p
Piano. Can be Seen hi O’Neill.
*1 .50 weekly. Term*. Wr.itej
Credit Manager, 1800 27th Street,
Sioux City, Iowa. 50-1 p
~ ? - -.■
FOR SALE: My residence and six
lots on W^st Clay Street. 1 Stager
A Son grand piano; One G.M.C.
Frigadirre, practically new.—J. S.
Knnis, at Shoe Hospital. 47-4
’TWO ROW Tractor Lister, 2-row
Eli, Riding plow, 7-foot Disk.—
Ed Hall. 49-2
Required under our plan. Six
dollars provided for bond. No
•other investment. If you have
car and want business of your
own write S. F. Baker & Co.,
Keokuk, Iowa. 50-3p
..Read the Frontier. SI-I
BAWLEIGH ROUTE available at
once. Good opportunity for man
over 25 with car. Write at once.
Rawleisrh’s. Dept. NBD-252-105.
Freeport, 111. 50-1
Wanted Cattle Pastured
FIFTY HEAD.—Mrs. T. F.Dono
hoe. O’Neill. *48-3
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence ( Dr. Brown, 223
Phones ) Dr. French, 242
O’Neill Abstract Co.
C. F. & Mabel McKenna
Real Estate - Insurance!
~ | Insurance of All Kinds j
jj O’Neill, Nebraska j
(First publication April 10, 1941)
(Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.)
Estate No. 2811
In the County Court of Holt
'County, Nebraska, April 8, 1941.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Daniel Andrew Kief, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that the
Administratrix with Will Annexed
of said estate has filed in this court
her final report and a petition for
final settlement and distribution pf
the residue of said estate; and that
said report and petition will be
heard April 30, 1941, at 10 o’clock,
A. M-, at the County Court Room
in O’Neill Nebraska, when all per
sons interested may appear and be
heard concerning said final report
and the distribution of said estate.
48-3 County Judge.
-(First publication April 17, 1941)
To: William D. Fernald; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all other per
*ons interested in the estate of
William D. Fernald, Deceased, real
names unknown; G. W\ Fernald;
-the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the Estate of
41 W. Fernald, Deceased, real
names unknown; Chari©** E. Fer
nald; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the
Estate of Charles E. Fernald, De- j
ceased, real names unknown; Maria
G. Fernald; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested
in the Estate of Maria G. Fernald,
Deceased, real names unknown;
Etta May Bowbeer; the heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal represent
atives and all other persons in
terested in the Estate of Etta May
Bowbeer, Deceased, real names
unknown; E. W. Wall; and all per
sons having or claiming any in
terest in the North Half of the
.Southwest Quarter ami the South
Half of the Northwest Quarter of
Section Thirteen, Township Thirty
one North, Range Nine, West of
the Sixth P. M., Holt County,
Nebraska, real names unknown,
and each of you, are hereby noti
fied that on the 15th day of April,
A. D.. 1941, the Plaintiff, V. C. Elis,
filed his petition in the District
Court of Holt County, Nehrasku,
against you, and each of you, the
object and prayer of which petition
is to quiet and confirm in the
Plaintiff the title and possession
of the real estate above described
and to exclude you, and each of
you, from any right, title or in
terest in or to said real estate and
to remove the clouds cast on plain
tiff’s title by reason of your claims.
You are required to answer said
Petition on or before the 2fith day
of May, A. D.. 1941.
V. C. ELIS, Plaintiff.
By Julius D. Cronin.
49-4 ' His Attorney.
A meeting will be held at the
Paddock Union Church on Monday,
April 28 at 8:30 P. M., to arrange
for the annual Decoration Day ex
A. L. Borg, Pres.
The local representative of the
Travelers Insurance Company,
EMimet Moore, reports that they
sold a sixteen hundred acre ranch
south of Emmet to D. C. Schaffer
for sixteen thousand dollars.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bergstrom
drove to Omaha on Sunday, where
they meet their son, Leonard, of
Los Angeles, California, who will
spend his two weeks vacation hen
Charley Daly and daughter,
Dianna, returned to their home in
Omaha on Friday after visiting
his mother, Mrs. A. Daly and his
sister and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Harrington.
The baseball boys will have a
meeting next Saturday at 8 o’
clock at Tomlinson’s liquor store
for the purpose of organizing for
the coming season. First spring
practice next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Graybill of David
City, Nebraska, spent Friday and
Saturday here visiting their
daughter, Miss Marjorie, music
instructress at the O’Neill High
j School and attended the music con
i test.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Verzal drove
j to Stuart on Sunday, and brought
I Mrs. Verzal’s father, Ed Burge,
home from the Stuart hospital,
where he has been for the past
month. Ed is getting along nicely
and expects to be around shortly.
Harold Nelson of Columbus, Ne
braska, spent the week end here
visiting friends. Harold will leave
on May 1st for New Jersey, where
he has accepted a position as chem
ist for the United Rubber Com
i pany.
D. G. McDonald, president of
the Brown-McDonald company, Ed
Pool-man, George Huford and Ar
thur Edwards, all of Hastings,
and officials of the Brown-Mc
Donald Company, were in O’Neill
on business, Tuesday.
—.. i. ,
Mrs. W. R. Graves entertained
j the Bid or Bye Club at a seven
thirty o’clock dessert luncheon at
her home on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Warren T. Barhuff of Fresno,
California, was given a guest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sauers
left on Saturday for La Mars,
Iowa, where Mr. Sauers has ac
cepted a position with the J. C.
Penny store in that city. Mr. Sau
ers sold the store which he owned
and operated at Sargent, Nebras
ka, for the past few years.
Lester Shoemaker, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Shoemaker of this
city, who has been employed by
the Cudahy Packing Company at
Alma, Nebraska, for the past
three years has received notice of
his appointment to the civil ser
vice office in Omaha and will en
ter upon his duties on May 1st.
t Several complaints have . been
made to the city oficials about the
number of beys who are shooting
BB guns and air rifles in the city.
If this promiscious shooting con
tinues some one is liable to get
hurt and the boys as well as the
officers will be in trouble, so the
boys are warned to stop the prac
Donald Bowen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Bowen of this city, has
been appearing in the Omaha Audi
torium the past week as a mem-,
ber of the Plainsmen Quartette of
Wesleyn University. The real es
tate dealers of the Omaha com
munity sponsored a Builders Pro
gramme, and the quartette ap
peared under their sponsorship.
Mrs. Gerald Graybeil and Miss
Helen Sullivan entertained their
bridge club at a miscellaneous
shower in honor of Miss Johanna
Englehaupt on Thursday evening.
Miss Englehaupt won high at
bridge, Mrs. Jack Arbuthnot, the
all cut, Mrs, Ed Verzal, average
and Miss Margaret Hammond,
Marx Peterson left Monday
morning for Elkhtd|n, Wis., where
he expects to pdtk in the next
month, pending his call for army
service, which he is . expecting
within the next month or six
weeks. The Ff<ohtter' will visit
him each week at his new home
and keep him posted on the affairs
of the home community.
Farmers in all sections of the
county are enthusiastic over the
condition of the soil. In talking
to one of the real old timers on
Monday he said there had not
been an muih moisture in the soil
in this section any spring for the
past fifteen years than there is at
the present time, which he con
siders augers well for a come-back
of agriculture in this section of the
According to official reports re
leased by the Nebraska High
School Activities Association,
Northeast Nebraska led all other
communities in the returns from
the recent basket ball tournaments.
Norfolk was high in total receipts
in the Class A tournaments, while
O’Neill led in Class B. Neligh was
second, West Point third, and
Wayne fourth. Only in the Class
C tourneys did Northeast Nebras
ka lose the honors, when Minden
was first in total receipts.
The Rev. and Mrs, Clifford
Kline and his sister, Mrs. E. Claude
Gilkey, of Los Angeles, California,
were in the city last week visiting
old time friends and Rev. Kline
delivered a sermon r.t the Metho
dist church last Sunday morning.
Mi'. Kline and Mrs. Gilkey are the
son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Kline for many years residents
of this city and it had been their
first visit to O’Neill since leaving
the city for the west coast thirty
four years ago. Mrs. Gilkey will
be remembered here as Miss Maud
Kline and she and her brother had
a pleasant time while in the city
visiting their old time friends and
former schoolmates. They left
for the west end of the state Mon
day afternoon.
St.John’s Four H
Round Up Club
The second meeting of St. John’s
4-H Round Up Club was held on ;
Tuesday evening, April 15th at St.,
John’s hall.
Four new members were enroll
ed—James 'Hupp, Ja?nes Thramer."
Max Thramer, apd Adylow^ Thiele,
bringing our membership up to 20.
The rrteetfng'wa^ called to order
by oUr President, (Walter Lange.;
The members were given a “Ne-.
braska Boys and Girls 4-H Club.
Member Book.’,’
The main piyhl^m discussed at
this meeting w5?the reports to he
given bac\i rhbmber at? oUr next^
meeting on ^the* topic*, contained,
in our Club Member Books.
is * \ *
We were very much pleased to
have Mr*. Woe Thrnme/,* ^lf. Carl
Th*V7 %i.r£ thramrr 'and|
F’ather Beyersdarfer at our meet-;
The motion was made by Andy
Hupp to adjourn and was seconded
by Louis ThielA,
Our next meeting will be held
Tuesday evening, April 20th at St.
John’s Hall at 8 P. M.
Kathryn F’unk,
News Reporter.
.. 11 ...
CASH at Once I
We advance money on ail IB
makes of cars—without delay IB
or bothersome details—and B
without co-makers or en- B
dorsers. The most conven- B
ient way to get rash in a B
hurry and at low rates. If K
your car isn’t paid for, ask B
about our thrifty refinancing K
plan. Usually we can re- B
duce payments as much as B
one-third to one-half and pro- B
vide extra cash besides. Sg
For Quick Convenient Loans B
—See— B
Central Finance I
Corporation 1
Prompt Courteous Service B
1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’Neill B
C. E. Jones, Mgr. B
Loans made in nearby towns. B
39 th
Savings to You!
Full Fashioned!
All Pure Silk!
New Spring Shades!
Fast Color
Bright Prints!
Florals! Stripes!
Anniversary Special!
VW per yd.
Men and Boys
Tough, brown canvas
with brown trim and
rubber toe guards.
Rubber soles— heels
Trimmed & Tailored!
Very Nicely Made!
Anniversary Special!
Misses and Childrens
Sturdy Weight, com
bed cotton. All colors.
Anniversary Feature
Indian Design
Sturdy Cotton.
Clear, Soil-Resistant
70” x 80”
• *• T
r. •' • *■ - 5
Happy Horae Project Club
Our club was entertained by
Mrs. M. A. Schollskoff at her home
on Wednesday. April 18. All mem
bers but one and four visitors
were present.
Our hostess served a delicious
lunch at noon after which Leader
A., Mrs. John Grutsch took up with 1
the members the unfinished busi
ness of last meeting. Mrs. Arthur
O’Neill and Mrs. John Hynes are
our new leaders A and B for the
coming year. Mrs. M. A. Scholl*-!
koff for president, Mrs. D. L. I
Moler, Secretary and Treasurer.!
and Mrs. Blake Benson, music
We also have three new mem
bers, Mrs. Axel Borg, Mrs. Orville
Lowry and Mrs. Geo. Nelson.
At the close of the business
meeting cards were played, Mrs.
Bernard Hynes receiving high
score and Mrs. Orville Lowry low
Members and visitors were in
vited to attend Achievement Day
April 24, at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mils. Barton Walton an-1
nounce the birth of a daughter on ■
Moday, April 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham i
announce the birth oT a daughter,
on Monday, April 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martens of
Emmet, announce the birth of a
son, Bryan William on Thursday,
April 17th.
(Continued from page 1.)
Girls’ Glee Club—Stuart.
Boys’ Glee Club—Elgin; Stuart.
Mixed Chorus—St. Mary’s; Ew
ing; Stuart; Ericson.
Mixed Chorus—Ericson.
Girls’ Glee Club—Sacred Heart.
Boys’ Glee Club—Valentine; O’.
Girls’ Glee Club—Valentine.
Band—Ewing; Spencer.
Saturday, April 26
—Music By—
And His Fine Band.
Coming May 3rd
Farmers - - Ranchers
Livestock prices remain good and the De
mand is active.
— Our Aim Is To Please You —
• ' * * . ^ t > ^ •» v
— . ......
' • -- V \* . .»
Phone 2 ■O’Neill, Nebr.
■■ |% Vi jm CUSTOM-MADE
I 11 !■ ma TOUR BOOK
Beats the old "mess of maps” like concrete
roads beat gumbo. Beats anything sold, yet
your de luxe Conoco Touraide* is FREE —
only at Your Conoco Mileage Merchant’s
station. Ask today. And as fast as personal
care permits, your specially made Touraide
is delivered FREE.
Your vacation thrills start the instant you
and your family open this free costly metal
hinged book. It’s full of everything you
asked for, and even more.. .Your main route
precision-marked ... Other routes and side
trips selected for you .. . Color-photos and
facta that keep you from missing things ...
For short local trips, if in a big
hurry, ask Your Mileage Merchant
for state road maps and his local
information about routes.
Camp, hotel and resort information com
plete. Special stickers for mail ser'flce en
route come with your Touraide — FREE.
No obligation. Touraides earn good will,
of course. But after all, Your Mileage Mer
chant depends on the plain proof of good
mileage to sell his Conoco Bronz-z-z gasoline
and Germ Processed oil. You can measure
your Conoco Bronz-z-z gasoline mileage; you
can feel the hill-power. And you can see
how well your Germ Processed oil level
stays up. Here’s oil that “joins up”with en
gine parts—keeps them surfaced with oil
plating, which can’t all quickly drain down,
but stays up on guard in advance against
wear. Your Mileage Merchant, is the man
to oil-plate your engine , , . And Your
Mileage Merchant is the man to get your
custom-built Touraide book for you ALL
FREE. See him today.
Arbuthnot Oil Co.
► . ^ ^ -«y- • -m ■ * -w«
Across From Library
O’Neill, Nebraska