THE 8TORY SO FAR: More than
800,000 foreign troops which had been
Mcretly transported to Mexico suddenly
Invaded the United States. Intelligence
Officer Denning had discovered their
plans while a spy In Mexico City where
he had gained the confidence of Ftncke
and Bravot, two enemy officers, but
a a a
hit warnings had gone unheeded. The
President was hilled when Washington
was bombed. General Brill, commander
of tins U. S. army in Texas, was op
posed by greatly superior forces led
by Van Hasselt. In spite of Brill’s des
perate resistance, Van Hassek's troops
pushed relentlessly forward. Returning
to Washington, Bennlng met Fine lev who
had come there to do espionage work
for his government, but continued to
pose as a friend. Bennlng soon un
earthed the vast spy ring that was op
erating In this country to learn military
secrets and sabotage production.
Now continue with the story,
a a a
Colonel Flagwill was asleep at his
desk when Benning reported at the
War Department in mid-afternoon.
The G-2 Chief woke with a start
and vigorously shook himself into
full wakefulness.
“You’ve certainly justified your
existence again!" Flagwill ex
claimed, smiling at his assistant.
“We’ve already ordered the prompt
arrest of all Andes stockholders—
innocent and guilty alike. That
means the biggest spy roundup in
history. We can separate sheep from
goats after we’ve arrested the whole
lot. Now is no time for half meas
Benning said, “I’m sorry Bravot
got away, sir.”
“He’ll be a magician,” Flagwill
vowed, “if he gets through the nets
we’ve laid for him.”
As Flagwill turned back to nil lit
tered desk, his eye fell upon a pen
ciled memorandum. He looked up
sharply at Benning.
“I've just found another little
chore for you—to sit in on a very
secret party row over successor to
the Presidency.” Flagwill lowered
his voice and spoke rapidly. "A par
tisan intrigue to force Senator Tan
nard, Secretary of State, out of the
line of succession. It all hinges on
the fact that Tannard received an
interim appointment from the Presi
dent last fall, when Secretary Hinges
died. Tannard has not yet been con
firmed by the Senate.
“Now, if Congress rejects Tan
nard’s appointment, the Presidency
falls by law to Judge Baucom, Sec
retary of the Treasury. Since Bau
com is party leader and wheel
horse, it is likely that a swift party
coup will bring this about, as Tan
nard may not want to make a fight
for his confirmation under all the
On reaching Capitol Hill a few
minutes before four o’clock, Ben
ning passed the House Chamber,
went downstairs, and took the tun
nel-trolley across to the Senate Of
fice Building.
The selected senators, leaders of
the party in power, were just ar
riving when Benning reached the
Baucom conference room and was
admitted by a Baucom secretary.
Secretary Baucom rose promptly
when the door closed on the last of
those he had summoned. Baucom
was a large man, square-faced,
straight-lipped, with friendly, level
gray eyes.
"Friends, I must announce that
there will be a slight delay,” Bau
com said abruptly. His eyes ran
slowly from face to face as if to test
the mettle of those present against
what he had to say. "I have Just
sent for Secretary Tannard.”
Benning saw an interchange of
astonished glances among those
present and felt his own brows knot
at Baucom’s astounding announce
ment. Tannard long had been known
as the particular political foe of Sec
retary Baucom.
"My reason for asking Tannard
here,” he said in a low, determined
voice, “is I consider him the man
best qualified among all of us to
lead the country through our pres
ent crisis."
Senator Vren, veteran Senate
leader, was on his feet. In his taut
face was reflected the prevalent as
tonishment at Baucom’s invitation
to Tannard.
Please be informed, sir, mat i
consulted the majority opinion be
fore we came here. Therefore, I
speak their opinion as well as my
own when I inform you, sir, that
it is your distinguished self we in
tend to name President of the Unit
ed States, and this by the simple
method of disqualifying Secretary
Baucom’s face softened to a
serene smile, but he slowly shook
his massive gray head.
"I appreciate the honor you pay
me, Vren,” he interrupted. “But
we face an emergency, gentlemen,
in which men are going to surrender
their lives to their sense of duty
just as Captain Boll did. That makes
It very easy for me to surrender so
small a thing as my personal ambi
tion. From now on we must re
solve to smash party considerations.
Our national crisis is serious enough
without divisions among ourselves.
I must set a personal example and
confess to you frankly that I am
too old and lack the vigor and,
frankly, the abilities that are need
ed at this time."
He paused a moment, his eyes
fixed defiantly on Vren, then he went
on in a milder voice.
“If your minds, gentlemen, are
free of purely partisan prejudices,
you will not challenge my proposal
of Tannard for President. Tannard
has comparative youth and vigor.
As Secretary of State, while he is
new in that position, be is the law
ful successor, unless we disqualify
him on mere technicality. He has
brains and guts and he has both
feet on the ground. He is the man
we need to lead us in this emergen
cy, and I intend to do everything
within my power looking to his con
Baucom broke off and hts eyes
searched each face again as if seek
ing challenge to the words he had
spoken. Only a stunned silence met
him. His eyes lifted and a friendly
smile wreathed his face as the door
of the conference room opened. A
tall, erect man stood at the door,
gravely hesitant.
"Come right on in, Tannard,"
Baucom invited. He stepped for
ward to extend a congratulatory
hand and his smile widened as he
added, without formality: "I hope
your ht. rt is in good shape to stand
a hard shock, Senator. But the gen
tlemen present wish you to serve as
President of the United States. Your
confirmation will be voted without
serious opposition.”
Tannard’s alert eyes searched the
room. He was a man of fifty, physi
cally fit, appearing much younger
than his age. His face was angular,
strong-featured. Tannard looked the
born leader of men, man of action
governed by an active, orderly
In his steel-blue eyes there showed
no gleam of personal triumph at
Baucom's announcement. His emo
tional response was a tightening of
the muscles of his Jaw, a drawing
erect of his wide shoulders.
Tannard gave his answer in a
measured voice.
"Very good, gentlemen, if that is
your decision, I accept. Forgive me
“I hope your heart is good.”
if I have no platitudes of gratitude
to offer, nor promises of perform
ance. I will say only that I deeply
deplore the unhappy circumstance
that brings about my succession to
the Presidency. If your position be
confirmed by the Senate I will do
my best, and I will expect the full
est support from you and from ev
ery American. If there is nothing
further, gentlemen, I’ll excuse my
Van Hassek’s Austrian spy was
on hand at the Shoreharn promptly
at eight the next morning Fincke
was glum and jumpy as they or
dered breakfast, and from time to
time cast covert glances about the
"Why the jitters, Fincke?” Ben
ning asked him.
The Austrian took several nerv
ous gulps of coffee and said: “Some
thing's gone wrong, Bromlitz. I want
to get out of this town as quick as
“Heard anything from Bravot?
“No word from anybody, not since
the last time I saw you. I can’t fig
ure it out, but it’s there. Some
times I think I’m being watched and
G-2 has my number.” Fincke
pushed aside his unfinished break
fast and got up. “Come on, Brom
litz, let’s get out of this town!”
Benning asked, as they took a
taxicab to the depot, “Did Bravot
furnish you with travel authority?”
“Last I heard it was all fixed up.
All we have to do is 6how up at the
gangplank and say, ‘Passage for
Amsterdam, Stateroom twelve.’ ”
The Austrian turned suddenly to
Benning with suspicion glinting in
his eyes. “Say, Bromlitz, are you
asking for information, or just feel
ing me out?”
“Isn’t it natural, Fincke,” Ben
ning retorted, “for me to satisfy my
self you’ve really got authority to
go along? I hope you’re not going to
spoil everj thing by getting suspi
cious of me.”
“No, but after the deal I got from
Boggio, you can’t blame me for
wondering if I’m the goat,” Fincke
muttered. “Sorry if I rubbed you
the wrong way.”
Fincke’s fears relaxed somewhat
<Mt*\ ALiosJUttq 9*tiiaUmtU
when he and Benning reached New
York in early afternoon.
They went to Central Park and
walked about deserted paths until
time to go to the pier. Promptly
at four Fincke presented himself to
a hulking Norwegian first mate who
stood at the gangplank of the tramp
freighter, a single-funnel steamer.
The Fincke formula put them on
board without question. Benning not
ed, as they were escorted by a cab
in boy to their stateroom, that the
decks were deserted, no prepara
tions to sail were in evidence.
Fincke promptly slammed the
door, peeled off his cotton coat, and
sprawled on a bunk.
Benning threw off his coat, lay
down on his berth, and took up the
late New York editions he had
bought before coming aboard. Lat
er he meant to force the issue of a
reconnaissance of the ship in prep
aration for the Navy’s boarding par
Headlines screamed the defeat of
Mole’s Second Division, the capture
of San Antonio.
Mole s truck columns naa spea
his broken infantry and artillery to
a new position near Austin along the
Colorado River. There he was or
ganizing a new defensive position,
reinforced by Texas regiments. Van
Hassek columns were moving on
Austin for prompt attack.
Van Hassek had taken over San
Antonio at daybreak and established
headquarters in the City Hall at the
old Spanish Plaza. A subordinate.
General Alvido, had taken over the
government as military governor un
der a decree of martial law, hauled
down the American flag and hoisted
the saber flag over the city.
Alvido claimed all of Texas under
his decree. A Van Hassek truck
column was moving on Galveston to
occupy that city, and later, Houston.
Air raids had extended north last
night. Fort Worth, Dallas, and
Shreveport had been heavily pound
ed with the loss of hundreds of lives.
Terror was sweeping other south
ern cities. Little Rock, Oklahoma
City, Montgomery, Birmingham,
even Nashville and Atlanta were
within bombing range. There was
no anti-aircraft now available for
these cities. Thousands were flee
ing into the hills and countryside.
When he had sketched through the
day’s news, Benning sat up and
made a cast at Fincke.
“What gets me,” he complained,
“is why we have to go all the way
to Amsterdam when there’s so much
going on in these parts, Fincke.”
Fincke snapped erect, his eyes
blazing suspicion, and snarled, “You
know damned well we’re not going
to Amsterdam, Bromlitz! What’s
your game—always feeling me out!”
Benning coolly drawled, “Evident
ly you suspect I’m a spotter for
Boggio or Bravot. If that’s in your
mind, I resent it.”
"Sorry if I blew up again," Fincke
relented. “But we’re playing for
big game this time, Bromlitz. and
you can’t blame me for being touchy
after what happened before.
A Norwegian deckhand brought
dinner into their stateroom at six
o'clock. Two empty hours followed.
At eight o’clock the engines began
churning, the Norwegian tramp
eased out of her berth and headed
down the harbor.
Fincke brightened as the ship cast
off, then was attacked by a restless
ness that set him pacing the little
Dusk slowly deepened into night.
Benning knew that the ship was
spotted by Navy observers, that they
would take no chance of letting her
slip out of the harbor. He chafed
under his inability to break further
into the Fincke confidence or to ef
fect a survey of the ship passen
The Austrian suddenlj seized his
cotton coat and straw hat.
‘•All right, Bromlitz!” he ex
claimed excitedly. "It’s nine o’clock
and pitch dark. Here’s where we
move out!”
Benning followed the Austrian
down the unlighted deck. There was
a black huddle of figures at the rail
where Fincke halted. Benning’s
straining eyes, now adjusted to the
darkness, made out that the figures
were moving over the side.
In a moment Fincke vanished.
Benning hesitated, then groped his
way down the Jacob’s ladder. At
the bottom a gasoline launch
chugged tenaciously alongside in
choppy water. As Benning, follow
ing the others, stepped precariously
aboard, the launch cast off.
In the vague light shed by a lan
tern in the bow of the launch, Ben
ning slowly counted noses. There
were five passengers, two boatmen.
Benning saw that the man beside
whom he had found a seat was not
Fincke. An Intuition warned him,
his eyes verified the warning as he
traced out the man’s profile. The
passenger at his elbow was Bravot.
Van Hassek’s fugitive spymaster
silently stared Into the tfet night.
Benning’s hand sought the pocket of
his cotton coat and released the
safety lock of his automatic.
Battling Babies
To the majority of
American children Satur
day night means dunking.
To the 2,500 boys who 6<»
long to Kips Bay Boys'
club in Netv 1 ork, Satur
day night means battle.
The boxer with the highest
number of points gets a
watch. Age range, 6 to 21. i
This series of pictures
takes you tp the club. 1
Right: This little fellow j
is loaded for bear. The jj
gloves they use are well \
padded, so, except for a
bloody nose or tieo, no
damage is possible.
The gladiators are shown here weighing in for the bouts.
Weights range from 50 pounds to 135 pounds.
Upper right : Director John McCrory gives one of his gladiators
last-minute instructions. Below: And here is one of the encounters.
Two mosquito weights are belting away in the center of the ring.
The winnahl Referee Me
Crory holds up the hand of a
winner, who leaps into the air in
great glee.
Post-war . . . After a frolic in
the club pool, the ertswhile foes
meet in the locker rooms and re•
sume friendly relations.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
BECAUSE Carole Lombard
and Clark Gable interest
ed themselves in his career,
tall, handsome Reed Hadley,
who hails from Texas via
New York theater and radio
acting stopovers, appears to
be safely launched in Holly
He first attracted Miss Lombard's
attention a few weeks ago, when he
appeared with her on a national
broadcast in New York. Gable met
him at that time also. Both were
impressed with young Hadley’s ap
pearance and talents. Gable sug
gested to Director Clarence Brown
that Hadley be tested for the role
of a young British officer in "The
Uniform,” at Metro, in which Gahle
and Rosalind Russell are co-starring.
An important requirement was that
the actor chosen for the role be
able to wear a uniform worn by Ga
ble. The young actor fitted the uni
form, and the part was his—no test
was required, Just an Interview with
Brown. At the same time casting
officials grabbed him for "Man
From the City," with Robert Ster
ling, Paul Kelly and Marsha Hunt.
Ray Milland is moving right
ahead, and fast. After turning in a
fine performance In
"I Wanted Wings”
he was chosen by
Cecil B. De Mille
for one of the two
male starring roles
in “Reap the Wild
Wind.” It’S a tale of
the Florida kets a
hundred years ago.
and Milland Is a
fighting young law
■■L.VIM yer from Charles
Ray Millanri ton> who smashes a
desperate crew of
ship wreckers and wins the girl
John Wayne has the other stellar
male role—that of a sea captain who
also wants the girl. And all in Tech
Getting a screen test isn’t too
easy, and Richard Wallace, director
of Harold Lloyd’s first production
for RKO, “A Girl, a Guy and a
Gob,” explained why the other day.
He computes the cost of a test at
from $1,500 to $3,000. The candidate
is brought to Hollywood, make-up
artists go to work, hairdressers and
wardrobe department heads are
called in. An experienced actor is
selected to appear opposite the can
didate—and there arc the salaries
of the director, cameraman, elec
tricians, sound men, etc. Then the
candidate may be no good!
George Raft, who has one of the
largest and most expensive ward
robes owned by ..
Hollywood actors,
is breaking in some
$22.50 suits for his
role as a power line
man in Warner
Bros.’ "Manpow
er.’' That’s the pic
ture in which Hum
phrey Bogart was
slated to share hon
ors with Raft and
Marlene Dietrich. Bw.
but Raft, who wise- George Raft
ly realizes his limi
tations, refused to appear with him.
Ida Lupino didn't want the talented
Mr. Bogart in "The Gentle People”
with her, either. Warners offered
him a nice, fat part in "Bad Men of
Missouri” but he would have none
of it, and was suspended.
John Loveton, producer of “The
Court of Missing Heirs,” insists that
actors in mob scenes say sane, per
i tinent words. He had his lesson long
ago; be was part of a mob scene
on a radio drama broadcast, and
when an unexpected silence fell on
the air his voice boomed out, shout
ing "Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!”
He’s never acted since, but as a di
rector he cracks down on anyone
who doesn’t contribute something
sensible to those background mur
] rnurs and mutterings.
Paramount believes that a new
Jean Harlow, or Clara Bow, has
been discovered in the person of
"sultry, blonde” Veronica Lake, (to
quote a press agent) who is fea
tured in "I Wanted Wings.” "Not
since Greta Garbo leaped to over
night fame in her first picture, "The
Torrent,” have New York movie
critics lavished such acclaim upon a
newcomer,” to quote another press
release. Maybe so, but the low cut
of Miss Lake’s necklines made such
an impression on a good many peo
ple that they hadn’t a great deal to
say about her acting.
ODDS AND ENDS—Universal has
taken an option on the screen services
of Baby Sandy’s brother—who is one
week old ... The March of Time’s
latest, “The F. B. 1.—1941," shows how
the Federal Bureau of Investigation is
concentrating on the prevention of es
pionage and sabotage in industry . , .
Mutual's “The People’s Playhouse
heard Tuesdays and Thursdays, pre
sents dramatic sketches based on ideas
submitted by the public . . . RKO is
screening "Parachute Battalionwith
Robert Presto/j, Nancy Kelly and Harry
Carey . . . You'll see Tommy Harmon,
All-American half-back, in “Harmon of
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