I Over the County EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wells and fam ily are driving a new 1941 Chevro let car. Mrs. Frank Foreman entertained the Emmett Bridge Club at her home Thursday night. Mrs. J. S. Bair won high score and Mrs. John CJonrad, traveling, Mrs. Guy Cole, all cut and Mrs. Dailey, low. The Ladies Aid Society served dinner for the Ministers of Holt County, who held their Ministers meeting in the church that morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ren Kraupa of At kinson were dinner guests at the Claude Bates home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Roggasch and family from Duff, Nebr., spent Saturday at the J. S. Bair home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern were callers at the Rex Beckwith home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Enbody, of Amelia, visited at the W. R. Ten borg home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvfn Story and family spent Friday evening at the J. S. Bair home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern, Mrs. Siders and son, Everet, visited at the Bob Pease home Sunday afternoon. H. A. Lyon, of Taylor, Nebr., was a caller at the Guy Cole home Sat urday. Mrs. J. H. Patterson and Mrs. Bob Fox called on Mrs. ClaTa Cole Monday afternoon. Mildred Peacock spent Sunday afternoon visiting Nayadine Kee. Floyd Butterfield spent Saturday visiting his mother who was strick en with a light stroke. He returned the same day and received word Monday that she is some what im proved. INMAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins of O’Neill visited relatives in In man Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Keyes invited the Har mony Club to her home last Thurs day to help her do some quilting. A very delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Keyes and everyone enjoy ed the day. Rev. Maxey visited in the Forrest Smith home south of Inman Thurs day. Mrs. Ira Watson and daughter, Ruth, drove to O’Neill Thursday afternoon. Jay Butler of Neligh was an In man visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mfs. Warren McClurg and daughter, Marylan, drove to Norfolk on business last Saturday. Ira Watson was in O’Neill last Friday on business. Rev. Maxey drove to Clearwater last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brittell, of O’Neill, visited at the home of Mr. Bri Well's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brittell in Inman. Levi Morsback of Neligh was an Inman visitor Sunday. He was ac companied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morsback, who will visit in Neligh for a few days. LaVVrn Lynch, Bob Sholes and Virgil Tomlinson of the CCC camp at Madison spent the week end at their homes in Inman visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Art Renner, Mrs. E*rele Renner and Rev. Maxey drove to O’Neill Saturday afternoon. John Watson, who is employed in O’Neill, visited his ’parents in Inman, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson, over the week end. Mrs. John Conrad and daughter, Mary Lou, of Emmett, visited at Mrs. Conrad’s mother, Mrs. John Anspach last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Liedy and son and Mrs. Harry McGraw of Inman, drove to Neligh Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Walter Jacox is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Donald Wolfe of Meadow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Miller drove to Neligh Sunday, where they vis ited Mr. Miller’s son and family, Mr. and Mrn. Harold Miller. Mr. an Mrs. Erele Renner were dinner guests at the Dave Loy home in O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chudomelka and daughter, Arna, were guests at the Joe Peters home near Chambers Sunday. Alfred Betz, of Broken Bow, was in Inman on business Sunday, Miss Harriett Milburn spent the week end with friends and relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Martin Conrad and children who have been visiting in Inman, ATTENTION - STOCKMEN Present high prices coupled with a brisk demand for livestock make an ideal marketing condition Send your surplus livestock to us SALE EVERY MONDAY O’Neill Livestock Commission Company PHONE 2 O’NEILL, NEBR. Easter = Greetings See Our New f » Spring Jewelry NEW LOCATION Two Doors East of K. C. Hall amamataatnmtamasgma O. M. Herre Jeweler returned to the home of Mr?. Con rad’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown of Bruno, Nebr. Miss Dorothy Liewer, Miss Alma Snell and Mrs. Art Renner drove to O’Neill Monday evening. Mrs. Ed Chudomelka and daugh ter, Arna, and Mrs. Jennie Grosser were in O'Neill Sunday . Mrs. Elmer Spann and son, Roger of Atkinson, visited Sunday wilh Mrs. Spann’s mother, Robinetta Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hancock, of O’Neill, visited relatives in In man Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and daughter of Texas, are visiting friends and relatives in Inman for a few days. State Tax Commissioner Frank Brady of Lincoln, visited at the Lewis Kopecky home Sunday. The L. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Jennie Crosser last Wed nesday afternoon. A delicious was served by the hostess. Frank Watson and son, Wayne, and daughter, Olive, were in O’Neill Saturday visiting relatives. Arthur Englehaupt and lanuly drove to Chambers Wednesday. They were accompanied by Mr. Engle’naupt’s sister, Mrs. Ralph Bowers, of Doty, Washington, who will visit her parents in Chambers for a while. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and daughter, of Neligh, were Inman visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son, Jimmie, and Alex Cooper ,of Orchard, visited at the J. T. Thomp son, Sr., home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hull, and children of Meek, visited at their grandmothers’ Mrs .Mary Hancock in Inman Saturday. * Mrs. C. J. Malone left Tuesday for Omaha where she will visit her daughter, Miss Florence Ma lone. Mrs. Sarah Sholes and son, Jim, moved to their new home Saturday. It was formerly the Carl Wilcox residence. Dick Sholes, Bill Sholes, Donald Keyes, Donald Jacox and J. T. Thompson, Jr., drove to Page Sun day evening to take Dewayne Stevens back to his work after he had spent the week end at his home in Inman. Mrs. E. L. Watson and Mrs.1 Stewart Hartigan drove to Lin coln Monday to spend a few days with friends and relatives. Itisa Dorothy Leiwer spent the week end with relatives in Butte, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tompkins, of Primrose, Near., were in Inman visiting friends and relathes the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Vock ingbird of Colorado visited rela tives and friends in Inman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Renner and Rev. Maxey drove to O’Neill Mon day evening to attend a revival meeting at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stevens of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Peter son of O’Neill, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Bob Conrad. Mrs. George Conrad and sons, of Meek, Nebr., visited at the home of Mrs. Bob Conrad Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Starr and sons, of Orchard, visited friends in Inman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lockman and son, of O’Neill, visited friends in Inman Sunday. Miss Helyn Anspach and Miss Sarah Conger were Norfolk vis itors Sunday. CASH FOR SPRING If you have some left over bills to pay, if you wish to buy new clothing, overhaul your car, buy a new or used car, fix up your house, or if you need cash to help meet an emer. gency; simply get in touch with us. You can get money here for any worthy purpose . . at any time. Central Finance Corporation C. E. Jones, Mgr. No Delay No Red Tape Loans made in surrounding Territory 1st National Bank Bldg. O’Neill : Nebraska * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conger and family, of Elgin, visited at the home of Mrs. Conger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conger on Sunday. Rev. S. M. Ohmart and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Redlinper, of O’Noill. visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marsh, at the Mary Hancock home last week. Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The O’Neill National Bank of O'Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on April 4, 1941 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $164.73 overdrafts) . $146,055.32 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed . 165,741.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 50,535.98 Other bonds, notes, and debentures. 71,386.43 Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ... . 3,000.00 Cash, balances with other banks, including re serve balance, and cash items in process of collection . 412,858.18 Bank premises owned $3,000.00, furniture and fixtures $500.00 . 3,500.00 Rea! estate owned other than bank premises .... 1.00 Total Assets . $853,077.91 LIABILITIES Demand deposit of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .. $489, 242.67 Time Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . 82,462.68 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) . 863.06 Deposits of States and political subdivisions .... 91,143.20 Deposits of banks . 37,620.26 Total Deposits .-.. $701,231.86 Total Liabilities..$701,231.86 CAPITAL ACCOUNT Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $50,000.00 . $60,000.00 Surplus ....:_ 50,000.00 Undivided Profits . 47,346.05 Reserves . 4,500.00 Total Capital Accounts . 151,846.05 Total Liabilities and Capital Account . $853,077.91 MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): ■ United States Government obligations, di rect and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities . 30,000.00 Other asset* pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) .-. 18,000.00 Total 4.... 48,000.00 Secured liabilities: Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant td requirements of law . 67,711.06 Total jj.- 67,711.06 State of Nebr&dita, County of Holt, ss: I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement i« true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. J. WEEKES, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of April, 1941 [SEAL] MARJORIE DICKSON, Notary Public. My Commission expires June 5, 1941. Correct—Attest: Emma Dickinson Weekes, E. F. Quinn, F. N. Cronin, Directors. (This hank carries no indebtedness of Officers or stockholders.) Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 0^1 TWE EASTER PARADE 3-95 Enhance the charm of your Easter garments with footwear in mated colors, chosen from our wide selection of beauti ful styles. ♦ You’ll find us well equipped to solve your footwear problems regardless ofi your requirements. Anton Toy QUALITY MERCHANDISE YOUR FRIEND ^ AT MEALTIME Friday and Saturday April 11 and 12, 1941 EASTER GREETINGS The Council Oak Stores extend Easter Greetings to alt. The following week-end specials were selected with the thought of assisting in making your Easter Dinner a joyous occasion at a reduced cost. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY, EASTER SUNDAY SMOKED TENDER JUICY HAH ROAST BEEF ROAST Cut from Fancy "Tendered” Cut from well covered cornfed Hams. Reef FOUND /j ( an .... | SWffTP£ASr.™ 2™ 2T CWFFTCPIinCSUPGRB 0 no. 3 Arc JItLLI Jrui/J|)RV PACK & CANS 49 LARGE WET SHRIMP.""".. 15' TAC-CUT COFFEE This “Mighty Fine Blend” may now be had in Regular and Drip-O-1.ator Grind in both 1 and 2 pound Duraglass Jars. HOUND MC A-POUND JAC JAR .I* L jar . COUNCIL OAK POUND d|«|C *-POUND COFFEE.:..- HAG. ...23 3 BAG.• Save the empty bags and start a beautiful set of 22-carat Gold Pattern Dishes. SUPERB BRAND iP OZ d|PC EXTRACTED HONEY.45jah. £3 Keep a supply of Pure Honey in reserve to serve with waffles or light fluffy, hot biscuit*. CAMPBELL’S A 20 OZ. TOMATO JUICE ._ 2 cans .'.... If MORNING LIGHT A POUND PEANUT BUTTER.2 jar 23 ROBB-ROSS ANGEL FOOD ' PER -flPC CAKE FLOUR. ,,KG MA BROWN WHOLE WHEAT BREAD OUR EVERY FRIDAY SPECIAL NANCY ANN BREAD ENRICHED WITH VITAMIN BI, NICOTINIC ACID AND IRON POUND «|C li/, POUND «AC Y LLLOW LABEL AA(' m ■ LIPTON TEA K lb. pkg.LL y2 LB. pkg4Z A Bargain in Pep” . . . For a delicious, refreshing, vitaliz ing cup of tea, serve Lipton’s Orange Pekoe. NATURAL UNBLEACHED A LB. |PC SEEDLESS RAISINS * 13 SPRY P0r.ir 3oTD.. 45c The iKipular, pure vegetable shortening. For cakes and other pastry. Preferred by many for deep fat frying. MACARONfc™ 2 ....... 13° LEVER BROS. PRODUCTS WEEKEND SPECIALS | My SMALL PACKAGE 9c AAC LUA LARGE PACKAGE .-.. All LUX TOILET SOAP _1f PlftJCO SMALL PACKAGE 8c rAC Hill Jv LARGE PACKAGE 18c Giant PKG . Vfc '< LIFEBUOY SOAP ,ME9.17c JUMBO SEEDLESS O IOC TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT.J for ....... Ii CRISP GREEN PC NEW CABBAGE ...found .... D LARGE «|C ICEBERG LETTUCE ...head. I PER PC WAXED PARSNIPS ._LB. D 3 BUNCHES 7C FOR . / 3 BUNCHES f OC _F^IR ....... 1S