The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 10, 1941, Image 2

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    Britain’s School of Experience
Today the homes of England are “military objectives,” and
British babes are born and reared in battle lines. The Gypsy Hill
Training college, in southeast London, met the problem of icliat to
do with babies whose mothers and fathers were engaged in war ef
fort. Pictures show how these children learned to help themselves.
These little fellous are dishing out the breakfast porridge—oaf*
meal to you—and are so intent uponHhe task that the photographer \
might have been a piece of the miniature furniture.
A very low sink enables this
little curly-top to fill his wash
basin without having to stand on
anything but his feet.
And here is a little laundress
using her pint-size mangle to do
a job of pressing. Small as it is,
it does the work efficiently.
A little dinner party in session. The children look after them
selves, food being served by children to the music of a little piano
that plays nursery rhymes.
After play the. children go to
work with soap and water and
their little scrubbing brushes.
The teash benches are toy size.
Mother used to supervise the
tooth-brushing and gargling of
this little lady. A'ow she does all
that solo, and seems to enjoy it.
(Assort 'ted Newspapers.!
WNU Service.
(ftX TOW there’* a girl." said
1^^ I Allen Cotter, pointing
over the heads of the
dancers, ‘‘who's worth
writing home about.”
Tim Bingham, who stood at Al
len’s elbow at one end of the stag
line, nodded. “One in a million,”
he agreed. “It's a pity she couldn't
have done better when she picked a
husband for herself.”
“Married Ames Forbes, didn’t
she? What’s wrong with him? As I
remember Ames, he wasn’t a bad
“It isn’t that. It’s simply that he
doesn’t appreciate Dora Take to
night, for example. He hasn’t
danced with her once. He acts like
he’d never met the girl.”
Allen eased away from the stag
line and found a seat in a remote
corner of the room. Strangely, the
things that Tim had just1 said were
an accurate interpretation of his
own thoughts. Long ago he and
Dora had been sweethearts. And
now as Allen reflected upon the va
riety of experiences and adventures
which he had undergone since leav
ing Cooksville, he told himself for
the hundredth time that nothing in
his life had been much finer or beau
tiful than those sweetheart days
with Dora Mead.
And now Dora was married! Well,
he had expected that. He had ex
pected it even though down deep in
his heart he had half hoped all dur
ing the train ride from Boston to
Cooksville that she wouldn’t be.
Allen smiled wistfully as he re
called his disappointment. Of course
it was silly and entirely unreason
able. After all, you couldn’t expect
She seemed happy and contented
and decidedly pleased with the
a girl as sweet and lovely and as
fine as Dora Mead to remain single
all her life.
After the first shock of it Allen
hadn't been wholly displeased. To
begin with. Ames Forbes was about
as fine a youth ns Cooksville had to
ofTer. He had been in their class in
high school, and since graduation
had become a credit to his town and
his family.
Allen remembered what Tim Bing
ham had just told him. Well, you
couldn’t tell about men these days.
The tiling was puzzling. Allen
sank back in the chair which he
had located in an alcove behind a
palm tree and began to brood. Could '
it be that Dora and Ames were un
happy? Could it be that Ames had
actually tired of his charming young
wife? It seemed incredible. Time
had, if anything, added to Dora's
loveliness and charm. It didn’t seem
quite possible that any man CGuld
tire of her.
And yet it was obvious that Ames
had other interests when at a party,
besides devoting his attention to his
wife. During the week that Allen
had been in Cooksville he had seen
a good deal of the pair, and not
once had he witnessed any demon
stration of affection between them.
Unconsciously Allen clenched his
fists. If Ames were making her un
happy . . .
A young couple were dancing on
the other side of the palm tree. It
was a dreamy waltz and the lights
had been dimmed. Allen couldn’t
distinguish the figures very clearly,
but he knew, without making half
an effort, that the girl was Dora.
Her head was resting on her part
ner’s shoulder. She seemed happy
and contented and decidedly pleased
with the dance.
As Allen watched, the music
stopped and during the brief inter
val before the orchestra swung into
the encore, Allen saw Dora's partner
take hold of the girl's arm and lead
her quickly into the alcove where
sat Allen.
Allen was not naturally a curious
person. Other people’s business was
their own. And ordinarily he would
have stood up and moved away,
leaving the young couple to their
own devices. But this situation was
a little different. A lot different, Al
len thought. He was sure that Dora
and her partner had not seen him.
The alcove was only dimly lighted
and the palm tree separated them.
Without moving he could witness
quite clearly the scene that was be
ing enacted within a few feet of him.
Instantly upon sitting down, Dora
had reached up and drawn the man's
face down to her own. He crushed
her to him and held her close for,
it seemed, an eternity.
And in that moment something
happened inside of Allen that shat
terec every beautiful illusion and
optimistic outlook he had ever en
tertained toward life and women.
No one, of all the people Allen had
ever known, could have so com
pletely changed his whole viewpoint
as did Dora in that moment when he
saw her in the arms of another
man, disloyal to her husband, acting
as would any cheap, common
Allen cursed under his breath and
wished he were anywhere but there
in the alcove.
Of one thing he was sure. He
had misjudged Ames Forbes. It was
Dora's fault. Dora had been the de
ceiver, the cause of their trouble.
And Ames, good, noble Ames, had
gone on without saying a word, cov
ering up that misery he must have
felt, merely being polite to his wife
in public without once indicating he
hated her for her treachery.
Suddenly a fierce anger welled up
in Allen’s soul. It wasn’t fair. It
wasn’t fair to Ames or to him. Dora
had been his guiding light as much
as she’d been Ames’. She had served
now to shatter his every illusion as
she had served to shatter those of
her husband. ,
Allen found himself on his feet.
He wasn’t thinking clearly, but he
knew he was going to do something
The music had stopped again. The
lights were brighter. Dora and her
partner were standing up.
At that moment, Allen blindly en
raged, swept aside the palm leaves
and stepped in front of them. With
one hand he reached up, grabbed
hold of the collar of Dora’s part
ner’s coat, and jerked him about
so that he could look into his face.
Dora screamed. The man whose
collar was suddenly tightened by
Allen’s grip swore in sudden sur
prise. Dancers who were walking
off the floor stopped and stared. And
Allen Cotter’s mouth sagged open
and a slow flush spread over his
face and up about his temples.
For the man with whom Dora had
kept her rendezvous away from the
prying eyes of the public was Ames
Forbes, her husband!
Earliest Known Windows
Were Merely ‘Openings’
Windows were originally nothing
more than openings in a wall for
light and ventilation.
Our word window is supposed to
be derived from two Scandinavian
words meaning "wind eye.”
Some authorities, however, sup
pose the word to have been original
ly “wind-door,” referring to the
doors or shutters to prevent the
wind from blowing through the open
The ancient Egyptians and Greeks
used thin slabs of marble for win
dow-panes while the Chinese used
rice paper for the same purpose.
In Genesis we read that the Lord
told Noah, "A window shalt thou
make to the ark,” and that after
forty days Noah “opened the win
dow that he had made.”
Referring to the temple built by
Solomon, I Kings 6:4 says: "And
for the house he made windows of
narrow lights.”
The early Romans appear to have
made window-panes, perhaps of
transparent shells, to illuminate
their baths.
Window-glass as we know it now
was probably first made in the
Twelfth century by the Anglo-Saxon
monk Theophilus.
Although some window glass was
made at the early glassworks at
Jamestown, in Virginia, glass win
dow-panes were not common in
America until about the time of the
Alaska Air Bases
When William Seward bought
Alaska from the Russians, 73 years
ago, paying them $7,200,000, the pur
chase was denounced as ‘‘Seward's
Folly.” The frozen northern waste,
it was held, was hardly worth a dol
lar, let alone the price paid. But
today, to protect Alaska, the United
States is preparing to lay out
$25,000,000 on five air bases, and the
governor of the territory says five
more bases will be needed.
Alaska from its fisheries alone
adds more to the national income of
the United States each year than the
capital sum it is proposed to spend
on air bases The frozen waste of
80 years ago has become an asset of
high value with fisheries, mineral,
timber and agricultural resources
Besides, it is the republic’s defense
outpost to the west, and in a world
full of peril, like the one in which
we live, outposts are of first impor
The Alaska air bases are intended
primarily, of course, for the protec
tion of the United States. They also
serve to protect Canada, and Brtish
Columbia can hardly be indifferent
to the proposal to place one of them
on Metlakatla island, in the Pan
handle, just south of Ketchikan.
Ribs of Beef Roast
For a really superior roast, stand
ing ribs of beef should weigh at least
six pounds. For the small family,
this may seem prohibitive at first
thought, but in reality a large beef
roast may make several return ap
pearances with equal success. A two
rib roast or, preferably, a three rib
roast is large enough to be roasted
fat side up, using the rib bones as
a rack so that while cooking the
melted fat will drip down in a self
basting process. At the first ap
pearance for a company dinner, the
thick center or “eye” mucles of
the roast will make a ”sure-to
please” meat service. Green pepper
cups filled with escalloped corn, pan
browned potatoes and a garden
fresh salad would be good compan
ion foods.
(Released by Western Newspaper Unlon.l
beautiful blonde who’s ex
pected to zoom to stardom as
a result of her appearance in
Paramount’s “I Wanted
Wings,” doesn’t want wings
right now—all she wants is a
chance to stay put right in
Hollywood for a while.
After finishing work in the pic
ture—in which she plays a heart
less vixen and provides tragic love
interest—she flew to Montreal with
her mother; she spent three days
there, during which she made three
personal appearances and four ra
dio broadcasts. Her name was giv
en to three babies, a new fox trot, a
park and a military aerial maneu
ver. Canadian fliers named it the
“Veronica roll” in her honor. Then
she headed for New York, where
she spent a day, and then flew home
—where it had been planned that
she’d be a feature attraction at the
military aerial review at Randolph
Field, Texas, staged as a prelude
to the first showing of "I Wanted
"Broadway Limited,” which is be
ing made at the Hal Roach studios
for release through United Artists,
promises to be one of the year’s
most hilarious comedies. It’s a tale
of a film star en route from the West
coast to New York with her direc
tor and her publicity man; the cast
includes Victor McLaglen, (as a lo
comotive engineer), Zasu Pitts, Pat
sy Kelly and George Stone.
Bette Davis received unexpected
assistance the other day. For a
scene in “The Bride Came C. O. D.”
she was to walk down a flight of
stairs, pause at the bottom, then
rush into James Cagney’s arms.
Just as she reached the bottom a
lamp above her head sizzled loudly
and shot out sparks; without look
ing, she gave a surprised leap, and
landed in Cagney's arms. “Print
it!" shouted Director William Keigh
ley. “It’s perfect!”
' 1
Incidentally, Miss Davis will have,
in “The Little Foxes,” a role which
might have been created for her.
Tallulah Bankhead played it when
the play had a long and successful
run in New York, then took it on
tour throughout the country. This
will be the first time that Miss Davis
has worked for Samuel Goldwyn,
and the picture marks his resump
tion of picture-making after a year
of inactivity. William Wyler, who
directed “The Letter,” will direct,
and the play is being adapted for
the screen by its author, Lillian
Melville Ruick, a radio theater an
nouncer, has been one of radio’s
top announcers since 1935, but mo
tion picture casting directors per
sist in seeing him as a typical or
chestra leader. He appeared in one
in “Kitty Foyle," the picture that
brought Academy honors to Ginger
Rogers, and has been cast as one in
“Miami" — his third such assign
ment in a year.
Bonita Granville has her most
dramatic role in “The People vs.
Dr. Kildare,” the latest of the Kil
dare series; she’ll have to be on her
toes, with Lionel Barrymore, Lew
Ayres, Laraine Day and Red Skelton
also present.
There’s a new style in the air,
thanks to Janet Logan and Barbara
Fuller, the mythical stepmother
stepdaughter team on the CBS day
time serial, “Stepmother.” They
used to check up on each other’s
plans for a week ahead, to make
sure of not wearing similar cos
tumes. Then the stress laid on
“mother - daughter” outfits gave
them an idea; they wear clothes of
similar design in contrasting shades
—and fashion promoters are inter
ODDS AND ENDS—Warner Bros,
will film “Miniature Melodramas"
based on popular short stories, employ
ing top stars and writers . . . Bob Hope
appears in Hollywood's first battle of
World War II in “Caught in the Draft”
... Peter Lorre, who’s added a sinister
touch to many a movie, will play a
rascally and fearsome sea captain in
“The Uniform," which stars Rosalind
Russell and Clark Gable . . . Deanna
Durbin has moved that wedding date
up to April 18th, her parents’ anni
versary . . . Paramount’s to film “Gov
ernment Girl,” about a small-town girl
who goes to Washington as a cog in
the governmental machine.
_ Farm
‘Cafeteria Method’ Found
Very Satisfactory.
(Extension Poultryman, Massachusetts
State College. Amherst.)
Cafeterias for chickens may sound
a little queer to the average poultry
man, but it is one of the newest
feeding methods now in vogue. By
the new system, Biddie has her
choice of feeds and believe it or not,
she can make a much more intelli
gent choice of what she needs than
can some poultrymen.
In three separate feeders there are
whole oats, whole or cracked corn,
and laying mash. Biddie’s appetite
may vary from time to time, but
during the year her diet will consist
of 41 per cent corn, 30 per cent oats,
and 29 per cent laying mash. The
ration has been balanced at 12.9 per
cent protein over a year’s period, al
though individual birds vary from
11 to 15 per cent.
It is very important that every
bird in the poultry flock has a chance
to eat grain or mash at any time,
and hoppers must be large enough
to take care of all of the flock. Hop
per requirements are 20 linear feet,
feeding from both sides, for every
100 birds, or about five inches of
feeding space per bird.
Feed consumption is increased by
adding fresh mash frequently, run
ning the hand or Angers through the
mash often, and placing the hoppers
in well-lighted positions. Hens like
to see what they’re eating as well
as humans.
Although whole wheat is not used
extensively in this cafeteria feeding
system, it is a good practice to
throw some into the litter as a
scratch feed. This helps to keep
the litter in a dry fluffy condition.
Because of the small quantity of
mash used in this system of feeding,
the vitamin D carrier must be in
creased in the mash.
There has been no tendency for a
flock well bred for production to be
come too fat on this system of feed
ing. The large proportion of grain
that is used makes this system eco
nomical and also cuts down labor
requirements. Cannibalism has not
been too excessive since it is held
in check by the large quantities of
oats that are fed and the scatter
ing of wheat in the litter.
Good Fence Should Last
Seven to Twelve Years
Good wire, properly strung be
tween strong, well-braced posts,
should make a farm fence last from
7 to 12 years, says H. M. Ellis, ex
tension agricultural engineer of N.
C. State college. There should be
a good coating of galvanizing or zinc
on the wire to protect it against the
elements, he says.
“Some copper in the wire will add
still more years of service to the
fence,” Ellis stated. “The copper
content should not run less than
0.2 of 1 per cent, which is usually
spoken of as ‘20 point’ copper. The
quality of the wire is the main con
sideration in building fences; it isn’t
good economy to buy cheap wire.”
Ellis also says that for a good,
long-lasting fence the quality of the
posts and the workmanship in erect
ing the fence must be of the best.
The posts must be big enough, prop
erly spaced, well planted, and well
braced. If durable wood is not
available, soft timber may be treat
ed with creosote or otherwise to
make the posts last as long as the
“It is wise,” the specialist de
clared, “to build your fence on pa
per before you start cutting posts
and buying wire. Farmers spend
much money every year maintain
ing fences that are not essential.
Grinding Roughage
Not Very Advisable
Farmers are fooling themselves
and not their cattle when they
grind up corn fodder and stemmy
hay so fine the animals are un
able to separate the good materi
al from the bad, according to R.
R. Snapp, professor of beef cattle
husbandry at the University of Il
linois college of agriculture.
“It is true that a given amount
of ground fodder will go some
what further than it would if it
were fed whole. However, the un
palatable roughage tend to dilute
good feed, making for less pata
bility and digestibility for the ra
tion as a whole,” Snapp ex
Controlling Lice
Lice can be controlled on calves
and heifers without recourse to dips
and other “wet” preparations. Ex
cellent results can be obtained with
a mixture of one part sodium fluo
rice and two parts of ordinary flour.
This is dusted lightly over the
backs of the animals from a per
forated can and worked into the
base of the hair with the fingers.
One application is usually adequate.
Sodium flourice is poisonous and
should be handled carefully.
of the most modem type
Write to ua for booklet
CASH FOR MODERN Improved farm or
farm land. Give particulars. Bungalow
Grocery, 2223 West 39, Denver, Colorado.
Transfer No. Z9272
A CARDINAL, robin and barn
swallow join with the red
wing, chickadee, meadow lark,
bluebird and indigo bunting in
bringing color to your lawn or gar
den. They come in natural size
on this transfer, ready to be traced
to plywood, wallboard or thin lum
ber. Cut them from the wood with
jig, coping or keyhole saw and
paint according to suggestions on
the pattern. Then place them in
trees or on bushes to brighten the
*. * *
General cutout directions arc on transfer
Z9272. 15 cents. Send order to:
Box 166-W Kansas City, Mo.
Enclose 15 cents lor each pattern
desired. Pattern No.
Name .
Address .
J. Fuller Pep
My wife saya: “Puller, If you don’t
quit eatln’ Kellogg's Pep we're
agoln’ to hitch an anchor to you
to keep you from flyln’ over the
neighbors’ fences.”
Which Is a dern exaggeration be
cause you have to get all your
vitamins to feel as good as I do.
And Pep has the two that are
least plentiful In ordinary meals
—vitamins Bi and D.
PEP’s a goshamlghty fine cereal,
though, that lots of people eat
Just for Its taste. Why not try It?
A cereal rich in vitamins B, and D
Great Character
Character is higher than intel
lect. A great soul will be strong
to live, as well as to think.—Emer
■Today** popularity
of Doan's Pills, after
many yean of world
wide use, surely must
I be accepted as evidence
of satisfactory use.
And favorable public
opinion supports that
of the able physicians
who test the value of
Doan’s under exacting
laboratory conditions.
These physicians, too, approve every wora
of advertising you read, the objective of
which is only to recommend Doan’s Puls
as a good diuretic treatment for disorder
of the kidney function and for relief of
the pain and worry it causes.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove waste
that cannot stay in the blood without in
jury to health, there would be better un
derstanding of why the whole body suffers
when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica
tion would be more often employed.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urm*
tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney
function. You may suffer nagging back
ache, persistent headache, attacks of du
llness, getting up nights, swelling, pum
ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervous,
all played out. ... . ,
Use Doan's Pills. It is better to rely on
a medicine that has won world-wide ac
claim than on something lesi favorably
known. Ask your neighbor/