The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 10, 1941, Image 1
VOL. LXI O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1941 NUMBER 48 . _ - - —--——-—1-^———■-----... . - - - LARGE ATTENDANCE PROMISED FOR MUSIC CONTEST Twenty-four towns have entered the Nebraska North Central Dis trict Music Contest which is to be held in O’Neill on Friday and Sat urday, April 18 and 19. While not all the towns entered have bands or orchestras to com pete, all of them will be represented in some phase of the contest. Following is the list of towns en tered to date: Ainsworth, Atkin i son, Butte, Chambers, Clearwater, Elgin, E'ricson, Ewing, Inman, Long Pine, Neligh, Niobrara, O’ Neill, Orchard, Page, Rock County High School of Bassett, Sacred Heart of Norfolk, Spencer, St. Mary’s of O'Neill, Stuart, Tilden, Valentine, Verdigris, and Wheel er County High School of Bartlett. The judges have been announced as follows: Lenore Burkett Van Kirk, University of Nebraska, Lin coln, as vocal critic; Gavin Doughty of Kearney State Teachers’ College, vocal and instrumental critic; Ed ward Kurtz of Iowa State Teachers* College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, instru mental critic; and Rupert M. Good brod of Midland College, Fremont, piano critic. Plans for the contest are rapidly nearing completion and all indica tions point to one of the most suc cessfully conducted music contests in this part of the state. O’Neill High Track Team Ready for Spring Meets g Coach Manny Segel, who has been workng out his tricksters, rain or shine, for the past three weeks, is slowly rounding into shape a squad that will take to the cinders next week. Boys doing well at this time are: Manzer, 100 yd. dash, 440 run, broad jump, high jump, javelin. Bowers: 220 yd. dash, % mile, broad jump. Calkins: shot put, discus javelin. Kloppenburg: 220 yd. dash, mile run, shot put. Burgess: 100, 220 yd. dash, high jump. McKenna, shot put, discus, jave lin. Wolfe: 220, 440, pole vault. Yantzi: 100 220, pole vault. Thomas: high jump, broad jump, 220. French: 100, 220, high jump. Jareske, 100, 220, broad jump. Track Schedule April 10—Columbus, invitational, Columbus. April 16-Spalding, invitational. Spalding, Tebr. April 25-Norfolk, qualifying meet, Norfolk, Nebr. # April 26-(nite) Holt County Meet. Atkinson, Nebr. April 29-Bassett, invitational, Bas sett, Nebr. May 2-Albion, invitational, Albion, Nebraska. May 0-10 State Track Meet, Lincoln Father and Sons Have A Banquet On Monday April 7, at 6:30 the Future Farmers held their annual Father and Son Fun-Feed. A deli cious supper -of pancakes, coffee and sausage was served by the Home Economics Department. The business men who furnished the butter, sausage, pancakes and syrup are: Levi Fuller, Manager of the Farmers’ Union; Mayor Kershen brock of the Sanitary Meat Market; Bill Hanna of the Clover Farm Store; Mr. Hickey, of the Harding Cream Company; Ambrose Rhode, of the Council Oak; Otto Lorenz, of the Lorenz Dairy; Carl Asmis, of the New Deal and Archie Bowen, of the Ben Franklin Store. There were eighty-five farmers, and business men present. The pro gram consisted of several speeches by two of the members. Maurice Grutsch spoke on Our Chapter Ac complishments. Bob Hanley told How Vocational Agriculture Has Helped Me Get Staited In Farming. Il'ioth c? the boys turned in very good talks. I Organize Chapter to Combat Infantile Paralysis # At a special meeting, called by Mrs. J. J. Harrington of O’Neill, The Holt County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, was organized. The meeting was held at Hotel Golden on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dewey Nemetz of Lincoln, 'Nebraska, was present at the meet ing to assist in the organization of the local chapter. Mr. Nemetz gave a brief address pertaining to the subject of infantile paralysis. He also stressed the urgent need of continuing the fight against the dread disease, infantile paralysis, which is on the increase over the nation. He discussed the fine con structive work of the National Foundation in leading this fight against Polio. Officers elected, at this meeting, to head the Holt County Foundation during its first year of existence, are: Mrs. H. E. Coyne, Chairman; Mr. Hugh O’Conner, of Atkinson. Vice-Chairman; E'd Quinn, of O’ Neill, Treasurer; and Gerald S. Graybiel, Secretary. The new officers of the chapter .will meet very soon bo select a rep resentative to represent their res Ipecive communities on the Chap ter’s Board of Directors. Officials of the new Chapter urge that any new cases of infantile paralysis, originating in Holt county, be referred to the Chapter, whether or not funds of the Chap ter are needed. The Holt County Chapter will act as the agent of the National Infantile Paralysis Foundation, in this county. The National Foundation stands ready to send epidemic aid into the county ... if ever needed to combat Polio. The new chapter will have $124.42 to start operations with. The breakdown of this amount: 50% retained in Holt county from 1930 fhnd drive . $02.21 1939 fund drive — $(52.21 1940 fund drive . 38.00 50% retained in Holt county from 1941 fund drive . 104.21 Total . $204.42 Disbursements: 1939 to Jan. 1941: Hospitalization of an infan tile paralysis victim, Lynch, Nebraska .—. $50.00 To R. E. Kriz, M. D., Lynch, Nebr., for Polio serum .-. $15.00 Transportation of Polio victim to Lincoln to hos pital . $15.00 Total . $80.00 Leaving a net balance on hand for the Chapter of $124.42. Note: Another $25.00 w»Ml be add ed to the $124.42 soon. This $25.00 represents 50% of the lapel but tons sold by the Holt County Po's masters during the 1941 fund drive. Mrs. Ella Z. Miller Mrs. Ella Z. Miller died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. David Bowen northeast of Page, on Thurs day, April 3, 1941, at the age of 83 years, three months and six teen days, after an illness of sev eral months, of ailments due to advanced years. Funeral services were held in the Biglin Mortuary Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p. m., Rev. Carpenter of Page officiating. The body was shipped to Tecumseh, Nebr., for interment at the side of her husband who passed away sev tral years ago. Ella Woodley was born at Ster ling, Ilinois, on December 17, 1857. The family came to Nebraska when she was a young girl and in this state on September 29, 1873, she was united in marriage to T. D. Miller. They were residents of Johnson county for many years and in 1912 came to this county and for several years she had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Bo wen, northeast of Page. She is sur vived by two children, Mrs. Dave Bowen, of Page and Harry P. Mil ler, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Miller was a charming lady and had many friends in the east- j ern part of the county, as was at tested by the fact that a large dele gation of residents of that section of the county wrere in the cityj Sunday afernoon for the funeral services. ' Benjamin H. Murten Was born Dec. 8th, 1876, at La Porte, Indiana, and died at the Forrest Smith home at Inman on April 3rd, 1941, aged 64 years, 3 months and 25 days. As a small child he came west with his family, anil lived in the neighborhood of Neligh, Neb. He attended the public schools of Neligh, and received higher educa tional training at a Congregation al school in Neligh and at the Morn itlgside College in Iowa, near Sioux City. At the age of 17, he was happily converted during the pastorate of Rev. W. A. Rominger during a revival meeting at Tilden, in 1893. In 1903 he was made a supply pas tor of Center, Nebr., and in 1904 was admitted to the North Nebr aska Conference and appointed to Moniwi. In 1906 he was admitted into full membership in the Con ference. He was united in marriage to Miss Eva Estell Smith, on Dec. 18, 1907, at the farm home near Inman. They worked together, with the single purpose of making for better things and near the home where they were joined in Holy Bonds. Other charges they served were Inman, Boone, Pierce, Page, South Sioux City, Winnetoon, Spencer, Meadow Grove, Wakefield, Grant, Mullen, Potter, Hay Springs, and appointed to Long Pine at the last conference, and moved there, but only preached once, and was strick en with a severe heart attack from which he never fully recovered. Being unable to carry on. the work, they moved to Page, Neb., and se cured a home at Liman, and plan ned to make his home here in a few ; weeks. Bro. Murten was a good minister and pastor, and careful about pro viding for every interest of the church, and the Kingdom as com mitted to his care. At one of his charges 80 members were received during the year. Ilis last year at Hay Springs was a good one for increase to the church, and his last Sunday there before Confer ence was a blessed day of Spirit ual Fellowship, when everyone present at the service partook of Holy Communion together. Besides the wife and helpmate ini his life work, there is left to miss him, his mother, Mrs. Eulalia Murten, and one brother, Ernest Murten, Salem, Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. Sylvia Andrews and Mrs. Ellen Andrews, both of Mc Minnville, Oregon, a sister, Mrs. Nettie Todd, of Meadville, Mo., two nephews and two nieces and families of Portland, Ore., and three nieces and three nephews of the Todd family of Sumner, Neb. A large number of friends, and also all the charges they have served so acceptably, will sorrow at his passing. A good Brother and Friend has lain down his work and burdens and gone from us, but will receive The Master’s Welcome of "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy Lord.”— Contributed. | Door Committee Members A meeting of all individuals who have been selected to assist as door men at the District Music Contest, has been scheduled for Saturday at 3:00 p. m. in the dining room of the Golden Hotel. At this time plans and arrangements will be worked out to assure the proper function ing of the committee on April 18 and 19. It is very important that every member of this committee be present that Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock at the Golden Hotel dining room. Mrs. W. T. BarkhulT, of Fresno, California, arrived here Saturday for a few weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes met her in Grand Island Saturday morning. While here she will spend some time visiting friends and relatives in this section of the state and over in Iowa. Mrs. Bark huff has been a resident of Calif ornia for five years and this is her first visit here since her removal to California. MANY VACANCIES IN COUNTY CCC QUOTA According to Thad E. Saunders, Holt County Selecting Agent, there are still a large number of vacan cnes to be filled in the CCC quota for the April enrollment which closes on April 20. Applications are now being taken for the next acceptance date, April 15. The purpose of the CCC is to give unemployed young men an oppor tunity to earn while they are learn ing; to secure experience and job training that will hfeljf them to find better jobs. Employers throughout the country are learning more and more the value of CCC training. What impresses them most about CCC-trained young men is the fact that they have acquired better work habits than the average young men of their age. The CCC camp is an excellent place to learn the operation, care and repair of motor vehicles, trac tors, or bulldozers; they have an opportunity to learn the basic prin. ciples of metal working; woodwork ing facilities are unusually com plete. They may secure basic know, ledge of how electrical equipment works and how to wire various kinds of houses and buildings. They offer fine training for cooks and mess stewards. They have classes in photography, blue print reading, drafting, typing and radio. Mer chant Marine and private radio companies are constantly demand ing CCC-trained radio men. Young men who are unmarried, unemployed, between the ages of 17-23%, and of good health and character are eligible Enrollees are paid $30 a month; f they have de pendents they send $15 of this amount to their dependents; the boys receive $8 in cash and $7 is saved for them each month. At the end of their enrollment period savings are paid to them in a lump sum. In addition to this, they receive good wholesome food, clothing, medical and dental care; they learn to live with others, and are taught to do a job which will definitely improve their chances for employment after they leave the Corps. CARD OF THANKS To the many old friends who were so kind to us and ours during our recent bereavement, in the sickness and death of our beloved husband and brother, the late Rev. B. II. Murton, we desire in this manner to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks.— Mrs. Eva Mur ton, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Smith and family. Miss Agnes Donohoe Miss Agnes Donohoe passed away at her home in this city about 6 o’clock last Saturday morning, af ter a short illness of pneumonia, at the age of 71 years and one month. The funeral was held last Monday morning at 9 o’clock from St. Patrick’s church, Monsignor McNamara officiating and burial was in Calvary cemetery. Miss Donohoe was born at Bea ver Meadows, Pennylvania, on Mar. 6, 1870. She came with her parents to this county in October, 1879, and ever since has been a resident of the county. For twenty-eight years she lived on the home farm north of this city and in the spring of 1907 she moved to this city and made her home with her sister, Miss Anna Donohoe, who was county superintendent of the public schools of the county for several years. After Miss Dono hoe’s retirement from the office she and her sister opened a rooming house on west Clay street, which they have successfully operated since that time. Miss Donohoe had always enjoy, ed good health until a few weeks ago when she took a severe cold, which was aggravated by the fact that her sister was also down with a cold and she was trying to take care of her. The cold developed into pneumonia, which result’d fatality in less than twenty-four hours. Miss Donohoe is survived by one sister, Miss Anna, who is the last surviving member of the family. There are also several nephews and cousins and a host of friends in this city and the surrounding country. Her sister, Miss Anna, is still seriously ill with an attack of pneumonia, being unable to attend the funeral services. Her many friends tender sympathy in her hour of sorrow and hope for her a speedy recovery. Two O’NeiU Boys Escape Serious Injury In Luto Wreck While driving on the highway near Inman last Friday afternoon a car driven by Joe Gallagher and who was accompanied by Emmet Carr collided head on with a car driven by Charles Salibury, a tra veling salesman of Neligh. Both cars were badly wrecked and Gal lagher and Carr escaped with only minor injuries, but wer sererely shaken up. They were brought to the O’Neill hospital, where they were confined until yesterday, when they were released. Salisbury was taken to a Norfolk hospital and it is said that he is in a serious condition. He is suffering from severe chest injuries, broken nose, injured neck and cuts and bruises on his legs and arms. OF all kinds of hunger there is none like money hunger. Physical starvation may be the result of financial improvi dence. The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and This Bank Carries As Undivided Profits, Indebtedness of Oiori $140,000.00 or Stockholder*. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Another Successful Clinic Held Here Saturday Sixty-five children were examin ed at the orthopedic clinic held in the ONeill High School gym nasium on Saturday, April 5. The clinic was sponsored by the Crip pled Children’s Service in coopera tion with the Elk’s Lodge and was under the direction of Miss Kay Braverman, Public Health Nurse, and Miss Regina Mendell, Super visor of Medical Social Work, both of the Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska. The examining orthopedist was Dr. H. W. Orr of Lincoln, while Dr. J. A. Henske, pedatrician from Omaha examined all new cases be ing considered for Services for Crippled Children. The doctors were assisted by Mrs. Melvin Ruzica and Mrs. J. P. Brown of O’Neill. At tending the clinic were Dr. J. P. Brown and Dr. O. W. French of O'Neill and Dr. Gill of Chambers. Others present were: Mr. August Schneider, State Elks Lodge, Benedict, Nebraska; Mr. Harry J. Becker, Chief of the Division of Child Welfare and Crippled Child ren. Mrs. Harry Becker of Lin coln and Mrs. Beck, Child Welfare Consultant of Ainsworth. Miss Edna Simonson and Miss Marcella Betterman, both of O^Neill as sisted in the registrations. Mr. August Schneider, Chair man of the Elk’s Committee for Crippled Children was present throughout the day and supervised the noon day luncheon served to the children qnd their parents. Other out of town Elks present were Mr. George Burton, Secre tary of the Elks Lodge, Mr. E. B. i Watson and Mr. George Farran, all of Norfolk. > I he luncheon, sponsored by the Elks was prepared and served by the following ladies of the Presby terian Church: Mrs. Clara Miles, Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Charles Melena, Mrs. Seth Noble, Mrs. Fred Robertson, Mrs. R. H. Schriner, Mrs. John Osenbaugh, Mrs. H. W. Hereford and Mrs. Lulu Quig. Over two hundred persons were served. Rooms Needed During Music Contest Rooms will be needed for enter taining out of town guests who will remain over for the Music Contest, Friday and possibly Saturday nights, April 18 and 19. O’Neill’s customary hospitality and cooperation can be depended upon, the committee feels sure. There is no way of determining in advance h-ow many will remain over night, so it is necessary to have a sizeable list of available rooms, although the chances are not all will be needed. A flat charge of 50c per person iR customary. If you have rooms ( that will be available please notify Mr. Roy Sauers, phone 43, or Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh, phone 291W, not later than Wednesday, April 16, so the list may be completed in ample time. Your prompt cooperation will be appreciated by the com mittee on housing. Assessors From Eight Counties Met Here Saturday The assessors meeting con ducted by Tax Commissioner Frank J. Brady of Lincoln, at the assembly room at the Court House on last Saturday was a very successful meeting with County Assessors present from Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Holt, Loup, Rock, Wheeler and Knox Counties. Senator Tonyj Animus, who represents this dis trict in the legislature at Lincoln, was also present at the meeting and was introduced to the gather ing. E. A. Wisco of Spencer, man ager of the North Nebraska Hydro Electric Company was also present at the meeting. It is planned at this time to hold i another such meeting next year, ! which will probably be held in Bas sett, with Rock County acting as host. Dick Rakowski left on Tuesday ; on a business.trip to Norfolk and i Omaha, Nebraska, j1 PLANE CRASHES SUNDAY. NO ONE INJURED The first airplane accident in this immediate vicinity occurred just south of this city last Sunday about noon, when a plane piloted by Rob Chaney, of Stuart, crashed in the meadow south of the Northwester* depot. George Criss, also of Stuart, the owner of the plane, was a pas senger, both escaped injury, but the plane was completely wrecked, splitting in two. Mr. Criss, who had purchased tha plane the day before, was coming to see his wife, who was a patient in the O’Neill hospital, and Chaney, an experienced pilot, was at the con trols. They were landing in the pasture south of town when the pant leg of the pilot caught in one of the wing controls and as he jerked to get it loose the wing of the plane tipped, and being so close to the ground, the tip of the wing struck the ground and the plane went over. Both men were very for tunate in escaping injury. This accident brings to light the fact that O'Neill should have a landing field. It will only be a few years until airplanes will be as nu merous as automobiles and a city that doesn’t have a good landing field will be off the highway lanes of traffic. It might be a good thing for the newly organized Commer cial Club to give a little thought to the matter of securing a landing field for this city so that we can keep up with the times. The Legislature By Tony Asimus The Highway Patrol and the of fice of State Sheriff were combined into a state constabulary, with department.. Kadio communica tion with county sheriffs was made available. Under this bill the safe ty patrol will be bonded for $5,000 each, and will be under the super vision of the elected State Sheriff. This will mean more cooperation between the sheriffs of counties and the road patrol. * * * L. B. 130 does the same thing that former legislation in past ses sion did, regarding the cancella tion of interest on general real property and personal taxes. In its present form it cancels interest on taxes delinquent prior to March 8, 1939, if payment-of the taxe in made on or before March 1, 1942, with interest only from March 8, 1939 until paid. * * m Designed to assist counties which wish to establish the federal food stamp plan and similar systems, L. B. 221 was ap proved for advancement to select file. It would establish a $400,000 revolving fund with state assis tance money from which counties could borrow to put the stamp pl*« in operation. There are now 18 counties which have the food dis tribution plan. Any county, by adopting the stamp plan, could add to every dollar of relief money spent in the county for food, fifty cents more of “surplus commodi ties”, which incude many staple articles of groceries. The customer can select whatever surplus com modities he wishes to buy from any grocery store. * * * The bill providing for state civil service or merit system was re ported out to general file by the government committee. A similar bill, backed by the League of Wom en voters, was decisively de feated in the previous session. * * * The bill repealing the Old Age Assistance Lien Law was argued and advanced for passage this week. * * * The bill repealing the State Hail Insurance Law was passed on third reading this week. The public hearing showed that too few poli cies were issued this last year. Signed: Tony Asiman Miss Grace Connelly returned on Friday evening from Grand Island and Omaha, Nebraska, where she was on business.