THE STORY SO FAR: Intelligence Officer Bennlng’t warning that 200,000 foreign troops were poised In Mexico tor an attack on the United States caused grave concern in army head quarters, but the people branded the statement as “war mongerlng." He had Just returned from Mexico City whwre M At * INSTALLMENT TEN he had acted as a spy and gained the confidence of Flncke and Bravet, two enemy officer*. Suddenly four large southern cities were attacked from Un air; Washington was bombed and the President killed. National forces were ordered mobilized, but they were 111 equipped for Immediate %ctlon. General Brill, commander of the army in Texas, reported to General Hague at Washing ton that be was opposed by greatly su perior forcvs but was ordered to resist at all costs. General Mole, division com mander, prepared to make the best of a desperate situation. Now continue with the story. (• * * CHAPTER X—Continued As the commanders scattered to ward their station wagons and mili tary sedans, the bright sky festered Into a hideous hiss of sound. It came crashing in out of the dis tance. The ear could trace its course as it settled toward the earth. An instant’s silence and the ground trembled under the impact of high explosive. A geyser of muddy brown earth shot skyward, the air filled with the mighty detonation. The departing commanders gave an anxious look at the spout of dirt, but changed neither gait nor pos ture. General Mole calmly touched a match to the stub of his cigar and gave several vindictive puffs. “Well, there’s the first shot,” he muttered. “Sounded to me like a long-range baby — probably from twenty or thirty miles.” An observation plane radioed in the information. Van* Hassek’s heavy artillery had set up north of the Nueces. Mole offered no com ment. There was nothing he could do about it until the enemy came within range of his howitzers. His own 105-millimeter cannons, good for fifteen miles, had yet to be mold ed, mounted, tested, and delivered to the Army. As for his airplanes, there was no taking further risks over Van Hassek’s moving columns. It didn’t matter that the air service had sent In the Mrack combat groups from all three of its powerful wings. Nor that American pilots and gunners had proved themselves this morning much more than a match for the Van Hassek airmen. The American squadrons had paid * heavy price for their swoops against Van Hassek’s invaders. Into one anti-aircraft trap after another the Americans had fallen. The first big shell fell in an empty field well back from the Second’s front lines. A second shot followed quickly, and the business of long range cannonading settled down Into glum, racking routine. From a range of approximately twenty-two miles, observation reported. The Van Hassek columns were still rolling forward in a great, tortuous martial •erpent whose tail reached far back across the Rio Grande into Mexico. The ten thousand men of the divi sion worked feverishly through the hot afternoon, deepening and extend ing their trenches, adjusting gun po sitions. They pretended indifference to the roar of Van Hassek's artil lery, to the frequent spurting foun tains of earth that rose hideously about them. In mid-afternoon one shell caught a full squad of men who in a flash were shreds of flesh. A stark reminder of what was to come. But the men who saw this tragedy went stubbornly on with their work. Out of the distance came the rum ble of light American artillery. The firing came from the Frio Riv er, which meant that Major Randt, commanding, was potting at the head of the main attack force. The sound of Van Hassek’s counter-battery as sault wafted in fifteen minutes lat er. It rose in volume. The artil lery duel went on, growing in vio lence, which told the whole Second Division that the intrepid Randt was forcing the Van Hassek advance guard to extend itself. Firing broke out to the north and south on the extreme flanks. At the ■division command post Mole and his staff waited on these actions with tense nerves. Three o’clock was near. If Van Hassek’s invaders could be delayed much longer, they would not be able to deliver their attack in force against the Second before daybreak. General Mole and his staff made an estimate of the situation. Mole’s jaded face brightened in a moment’s exultation as his staff unanimously agreed with his own deduction. The Van Hassek commanders would not be able to attack now until morn ing. Their advanced divisions had not even started into assembly areas for battle deployment. “That means we’ve delayed them one day without a fight,” Mole ex claimed. “It gives us a real chance of getting through tomorrow with out getting blown out of our shoes. After that—we will see what we will see. But what a hell of a pounding we’re in for tonight, without any anti-aircraft and long-range artil lery!” When the hot Texas sun slipped down to the horizon through the haze in the west, a furious roar of mo tors swept the Second Division. The flight of enemy attack planes, flying an altitude of less than five hun dred feet, struck with the sharp bite of forked lightning. Over the 9th Infantry’s sector the attack planes appeared close enough to be hit with a hand-grenade. Men gaped after the apparition, or ducked into their holes in the ground against the menace of fragmenta tion bombs. But there came no ex plosion. The enemy had not opened up with their machine guns. “Gas!” The warning outcry rose In vol ume from two thousand throats. Ter ror froze on men's faces. Officers barked orders, noncoms raged at their men. Stay put! Discipline slowly but surely prevailed over the hot im pulse of self-preservation. Men dove into their trenches to bury their faces in the earth, or ripped off their cotton shirts, and wound them, doused with water, about their faces. Gas—and not a gas mask in the entire regiment—only ninety in the whole division and those for demon stration purposes in training tests. What type of gas had the Van Hassek barbarians put down? Ob viously not a mustard or persistent gas. The Van Hassek infantry would not want the sector contaminated in the morning when they launched their attack to blast the Americans out of position. A noncom caught the answer as his eyes burned into tears "Tear gas I” he shouted. The sector commander cursed again and trotted off to the left, im parting a show of deliberation to his gait. Gas officers were making their calculations of what appeared a new gas. Scores of men, afflicted with a lachrymation and burns that might extend over several days, would have to be evacuated to the hospital at San Antonio for treat ment Overhead the American aviation was redoubling its efforts. The 33d Pursuit Squadron was hawking over the sector. The 77th Pursuit Squad ron was patrolling to the front. That audacious attack flight of Van Has sek’s had used its heels to get away Mole’s Jaded face brightened. intact The American pilots were sharply alert against a second such surprise. Reinforcements flew up from Kelly Field. Overhead the American aviation was redoubling its efforts. Pursuit and observation squadrons had flown in from Louisiana and Virginia. Oth er planes were en route from Cali fornia. At the division command post, General Mole and his staff grimly watched the fading light of day. There was a tightening of tension throughout the sectors as dusk slow ly engulfed them and deepened into night. Long-range artillery pounded away laconically, tearing great cra ters in the Second’s artillery area and hitting near the division’s main line of resistance, and back in the bivouacs of the reserves. This told Mole that enemy observation planes had photographed his positions in detail—and confirmed the hint of what must be expected during the night. Evident It was, as the enemy pur pose unfolded itself, that Van Has sek did not mean to brook delay. With the preponderance of force held by his main Laredo column he had no need to wait. For that matter it hardly made sense, within the Van Hassek line of military reasoning, that the Second Division would com mit the brash audacity of a serious fight in front of San Antonio. With drawal would be only the logical course for the Americans, and Van Hassek had no reason to expect anything more than a few holding battalions at daybreak, resistance that would roll up in a hurry and scatter before his massed assault waves. "Bombers flying in, altitude be tween eight thousand and ten thou sand feet!” The warning came in from an ob servation plane a few minutes after nine o’clock. It merely confirmed Mole’s fears. Fast on the heels of the warning came the devastating roar of a heavy bomb. The earth churned under the roar uf succes sive explosions. A squadron of nine bombers, air service reported, us ing an estimated three-hundred pound bomb which would have a NEXT WEEK A14oaU*9 SmUUmmt fragmentation and shock effect. A second enemy squadron was report ed flying In. The warning buzzed out over the field wire to the sectors. Men were to take cover as best they could. More long-range artillery opened up. Night became another volcanic bed lam, the Second's position a raging inferno that drove men huddling into their holes to claw frantically under a maddening Impulse to dig their way down, down out of it all. At tack flights roared over, released fragmentation bombs attached to parachutes—small bombs that ex ploded on coming to earth. It confirmed Mole’s theory that Van Hassek expected an American withdrawal. This enemy blow fell at exactly the hour the Second would be pulling out if such had been its intention. In the 20th Infantry sector a bomb, estimated a six-hundred-pounder, fell in rear of a company position with a devastating force that re duced seventeen men to speechless, trembling impotence, though no man was wounded. Later they were re ported slowly recovering their wits from the shock and were not evacu ated. Van Hassek’s planes were operat ing without lights. American pur suit hawks buzzed about, but were ineffective in,the darkness. Van Has sek’s fury rose and fell intermit tently, then slowly dwindled away into a mere barking of some long range artillery that was pounding the roads into San Antonio. The clash of musketry far out in front brought an anticlimax to the crimson hurricane. Van Hassek pa trols were pressing the American outposts, seeking information of an American withdrawal that had not occurred. Half a dozen Van Hassek riflemen were gobbled up by the 9th Infantry outpost and shunted back for question. Over the field wire, Mole’s staff checked casualties at eleven o’clock. The bombardment had killed only 71 men, wounded 142. Another 80 were numbed by shock. Three had been stripped of their wits and sent back, in driveling madness, for evacuation. Mole nodded his head approvingly at this small toll. It did not sur prise him that he had lost so few men to the Van Hassek strafing. This was not Mole’s first battle. In France he had learned how frugal can be the night’s harvest of artil lery and bombardment. “I’ve been talking to Brill at San Antonio,” Mole told his assembled staff when he had completed his newest estimate. "Fort Sam Hou ston took another air beating to night Our air service has been forced to abandon Kelly and Ran dolph Fields. Galveston got a dose of mustard gas tonight after our 69th Anti-Aircraft Regiment there shot down an enemy bomber. It’s all unspeakably horrible—but my mind has had so many jolts I just can’t feel things any longer.” General Mole staggered but caught himself. The light in his un quenchable eyes burned steady through the toxins of fatigue. There had been a lapse in his memory, now he picked up the gap. “Put the Guard infantry in reserve just south of San Antonio. Also keep the mechanized cavalry out to look after our flanks. I am going to turn in for some sleep, but don’t hesitate to call me if anything important de velops. Otherwise call me when the enemy preparation fire puts down on us in the morning. Good night, gen tlemen.” CHAPTER XI First Lieutenant Boynton, 9th In fantry, lay sprawled on the ground, his eyes strained into the first gray ing light of approaching dawn Above the thunder of the enemy ar tillery preparation he could feel the pounding of his heart against the drums of his ear. Behind that curtain of fire and thunder Boynton knew the Van Has sek infantry was moving forward to the assault. From his position out in front of the American outpost line it was Boynton's job to discover the attack and fall back to the out post with twenty riflemen of his who lay immediately behind him. Boynton’s eyes caught an instant’s glimpse of infantry, men silhouetted against the sheet-lightning of artil lery flashes. Not more than a hun dred yards away he estimated the enemy infantrymen. He slipped the safety lock of his service automatic and lifted the weapon in front of his face. His men, long tense and ready, fitted the butts of their new semi-automatic rifles against their shoulders and waited. Like a ship looming suddenly out of a thick fog there came into view the weaving shadows that were the flesh and blood of moving Infantry. A spurt of flame leaped from the muzzle of Boynton’s pistol. It re leased the pent-up rage of twenty Garand rifles which sent a stream of lead pouring into those shadows of the night. f (TO BE CONTINUED> This Year’s Easter Fashions To Be Dainty, Very Feminine By CHEKIE NICHOLAS ALL signs point to a lovely and colorful array of sweetly fem inine fashions for Easter. This is definitely a year when emphasis is on “pretty lady” trends. There is big news, in color, es pecially in the pastels for suits, coats and ensembles. The whole fashion world is expressing enthusi asm for the new monotone wools in light beiges, misted greens, the very new violet and mauve tones, muted pinks and pale grayish blues. Seen in fashion-first Easter costumes, they are ideal, especially for the long-coat costumes as shown in the illustration. Fresh flowers add chic to these attractive Easter outfits. Beaux please take notice! The lady of your heart will be queen of the Eas ter parade if yqu send a corsage of fresh white freestas to match the bouquet on her hat (note the model in the center of the picture). If she is sophisticated, any beau may win her heart with a modern istic corsage of fresh gardenias. If you’re away she will appreciate your wiring her local florist to in clude an extra gardenia or two to tie on her wrist bracelet fashion as illustrated to the right. The newest idea of American de signers is that fragrant flowers should match the motif of gay print dresses with which they are worn. This Easter, romantic arrangements of roses, violets and lilies-of-the-val ley will vie with orchids, gardenias, flaming hibiscus and camellias. Sil vered and gilded leaves are a nett and distinctive Easter fashion with appeal to those seeking the out-of the-ordinary. Speaking/of flowers, milliners ev erywhere declare that myriads ol flattering little flower hats are sell ing in unprecedented numbers. Ths significant message about these adorable little flowery confections ii that you may wear them as cor rectly with your prim little tailor suit as you can with your dressi est dress-up costumes. (Quite a de parture from the old idea which ex acted a tailored hat with a tailored suitl) The thought that is prevalent throughout this season’s style pro gram is that one should wear al luringly feminine and flattering ac cessories. This applies not only to flowery hats and colorful whimsical veils but also to “hankies,” which are of the pretty-pretty type. It is just such flower-bedecked hats as the one shown above (to the left in the illustration) that are lending "endearing young charms” to the Easter fashion picture this spring. Note the dainty handker chief, designed by Burmel, which so artfully plays up a dainty petit point garland encircling an embroid ered full blown rose. You can get these "hankies" with violets or daisies or whatever flower you may choose. The other flower chapeau is typically an Easter bonnet It is a shiny straw in bon bon pink, trimmed with cherry blossoms, full-blown roses and wide green rib bons. The veil matches the straw. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Fruit Buttons Look to fashions for a new yield of vitamins! Fruit has become an outstanding inspiration for design in the apparel field. Many of the smartest new prints are patterned with colorful fruit motifs: hats are trimmed with realistic looking fruit; lapel gadgets are replicas of fruit, and buttons that fasten our dresses and blouses, coats and jack ets, are copies of fruits. The beige wool sport jacket here pictured is "vitamized” with fruit buttons, new this spring! A miniature dish of polished wood gives the button form. There’s good news for tired clothes at your nearest button counter! These novelty buttons are durable, as well as attractive. Vieing for honors with the fruits are vegeta bles—carrots, onions, lettuce, etc. Fads and Fancies Young moderns are all enthusi astic over fringed play shoes that take their cue from Western cow boy fashions. The inverted pompadour is a "last word” hair-do that is exciting much interest. The hair is brought down over the forehead, the ends turned under, which, when deftly done, gives every appearance of bangs. Not only is this ever so flattering, but it is very practical, for it stays neatly “put,” with minimum care. Something new for the bridal gown—white Nylon velvet, said to be very charming to the eye, and highly satisfactory in that it drapes beautifully and yields pleasingly to fabric manipulation. Very new for spring are navy coats or capes that have small shapely collars of white caracul, broadtail or similar fabriclike fur. Other models in navy have simply a cluster of white ermine tails at the throat. White hat and accessories worn with these coats and capes key to the white of the fur. To wear with your spring and summer print dresses, look up bead or flower necklaces, bracelets and clips that pick up one or more colors of the print. 1911 Jeweled Gadgets Romantic, Whimsical You must wear a jeweled "gadg et” of some sort on your lapel. It may be as romantic and sentimental as your mood dictates, or it may be humorous and delightfully whim sical. In every event, however, it will be a masterpiece of good work manship, for even the novelty types are exquisitely wrought One of the amusing sort that is extremely pro vocative is a huge question mark all set in brilliants, with a dazzling solitaire rhinestone suspended from the base. You might wear a glittering gold fish, a spray of colorful flowers worked out In elaborately set stones or a bright patriotic emblem. Shaking Liver Good Exercise For Mind, Body By DR. JAMES W. BARTON (Released by Western Newspaper Untan.) A FRIEND asked me to look at an “exerciser” for which he had taken the agency. It consisted of a square box on which he asked me to sit or stand. I stood on the box; he touched a but ton and immediately the box and I began to vibrate. I told him that this was the same idea as the mechanical horse found on shipboard or in a gymnasium which "shook up the whole body. What about these mechanical seats or horses? Can they help the body? There is no ques tion but that the vi brating of the entire body in this manner is helpful. Move ment of all kinds is stimulating which is Dr. Barton just what many busi ness men and others need after sitting for hours at a time at their desk. For a long time I wondered how these men with country estates kept as well physically as they did, de spite the fact that they were often very heavy eaters. It was only when I remembered that so many of them did a lot of riding that I found the answer. The jogging of the horse was just what was needed to stir up their liver, empty the gall bladder, and stimulate bowel action. For years it was believed that ex ercise that shook up or squeezed the liver would make the bile flow and this was proven a few years ago by research workers at McGill uni versity. In fact, I recently came across a rhyme in a little book, “By ways to Health” by Wood and Dans dill, as follows: “A jaundiced young gent in an attic Once thought he had trouble hepat ic (liver) He bought him a flivver Which shook up his liver And now his mentality’s ecstatic." Fonthose that are unable or unwill ing to ride, and for those who are unable to take active exercise, any thing that will shake up the liver will help them mentally and physically. For the vast majority of the middle-aged who do not play golf or other games, a daily walk at a brisk pace, some bending exercises with knees straight, and not eating heavy meals should keep liver and bowels active and the mind free from de pression. • • • Vaccines of Value In Preventing Colds SOME years ago a survey was made from the northeast to southwest port of the United States (from Maine to California) to see just what effect the weather had on causing colds. Taking a strip of ter ritory some miles wide, It was found that at certain seasons of the year, fall and winter, the number of colds in California was as large as in Maine. Now It is not as cold In California as in Maine, so that cold weather, in itself, is not a cause of the com mon cold. On returning from summer cot tages it is the “usual" thing for many individuals to develop head colds. It is agreed that it is the leaving of the outdoors to live in doors whether in Maine or in Cali fornia that is the cause of a great number of colds. It is not only los ing the outdoor moist, fresh, “sun shine” air, but breathing the still, dry, dust laden air of the Indoors that irritates the lining of the nose, throat, sinuses and bronchial tubes. You are reading and hearing more about getting vaccinated against getting smallpox, hay fever, diphtheria and scarlet fever. What about the vaccines for colds? Will they prevent colds? Dr. L. D. Bristol, New York, in the American Journal of Public Health, gives results of treatment of stand ard stock (cold) vaccines, in six dif ferent groups of factory workers (totaling more than 19,000). The time over which this treatment against the common cold was avail able varied from 17 months to five years. “On the whole the study shows an apparent reduction in the severity of the attacks, their length, and com plication arising from colds.” It would appear then that as a “part” of the treatment for colds vaccines have some value. • • • QUESTION BOX Q.—Is the presence of sugar in the body waste always a positive In dication that one Is suffering from diabetes? A.—Sugar could be found In the water of everybody, at one time or another. However, if you carry ex cess weight or there is a history or diabetes there is always the possi bility of developing diabetes. It would certainly be wise to be guided by your physician who would, of course, know best how to treat your particular case. DAIRY CATTLE NEED ROUGHAGE Constitute Important Part In Balanced Ration. By DR. W. B. NEVENS (Chief in Deity Cattle Feeding. Univerxity of lUinoia College of Agriculture.) One of the new developments In dairy cattle feeding is the discovery, made in recent investigational work, that the roughage portion of the ra tion is by far the most important part. If dairy cows are supplied with liberal amounts of well-pre served, high-quality legume rough ages. the balance of the ration is of little importance from the stand point of the character of the nutri ents. One of the facts which has led to this conclusion is the finding that dairy cattle require vitamins A and D In large amounts and that these are supplied by the roughage or sun light, the concentrated portion of the ration supplying little or none of ei ther vitamin. As a rule, either the other vitamins are supplied in ade quate amounts in the ration or dairy cattle have means of synthetlsizing sufficient amounts. Not only has vitamin A been found to be of tremendous importance in the health of dairy cattle, but dairy cows have the ability to convert a considerable portion of the carotene of the ration into vitamin A and to secrete this vitamin in the milk. In view of these facts, it has become increasingly important to make sure that roughages fed to dairy cattle contain large amounts of green color and that they are in excellent condition—that is, not moldy or musty—so that they can be com pletely consumed. Sunlight obtained by dairy cows while at pasture or in their exer cising yards or sun-cured hay are ordinarily the sources from which vitamin D is supplied. However, even during early spring, sunlight is very low in its power to impart vitamin D. Sun-cured hay is probably the best source of vitamin D for dairy cattle large enough to consume at least 2% pounds of hay daily. Small calves, as a rule, do not consume this amount of hay and it has been found advantageous to supply them with one teaspoonful of feeding grade of cod-liver oil in the milk each day. Woodland Makes Poor Pasture, Foresters Claim “Divorcing” the woods from the pasture and the pasture from the woods, has been recommended by foresters for many years. One reason is that there's more danger of live stock being poisoned from plants in a woods pasture than in an open pasture. Woodland offers poor pasture to cattle. Bluegrass pasture should yield 3,000 pounds of dry matter an acre, while woodland pasture yields only 450 pounds. The productivity of the woodland for wood crops is also impaired, and after several years the area is devoid of trees or contains only undesirable species such as persim mon and hickory. For these reasons, the combined value of both woodland and pasture doesn't approach what the site would have produced either in woods or pasture separately. Grazed woods can be restored to their original productivity by com plete removal of live stock, Carroll concluded. Tobacco Worms Small worms which up-root tobac co plants in beds can easily be con trolled by an application of naphtha lene flakes applied at the rate of 1% pounds to each 100 square yards of bed. Frequently one application is sufficient. When more than one treatment is necessary, the applications should be placed about a week apart. If a strong wind comes up shortly after the flakes are applied, the treat ment should be promptly repeated.