FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM residence, modern, fine location, good price and terms. —Ed Hall. 43-3 GASOLINE STOVE and oven, Chicken House, Chicken Wire, Fruit Jars, 1 Feather Mattress, 1921* Chevrolet Coach. Priced to sell.—Erma Devereaux. 45-1 p RED CEDAR POSTS, All Sizes.— Earl Wrede, O’Neill. 45-26p MISC E LL A N E OUS cor holt county news, .Read the Frontier. St-* SAVE MONEY. Send for large FREE catalog. "Trees that Please.” NEBRASKA grown. You will like it.—PLUMFIELD NURSERIES, Fremont, Nebraska. 45-1 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY: An improved 80 acres on Elkhorn bottom, close to O’Neill. Must be priced riflrht and worth the money. Terms cash.—Write box 18, c-o O’Neill Frontier. NOTICE NOTICE—All auto gates, fences or any obstruction on or across any section line in Grattan township 'jmofrt. be removed \yithin 30 days.— Oraitan Township Board. 45-n W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska nAT*rnDS BROWN & FRENCH Office Phone 77 Complote X-Ray Equipment Glaue* Correctly Fitted Residence (Dr. Brown, 22S Phones I Dr. French, 242 VIC HALVA Auto Electric Armature and Motor Winding Our Specialty O’Neill Abstract Co. C. F. & Mabel McKenna Real Estate - Insurance PHONE 82 L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, Nebraska (First Publication Mar. 6, 1941) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2842 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, March 4, 1941, in the matter of the Estate of Harry J. Bright, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is June 27, 1941, and for payment of debts is March 4, 1942, and that on March 27, 1941, and on June 28, 1941, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) . Elven A. Butterfield, 48.3 Attorney. ♦'First Publication March 13, 1941) ♦Norman Gonderinger, Attorney) * LEGAL NOTICE TO: Samuel E. Schultz, non-resi dent defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 9th day of December, 1940, Florence Schultz filed her duly ■verified petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, ♦ being Case No. 13709), against you as defendant, the object and prayer of which petition is to se cure an absolute divorce, custody and control of your minor children, and the ownership and possession! of certain personal property. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of April, A. D., 1941, or the allega tions of said petition wul be taken as true, and decree rendered against you in accordance with the prayer thrs South of Frontier Office O’Neill. Nebraska Week End Cash Specials FRIDAY - SATURDAY UNTIL MONDAY - Flour Snow White, 48 Lbs. Oatmeal Coffee OQc 2 Lbs. Special Grind For mim Cookies Fancy Mixed, 2 Lbs. POTATOES, Extra Good Quality Red Triumph—100 Pounds . Corn, Tomatoes, Green Beans, Veg. Soup OCc No. 2 Cans—3 FOR .. W Toilet Tissue 6 Rolls For .. Palmolive Soap 3 Bars . Salad Dressing or Sandwich Spread OEc Quart Jars . w We are now showing a complete line of Heinz Foods—the new size in Soup—Also Junior Baby Foods, Pickles, Peanut Butter, Mayonnaise Dressing, Ketchup, Vinegar and other items you have been wanting. Sardines—Plain, Tomato or Mustard Sauce 1 Ac Pound Cans . iw Salmon—pink OQc Lb. Cans—2 FOR LI Coffee OCc Red & White in jars, Lb. Dog Biscuits 1 Cc Pound lw Shrimp, wet or dry OCc 2 CANS . Prunes, Brimfull OQc Gallon Dog Food ICc 2 Large Cans . Iv BETTER FOODS FOR NO HIGHER PRICES WE INVITE you to call and take a look at our large stock of all foods. We are proud to show the most complete and largest variety of highest grades of foods. If you have some special item that you haven’t been able to find, try us. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Fish, Smoked Fish and all kinds of Canned Fish. Schulz Store O’NEILL, NEBRASKA No Ford has ever carried EXTRA VALUE quite so far! We’d like you to see and drive the finest Ford we’ve ever built. You’ll find its big bodies longer inside, greater in total seating width, and larger in windshield, than anything else in the Ford price field right now. You’ll find a great new Ford ride, too. A soft and quiet new ride that has surprised a lot of people and may surprise you. And with its room and ride and view, you get Ford extra power * with extra thrift, the biggest hy draulic brakes near its price, and a lot of fine-car mechanical “fea tures” found only in a Ford at low price. If you are choosing a new car thisyear, you’ll do well not to miss this Ford. And not just because we say so, but because the facta dol GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL GET A FORDl »#* rr - - , — ■'■■■'■ —■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■— — ■■■■— ■i— ■ n •> ... ' ' m