The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the postoffice at O'Neill. Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska. $2.uu One Year, outside Nebraska ... 2.25 t Every subscription is regarded aa an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly re sawed from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at Ike designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that those conditions are made a Kt of the contract between pub er and subscriber. Display advertising is charged far on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads lie per line, first insertion, subse quent insertions, 5c per line. A Word To Frontier } | Readers ! t i i - . | We wish to call the atten- J tion of those of our readers j who are in arreara that we t must have money to continue in business. Many of our readers have doubtless thoughtlessly al lowed their subscription to run along year after year, and wre ask them now to come in and settle. Payment of these little bills mean a good deal to the publisher as they run into hundreds of dollars. So we ' trust you will call, settle up, and start 1941 with a clean slate. — OVER THE COUNTY MEEK AND VICINITY Dwayne Borg, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg, was brought home on Tuesday from the O’Neill hos pital where he was taken last Thursday with pneumonia. He is improving and well on the road to recovery. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Linn spent Sunday at the Elmer Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. George Rector and family have moved to the place re cently vacated by the Carl Pfeil family. Galen, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull, was taken to the Lynch hosptial last week. He had pneumonia but is improving. Andrew Johnson and Charles Linn made a business trip to Nor folk on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and son, Dwayne, Jim and John Karel spent Wednesday evening at the August Karel home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clouse are quite ill at this writing. Herb Worth, Mrs. Ella Karr, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth motored to Wayne Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Worth’s sister, Mr*. Ella Bona witz. Mrs. Christina Walters is moving to the place recently vacated by the DeGraff family. Charles Linn motored to Meadow Grove on Wednesday, bringing home six hundred and fifty baby chicks from the Meadow Grove hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Robertson, Lois Jean and Raymond spent Sat urday evening at the A. L. Borg home. The Alpha Club enjoyed a dance at the home of Mr .and Mrs. James McNulty on St. Patrick’s night. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross and son have moved to the place known as the Borg place. Elmer Devall was a dinner guest on Friday at the W. S. Devall home. Blackleg, Hemorrhagic and other animal vaccine* always fresh at O’Neill Drug Co. 45-1 Methodist Church V. C. Wright, Minister I Sunday School 10:00 a. m., H. B. : Burch, Superintendent. Public worship 11:00 a. m. Spec ial music by the choir and sermon by the pastor. Epworth League devotional meet ing 7:00 p. m. The church offers the only ade quate remedy for all human ills. In times like these the church stands sure and steadfast offering consolation and hope to all. No one can afford to neglect church attendance somewhere. Uncle Sam is going to have three investigating agencies. Of course, the main one is the F. B. I. But a new one is being set up in the Bur eau of Immigration and Naturaliz ation. It will be headed by Jose R. Espinoza who is a friend of Senator Chavez, of New Mexico. His or ganization will be designated as the Division of Special Inspections in which nearly 200 inspectors will be investigating the millions of aliens in our midst. The other investigat ing group is the Dies Committee, a special committee of the House of Representatives, which is now de manding that Congress do some thing about forcing the F. B. I. and other governmental agencies to co operate with them. What the Dies —MW ^ CASH at Once I We advance money on all H makes of cars—without delay or bothersome details—and B without co-makers nr en- He dorsers. The most conven- P; ient way to get cash in a P‘ hurry and at low rates. If 1' ' your car isn’t paid for, ask B about our thrifty refinancing B plan. Usually we can re- I duce payments as much as B one-third to one-half and pro- B vide extra cash besides. S For Quirk Convenient Loans B Central Finance I Corporation I Prompt Courteous Service §p| 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. O’Neil) W C. E. Jones, Mgr. » Loans made in nearby towns. B OF all kinds of hunger there is none like money hunger. Physical starvation may be the result of financial improvi dence. j > y * The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $140.OWJ.00 This Bank Carries Bo Indebtedness of Officer* or Stockholder*. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Committee really wants is to have F. B. I. investigators at its dis posal. Up to this time, the Dies Committee has been denied these investigators and the committee members claim that the F. B. 1. comes to them each week for in formation. The F. B. I. does not like to see the investigational agency in the Bureau of Immigra tion and Naturalization. It believes that this work should be done by the F. B. I. So now Congress may become the mediator between the three. Close cooperation is de manded and depended upon by many members of Congress. Es pinosa is a small very dark man with bushy white hair. He was born in the United States and has had i many years of experience in the F. B. I. and for special investigat ing committees. He did a lot of i work for the LaFollette Civil Lib | erties Committee. Believe it or not—at this time dentists are having quite a time geting commissioned in the Army. Some dentists who have been draft I ed are being told that the Army ' has enough dentists and they have | to serve as regular enlisted men un ' til the service is in further need of ! dentists. Medical doctors, however, I are commissioned more rapidly due I to the fact that there is more need ! for this profession in our service. • ■__ Frontier Want Ads Get Results. Inlaid Linoleum AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN HISTORY Medium Weight, 70c per running ft, 6 ft. wide. Heavy Weight, 80c per running ft., 6 ft. wide GOLD SEAL DE LUXE Yardage as low as 40c per square yard. 9x12 Standard Weight Rugs $4.50 Large Stocks on Hand BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE Hereford and Polled Hereford BULLS BUR WELL, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 25 40 HIGH QUALITY BULLS Choice bulls of serviceable ages from the herds of Jos. J. Kezac & Sons, Tabor. S. D.; S. P. Petersen, Leigh; W. O. Zang ger, North Loup; Walter Kopf, Buffalo; R. Brannon, North Loop; Geo. Clement, Ord; Lands & Chaffin, Burwell; EmH Schoetiing, Loup City, and other prominent herds. HERD SIRES FOR PRACTICAL STfljCKMEN j These represent the most pleasing beef type and include sons of Baron Domino 4th, Advanced Domino 16, Peerless Anxiety 16th, Paladin Domino B, Advance Fairview WHR Young Domino 38, New Prince 32, Polled Domino and other popular bred sires. A Real Opportunity To Buy Bulls R. C. CLEMENTS, Sale Manager, Ord, Nebraska A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer Hundreds of towns and cities throughout America have in vested relief funds with real wis dom and foresight by building fine-looking, long-lasting con crete streets. Concrete is safer to drive on— skid-resistant wet weather or dry; free from chuck holes, ruts and bumps; more visible at night. Concrete makes the whole neighborhood more attractive. Concrete streets protect tax payers— by guarding against future burdens of excessive maintenance and frequent re placement. In the long run, they’re far cheaper to own than so-called “low cost" streets that eat up funds with ever-increas ing repair bills. Experience in hundreds of cities proves that concrete is the real, low cost pavement. Don’t be satisfied with inferior sur faces. Urge your city officials to invest in safe, economical con crete streets. _ The first CONCRETE PAVEMENT laid in O’Neill was built in 1934. Why not ride over it today? Note its even and unworn surface. Investigation will show that the first cost was low and that maintenance costs have been practically nothing. This is an opportune time to extend this desirable improvement to your residential districts by application of Federal funds that are available for labor to construct the pavement. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 321 Terminal Bldg., Lincoln, Nebr. A national organization to improve anti extend the uses of concrete... throegh scientific research and ngincering field work Announcing New Bus Schedule O’NEILL TO SOUTH SIOUX CITY ARROW Stage Lines NOW IN SERVICE Leave O’Neill 7 A. M.—Arrive So. Sioux City 9:55 P. M. Leave O’Neill 4:15 p. m.—Ar rive So. Soo City 7:35 p. m. Leave So. Sioux City 11:40 A. M. and 5:20 P. M.—Arrive O’Neill 3:15 P. M. and 8:25 P. M. For information and tickets GOLDEN HOTEL Unlicensed places which allow patrons to “spike” soft drinks are sometimes confused in the public mind with licensed beer retailers, who have no connection with the “spike” places and do not support their activities. The law prohibits “spik ing” of any kind in beer outlets. The beer retailers of your community are under the careful regulation and supervision of state and local authorities. We are anle to report that the vast majority of dealers obey the law and are cooperating with the State Liquor Control Commission and the Nebraska brewing industry in their efforts to keep beer on a sound social basis. - Nebraska BREWERS AND BEER DISTRIBUTORS COMMITTEE CHARLES E. SANDALL, State Director 710 First National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. Gamble** Gold Crest Toilet Soap Quick lathering. For toilet or bath. Regular price, S ban 15c. 16* Gamble's Cocoa Hard Water Soap Large ban provide quick lathee For hands, face and bath. Ragria price, 3 ban 15c. Pa^/c Morm For 16* 73,000 Tires on Sole at Sensational Savings Just think of it! Two solid train loads—tha largest single tire order in our history purchased for this Birthday Sale to bring our custom ers tens of thousands of dollars in savings. Every tire guaranteed. Every tire made of fresh, new material. New construction, new in design. Every “Elite” tire has the words “First Line” molded into the sidewall as a guarantee of quality. Every “Crescent” tire is built of quality materials, new construction, new safe tread design, but of a lighter construction than the “Elite." The “Rex" tire is made espe cially for those who must have new tire safety at the lowest possible price. By means of this huge factory purchase, carload freight rates, low selling expense and other savings we are able to offer you these sensational savings now! “J JJ” OUR DOUBLE GUARANTEE Installed Free “Elite” tires guaranteed for 18 months sat PAY AS rAA PEP WEEK isfactory service. “Crescent*' tires guaranteed LOW AS PAY MONTHLY for J2 months satisfactory service. In addi ■ —■ ..— tion, “Elite” and “Crescent*' tires guaran tees'* tires guaranteed against teed lor life against detects in materials and defects in materials and work- workmanship, manship only. - SIZE ELITE CRESCENT REX 4.40-21 . $5.35* $4.80* $3.98* 4.50- 21 .*. 5.35 * 4.80* 3.98* 4.75-19 . 5.65* 4.85* 4.18* 5.00- 19 . 5.65 * 4.85 * 4.18* 5.25- 5.50-18 . 6.45 * 5.35* 5.25- 17 . 6.63* 5.85* .... 5.50- 17 . 6.65 * 5.85* 6.00- 16 . 6.98 * 5.98 * 4.98* •All prices exchange and include your old tire. 4.50x21 Firat Line ELITE $5.35 Exchange 4.50x21 Crescent $4.80 Endian fe 4.50x21 HEX $3.98 Exchange 6.00x16 First Line ELITE $6.98 E t change 6.00x16 Crescent $5.98 Exchange 6.00x16 REX $4.98 Exchange f CRESCENT 1 3 Pint Lady Helen Rnbbless rioor Wax FREE A high quality no rubbing wax. Our regular low price, full pint can 29c. Now ior Thit Sale. Qe iy$ Pint Chemically Treated Dost Mitt FREE With thit oblong re versible dust mop. Mop is made of high quality washable yams. Com plete with chemically treated dust mitt. EO£ Sale Price. W Mystery Trick Kali* With Gold Crest razor blades. Our Gold Croat blades are guar anteed high quality. Gold Crust Single Edge Blades 3 AQ£ pkgm., (Knife Proa) Gold Croat Super Thin Double Edge Blades, 2 pkgo., 4Q( (Knife Proa).49T r 1 CHIHEX CUP i AMD SAUCER FREE | With Giant Site Gamble’s Granulated Soap 49* k New, improved quel f ity. Make* quick, W [ ing euda. I'’-— Dishcloth FREE With Regular Site GamNf’i Granulated Soap 17* KLjasrg fioeral rfimnln*. CEILING flfkflfl PAPER X XiXlXl WITH GAMBLE'S WALLPAPER Save up to 40% on your wallpaper needs. Brand new 1941 patterns. 2 Single Rolls Ceiling Paper TREE With Enough Standard Quality Non Washable Wallpaper for a Small Room. For This Sale Only, rt A r $1.24 value.. 4 Single Rolls Ceiling Paper FREE With Enough Standard Quality Non Washable Wallpaper for a Large Room. For Thia Sale Only. af WJ n $2.48 value. T1.90 2 Single Rolls Colling Paper I*REE With Enough Supreme Quality Wash able Fadeproof Wallpaper for a Small Room. For Thu Sale Only. AA$ A *1.70 value. .9DY 4 Single Rolls Celling Popor FREE With Enough Suprt able Fadeproof Wal Room. For Thie Sal A $3.40 value. ... PRICES SLASHED ON PAINTS GAMtU'l sum QUALITY INTERIOR GLOSS ENAMEL / Dries to a mirror-like gloss finish Long I wearing. Excellent coverage. I Per Gal, Sale Price.$2.79 / Per Qt, Sale Price . 79c j Standard Interior Sion Enamel / Per Qt, Sale Price 53c 1 Soper Quality Semi-Gloss Finish ( Dries to a hard semi-floes finish. Very 1 durable, withstands repeated washings- J Per Gal, Sale Price ... $2.85 l Per Qt., Sale Price .72c 1 Standard Semi-Gloss Finish C Per Qt, Sale Price .49c 1 Sapor Quality Flat Walt Finish 1 Dries to a smooth ratio finish. Excellent J hiding power and long life. # Per Gal, Sale Price.$1.98 \ Per Qt, Sale Price . 59c 1 Ail Gamble's Intern, Fmtshet Dry 0«»ble » Stoadard Flat Wall Finish C Without Unpleasant Paint Odor Per Qt, Sale Price.49C I