Los Angeles Called It a ‘Heavy Dew’ ^-—.....::r Lashing torrential rains have made this Los Angeles’ wettest season lb 48 years. The floods undermined and ripped out half of the Santa Fe railroad bridge (shown above) across the Los Angeles river, closing streets and highways with landslides. Hundreds of automobiles were stalled in lloodwater. --——-—-—r-r---r-r--1—-1 ‘Steady’ Jobs—30 Yeali m CofigreiS i. j.v ..... .b._....... f fii V III I > II ^ ,1 ' Xi’w iltu IS J rr ‘ •*' ■ Vice President Henry Wallace congratulates Rep. Robert Doughton of North Carolina, and Sen. Pat Harrison of Mississippi as they cele brated their thirtieth year in congress. Left to right. Vice President Wallace, Representative Doughton and Sen. Pat Harrison. Entl of Search! Beverly Kirk, seven-year-old Wol laston, Mass., girl, safe In the arris of Charlie Rich, 18, who brought hir from the woods in which she was lost for 16 hours during a blind ing snowstorm. Beverly was lost when she wandered from the home of relatives. 'Her warm ski-suit saved hJt front freezing. She slept under a bush 'when darkness fell. K ,. i a Irt Royal Navy * • ‘ • t i ■. j *v i ; i ; * i % Britain’s women help the navy id the less dangerous tasks. Here if Miss Mackensie-Orleve, superin, tendent of the women’s naval servV ice, at her desk in London. Radio Stations Adopt New Wave Lengths fen *1 y ;• 5 \ * I *1» •' n\ ' • f. ' Changes of Channel Assignments Preteat New Pretent New Pretent New Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Below 730 unchanged 1000 1040 1250 1280 740 750 1010 690.740, 1260 1290 750 760 990 or 1050 1270 1300 760 770 1020 1060 1280 1310 770 780 or 1110 1030 • 1290 1320 780 790 1040 1080 1300 1330 790 810 1050 1070 1310 1340 800 820 1060 1090 1320 1350 810 830 1070 1100 1330 1360 820 840 1080 1110 1340 1370 830 850 1090 1120 1350 1380 §4" 1100 1130 1360 1390 §5" 1110 1140 1370 1400 1120 1150 1380 1410 Sin 910 l130 1180 1390 1420 920 1140 1070 or 1170 1400 1430 o5o o§0 1150 1180 1410 1440 S10 . 1160 1170 or 1190 1420 1450 920 950 H70 1200 1430 1460 930 960 1180 1170 or 1200 1440 1470 940 970 1190 1210 1450 1480 950 980 1200 1230 . 1460 1500 ! 960 • 1210 1240 1470 1510 970 1000 1220 1250 1480 1520 980 1020 1230 1260 1490 1530 990 1030 1240 1270 1500 1490 •Wot assigned in U. S. Some changes in individual cases not in accordance with the ab5tf* change of channels have been made to avoid interference on adjacent channels or other considerations. it Far-reaching changes in radio broadcasting on the North American continent Will become effective March *9, when 1,200 standard broadcast ing station* will receive new wave length assignments from the govern ment. New wave lengths for favorite stations can be quickly determined by consulting the chart shown above. New positions, in all but a few cases, will be directly opposite column headed “Present Frequency.” J—staoiy.'i— --- Izaak Walton League Convention ...——■—«■.... Wildlife conservation will be the principal topic of discussion at the ™pkak Walton lcagm- convention in Washington March 27-29. Above are pictured p few of the conservation activities carried On by the league in the interest of preserving America’s woods, waters and wildlife. PrCsl ent Tappan Gregory (inset) will preside at the convention. The organiza on has chapters 'n 35 states. To Resign? ! yjm fA^ v W £ Ta The Republican National commit-; tee will meet in Washington, O. C., March 24, when Chairman Joseph W. Martin Jr. {above) plans to han$ in his resignation. Wendell Willkie has asked Martin hot to resign, to avoid a factional'’struggle. t , ' t Greater industrial use of farm products will be the topic of the National Farm Chemurgic council meet In Chicago March 26-2S. Wheeler McMillen (above) will pre side. Making Gas Masks for Our Fighting Forces Although poison gas baa not yet been used In the war, government officials arc assuming that some day we may be called upon to defend ourselves against gas. So, down at tl$* Edgewood, Md„ arsenal men and women are working swiftly to outfit oar armod forocs with protection algalnst gas. These photos show gas masks In various stages of completion, and a soldier wearing a finished mask. I' --.1. y-v' ‘ ’ "ft11 / g*. ■ • - ' ** thrive? M I i ■ ' Left: An Iraq native gases across at the Mosul wells of British cohtfolled Iraq, which some experts say will be onfe of three goals Adolf Hitler will attempt to reach this spi|ng. Right: British troops guarding oil lines which pipe oil from the Mosul wells. Insert: Iraq’s position on>tHe map. _:__IT ... .’.i.:. Yankee Sailors Take Over in Bermuda i j, Yankee sailors arrive ashore at Hanjliton. Bermtrda, landing from the U. S. Destroyer Belknap. Thih s<*ne rejects the nautical atmosphere of thcTBermudas, wbe|e the {ov^n^irot ms seiired one twentieth Jf the land for new air and naval bases. An American cargo-passenger ship is in the background. 300% Production at This Cow Foundry - 1 Jj' n * j 'i u, > •* j *’*■ * ‘ ’ j . /*: . .,4 . ■ *1 *i* &s4ft ilt!:.ii! v.! iriuo.itot Lou aiou Since everybody seems to be stepping up production these days, Maisic gave birth to triplet calves at the Lindenhurst, L. 1., milk foundry, where she works. This is believed to be the first time bovine triplets have survived in the East. Maisie is shown satisfying the hunger of her brood while she nonchalantly tongues some food. Inspect Defenses Members of t$ie house military af fairs committee have been inspect ing Uncle Sam’s new war weapons at the Aberdeen, Md., proving grounds. Here they are, wtti War department officials, inspecting a ')0 mm. anti-aircraft gun. ji Channel Watch A stormy sky over the English channel forms the background for this German sentry on the French channel coast, where another "Sieg fried line" Is building. ^ SUo Scott WatUH (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Victims of the Code Duello ON THE morning of March 20, 1820, two American naval offi cers stood facing each other in a grassy field near the town of Bla den sburg, Md., not far from Wash ington, D. C. They had been shtj* mates artd friends ohtc b^t now there was something ekfn to hatred in their eyes as they looked at each other across the spaoe of eight yards that separated them. Both men were well six feet in height. One wes a'ArJt 4!) years old, slender and graceful. He was Commodore Stephen Decatur, one of the nation’s greatest heroes because of his brilliant exploit in burping the captured frigate Phila delphia as she lay at anchor in the harbor of Tripoli during the war with the Barbary pirates. The oth er was about 60 years old, broad shouldered, bis hair a little gray at the temples. He was Commodore STEPHEN DECATUR James Barron, who had been court martialed and suspended from the service for five year^ because he had surrendered the frigate Chesa peake to the British mah-bf-war Leopard just before the outbreak of tbe War of 1812. A trifling incident bad caused the first rift in their friendship. Later Decatur was caustic in hia criticism of Barren's conduct in the Chesapeake-Leopard affair and in 1 an exchange of letters which fol lowed made so many insulting state ments that Barron eventually chal lenged him to a' duel. So here they were on this March morning meeting "on the field of JAMES BARRON honor." Their friend, Commodore Richard Bainbridge, was to give the words of command—"Fire—one— two—three.” Neither man was to fire before the word “one" or after "three." . » “Gentlemen, td your places." "Take aim!” Decatur Ipveled his pistol at Barron’s waistJJne and his adversary pointed his weapon at De patur's hip. “Fira—wie . f ib * The reports of the two pistols sounded as one and both men dropped to the ground. They brought a carriage to bear Decatur back to Washington. There was no such vehicle ready for Bar ron and Decatur insisted that his op ponent be taken with him. But there wasn’t room for both. As they lift ed the young officer into the car riage, Barron called to him, "God i bless you. Decatur.” "Farewell, farewell, Barron!” he replied as the carriage rolled away. That was the last time he ever heard Decatur's voice for the gallant young officer, after suffering intense agony all day, died that night. Bar ron recovered from his wound and lived to be 83 years old, the last of his generation In the navy. • • ♦ A Cloud on His Name. “James Barron, who had for years been ’Barron of the Cheapeake’ now bore the odium of having killed the nation’s most popular hero," writes William Oliver Stevens in the chap ter, "The Two Commodores” in his book "Pistols at Ten Paces” (pub lished recently by the Houghton Mif flin company) upon which this ac count of the famous duel is based. “To this day the cloud still hangs over his name. He is still ‘The Man Who Killed Decatur-’ ”