i' ._I By Genera © A. WHITI "Overhead the flock was growing.” THE STORY SO FAR: Intelligence Officer Bennlng learned in Mexico City that 200,000 foreign troops under Van Hassek were poised along the Rio Grande for an Invasion of the United States. He succeeded In gaining the confidence of Flncke and Bravot, two enemy officers, before returning to vi A1 INSTALLMENT EIGHT Washington. Flagwill, acting chief of Military Intelligence, told him that forces were also reported massing In the Medi terranean and the Far East. Benning continued to pose as an enemy agent when Fincke later appeared In the cap ital. Without warning, four southern cit ies were attacked from the air. Wash AS AS AS AS AS. AS. . tngton was heavily bombed and the President killed in the assault. National forces were ordervd mobilized, but the army was 111 prepared to repulse the well trained and equipped enemy col. umns which were about to advance against them. Now continue with the story. I*. -ML A*. CHAPTER VIII Captain Franklin Boll, in com mand of two outpost companies of the 11th United States Infantry in the vicinity of Laredo, had patrols along the Rio Grande watching for the first Van Hassek wave. Word had flashed through of the bombing of San Antonio and Boll knew that the land invasion must be shaping itself already for a vital blow at Texas when daylight came. Colonel Denn had spent a fretful night, well knowing the tight pinch in which he might find his regiment at dawn. His regiment was at peace strength, rifle companies running as low as seventy, total strength 1,132 officers and men. No artillery sup port had been sent him from Fort Sam Houston, his only supporting weapons were the 37-millimeter and small mortars of his weapons com panies. His ammunition supply was less than one day of fire. Such a thing as interdicting sus pected points of enemy river cross ing was out of the question. He had given Boll, in outpost, eight machine guns and some light mortars. Lightning flashed in the distance. A shrill screech came plowing through the night. High explosives crashed in to turn night into bed lam. Fragments found a victim who fell wfth a howl of pain. The crew of a machine gun was dropped. Men scattered, lay flat on their faces, helpless against this hurricane of destruction that howled down upon them across the Rio Grande. All existence was now engulfed by the seething uproar of artillery. Boll saw phat the regiment was claiming the fullest force of Van Hassek’s rage. Half an hour and Boll’s casualties were twenty. Patrols had been sight ed, an increasing number of skulk ers were reported closing in. Boll saw that his position was becoming untenable. He started his men slowly to the rear, with two squads covering his withdrawal. The enemy, suspicious of a possible trap in the nigHt, fol lowed cautiously. From this Boll guessed that only thq first scatter ing bridgehead troopB were in ac tion. But, haying gufessed that the Americans w^pre without benefit of artillery, Hhe Van HasSek officers now would use’ the main bridge and move across the Rio Grande in force. Boll had covered less than two hundred yards when a rutmer ar rived from Colonel Denn. “The colonel says get back as fast as you can!” the messenger pant-1 «d. “Regiment is pulling out right away for the Nueces.” i Half an hour later. Boll panted into the regimental position. Cap tain March, assistant plans and training officer, came hurrying up from a vacated regimental position. “Regiment pulled out twenty min utes ago,” March reported to Boll. “You’re to follow at once as rear guard. Trucks are ready behind this hill. Colonel Denn left you some baldoliers of extra ammunition, but we ought to get back of the Nueces before we fight. Second Division is taking position somewhere back there. Hurry your men along, Cap tain!” By jamming his men seventeen to the truck, Boll got his command on wheels. Two trucks went to the wounded, one to his three remain ing machine guns. He studied the luminous dial of his watch, an anx ious scowl) p*i hi? face as his c?nvoy made ready to pull out. The hour was a little past three o’clock. A plane shot overhead, traveling high and fast. Its shrilling motor? sent a chill down the captain’s spine. “It’ll be just too bad for us if we’re not at trie Nueces by day light,” he muttered to Captain March. “And with light tfiie in half an hour. I'm afraid we just can’t make it!” Major General Brill, area com mander, kept his bead through tan gled hours whose crises might have put an officer of lesser mettle in a dizzy whirl. Inventory disclosed that the Sec ond Division had escaped the sud den storm with loss of forty-odd car go trucks, seventeen men, five offi cers, and two pieces of artillery. Having given the Second its orders to assemble and march on Kirk, Brill set about his final tactical plans. From time to time Brill and his staff were interrupted by reports of air disasters over New Orleans, Galveston, and Houston. Total losses there aggregated twelve hundred. General Brill directed his senior aide to get General Hague at Wash ington on the long-distance. The hour was nearing three o’clock when the Chief of Staff ot the Army reported ready to talk. "My best Judgment is to pull out of here," Brill said, after he had re ported latest developments in Tex as. “We’re too thin to make a fight for San Antonio, but we can do some good delaying back of the Colorado and Brazos while you get troops enough into the Fort Worth country to make a stand.” The Hague voice responded with quiet firmness, “You’ll proceed at once against the erierhy, tirifl, and make a stand in front of San An tonio with your Second Division." Brill groaned. “But Hague, are you sure you understand the whole situation down here? It’s simply in viting a lot of nasty losses to no purpose. I haven’t force enough to—” > “Let's not debate the matter,” General Hague interrupted stoutly. "Is that clear. Brill?" “Perfectly, sir." There was nei ther remonstrance nor equivocation in the area commander’s voice now. In a calm voice Brill repeated the Hague decision to his staff. He of fered no comment. Without speak ing, the staff went to work calculation. At their rate ot kill, those vultures would tear his column to pieces be fore he could run under the dubious cover ahead. Decision snapped in his mind as he saw a new flight swarming into the fight. The birdmen were travel ing high, but heading straight into the conflict. More than twenty more planes he guessed in the daze of tragic dis covery. His eye raced over the ter rain. There were mesquite, juniper thickets, some rugged dwarf pine Scattered, his men would have refuge until Van Hassek’s columns wheeled up. He roared an order to stop foe truck and teaped to the ground, ^he (inwoufidea then with him he in structed to -keep up their rifle tire. Standing beside the road he signaled a halt, fftotioned the command to de truck. (TO BE CONTINUED) A Nourishing Diet That Is Low in Cost By DR. JAMES W. BARTON (Released by Weetern Newspaper Union.) IN MY student days we learned that there were three main classes of foods —proteins (meat, eggs, fish, cereals), P' starches TODAY'S (bread, pota- ur .. TH toes, sugar), "tHLln and fats (but- COLUMN ter, cream, fat meats). The other foodstuffs, salts—iron, lime, phosphor ous—and water, were consid ered “necessary” foods. Today foods are not considered entirely from the standpoint of fuel or heat, but from the standpoint of the building of the body and main taining the various body processes In proper condition to do their work. In days when foods necessary to maintain health are of the utmost importance to a na tion, adults, children and children of the future, not only must these foods be ac quired but they must be within the reach of those with low in come. That the expectant mother must have an excess quantity of foods containing Dr. Barton all the rood essen tials—proteins, fats, starches, minerals and vitamins—is agreed. It is a source of surprise and satisfaction therefore to learn that research workers at Columbia university have found that the ex pectant mother can live on a diet costing as little as 34 cents a day and still get generous amounts of all food substances she needs. Suggested Diet. This diet is announced by Dr. Clara Taylor, Columbia university, assistant professor of nutrition. A sample day's menu consists of: Breakfast—four prunes; one cup of oatmeal with a little sugar; two slices of whole wheat toast; one ta blespoon butter; one glass of milk. Lunch—Cream of tomato soup made with one half cup of tomatoes, one-fourth cup evaporated milk, one teaspoon flour and one teaspoon fat; salad of one egg, lettuce, mayon naise; cheese sandwich (three ounces of cheese and teaspoon but ter) on whole wheat bread; one glass of milk. Dinner—Three ounces broiled beef liver; one baked potato; one cup kale or cabbage; two slices whole wheat bread; two tablespoons but ter; one banana; one glass milk. Sugar allowance for a day is one ounce. • « * What to Do for Cases of Enuresis ONE of the gratifying discoveries in recent years is a method or methods of curing bed wetting or enuresis. Even after children reach their teens, they may be embar rassed by this distressing condi tion. In young children, liquids are cut down toward evening, the child is sent to the bathroom before going to bed and as the parents are retiring the child is awakened by his parents and walks to the bathroom again. This gets him completely, awake pnd is considered an i/npbrtarit part of the treatment. Formerly the par ent carried the child to the bath room and in many cases he was not completely awake. Part of the treatment also were methods to pre vent the child lying on his back dur ing sleep—knot in tail of sleeping | garment, narrow space in bed pre senting him lying on |iis back. A great a‘dv»rtre in thelrtbl blent of older boys and girls is the eating I of the salt s&Pfyvftl. Nq,lk|ui^j of any kind is ntUnved'after 4‘p:Vn., * and a sandwich of bread and butter with a layep; of te^le'9^ | or wplt j fish, or salt meat is given at bed-' time. As salt holds 70 times its ' own weight 6i this^ grefcltf 1 amount of salt at bedtime holds the water in the tissues till morning, thus preventing it going down to the kidneys. However, there are some cases of bed wetting that are not due to nerv ousness or to emotional disturbance, but to some condition of the kid neys, bladder, or the generative or gans themselves. The editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association advises that before any treatment for bed wetting is begun a thorough examination of the kid neys, bladder and generative organs be made, including X-rays, to de termine whether the cause is or ganic or functional. • */ * question box Q.—Please advise me regarding the cause of glaucoma, and is this i ailment curable? A.—The causes of glaucoma are not definitely known. Some derange ment of liver or kidney or both is believed a cause. .Sometimes glau coma Is due to some disturbance in eye itself. In older people may be due to high blood pressure. He redity Is believed to be a factor. Medical and surgical treatment to relieve symptoms Is the usual pro cedure. Sub-Stratosphere Training For Army Air Corps Crews A school for the instruction of air corps officers in the new technique of high-altitude flight, with emphasis on the use of oxy gen equipment, has recently been opened at Wright field, Dayton, Ohio. Some of the. actiinties at this school are shown in this series of pictures. dBm », «. Above: A student learns the “How, Why and When” of breathing through an oxygen mask—one of the first courses given in the Altitude school. New types of masks, oxygen tanks and working principles are explained. Right: This experimental elec trically-heated suit provides warmth without weight, and is worn underneath regular flying clothes or coveralls. Weighing 7 pounds, it keeps a pilot comfort able in temperatures that out side are as low as 60 below, F. These suits are designed pri marily for pursuit pilots who fly in the stratosphere. Inside this pressure chamber, officers “go up" to 18,000 feet without oxygen. Pumps exhaust air in the chamber for accurate simulation of altitude. Altitude chamber con trols. An operator takes offi cers inside the chamber up to 18,000 feet and back in about half an hour. Without oxygen average men “black out” above 20,000 feet. ---' M l- , f Going up ... . Familiarization with new oxygen and communi cation equipment is acquired u>hen officers attending the Altitude school board a Flying Fortress for practice at 30,000 feet. ■ 1 .. - ' . ,» it ?! *sr-r • * •' r 1’ Dr. Wm Lovelace, Mayo Foundation, inventor of oxygen mask (center), shownwith pilots on historic substratosphere flight in!938. SEWING CIRCLE L> IGHT now’s the time to get ^ into a gay new print, or a suave black frock in flat crepe or thin wool, or a bright-colored spun rayon. Something slick and young and decidedly new-looking, that will be as smart this spring, for eoatless days, as it is right now under your coat. Here’s a perfect love of an afternoon frock—not too dressy for general wear—that will accent the curves and belittle the waistline of practically any figure. This design (8867) is one of those gracefully simple basics that you’ll want to make up in more than one version. The deep V of the neckline is a perfect back ground for jewels or a cluster of flowers, so that you can vary it endlessly with different accesso ries. Detailed sew chart included. • • • Pattern No. 8867 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 4 yards of 39-inch material without nap. Mall your order today to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1324 211 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago Enclose 15 cents In coins for Pattern No. Size. Name .. Address .. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Oreomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial 'mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Oreomulslon with the un derstandlhg you must like the way It quickly allairs the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Wretched Minds How wretched are the minds of men, and how blind their under standings.—Lucretius. WHEN kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at nignt; when you feel tired, nervous,, all upset... use Doan’s Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! WNU—U 11—41 MORE FOB YOPR M • Read the advertisements. They ate move than a selling aid for business. They form — _ an educational system which Vu is making Americans the best- ® ™ educated buyers in the wofld. an The advertisements are part £| of an economic system which fa giving Americans more for their money every day. A