The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 06, 1941, Image 7

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    * Land at Boston Army Base
The first U. S. army transport since 1918 has just landed 1,200 soldiers
at the Boston army base. Some of the 1,200 are shown above debarking
from the troopship General Hunter Liggett en route to Camp Edwards
and Fort Devens. These men have just completed five weeks’ secret
maneuvers in the Caribbean.
Australian Troops Arrive in Singapore
“Berlin or Bust” was the chant of these crack Australian troops as
they arrived in Singapore to strengthen the British defenses. They were
equipped with great numbers of fighting planes and bombers.
On Special Mission
Dr. James B. Conant, president of
Harvard university, aboard the S. S.
Excalibur, as he sailed for Europe
on a mission for President Roose
velt. Dr. Conant it head of a spe
cial new mission to England to col
lect defense information.
Defense Expediter
Averell Harriman, New York finan
cier, whom President Roosevelt
named as aide to Ambassador Wl
nant, as a step in aid to British un
der lend-lease bill program.
Federal Income Taxes Due
(March 15 is the deadline for paying federal income taxes. With per
sonal exemptions reduced from $2,500 to $2,000 for heads of families, and
from $1,000 to $800 for single persons, approximately 2,000,000 more re
turns will be filed this year. Personal exemptions are lower, surtaxes
are higher, and 10 per cent has been added for national defense.
j Miners Open Wage Parley
1. Wage
2. 30-Hour
3. Vacations
With Pay
iji The United Mine Workers of America will open negotiations with
company officials on March 11 to obtain new contracts for 400,000 soft
coal workers. Above are shown (right) John L. Lewis, president, and
t (left) Philip Murray, vice president, under whom the union has grown
to Include 600,000 members.
Bowling Champ
National Match Game champion
Ned Day will defend his title at
the American Bowling Congress
tournament to be held at St. Paul
March 13. Approximately 25,000
bowlers from 800 cities in the U. S.
and Canada will compete for $250,•
000 in prizes.
The American Legion Auxiliary
will celebrate its 22nd anniversary
March 15 by the registration of its
504,299 members for national defense.
Above, Mrs. L. Lemstra, president.
Guard British Aid to Greece
Three powerful units of the British fleet are seen off the Rock of Gibraltar as they helped cover passage
of convoys through the Mediterranean to Greece. The warships are (left to right) aircraft carrier Ark Royal,
an unidentified battleship, and dreadnaught. Renown. (Insert) British destroyers making high-speed turns
when attacked by enemy aircraft while convoying ships through Mediterranean.
New Fighters for Uncle Sam’s Air Force
Interior view of the huge Curtiss-Wright plant in Buffalo, N. Y., showing the mass assembling of the
new Curtiss F-40 pursuit ships for the U. S. army air corps. This plant turns out 10 planes dally, and will
soon Increase this number as additional trained mechanics are put to work in the new plant buildings.
When Enemies Become Allies
For the moment at least, enemies become allies to help a wounded
soldier. A British officer and an Italian prisoner are shown In this sound
photo carrying an Italian casualty at Bengasi, Libya, to an ambulance.
Another wounded soldier is on the ground awaiting assistance from the
friendly enemies.
British Convalescent Home Kept Busy
At a hospital in the northeast section of England wounded Royal Air
Force pilots and girls of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force are now “in
mending.’* The hospital Is used by the R. A. F. and the W. A. A. F. Pic
ture shows convalescents walking about the grounds.
Found Years Later
Wrecked plane of Charles Stanton,
of Dorchester, Mass., which disap
peared with its five passengers June
20, 1937. It was recently found by
four farmers in a Jungle near San
Jose, Costa Rica—its passengers •
tangled heap of bones.
Canada's Navy on Job
Two officers of the Royal Canadi
an navy watch over a convoy from
the bridge of their destroyer. With
the Increasing flow of war materials
to Britain, Canada is kept busy.
Embroidered Panel
Is Quickly Stitched
Pattern 6903
\ | AKE this your most colorful
embroidered panel! The love
ly shaded roses are in single and
outline stitch and are effective in
wool or silk floss. Begin now!
• • •
Pattern 8903 contains a transfer pattern
of a picture 19 x 15 Inches; color chart;
materials needed; iUustratlons of stltchea.
Send order to;
Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept.
82 Eighth Ave. New York
Enclose 15 cents In coins for Pat
tern No.
Name .i.
Address ...
Both Congressmen
Congress consists of two
branches — the senate and the
house of representatives. Thus a
member of either the house or the
senate may be correctly called
a “congressman,” says Pathfind
er. But in popular usage, “con
gressman,” is generally applied to
a member of the house, and “sen
ator” tp a member of the senate.
A member of the house is official
ly and correctly called “represent
ative ”
Pull the Trigger on
Lazy Bowels, and
Comfort Stomach, too
When constipation brines on acid in
digestion. stomach upset, bloating, dizzy
spells, gas. coated tongue, sour taste and
bad breath, your stomach is probably
"crying the blues" because your bowels
don't move. It calls for Laxative-Senna
to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels,
combined with Syrup Pepsin to save
your touchy stomach from further dis
tress. For years, many Doctors have used
pepsin compounds as vehicles, or car
riers to make other medicines agreeable
to your stomach. So be sure your laxa
tive contains Syrup Pepsin. Insist on
Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative Senna combined
with Syrup Pepsin. See how wonderfully
the Laxative Senna wakes up lazy nervea
and muscles in your intestines to bring
welcome relief from constipation. And
the good old Syrup Pepsin makes thin
laxative so comfortable and easy on
your stomach. Even finicky children
love the taste of this pleasant family
laxative. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative
Senna at your druggist today. Try one
laxative that comforts your stomach, too.
Qualities of Prayer
Prayer is the believer’s comfort
and support, his weapon of de
fense, his light in darkness, his
companionship in solitude, his
fountain in the desert, his hope
and his deliverance.—Van Dyke.
rNervous lestless-i
if | VIA I Cranky? Restless?
II 9 I IN ' Can't sleep? Tire
IN 11 III ■ easily? Because of
distress of monthly
functional disturbances? Then try
Lydia K. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com
Plnkham's Compotmd Is famous
for relieving pain of Irregular periods
and cranky nervousness due to such
disturbances. One of the most effec
tive medicines you can buy today
for this purpose — made especially
for women. WORTH TRYING 1
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