Household News IWhzMwt-. THIS PUDDING FAIRLY SHOUTS 'TRY ME!’ (See Recipes Below) ADD ONE CUP OF IMAGINATION Once upon a time a friend told me that to her the addition of "one cup of imagina- ✓— tlon WBI the (MMOWKHI) } I most important bo* lun'ape into a roll 2V4 inches in diam eter. Let stand in the refrigerator several hours or over night. When ready to use, cut in slices Vi inches thick and fry or broil as for regu lar hamburgers. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) By VIRGINIA VALE (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) IF RALPH MURPHY, Para mount director, needed to make a little extra money he could write a book entitled “Ten Lessons on How to Catch a Man” and the shekels would roll in. Here’s what he has to say about it. (He’s a graduate ol Syracuse university, has been a stage and motion picture actor, producer and director for years, so he’s qualified to talk.) “I have three girls in 'Las Vegas Nights.’ Each would use a differ ent technique. Each technique would re quire eight reels to fold. So—I let Con stance Moore get her man with the di rect-approach tech nique. I give Vir ginia Dale a man before the picture starts, and I leave Lillian Cornell out on a limb with nary Constance a ma,e ln a,gnt Moore "The allure tech' nique is used by a woman conscious of the fact that she has an enormous amount of feminine appeal for men—a screen example would be Hedy Lamarr. Flattery is used by women ranging from the baby-talk girls to the moth ering type. There’s the girl who gives the impression that she’s help less; men want to stand between her and the world—Bonnie Baker’s an example. "There’s the girl who uses the di rect approach; spots the man she wants and makes no bones about it; she's ! a good sport, a play- i mate, and picks a man with the same characteristics. Bar bara Stanwyck’s a screen example. And the coquette, whose eyes say ‘if you chase me I’ll run— but not too far.’ Like I Virginia Dale on the timm BCreen Virginia Dale “Then there's the one who is not brilliant and not dull, not beautiful and not homely; every girl asks ‘What’s she got?’ The answer is ‘She's got the man that a lot of other girls wanted.’ ” -* Some other girl may have Errol Flynn for a husband now; Olivia de Haviland’s married him five times —on the screen—and when she fin ished "Santa Fe Trail” she fled to the equally ardent arms of James Cagney, in “Strawberry Blonde.” She was a little dubious about it; after ail, Cagney’s had a bad movie reputation where women were con cerned since he squashed that grapefruit in a lady’s face. But Olivia Is safe in this one—he’s cast as a belligerent dentist who gets into plenty of fights, but all with men. -* Twenty-four of the show girls in “Ziegfeld Girl" voted for their fa vorite movie actress the other day. Vivian Leigh got eight votes, and Bette Davis and Greta Garbo each got five. But—Judy Garland, Lana Turner and Hedy Lamarr couldn’t be voted for. They’re in the picture. -* Billy the Kid has finally joined the side of law and order. It happened recently near Tucson, Ariz., where Robert Taylor was made a deputy sheriff of Pima county. Taylor plays the fast-shooting desperado of the 1870s in Metro's picture. “Billy the Kid,” which was on location in the I Southwest at the time Taylor took I over his duties. They were shooting scenes on the Double U ranch in Pima county when Sheriff Ed Echols paid the tioupc a visit and pinned a shiny new badge on the star's shirt. My -7iv Burgess Meredith rarely wears a hat, but he's exceptionally well pro vided with places to hang one. At present he has four homes. (1) His 200-year-old farmhouse in Rockland county. N. Y. (2) Jimmy Stewart's oachelor establishment in Brent wood, where he has stayed on his previous Hollywood sojourns. (3) The house in West Los Angeles which belongs to Wayne Morris, which he and Franchot Tone rent; j it’s known as Annex No. 1 to Stew art's abode. (4) A small beach hous* which he rented at Santa Monica, called Annex No. 2—he took it with the idea of week-ending j there, but so far has been so busy that he's hardly seen it. But he has hopes, now that he’s completing his work in United Artists’ ‘‘That i Uncertain Feeling.” -* ODDS AMD ENDS—Mr. and Mrs. Rober[ Hurt in Honolulu listened to i radio's "Hilltop House” last year, and | liked the story and its star, Bess John son, so rnueh that they named their home for the serial. Recently Miss Johnson learned that all her Hawaiian Islands mail is being dclii ered to the Harts! . . . For the betterment of iMtin-Arnerican relations, Harks John son and a!l\ Butterworlh are mak ing a ten-thousand-mile junket to Mexico ( its, i uerta Rico and Htitana, for three “1 os Hop broadcasts . . . “The Ini form" ends Cll:rk Gable’s tuo-inonths’ mention and brings Rosa lind Rus.cll bock to the Metro lots. I Good Posture Help to Both Body and Mind By DR. JAMES W. BARTON (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) I SPEAK often about good posture—erect position of the body whether standing or sitting—because of its value both physical and mental. TODAY’S The erect car- u r AI T U riage of the HtflLI" body means COLUMN that the shoul- L . ■■ ders are well back and the chest well forward, giving the lungs plenty of room to ex pand, and preventing any crowding or pressure on the heart. With the lungs draw ing in the pure air and breath ing out the impure air, the blood, pumped by a heart free from pressure, will carry more nourishment to and more wastes from every cell in the body. The erect position calls also for a drawing in (or backwards) of the abdomen and tne de velopment of the ab dominal muscles by keeping the abdo men drawn in or back holds the ab dominal organs up in their proper posi tions, thus aiding di gestion and prevent ing constipation. Dr. Philip Lewin, New York, in Clini Dr. Barton cal Medicine ana Surgery, gives 10 commandments of good posture. 1. Stand tall. 2. Sit tall. 3. Walk tall and “chesty,” with weight of the body on the balls or front part of the feet. 4. Draw in the abdomen, pulling it backwards and upwards. 5. Keep the shoulders high and square. 6. Pull the chin downward toward the collar button. 7. Flatten the hollow of the back by rolling the hip bones downward and backward. 8. Separate the shoulders from the hips as far as possible. Do this more by drawing hips down than by raising shoulders. 9. Lie tall and flat. (Don't overdo this as having elbows and knees very slightly bent helps to relax the body and so invites sleep). 10. Think tall. • • • What’s to Be Done About Dandruff? DERHAPS you have been reading * about various cures for dandruff or have tried some without obtain ing a cure. That dandruff is a fore runner or cause of loss of hair is not true, according to many research workers. The federal trade commission of the United States, after an investiga tion of dandruff, states that there is no proof that dandruff is due to any infection. In Public Health Reports, Washington. D. C., Dr. C. W. Em mons states that while a small yeastlike organism is always pres ent in the dry or greasy scales of dandruff. This little organism is known as the “bottle bacillus” and many In vestigators have tried in vain to cause it to grow as other tiny or ganisms are made to grow. Even those research workers who have been successful in growing this or ganism admit that they have not been able to cause dandruff in any scalps by inoculation with it. Instead of trying to infect a nor mal scalp and thus perhaps cause dandruff, it was decided to inocu late an individual who already had dandruff and to measure whether this inoculation caused any increase in the time required to develop dan druff in places where dandruff was extensive as compared with places in which dandruff was absent or scant The dandruff did not appear any sooner in the inoculated spots than in the other spots. This proves, that, with our pres ent knowledge at least, dandruff is not likely due to the organism that hitherto has been blamed for it. The above information does not mean that something should not be done about dandruff. Until the cause is found, the frequent use of soap and water on the scalp, or the use of various proprietary preparations should be continued. The cleansing and rubbing of the scalp in itself is helpful in that it not only loosens and removes scales but stimulates the circulation of the blood in the scalp. * • • QUESTION BOX Q-—Could heavy smoking (now discontinued) have any direct con nection with my feeling sure I have , heart disease? A.—It is not likely that your heart was permanently damaged by smok ing. Symptoms look more like gall bladder disturbance. However, an examination by your physician will show whether or not symptoms are doe to a heart condition. Q—How can I stop smoking? A.—Eating candy before smoking ind engaging in sports will help. , • I ■ws f>*m WoHM> Objecting Mother—Baby’s crying because he’s getting his first teeth. Little Mary—What’s the mat ter? Doesn’t he want them? Next Best “Why did they hang that pic ture?” “Because they couldn’t find the artist.” Quite Obvious “Isn't that a new frock you've on?" "Yes; I got it for a ridiculous figure.” "Oh, I can see that!" Grounds for Suspicions “I’ve searched high and low for the furniture cream recipe your mother gave me—” “Here!” »aid her husband, put ting down his spoon, “where did you get the recipe for this soup?” The rain rains mostly upon the just. The unjust keep borrowing his umbrella. Respect Due Going to the office with Brown every morning, Smith noticed that he raised his hat to Dr. Blunt, the family doctor, whom they met on his rounds. “tf’hy do you raise your hat?" asked Smith. “Because my wife does what he tells her," replied Brown. That Was Easy With his usual long-windedness, the bore was describing one of his hair-breadth escapes. “There was I,”.he said, “on a lonely road, miles from anywhere, with a blazing ear. What do you think I did?” One weary listener stifled his yawns long enough to reply: “Took a long breath and blew it out!” The Questions 1. What is the only state in the Union which is bounded by one state alone? 2. Which of the following is a natural magnet—Capstone, thun derstone or lodestone? 3. What are known as cardinal winds? 4. When was the boundary be tween the United States and Can ada finally determined? 5. What are the odors of the principal gases that are used in war? 6. How many shillings are there in a British pound? 7. How small can diamonds be cut? 8. Who said: “I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution”? 9. In what city is the street called the Strand? The Answers 1. Maine. 2. Lodestone. 3. Winds blowing from due north, east, south or west. 4. The boundary between the United States and Canada was not completely determined until 1925, or 142 years after our country signed the peace treaty with Eng land. 5. As nearly as can be described, mustard gas smells like garlic; lewisite like geraniums; phosgene ' M TTERNS SEWING CIRCLE -pHERE’S something guileless and appealing about a yoke dress like this that will make you look as fresh and bright as a little girl all dressed up in a new starched frock! It’s very becom ing and youthifying to misses and women alike. Yet design No. 8876 m --- ■ • - t- -• — ASK ME O ™mzwf.Answ;rs I ANOTHER f on Various Subjects ___ ^ - like musty hay; and tear gas like apple blossoms. 6. Twenty. 7. Some diamond cutters have become so expert in cutting very small diamonds for mass settings that they produce regular 58-facet stones so small that as many as 800 weigh only one carat. 8. Ulysses S. Grant (inaugural address March 4, 1869). 9. London (from Fleet street to Trafalgar square, parallel to and near the Thames). offers you the makings of a very comfortable home style, with waistline that you can comfortably draw in ta just the slimness you want, by means of the sash belt In the back. The high-cut skirt is very slen derizing to the hips and waist. The gathered bodice gi’ js you a nice round bosom-line. Make this of percale, calico or gingham and trim with bright ricrac and but tons. Untrimmed, it’s a good style for runabout, if you make it up in flat crepe or spun rayon. Send for the pattern today, and be among the first to wear it! • • • Pattern No. 8876 is designed for size* 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 40. Size 14 requires 3% yards of 36-inch material without nap; l*a yards trimming. Detailed sew chart Included. Send order to; SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Room 1324 211 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago Enclose IS cents in coins for Pattern No. Size. Name . Address . Spanking Sportsmen The lads of the Philippine islands are tough. Their favorite game is the slapping game, when one of them sits on a bench, side on to his opponent. The other lad steps up, lashes out with a mighty slap on the side. Then the judges have a look at the victim. If the blow has been hard enough to make blood show beneath the skin, the striker has won. If not, he has to change places with the other lad, who takes a slap at him. Spankings from mamma should not worry these boys! INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Gu trapped in the stomach or gullet maj act like ft hair-trigger on the heart. At the first sign of (Ditresa smart men and women depend on Bell-ana Tablets to set gas free. No laxative but made of the fastest acting medicines known for acid Indigestion. If th# FIRST DOSE doesn't prove Dell-ans better, return bottle to us tod receive DOUBLE Manor Back. 26c, Our Vanity Hurt That which makes the vanity of others unbearable to us is that which wounds our own. —«■ La Rochefoucauld. 3* COLDS quickfy u.11 LIQUID ' ) TABLETS SALVE NOS* DROPJ COUCH DROPS — Duty Toward Health To do all in our power to win health, and to keep it, is as much our duty as to be honest.—T. F. Seward. NAGGING BACKACHE Modem life with Its ceaseless hurry and worry, irregular habits, improper eating and drinking, exposure, contagion whatnot, keeps doctors busy, _ hospitals crowded. The alter effects are disturbing to the kidneys and oftentimes people Buffer without know ing that disordered kidney action may cause the trouble. After colds, fever and similar ills there is an in crease of body impurities the kidneys must filter from the blood. If the kidneys are overtaxed and fail to remove excess acid and other harmful waste, there ia poisoning of the whole system. THE REASON DOAN’S ARE FAMOUS All over the country grateful people tell otherss “Doan*a have helped me ; / recom mend them to you,** That is why we say, Aak your neighbor / Symptom* of disturbed kidney function may be nagging backache, persistent head ache, dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, __ pulTinesa under the eyes— a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of strength and energy. Other signs of kid ney or bladder disturbance sometimes are burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion. In such cases it is better to rely on a medicine that has won world-wide ap proval than on something less favorably known. Use Doan’s Pills. They have been winning new friends for more than forty years. Be sure to get Doan's. Sold at all drug stores. DOM’S PILLS Dignity and Proportion Remember this—that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act of life.—Marcus Au relius. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR ■ LESSH NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested —less than any of them —according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself. fP-* it's SWELL TO GET THAT EXTRA MILDNESS ‘ IN A SMOKE AS TASTY AS A CAMEL. THERE'S LNOTHING LIKE A CAMEL FOR FLAVOR AMERICA’S No. 1 SKIER. DICK DURRANCE : Ml THE SMOKE’S THE THING!