Official Proceedings of the Holt County Board (Continued From Lest Week.) Big]in Bros. . 20.40 Burroughs Add. Mach Co. .. 49.00 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co. 1.50 Norris W. Coats . 8.95 James Davidson & Sons .. 51.25 Jarvis & Son ..- 4-80 G. E. Morgan .. — 1-40 H. D. Manson .—.— 56.10 Ira H. Moes ...... 9.76 Ira H. Moss . 10.76 Ira H. Moss . 8.75 Ira H. Moss . 8-75 Ira H. Moss - 20.75 C. M. Me La tic . 1.50 P. i. O’Donnell. 15 00 Singer Sewing Mach. Co. 8.50 L. W. Ullrich - 2.00 B. T. Winchell . 2.41 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrents ordered drawn on Road Dragging fund in payment of same: John J. BaUer .— I 7.60 H. F. Dickau . 16.00 M. G. Helmricks .-. 15.00 E. E. Ililligas . 10.80 Jeff’s Station .-. 12.92 Jeff’a Station . 6.73 Leon Thompson .-. 14.40 Fred Johring . 4.60 Ford Krutz, Jr. 11.25 Ross Ridgeway .- 5.85 Wayne Stevens .— 4.60 Bert Shoemaker . 24.70 John Stauffer, Jr..— 9.30 Louis Vitt .-. 11-26 Robert Witherwax . 3.00 5:00 P. M.. on motion, Board ad journed until November 27, 1940, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska November 27, 1940 9.00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting call ed to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. On motion, the following claims were allowed on the Administra tive Expense fund: The Flax Company . $ 5.00 Margaret Howard . 59.50 Marlin Jones .. Laura Mitchell . William Miller .. Thud E. Saunders . 1 Board spent some time in a dis cussion of road work in the, county. 12:00 Noon, on motion, Board ail-' joumed until 1:00 I*. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. Holt County Board of Supervls-1 ors met as per adjournment. All! members present. Meeting called | to order by Chairmun. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warants order ed drawn on the Emergency Un employment Relief fund in pay ment of same: Arbuthnot Oil Co. $ Id,21 Prs. Brown & French . 79.00 Drs. Biown & French . 129.95 Drs. Brown & French . 18.75 Dr. L. A. Burgess . 5.00 Brooks & Corcoran . 1.10 V. S. Brittell 15.00 Bulin Bros . 57.05 Dr. E. P. Bradley fi.OO Coufal Matket . 33.00 Coufal Market 14.00 Council Oak—Atkinson ... 34.00 Council Oak—Atkinson 21.00 Curley’s U &. I Store . 8.00 W. I. Gray . 42.00 Hoskinson Merc. Co. 41.75 Hupp Grocery . 2.01 J. M. Hayes . 10.00 Dr. Robert C. Hawkins . 6,00 Dr. G. B. Ira .-. 26.00 R. P. Jones ... 10.00 | E„ J. KUraurry.. 3.00 ! IXr. R. E. Kris . 20.00 Dr. F. J. Kubitschek . 30.00 Mrs. Harry Kopp . 22.00 Mrs. Harry Kopp. 92.00 R. E. Chittiek . » 80 Chace & Chace . 35.00 Council Oak—O’Neill ....103.50 Council Oak—O’Neill .—.116.05 Clover Farm Store ... S5.00 Clover Farm Store ...- 49.00 Dr. W. J. Douglas..142.55 Christina Dierks -—. 6.00 Christina Dierks . 12.00 Dickau Estate ...— 7.00 Dickau Estate . 7.00 Ellis Grain Co-- 4.00 Fair Store - 22.50 Drs. Gadbois & Stewart- 6.00 Mort GUI _23.00 J. P. Gallagher.. 68.00 J. P. Gallagher . 114.60 O'Neill Drug Co. - 1.83 Pelcer & Spence.. 36.59 Pelcer & Spence .. 13.00 J. C. Penney Co... 32.76 J. C. Penney Co. 13.94 Frotovinsky Grocery . 84.00 St. Joseph Horae . 21.00 Stanley Soukup .~. 25.00 Sacred Heart Hosp.— 23.00 W. K. Smith - 8.60 Schultz Drug Co-- 5.36 Schultz Drug Co.—«... 79.00, K-B Market . 48.00 K-B Market .. 59.00 Lutheran Good Sam. Hosp. 75.00 Lutheran Good Sam. Hosp.127.64 | Clifford Lierman . 22.50 Howard Manson .. 15.00 Mrs. Henry Mullen . 3.00 Elvin Martin . 25.00 Elbert Major . 10.00 Midway Store . 13.00 Midway Store . 5.00 N. P, McKee, M. D.. 10.00 N. P. McKee, M. D. 17.50 N. W. Bell Tel. Co. 7.89 N. W. Bell Tel. Co.. 5.80 O’Neill General Hosp. 83.00 O’Neill General Hosp. 18.00 O’Neill General Hosp. .. 61.00 O'Neill Drug Co. 3.00 Thad E. Saunders . 2.00 Story’s Clover Farm . 4.00 Frank Schnase . - 9-28 Minnie Tassler . 64.00 Minnie Tassler . 48.00 Vaughn Grocery . 6.00 Western Hotel . 13.50 J. H. Wunner .— 52.00 Wilson Drug Co. 4.70 John Wrede . 19.27 John Wrede . 28.00 Western Union . 1.32 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General Fund in payment of same: John A. Carson . $ 61.00 J. H. Gibson . 49.50 Ed. J. Matousek . 63.95 Walter K. Smith . 58.00 J. C. Stein . 46.00 W .E. Wulf . 47.00 Motion by Matousek, seconded by Gibson that Chairman be author ized to sign the application setting up the National Youth Adminis tration Project. Carried. The following claims were audit ed and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Road fund in payment ot same: Francis Brandt .... $ 4.00 Ed Brandt 6.60. Ed Brandt . 5.00 Ed J. Matousek . 35.00 Richard Minton .. 88.00 Wilbur McCartney . 29.801 Frank Osborne . 56.801 Floyd Osborne . 58.00 j Floyd Osborne . 24.00! Frank Osborne .. 24.00 Chas. Porter . 1.75 Theo Scheuth .:.. 18.00 O. B. Stuart . 52.80 W. A .Smith . 69.40 Walter K. Smith . 40.00 J. C. Stein . 16.00 Hurry Sullivan . 88.00 Wm. Thramer . 74.00 P. C. West . 10.00 j Merle Armstrong 10.00 P. C. Armstrong 226.00’ Thos. J. Brennan . 15.15 ^ John Bonenberger . 4.50 ( Fred Colfack . 8.10 Norris W. Coats . 7.43 Henry Dierks . 33.81 Henry Dierks . 6.27 Eben GratTt . 21.11 Wilton lla.vne . ... 13.85 Inland Construction Oo. ........ 30.00 Francis Johnson.. 15.50 Leo Kramer .. 1.25 Albert Kallhoff . 14.60 Joe Krobot . 3.76 Wm. Krotter Oo. .. 69.45 Lohaus Motor Co. . .65 Montgomery Ward Co. .. 60.29 Miller-Hasselbalch . 13.63 j Millci Hassdbalch 58,74 C. R. “Kelly” Myers . 42.211 Wayne Marcelhis ... 34.64 John Sullivan . 20.00 Nebraska Culvert Co. .103.23 H. E. Newmans . 7.29 John Sullivan 40.00 George Post .... 6.40 Mahlon Shearer . .. 25.00 Frank Skrdia .. 13.38 Chas. Strong . 4.00 Leo Vandersnick .18.85 5:00 P. M. on motion, Board ad journey until December 9, 1940, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STKIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska December 9, 1940 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. IN THE COUNTY COURT OFj HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF; The case of: EBEN GRAFFT, Contestant, vs. W. E. WULF, Incumbent. ELEC TION CONTEST. And the case of: LUKE RAKOW, Contestant vs. W. E. WULF, Incumbent. ELEC TION CONTEST. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY j BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA: Whereas the two above-mentron ed civil cases have been filed in the County Court of Holt County, Ne braska, and aj’e now pending for de termination therein, and whereas I, Louis W. Reimer, Judge of such Court, am disqualified, according to the laws of the State of Nebras ka, to entertain jurisdiction in said matters because of the fact of my relation and kinship to W. E. Wulf, one of the parties thereto. I therefore petition your honorable b dy to appoint a competent and jisinterested person to act as Judge of the County Court of said County in the said two above-men tioned cases. In this respect, I suggest the name of Ira H. Moss, and recom mend his appointment upon a show ing of proper qualifications. Dated this 9th day of December, A. D., 1940. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPOINTMENT OF IRA H. MOSS, AS TEMPORARY JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, TO Roy Brown .- 12.00 Continental Oil Co. 26.65 Crabb Oil Co. 65.13 Norris W. Coats . 1.07 H. A. Cadwallader . 47.40 Edwin Engler . 16.20 Fred Ernst . 4.50 Harry Ford . 8.00 Eben Grafft . 23.16 Gamble Store . 23.78 Albert Giedd . 10.00 Leonard Heias . 45.00 Frank Howard .-. 18.16 S. W. Ilytrek . 18.25 Island Supply Co. 200.00 Island Supply Co. 12.21 Wm. Krotter Co. 11.61 Wm. Krotter Co. 4.44 Gerald Lounsburg . 4.50 C. R. Myers . 32.40 Wayne Marcellus . 24.69 Miller Hasselbalch .300.80 Jess Mellor . 30.60 V. A. Moler . 4.50 Lawrence Murray . 4.50 Donald Meier . 2.00 S. E. Newman . 0.29 Clem Olberding . 17.10 Roy Parshall . 34.80 A1 Robertson .. 15.30 Carl Wulf . 8.00 George Wedige . 5.40 12:00 Noon, on motion, Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, December 19, 1940, 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General fund in payment of same: Churchill Mfg. Co.$ 37.02 J. W. Bennie .76 W. G. Fletcher . 75 H. W. Hubbard . 2.25 P. J. Keating ........ 9.50 Ethel Mulhair .60 Milburn & Scott . 30.18 Milburn & Scot* . 32.90 Milburn & Scott . 34.69 Milburn 6 Scott 12.85 Milburn & Scott . 5.21 Milburn & Scott . 50.49 Elizabeth O’Malley . 20.50 J. W. Rhodes . 5.25 Wm. 1*. Weber .25 Burroughs Add. Mach. Go..... 49.00 Augustine Co. 6.66 Augustine Co. 33.25 Industrial Chem. Co. . 29.43 Franklin Ribbon C-o. 3.35 Mayes Electric Co. 2.50 Frank Howard . 3.75 Hammond & Stephens Co. 21.20 Hammond & Stephens Co. 392.00 Hammond «£ Stephens Co. 16.57 E. J. Kilmurry — .. 5.00 K-B Printing Co. 9.25 K-B Printing Co. 10.26 K-B Printing Co. 3.90 K-B Printing Co. . 10.25 K-B Printing Co. 6.23 K-R Printing Co.. 4.00 Milburn & Scott Co. 148.98 Norfolk Daily News . 1.15 Norfolk Daily News .— 3.15 Paige Pencil Co. 15.00 Standard Office Equip. Co. 9.00 Stephenson School Sup. Oo. 148.49 Stephenson School Sup. Co. 139.88 Stephenson School Sup. Oo. 3.63 Stephenson School Sup. Co. 91.02 .T. W. Bennie . 3.25 W. H. Briggs . 2.75 W. 0. Fletcher .50 H. W. Hubbard__ 4.00 P. J. Keating . 7.60 Elizabeth O'Malley . 16.26 J. W. Rhodes . 7.25 University Publishing Co. 11.98 University Publishing Co. .. 10.76 University Publishing Co.... 10.76 University Publishing Co.... 19.84 University Publishing Go.. 10.29 Zion Office Supply Go. 3.20 5:00 P. M. on motion, Board ad journed until December 30, 1940, 10:00 A. M. unless called at an earlier date by the Clerk. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O'Neill, Nebraska December 30, 1940 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were approved as read. Board spent entire day in mak ing up annual inventories of Road and Bridge equipment and person al property owned and operated by the County as is now required by law. 5:00 P. M. on motion, Board ad journed until December 31, 1940, 9:00 A. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska. December 31, 1940 9:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present except Sullivan. Meeting called to order by Chair man. Minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion were ap proved as read. On motion, the following claims were audited and approved on the Administrative Expense fund: Thad E. Saunders .$ 49.36 Nims—Norfolk . 3.81 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants order ed drawn on Emergency Unem ployment Relief fund in payment of same: Drs. Brown & French .$25.50 Mrs. Ethel Brown .- 56.50 Campbell Lumber Co. 2.50 R. B. Chittick . 13.70 Chace & Chace . 80.00 Dr. Francis J. Clark . 12.00 Council Oak .105.80 Dick’s Body Shop .. 19.38 Dickau Estate . 7.00 J. P. Gallagher. 39.00 Dr. Gadbois & Stewart . 3.00 Mrs. Henry Mullen . 6.00 Midway Store . 16.00 Dr. Neal J. McKee . 29.25 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. 8.00 Seth Noble . 11.00 O’Neill Transfer . 10.00 Pelcer & Spence . 16.00 Louis Putnam ......_ 4.00 Walter G. Sire . 24.00 Mrs. Marsa M. Salmons. 8.00 W. K. Smith . 8.10 Stanley Soukup . 20.00 J. H. Wunner . 33.00 Earl Watson . 14.00 John Wrede . 12.00 The following claims were aud ited and approved and on motion were allowed and warrants order ed drawn on Employment Relief fund in payment of same: Brown-McDonald Co. $ 16.80 Drs. Brown & French. 18.25 Balin Bros. 6.00 Curley’s U & I Store . 13.00 Council Oak—Atk. 38.00 Coufal Market . 10.00 Wesley Cobb . 5.00 Council Oak—O’Neill .166.55 Dr. W. J. Douglas ..304.00 Farmers Union Store . 5.91 Gatz Brothers . 82.10 J. P. Gallagher.— 20.00 Dr. J. W. Gill . 32.50 Hoskinson Grocery . 44.00 Hickman Cafe .~. 7.00 ; Johnson-Lawson Mortuary 50.00 K-B Market . 54.00 Mrs. Harry Kopp .- 50.00 Linsey Store . 5.00 L. A. Miller . 8.00 CASH at Once We advance money on all makes of cars—without delay or bothersome details—and without co-makers or en dorsers. The most conven ient way to get cash in a hurry and at low rates. If your car isn’t paid for. ask about our thrifty refinancing plan. Usually we can re duce payments as much as one-third to one-half and pro vide extra cash besides. For Quick Convenient Loans Central Finance Corporation Prompt Courteous Service 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’Neill C. E. Jones, Mgr. Loans made in nearby towns. Martin Grocery _ 10.00 S. J. Marraen.. 50.00 Mrs. Mary McLeod _ 36.00 Seth Noble . 1.00 Seth Noble . 4.00 Lee E. Osborn . 16.00 O’Neill Drug Co._ 1.75 O’Neil! Drug Go. ... 4.20 J. P. Protovinaky ... 4.00 J. C. Penney Co. _ 28.94 Thad E. Saunders . 5.90 Minnie L. Tasaler . 30.30 Uhl Transfer & Storage_ 11.50 Vaughn Store . 27.00 J. H. Wunner . 12.00 J. H. Wunner . 3.95 W. E. Wulf . 2.50 12:00 Noon, on motion Board ad journed until 1:00 P. M. J. C. STEIN, Chairman John C. Gallagher, Clerk. ACT IN THE CASES OF EBEN GRAFFT, Contestant, vs. W. E» WULF, Incumbent; and LUKw RAKOW, Contestant vs. W. E. WULF, Incumbent: Whereas it appears bo this Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Ne braska, from the petition of Louis W. Reimer, County Judge of said County, that he, as such is dis qualified from acting in that cap acity in the matter of the two civ il cases above mentioned and set out, now pending in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, and that it is therefore necessary for this Board to appoint a tem porary acting County Judge to act in regard to said matters. Now therefore, I do hereby nom inate Ira H. Moss for the appoint ment as Temporary Acting Judge in said matters above-mentioned, (Continued on Page Seven) IT is triumph in excelsis when a man sternly denies himself present luxuries, so his family may not suffer for future ne cessities. The O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus aad Undivided Profit*, fl <0.000.00 Thin Saak Carries If* Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Member Feierei Deposit Insursaoe Corporation THE CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT i Will Continue to Pay All Local, County and School Taxes In accordance with the laws of the state of Nebraska, The Consumers Public Power Dis trict will pay all local, county, and school taxes assessed against its properties. This is an important source of tax income in each of the communities served by Consumers Public Power District. This procedure assures the tax payers in each community of the continuance of this tax income for their local treasuries. In addition to the fact that The Consumers Public Powet District is an important source of tax revenue, it should be remembered that The Consumers District is not organized for profit and all profits will be returned to the users of elec tricity in the form of reduced rates. : fr C IcAxultij U (^Leapf j * X Consumciis PublicPoujerDistrict