Over the County INMAN NEWS — Miss Doris Hutton, who is going to music school in Sioux City, visi-1 ted relatives and friends last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and »on were Sunday visitors at the W. H. Chicken home. Mrs. Pete Cooper and son re turned to their home in Orchard Friday, after spending a few days with Mrs. Cooper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. Roscoe Clapp drove to Plainview Thursday to attend the funeral of his father, Joseph Clapp. John Watson spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Brittell, of Chambers, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brittell Sunday. Mrs. Bert Jones was a Sunday visitor at the Ercle Renner home. Mrs. Renner returned to Neligh with her where she will visit rela tives and'friends for a short time, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hancock, of Wyoming, are visiting at the home of Mr. Hancock’s mother, Mrs. Mary Hancock, this week. Marvin Young, of Lincoln, spent the week end with friendB and rela tives. Miss Marjorie Butler, of Lin coln, spent the week end visiting relatives and friends here. Tom Watson spent the week end with relatives in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins drove to O’Neill Sunday, where they spent the day with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins. Earl Stevens returned to the CCC camp at Albion Sunday, after spending the past week with rela tives in Inman. Robert Sholes, who is in a CCC camp at Madison, visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sholes, last week end. Mrs. W. C. Hancock, of O’Neill, has been visiting relatives in In man the past few days. Paterica Englehaupt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Englehaupt has returned home after spending a few days in the O’Neill hospital, recovering from an attack of pneu monia. Supt. W. J: McCturg, Donald Jacox, Charles Myers, J. T. Thompson and Graydon Hutton drove to Atkinson for the drawing for the Class C basketball tourna ment, which will be held in Atkin son on February 26 and 27th. James McMahon, James Kelly, Leonard Leidy and Mrs. John Young drove to Lincoln Friday and John Young returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hartigan and family were guests at the Kenneth Coventry home Sunday. Mrs. Donald Wolfe and children of Ewing, are visiting relatives in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and daughter of Emmet, and Helen Anspaeh of O’Neill, and Mrs. John Anspach of Inman, were guests at the Hardin Anspach home Sunday. Gerald Sobotka, who is teaching school in Lincoln, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sobotka. Laura Allen of Stuart, was an In man visitor Sunday. The Inman basketball team de feated Orchard basketball team on the Inman floor last Friday evening. Stuart Hartigan of Norfolk, spent a few days last week in O’Neill on business. EMMET NEWS The South Side Improvement Club met last Wednesday, Febru ary 12, with Mrs. Francis Clark. The usual dinner was served after which work was done for the Red Cross. The members were all present except three. There were also five visitors present. Each members was to respond bo roll call with an item about Abraham Lin coln, but since the reporter was late there is not a full report on that phase of the meeting. The next metting will be with Mrs. Rose Tenborg March 12.. Miss Ilene Grutsch and pupils enjoyed a Valentine party Friday afternoon with several little guests present. H. S. Bair of Bassett, Bruce Shald of Stuart, F. V. Kinkaid of Bristow visited at the J. S. Bair home Monday. Mrs. Vern Conger of Ong, Nebr., came to visit at the Thomas Pea cock homo Monday. Mrs. Conger is their granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donohoe were dinner guests at the John Hickey home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonenberger and son visited at the Barney Bonenberger home in Atkinson onj Sunday. Rev. ami Mrs. Peacock and family were supper guests at the Walter Vargarson home in New port Sunday. Mrs. Grover Shaw of Chambers, visited at the Clarence Shaw home a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole were sup per guests at the Esther Cole Harris home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr.s Leon Beckwith and Leona Fern were visitors at the Rex Beckwith home Sunday. They also visited the Frank Hadza home. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bail- and family and Mrs. Theresa Roggasch were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. S. J. Kalblinger in Valentine. Rev. and Mrs. Peacock attended a sale in Mariaville, Nebr., Mon day where they spent the day vis iting with a lot of old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donohoe attended an anniversary party Sat urday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Donohoe of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fdx and family were dinner guests at the Henry Kloppenborg home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tenborg were dinner guests at the W. R. Tenborg home, in honor of Larry Tenborg’s birthday. Marjory Foxworthy of Newport, spent the week end at the Thomas Peacock home. W. P. Dailey, who was ill last week with the Hu, is much better this week. Mrs. Joe Ziska is very ill this week and Pat McGinnis has a slight touch of the flu, also. The Emmet Epworth League en joyed a Valentine party Friday evening in the basement of the Methodist church. The High school room and their teacher, Mrs. Harold Donohoe, went on a theatre party Monday evening to O’Neill. Clifford An derson took them down. Larry Tenborg, who left Tues day evening for a year’s military training, was honored at a pinochle party Monday evening at the Clar ence Shaw station. Everyone wishes him luck the coming year. The Oommunity Club met last Friday evening at the D. C. Schaffer school house, where all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Sunday visitors at the Gaines Rzeszatorski home were: Mr. and Mrs. Osteen Moore of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schrunk of Atkinson. Horse & Mule Auction AT O’NEILL, NEBRASKA ON Monday, February 24, 1941 Bring your horses and mules in for this sale. There will be buyers here for all kinds. CATTLE — HOGS The regular cattle and hog auction will take place immediately after the horses and mules are sold. Auction will start promptly at 11:00 A. M. O’Neill Livestock Commission Company PHONE 2 O’NEILL, NEBR. MEEK AND VICINITY | Dinner guests on Sunday at the Will Devall home were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and William Storjohnn and Louis Lauridson, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones en tertained several guests at cards! on Saturday evening. Jack Moler won high score for the men and M rs. Mart Schelkopf won high j score for the ladies. Oswald Drueke received low score for the men and Ray Devall low score for women. Arthur Rouse left on Sunday morning for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he will receive medical treatment. Charles Fox and Walter Devall trucked calves to O’Neill on Mon day. Dan Hansen recently purchased a pickup from Keatings in Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulhair, of Lynch, spent Sunday at the Dan Hansen home. Mrs. Gardner Taylor, of Fair fax, So. I)ak., spent Sunday with Mrs. Carrie Borg and also at the Dan Hansen home. Mr. and Mrs. August Karel have been on the sick list the past week, Clarence and Howard Devall made a business trip to Atkinson on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg enter tained for Clarence Devall on Mon day evening. Mrs. George Hansen received high score for ladies and Blake Benson, high score for men. Mrs. Elmer Devall received low score for ladies and Sara Robert son received low score for men. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Schelkopf motored to Geneva, Nebraska, on Thursday, returning home on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and sons and Walter Devall were din ner guests at the Will Devall home on Tuesday. Game Bills Puts Senator Asimus In Limelight Tony Asimus, the tall, ►'road shouldered freshman senator from the Twenty-eight district whose maiden legislative efforts aroused statewide protest, took defeat phil. osophically. His three wildlife bills were killed in committee last week. “I was thinking of my people in the drouth area. I sought to light en their burden,” he says. Asimus is the O’Neill oil dealer and grocer who scored one of Hie November election’s most startling upsets by unseating F-ank Brady, Atkinson. Thus did he explain his reason for asking that farmers be per mitted to hunt and fish on their lands without payment of license fees: “I was born and raised on a farm and know that the farmer feeds and protects game. He is the best game protector we have, but the city fellows come onto the farm and shoot off the game, kill poultry and live stock and leave gates open. “I sincerely believe the city hunters should pay for this privi lege. What would a city dweller think if a farmer came onto his yard and tramped down his flow ers and knocked over fences? “We’ve been hard hit by drought. I sought a reduction to $1 in the license cost to help these people, many of whom can’t afford the $1.50 fee.” Also killed was his measure to tax hunting dogs $15 each, the money to replace that lost by li (erse reduction. His voice raised just a trifle when he discussed fishing condi tions in Holt county. “The game oemmission had made a lot of promises about improving fishing in our county, but after stocking a lake they put up no fishing signs. “I know for a fact that in all of Holt county there are not more than two lakes open to fishing where my people can fish without paying a daily fee.” Tony Asimus says he is going to “keep on trying to help my people.” —Sunday, Omaha World-Herald. Holt County Senator Has Amendment To Game Laws That Wins Acclaim The following appeared in Sun day’s World-Herald, written by Howard Wolff: “An amendment to Section 37 406, Compiled Statutes of Nebras ka, would put teeth in the present law to provide for the passage of water over or through dams or other obstructions in order to pre serve fish life. “Introduced by Senator Tony Asinius of the Twenty eight dis trict, the amendment provides: •That the owner of such dams or obstructions shall permit} enough water to flow over or through the dams to maintain such a level of water in the stream or river below the dam so as to preserve fish life in each stream or river.’ “The amendment would fine vio laters not less than |5o nor more than five hundred dollars. Carl F. Nelson, Spencer, Nebr., cites conditions on the Niobrara river in urging the amendment’s passage. “He says the dam on the Nio brara near Spencer has been ruin ous to fish life below it, not only preventing natural migration from the Missouri river, hut actually causing a heavy loss due to low ered waters. “Senator Asimus’ amendment would empower the state game commission to make necessary ad justments or repairs to assure ade quate fishways and recover the cost from the owner.” Vacation Week Observed By St. Mary’s Academy St. Mary’s Academy observed its anuual vacation week from Febru ary 10 to 14. Local representa tives of business, farm and profes sional life met in St. Mary’s As sembly for a symposium on vo cational work. The speakers made it their plan and purpose to discuss vacations and avocations in a simple helpful manner, so that the pupils might be guided in their prepar ation for a life work. They* met Wednesday, February 12. Miss Elja McCullough represented the teaching profession with its rural or small town background. Mrs. Frank Froelich epitomized the work of the nurse. Mrs. H. J. Coyne spoke on the influence of the mother in a Christian family. Mother M. Virginia, of St Mary’B faculty, gave a clear and candid picture of religious life. To represent cattlemen and ranchers, Mr. Robert Lucas, gave an enlightening and interesting expose on the art of successful breeding. Doctor J. P. Brown rep resented the medical profession. Rt. Rev. Monsignor McNamara -poke on the standards and ideals of the priesthood. After the general discussions, the speakers were assigned con ference rooms and student groups consulted their several chosen lead ers. The reaction was favorable and though- procative, and the vo cation project was considered a general success. Retreat for the student body fol lows immediately on Vacation week. It opens on Tuesday, Feb ruary 18 and closes February 21. Rev. Father McDonnell, S. J., of St. Louis, is conducting the retreat. Precipitation Here For The Past Eleven Years Following is the precipitation in this county, by years, for the past eleven years, as taken from the records kept by Federal Observer Bowen. Also shown here is the precipitation for the months of September, October, November and December, 1939, and the months of; January and up to February 15, 1940 and the same months in 1940 up to February 20, 1941. It will be noted that we have had three and seven hundretbs of an nich more precipitation during the past five and a half months than we had during the same period last year, which seems to indicate that we have a good year ahead of us, or at least we all hope so. The fig ures are as follows: Year Amount inches 1930 18.00 1931 . 10.06 1932 22.58 1933 ... .....16.67 1934 15.40 1835 21.43 1936 14.42 1937 . 20.93 DANCE Crystal Ball Room Atkinson, Nebraska Tuesday, February 25 —Music By— KOLLO S1SSELL AND HIS ORCHESTRA ‘ ’ V " i. <•; I t FEBRUARY 22 TO MARCH 1 We have a full line of Butterick Dress Patterns at 15c and 25c. More than 30 different patterns in fine quality Cambric at 15c per yard. Curtain Material by the yard here at 10c. Sewing Thread, Thimbles, Needles, Bias Tape, Ric Rae, Buttons, Dress Snaps, Dress Shields, Crown Zippers, Lace and Ruffling. SEW NOW AND SAVE 1938 19.64! 1999 ... . . _ _14.00 1940 % 17.12 Five and A Half Month* 1940-41 September, 1939, - —1.09 October, 1939, - .56 November, 1939, T December, 1939 .-. .42 January, 1940, -29 To Feb. 15, 1940 _.68 Total . 2.90 Five and A Half Months 1948-44 September, 1940 _ 69 October, 1940 1,80 November, 1940 1.47 December, 1940 ... .84 January, 1941 80 To Feb. 15, 1941 .37 Total - ... .. 6.97 "coats’ CHOOSI YOURS ROW-USB OUR IIYAWRI Come in to See The Season’s Smartest ] SPRING | COATS ! $9.90 , Just arrived! Fit ted coats with the new, lower flare! Boxy ones with tricky paneling! Trig mili tary types! In spring’s new fabrics! 12 to 20. ' Spring Suits at $9.90 r ; jj. „ ‘ * ' < V- /* LOW PRICED SPORTS DRESS! $^.90 ■iim Unusually good looking and well tail ored ! In lovely spring fabrics! 12-20. P E N N E V'S ^m^23iiDu*lifeAfl33uJuU!U3UUBBulXflQDu>liBi O NEILL, NEBRASKA GET IN..STRETCH OUT .. and enjoy NEW COMFORT was the keynote as we made plans for this year’s Ford. Oct in, through the new wide doors I Stretch out, in room to spare I Seating width has been increased as much as 7 inches. Knee-room and inside length are greatest in the low-price field. Then take the road and try its ride! A soft, steady, gliding new Ford ride that takes good road or bad in a sat isfying new kind of stride. And notice the quietness of this big Ford! There’s news at your Ford Dealer’s that’s too good to miss! News in com fort. News in value. And news in a “deal” that you'll find easy to take! a great new ride!