The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1941, Image 7

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    Trawler Rescues 5 in Ship Crash
The ice-covered rescue trawler, North Star, pictured upon arrival
► at the Boston fish pier after bringing to shore five rescued fishermen from
the sunken schooner, Mary E. O’Hara, which went down outside Boston
harbor, after a collision with an unknown craft. Eighteen fishermen
lost their lives in the crash that took place just before daybreak.
Two Killed in Crash of Airliner
This picture shows the wreckage of a Transcontinental and Western
airliner, which crashed near Lambert field, St. Louis, Mo., while landing
at dawn. The big sleeper plane crashed after striking a tree with a
wing tip in a steep turn close to the ground. The crash brought death
to two and injuries to 12 persons aboard.
i _
Confers With FDR
John G. Winant, former Republi
can New Hampshire governor, pic
tured as he stepped off the plane in
Washington reportedly to confer
with President Roosevelt regarding
his appointment as the next U. S.
ambassador to England.
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, as he
testified before the house foreign af
fairs committee on the lease-lend
bill. He suggested a "negotiated
peace" in Europe.
London Firemen Douse Hitler’s Fire Bombs
This photo, passed by British censor, shows a <?roup of firemen wet
ting down burnt ruins after an inferno that raged all around St. Paul’s
cathedral, in London. In the distance the tower of St. Paul’s can readily
be seen. The fire was caused by incendiaries dropped by Hitler’s “luft
waffe,” and for awhile threatened a huge section of London.
Transferred at Demand of Germans
Leigh W. Hunt, second consular secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Deegan of
Asheville, N. C., and Cecil M. P. Cross, consul of Providence, R. I.,
all members of the U. S. embassy staff in Paris who were transferred
at German official demand on charges of having aided a British officer.
They returned to America aboard a clipper.
Gets ‘Fine Points’
Sir Hugh Doweling, right, Britain’s
“air ambassador” to the U. S., is
shown the fine points of a new high
speed Martin bomber by J. T. Hart
son, executive of the Glenn Martin
company. Sir Hugh is making a
survey of our aircraft factories.
O. K. Armstrong, magazine writ
er, who resigned from the “No For
eign War” committee because of dif
ferences with Chairman Verne Mar
shall, shown at a press conference
in Washington.
$10,000,000 Cruise Ship Strikes Reef
View of the $10,000,000 luxury liner, Manhattan, fast in the grip of a sand bar or uncharted coral reef, 250
yards off West Palm Beach, Fla. The ship's 250 passengers were removed safely to shore. Inset: Having come
through a thrilling experience, passengers of the Manhattan wave gaily to the cameraman while being taken
Something for Nazis to Ponder Over
At the left Winston Churchill Inspects the American mechanised squadron in London. The squadron is com
posed of Americans from the United States. Right: A demonstration of the various methods of getting troopa
and vehicles across a river is given by the British royal engineers. The troops are making the crossing in col
lapsible boats. For bringing heavy equipment across, the boats are used as pontoons for a plank bridge.
Country Lost, They Fight With British
Their homeland gone, these Polish troops joined with the British
forces and are now undergoing training somewhere in Scotland. Above
they are seen with tanks in battle formation during maneuvers. The
tanks, incidentally, are French ones, and were taken to England when
the Nasi hordes over-ran France.
Old Subs to Guard Harbor Entrances
Old submarines of the World war "0” and “R” types are shown
at rest in back channel at the Philadelphia wavy yard, where they have
been gathering sea moss and barnacles. Twenty of these or similar
craft are expected to join the Atlantic fleet for duty as guardians of
harbor entrances along the eastern seaboard.
Mother Goose, mascot of the Mae
mere stables In Miami, Fla., super
vises the electric treatment of Puro
Oro, three-year-old filly, whose ex
pensive legs are learning what’s
watt. The goose likes the Maemere
horses and the bangtails reciprocate.
No Hard Feelings
Rep. A. J. May hoped to have
the hearings on the lease-loan bill
made before his military affairs
committee, but Rep. Sol Bloom,
chairman of house foreign affairs
committee, “won the toss." Photo
shows Representative May (left)
shaking hands with Representative
Demand for workers in
defense industries may
bring inflation . . . Brit
ish air marshal fears im
provements in war
planes bars mass pro
(Bell Syndicate—WNU Service.)
WASHINGTON.—Tremendous de
mand for workers in the defense
industries may be the straw on the
proverbial camel’s back that will
produce such a strong advance in
prices that inflation will be with us.
Despite all the possibilities for
inflation which have existed now for
so many years, and despite the fran
tic inability of investors to find any
thing that seemed a perfectly satis
factory “hedge” against inflation,
prices have really not advanced.
Ever since the government com
mandeered gold, one of the stock
questions for argument among econ
omists has been: “Suppose you had
$100,000 to invest and were worried
about inflation, what would you do
with it?”
This question is more pertinent
now than ever, and no one knows
the answer.
Some people with a little money,
and some with a great deal, have
bought farms. Some have bought
unimproved real estate, and some
low-cost buildings. But with local
taxes on the upscale everywhere, it
is questionable whether, over a pe
riod of time, these “hedges” will
prove sound.
It would seem obvious that a bond
selling close to, or above par, is NOT
a good thing to have if inflation
comes. The dollars will be worth
less. Yet there has been no weak
ening of sound bond prices since the
latest signs pointing to higher prices.
It would also seem a certainty that
money in savings banks would not
be a good notion if one's dollars are
to be worth less—yet there has been
no falling off in savings banks de
posits. Quite the contrary.
The demand for workers, and es
pecially skilled workers, by the de
fense industries is practically cer
tain to result in considerable wage
Fatter pay envelopes may not
have much logical connection with
higher prices at the stores for every
thing one buys, but the two things
go together: always have and prob
ably always will.
In the period just ahead, more
over. there is another element cal
culated to bring about an advance
of prices. This is the almost cer
tain restriction, as the situation de
velops, of industries regarded as un
necessary to defense. This will
naturally produce a shortage in the
article^ made by these industries,
and this spells inevitable advance in.
the prices of those articles.
More direct, however, are the un
avoidable effects on cost of produc
tion of nonmilitary articles. For if
the defense industries are raiding
others for workers, and the defense
workers succeed in prying out wage
increases, wage advances in the
OTHER industries are inevitable. So
that the basic cost of nondefense
articles will actually, though in
directly, be forced up by the defense
• • •
Maas Production
Of Airplanes Unlikely
The tremendous difficulty of apply
ing automobile mass production
methods to the building of airplanes
for war purposes is such that in
the opinion of Sir Hugh Dowding,
British air marshal now on visit in
this country, it is not likely to be
Sir Hugh picked up a report from
Detroit that the United States army
had -insisted on a change in piston
rings and a pin just as the auto
engine people had gotten squared
away for production.
“That is a perfect illustration,” he
said. "You can put an engine on
a block and run it for the required
number of hours. It will function
1 perfectly. Then you put that en
gine, or another precisely like it,
in an airplane and send it up. Some
thing may go wrong, which did not
develop in the block tests. But if
you find that the engine must be
taken down, the new piston rings
and pins put in after every flight,
then obviously there must be a
change in that engine.
“Obviously, there are always im
provements and always changes.
They will go on. The latest improve
ment may be the deciding factor in
the battle in which that plane en
gages. But there are different vari
eties of change. One is essential.
That is illustrated by the case of
that engine with faulty piston rings
and pins. Another might be illus
trated by a change which would get
20 more horsepower out of an en
Sir Hugh was most interesting in
his comments on why the much ad
vertised Italian air force had been
such a flop in the war. He laid it
to two reasons. First, that the
Italians as individuals had no stom
ach for the war.
The second was more military—
Italian planes and aviators are def>
initely inferior to the British