The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1941, Image 6
Know Your Money and You'll Nor Be Losing It to Counterfeiters,' Says Chief of the United States Secret Service H * II' Study the above diagram—it shows you the position of important features of United States paper money. If you get a suspected bill, compare it with a genuine bill and observe carefully the following features: By ELMO SCOTT WATSON (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) WHEN your friends say to you, “Well, don’t take any wooden nickels!” you laugh heartily for you recog nize it as a good joke. Of course, you wouldn’t take any wooden nickels! But there’s always a chance that you’ll do something worse—take a paper bill that looks as though it’s worth $1 or $5 or $10. But it’s just as worthless as a wooden nickel because it’s a counterfeit. In fact, during a recent five year period Americans were swindled to the tune of $1, 000,000 a year by counterfeit ers and these crooks got by with it mainly because of the indifference and ignorance of their victims. How about YOU? Do you ever do more than Just glance casually at the paper bills that are handed you in making change—especially when they’re handed you by a stranger? Do you know whose portrait is on a one-dollar bill, or a five, or a ten? Do you know what pictures are on the backs of those bills? If you do, you have made a good beginning towards protecting your pocketbook from the counterfeit er. If you don’t know the out standing features of your money, you have only yourself to blame if you become the victim of the counterfeiter and his vicious racket. “Yes,” you say, “but how can I learn about money? I know what it looks like, but I don’t know what to look for.” Well, the United States Secret Service has undertaken to show you what to look for. A trial edu cational campaign indicated that this loss was largely due to your lack of knowledge about money. But the campaign also showed that enlightenment of the people would protect them. Therefore, the campaign of education against crime was intensified, under the slogan “Know Your Money." For the calendar year of 1940 the pub lic losses through acceptance of counterfeit notes were reduced to about $100,000. The Secret Serv ice believes this 90 per cent re duction is the dividend of its “Know Your Money” campaign. Newspaper stories, magazine articles and educational pam phlets carry the message into homes, schools and the business world. A 32-page illustrated book let, just off the press, entitled “Know Your Money," published by the Secret Service, tells how to detect counterfeit notes and coins, and how you may protect yourself against the forger of government checks. The booklet may be ob tained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for 10 cents the copy. A sound motion picture, also entitled “Know Your Money,” entirely made by the Secret Service, and with Lowell Thomas as commentator, is being shown in high schools in the 48 states and to business groups of 100 persons or more. “There is no secret formula for detecting a counterfeit note,” says Frank J. Wilson, chief of the Unit ed States Secret Service. “Years of experience have proven that the human eye is the best coun terfeit detector in existence. But it must be properly trained. Gen uine paper money is printed on distinctive paper containing tiny red and blue silk threads. The printing is done from steel-en graved plates made by a corps of the most expert engravers in the world. “Do you have a bill in your pocket or purse? Take it out now and look closely at the portrait of Washington, Lincoln, or another of the great Americans shown on the various denominations. You will see that the facial character istics are shaded by small dots and dashes, each of which is clear and distinct. In the portrait back ground you will see tiny perfectly square spaces between horizontal and vertical lines, which are also very clear. Around the border of the bill, face and back, are intri cate white lines resembling a net. These are known as the geometri cal lathework, and each line is un broken from beginning to end. Look at the colored treasury seal on the face of the bill. Around its outer edge are many sharp points which look like the teeth of a cir cular saw. “The counterfeiter has a hard time to imitate a bill and most counterfeits are crude, but some times he makes one above the av erage. Whether a counterfeit is a good or poor reproduction, you should be able to detect it by com parison with a note of the same denomination which is known to be genuine. A comparison of this kind will readily disclose defects in the portrait, the seal and the lathework border, and is definite ly the best method of counterfeit detection. If the suspected bill is FRANK J. WILSON counterfeit, its portrait will be dull, smudgy or scratchy in ap pearance. The points on the coun terfeit treasury seal will be un even or blunt, instead of sharp and regular. The white net lines in the border will be broken in many places, and generally the texture of the paper and the color of the ink will be quite different than the genuine.” It is often said that if the ink or color can be rubbed off a bill, the bill is counterfeit. Nothing could be more wrong, according to Mr. Wilson. The ink or color can be rubbed from both genuine and counterfeit notes, and such a test proves nothing. Counterfeit coins are also a source of trouble. Genuine silver coins have a clear, bell-like ring. Counterfeits sound dull. Ring sil ver coins on hard surface and be ware of those which sound like stone. In extremely rare in stances, genuine silver coins may have an invisible crack or air bub ble which would make them sound dull. However, these are so few that your chances of receiving one are very slight indeed. The corrugated outer edge of silver coins is known as the “reed ing.” It is this feature which should be closely examined on sus pected coins. Likewise, this reed ing should be compared with that on a coin of the same denomina i tion known to be genuine. On most i counterfeits the reeding is notice ■ ably imperfect, but on genuine I coins the corrugations are regu lar and distinct. In some cases, of course, the reeding is complete ly worn away on genuine coins which have circulated for a long time. PORTRAIT—On genuine bills, the portrait is lifelike, stands out from the oval background which is a fine screen of regular lines. Notice particularly the eyes. On a counterfeit the portrait is dull, smudgy or unnaturally white; scratchy; the background is dark with irregular and broken lines. The portraits of 11 great Ameri cans appear on United States money. It is important for your protection that you know on which bills these portraits appear. Re gardless of the type of bill, all bills of the same denomination bear the same portrait, as follows: Washington on all $ 1 bills Jefferson on all $ 2 bills Lincoln on all $ 5 bills Hamilton on all $ 10 bills Jackson on all $ 20 bills | Grant on all $ 50 bills j Franklin on all $ 100 bills ; McKinley on all $ 500 bills Cleveland on all $ 1,000 bills Madison on all $ 5,000 bills Chase on all $10,000 bills 2. SEAL—On the genuine bill, the sawtooth points around the rim are identical and sharp. On the counterfeit these points are usually different, uneven, broken off. 3. SERIAL NUMBERS—On the genuine bill, they are distinctive in style, firmly and evenly printed in the same color as the seal. On the counterfeit the style is differ ent, poorly printed, badly spaced, uneven in appearance. 4. PAPER—Genuine bills are printed on distinctive paper con taining very small red and blue silk threads. The following information about paper currency will also be help ful: SIGNATURES — The signature of the secretary of the treasury appears at the lower right side on the front of all United States pa per money. The signature of the treasurer of the United States ap pears on the lower left side. TYPES OF CURRENCY—Our government now prints three types of currency or paper money: fed eral reserve notes, silver certifi cates, and United States notes. Every note or bill is distin guished by words telling which type it is, printed at the top of the bill on its face or front. The type of each bill is also shown by the color of its treasury seal and seri al numbers. The treasury seal and serial numbers are GREEN on federal reserve notes, RED on United States notes, and BLUE on silver certificates. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES —Federal reserve notes are placed in circulation by the federal . e serve banks, each bank placing its own notes in circulation through the banks located in its district. There are 12 federal reserve dis- ! tricts. Each district has a num ber and a corresponding letter of the alphabet for its symbol. SYMBOL DISTRICT LETTER NUMBER Boston .A. 1 New York .B. 2 Philadelphia .C. 3 Cleveland .D. 4 Richmond .E. 5 Atlanta .F. 6 Chicago .G. 7 St. Louis.H. 8 Minneapolis .1. 9 Kansas City.J. 10 Dallas .K.11 San Francisco.L..12 The letter "A” in the regional bank seal on a federal reserve note shows that it was issued by the Boston Federal Reserve bank in the First district. The letter “B" in the regional bank seal and the figure “2” shows that a bill was issued from the Federal Re serve Bank of New York, and so on through the list of the 12 banks to San Francisco, whose symbol letter is “L” and district number is “12.” The regional bank seal and the district number on fed eral reserve notes are always BLACK. Fashion-Wise Women Take Up Crocheting ith Real Zest Tiy CHERIE NICHOLAS WHEN you pick up your news paper these days, or flip through the pages of your favorite magazine, more often than not you’ll see pictures of stage, radio and motion picture stars, college girls, club women and debutantes, all busy at a new hobby—crochet ing! A crocheting fad is sweeping the country. Crochet hooks are being wielded by busy fingers from Maine to California, from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. The vogue has taken such hold that now adays when a deb reaches into her handbag, it’s probably for a crochet hook rather than a lipstick. Mind you, it’s not just the home girls interested in housewifely arts who are crocheting. This time it’s the college girls whose campus bound trunks, returning from mid winter homecomings, fairly bulged with unfinished sweaters and blouses and accessory items into which, no doubt, they will be put ting the final stitches in the lecture room, pacing busy hands to busy minds. In the city thoroughfares it’s the debutantes who are crochet ing in taxicabs speeding to and fro in their round of social engage ments. Stage and radio stars are at it too, while they wait their cues, all of which means that crocheting has definitely reached the glamour stage. That crochet has come “in” as a style of high importance is big news from the fashion angle. The famous designer Schiaparelli may be back of it all, for when she ar rived some months ago on the At lantic clipper she wore a crocheted collar, crocheted gloves and listen to this—crocheted stockings! The latter were very smart looking and created a sensation because of their unusualness. Crocheted jewelry is another unique item, especially the lei flow er necklace with bracelet to match. The idea of stiffly-starched small crochet wings worn in the hair has spread like wildfire. Young girls are especially like these wings be cause it takes only a jiffy to make them and they are different and much more interesting than the tra ditional ribbon bows they have been wearing. A miniature crochet shawl to complete a sweater and plaid skirt outfit is another favorite ac cessory. At exciting style prevues for spring the emphasis on crochet fash ions Is unmistakable. Ideas are such that clever women at home will be quick to add crocheted items to their own wardrobes. For ex ample, insets of crochet in trian gles, squares or circles, also yoke tops, add style touches to the new pastel wool frocks. Pockets and belts of crochet and jackets with crocheted sleeves bespeak the high style significance of this new vogue for handwork. Milliners are on the alert, too. They are making snug crochet tur bans with dramatic twists and drapes of crochet to give front height. The white crochet hat at the top of the left in the illustra tion has gone patriotic in that an American eagle spreads its wings in a gay crochet motif. To the right (above) a casual wide-brimmed hat has its crown embellished with an applique of floral crochet done in green cotton thread. The smart cro cheted pillbox hat shown below has a close-fitting snood for anchorage and “style.” (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Lapel Gadgets Jewel gadgets continue to flourish on midseason jacket lapels. With the discarding of burdensome win ter fur coats comes evidence of the importance attached to suits for midseason and early spring wear. With suits in the limelight, then it is that the gadgets so popularly worn on jacket lapels will come into their own with renewed emphasis. While women are willing and eager to discard their fur topcoats during the- interval that spans winter and spring, they still cling to the touches of flattering fur that so dramatized their smart turbans. In the pic ture an enormous gold-and-topaz pin is worn on the lapel of a mossy green wool long-coat. There will be considerable topaz and amber jew elry in evidence during the midsea son months and early spring in line ; with the trend toward yellows and beiges and sunburnt tones that are sponsored for spring. Emblems Important Trimming Feature The new costumes and sweaters are emblazoned with emblems. Some are embroidered, others formed of jewels, beads and se quins. The casual sports blouse flourishes a nautical emblem on its sleeve or perhaps on the pocket. Sai lor blouses with insignia on the sleeve are “last word" fashion news for spring. Your best dress should have an imposing emblem embroidered in jewels and metal beads. Your hat looks patriotic with a jeweled or embroidered eagle spreading its wings on crown or brim. Your scarf should carry a cunningly contrived emblem, and your “hankies” too. The story goes on and on throughout the spring style program in endless and fasci nating ways. Designers Match Hats With Tailored Tweeds Designers think so highly of matching the tailored suit with a tai lored hat of identical material that they are stressing the idea in ad vance spring fashions. When you buy your suit ask for a two-some that includes the matching hat. If you are having your suit turned out by your favorite tailor, buy an ex tra piece of the tweed or novelty suiting to furnish your milliner who will fashion smartest kind of head gear from soft brimmed hats to jaunty sailors and pillbox types. Perhaps a turban might interest you most. Tell your milliner and she will turn out a most intricately knot ted atfair or draped and will go even to the point of creating a hand j bag to match. OP> SEW Ruth Wyeth Spears FIBEtfp ! board ' SEAT , TO | REPAIR ^ WORN j \CANE , i;seat u Ijr BACK I COVER *9. SLIPS OYER SPINDLES IF A CHAIR is all legs, angles * and curves in the wrong places, a slip cover may do as much for it as a becoming frock will do for an awkward girl. The right color, a dash of style, fabric cut to bring out graceful lines and cover defects, and presto— a new personality for the ugly duckling! That was the treatment given a set of old chairs like the one shown here. A two-piece frock was planned to repeat tones in the wall paper of the room in which the AROUND THE HOUSE Grease the measuring cup be fore measuring syrup or molasses and it will not stick to the sides of the cup. • * • To keep brown sugar moist and fresh, store in a covered contain er with a freshly cut piece of lemon. * * * A window box of seasoning herbs is handy for winter cooking. * * * If rubber gloves are sprinkled on the inside with corn starch or powder they will slip on more easily. * • * To revive frozen house plants, set in a cold closet in which the temperature is near the freezing point and let plants thaw out slow ly. * * * When two glasses become wedged together place cold water in the upper one and set lower in warm water. They will then sep arate with little effort. | chairs were to be used. The bold stripes of the putty tan, green and wine red material gave just the right contrast with the flowered pattern on the wall. Narrow green fringe was used for edging and the sketch shows how the two pieces of the slip cover were made. • • * NOTE: You i...a .nore Illustrations for making over dining room chairs, old rockers and armchairs in Mrs. Spears’ Books 5 and 6 Also directions for design ing and making rugs; hooked, braided and crocheted Each book has 32 pages of illustrated directions. Send order to: MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Drawer 10 Bedford Hills New iork Enclose 2Cc for Books 5 and 6. Name . Address ... Sacrifice of Self Love is the gift of self. Its spirit may vary in the degree of inten sity, but it is ever the same. It is always and everywhere the sacri fice of self.—Canon Liddon. Most delicious "bag" of the season ... quick and easy to prepare .. . nourishing ... economical.. . order, today, from your grocer. Resourceless The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken.—Plautus. U U You can see the deeper color and taste the richer ” ^ flavor of California Navel Orange juice 1 You get more vitamins and minerals in every glass—thanks to year-round sun shine, fertile soils and scientific care! Navel Oranges are grand eating too. They’re seedless! Easy to peel and slice or section for salads ana desserts. Look for “Sunkist” on the skin-the trademark of 14,000 cooperating Srowers for fruit that is “Best for Juice-and Every use!” Order several ozen Sunkist Navels for economy. co»r. ini, amtonua mm omm Emunc* Brar "Rrdda Hopp&r*» BoOywordw-Mamy CBS Stations - 6:IS PM, EST— Mom»t WmL, PrL