The Frontier THE DAYS Of LONG AGO Fifty-Fire Year* Afo H C- Gilfcg***. Jean Bia- <-f O'Neill. Nehr~ aad Mi*s Eli* Ba ke-. of Plainf-eid. Ofex Mr. bad v print rpal mi the public acbocfa tutes but were ready to face the 1—*• T-V » 1 DOES FORD PAY GOOD WAGES? Hni tom ram about Ford Labor. : During dee year ended November 30th, 1*40, the Ford Payroll throughout the United Scan averaged I13j628 hourly i»*d $L*TlWjfir3912- Ob dm ham, the * average neeil stage va 11.629 01. f - v I 4 According to the but available govern * mtm figures, die annual average «age of all vortrr* in empfotmeoi covered by old age :a-> . ranee lav vet IA41.00. H the -45,000.000 workers of dm country ftcri'cd the uat attngt wage *» Ford employes. thrs would have had additional wages of more than tS'yJOOOJOOQJMJO. thus increasing the national income about 50*5. Think what such an increase would ■wn to the workers of this country and to the American farmer, whose prices are baaed on the national income. Tty in the Ford Rouge piano art divided >oto three dmihsimni: % Urns killed . .. Minimum hiring wage . 75c per hour __ Semi-skilled . . . Minimum hiring wage . MOc pec hour - Skilled ... a Minimum hiring wage . 90c per hour 41 Higher wages are in consideration of 3jn ability and years of service. Minimum wage scales for unskilled labor •t tht Rouge plant art the highest In the industry. Top wegm tor skilled labor compare favorably with, or arc higher fjaii wages in ocher autoo*«bils plana. Now come facie on Ford labor oondtiiorm Not only ere sanitation and nhar health ooodmoru the bss« In the mduscry, but Fred also leads In ssftty d* .|il«i|r— m mam mm jhm Food u dM Hf SdlllaMdkidMtuUuvMtuMM o/ kit Miftibte Um. PORI) ROTOR COMPANY The Frontier, January IS, 1891 At the meeting of the militia company on Stor say evening the following permar n officers were cleeted for the term of three years Neil Brennan. Captain: J. H. Merc, dith, first lieutena t; J -hn David son, second lieotenar:. U. S. Ad ams, quartermastei 's sergeant; C. EL Hall, first sargeant; Samuel Thompton, second »n?eaat; D. H. Cronin, third sarsreant; H. EL Moore, fifth sargea '; Corporals: Dowling. Bright. Sanders, Marsh. Beauchau. Robb. Tierney, Outwait; W. Adams, buirler; Tom Kearney,] drummer. Forty Years A?o The Frontier, January $, 1901 The ladie* and gentlemen of the Presbyterian church 5pert a most delightful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Whitfield on last Wednesday, the occasion be ing a farewell to the Whitfield's, who move from O’Neill to Spirit Lake, Iowa. Wednesday. W. E. Butter begun a criminal libel suit in county court aga nst D. H. Crocm. editor of the Frontier. It is charged m the information that The Frontier libeled Butter in an article pub lished last April. This article is the one that first announced the shortage of Butter as County At torney of He It county wn

be Spring in >our heart hut Old Man Winter is just arepnd the corner! Don’t hesitate! Come earhr! SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JAN. 18 PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT 36-IN CRETONNES—Sale Price 9c Yard Hundreds of vards of Curtain Material. Scriass. Marquisettes. \ oil*._Sold up to 29c yard—**ome slightly soiled In order to clear it out. we are selling it at a sacrifice price—9c ^ ard. PRINTS — PRINTS — PRINTS Extra 6ne quality, beautiful patterns. 36-inch. ~ome originally sold at 25c a yard. Clearance Price 15c Yard FANCY SUITINGS Checks, plaids, plain colors Value 29c Yard—Sale Price 19c Yard PART WOOL FABRICS—36-Inch Value up to 9bc Yard Clearance Price 59c \ ard ALL WOOL MATERIAL—54-Inch Flannels, Crepes, in Plaids and Plain Colors for dreosen. skirts and suits. Value $1.95 Yard January Clearance Price $1.49 \ ard MEN’S SWEATERS Clean-Up Price 79c Part way rip. rwoad Bfri. br«W wa«4_ broAe* **« ONE LOT CHILDREN’S SWEATERS Brain sum—Vataas ap to *Se Clearance Price 39c MEN'S Two-Toned Sleeveless SWEATERS Fonda Cloth. At Bargain Price of 49c ___^—^^ CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS for cold weather. made of rayon and cotton—14c _^■———* OIL CLOTH—16 Inch. Fancy patterns in dark and light—Sale Price 19e ^ ard PARKA HOODS, TAMS AND STOCKING CAPS . Largo Assort an eat S*le Price 39c ♦ LADIES GLOVES Suede (iotk. wool, odd sixes and cadurs. Value up to 9St Pair Clearance Price 25c Pair BOY’S CORDUROY JIMMY-ALLS Brakes Sixes Clearance Price 49c • - *** _' ii*„ > * MEN’S Medium Weight UNION SUITS Lon* sl«er», km* ieg. fiw rib. Cberofcc* Brand Sale Price 59c EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Boy’s Corduroy Pasts Odd Siwa—Mcatfc rw« cater. At Sacrifice Price of $1-00 MEN’S WORK SOCKS Part wmmi—fall asalai. fa* WhnT*~ Knit ar f* tap*. January Bargain 9c Pair BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS! Receiving—36x27, bine or pink lie Eaeh Cotton—72x84, fancy plaid, 98c Pr. Part Wool—72x84, Clearance Price $1.59 Pair Extra Heavy Part WTool—72x84 January Price $2.69 Pair All Wrool—moth treated, beautiful shades and patterns, 72x84. Only $6.50 SHOES — SHOES — SHOES GROUP I—Me Pair—Formerly ap to $4J6 Pr. GROUP II—Smt Boot*. Oxford*, Clearance Price $1-7* MEN’S DRESS OXFORDS—Stack. Sale Price SET* OTHER SHOES—Sale Price $U», |3-». $13% Men’s Clothing | SUITS—$16.75 Value tl 1 Oft JANUARY PRICE ...W ■ SUITS—$22.50 Value ttC Oft JANUARY PRICE __. SUITS—$24.50 Value tl ft 9ft JANUARY PRICE OVERCOATS—$14.75 Value CO 00 JANUARY PRICK-f®1®® OVERCOATS—$16.59 Value til 9ft JANUARY PRICE LADIES DEPARTMENT HATS GROUP I - 25c GROUP II *9c GROUP III $100 Extra Special! ALL Ladies Coat* and Ureases ro at H ALF PRICE in our January Clearance. This in cludes Children's Coat* also. $4,98 Value at $2.49— $0.75 Value at $1-18— $10.75 Value at $8.18—’NUFF SAID! Space doe* not permit u» to mention all the won derful bargains at our January Clearance. QUALITY MERCHANDISE