OUR THANKS For your patronage during the past year we desire to express our appreciation. May the New’ Year of 1941 bring you fulfillment of your every hope and HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY 1 11,11 1 — - - 1941 Bf SI tlJISHf S1941 GATZ BROS. ICE DISTRIBUTORS STORZ BEER _ —— -, „ , lioiJD GREETIN McMillan & Markey BAKERY AND CAFE ———------- - netu VEflH -. I J. M. HAYES INSURANCE ANI) LOAN AGENCY j Merri-Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. COUNTRY CLUB, SCHLITZ, METZ BEER ANI) DR. PEPPER HARTY LAUNDRY * t ANI) CLEANERS . ■» I O'NEILL DRUG COMPANY — WALGREEN AGENCY STORE I Season's Best! p I J i \ .— ' " "■ ■ ■" ^ ew Year Greetaiqs Mag the cheer of the gear... Mag. the best of the good. Mag contentment and jog come gour wag 19-41 Sportsman Bar Joe Fuen RING OUT THE OLD—RING IN THE NEW Ring out the old disappointments, the old mistakes, the greed and hate of the past—bury them in oblivion where they belong ! Ring in the New Year—new friends, new opportunity, new prosperity, new understanding of our fellow man. May 1941 bring a fulfillment of your ambi tions, a new Prosperity, and increasing Happi ness. May it be a truly great milestone in your life. * I TOMLINSON'S LIQUOR STORE j j * ____J t . .JL ■I ■■■■■■■■■ .. ' V % JOHN KERSENBROCK MEAT MARKET -/ PAT’S BAR .■■—■■■■■■■ . i ■ i i .. ■■■■■■ J t- V mm STANNARD'S LOUIS W. REIMER COUNTY JUDGE ' Central Finance Co. . Vh.i I , Y r ■ ti . - .. , | ■ ■ t , ■ C. E. JONES, Manager ■ X' . .—.. i i ..in ,m* j ---- / .. J 1941 LET THE SPIRIT Of KINDLINESS and hospitality that today GLOWS WITHIN US ALL FIND EVEN GREATER EXPRESSION AS SEASONS COME AND SEASONS GO THROUGHOUT THE YEARS. Elja McCullough COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT