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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1940)
v • «^ » w • r — - — — * —--- — As Modern As Tomorrow— Lovely Christmas Gifts by MAX FACTOR HOLLYWOOD Make-Up Sets for blondes,brunettes, broti nettes, redheads AUTOGRAPHED MAKE-UP SET Max Fader Hall) tiaad Powder, Rouge and Tru-Color Lipstick in correct color bar mony. Autographed $0 50 by famous screen stars Mm OTHER GIFT SETS $1.00 to $8.55 4 DO YOU KNOW THE NEW AMERICAN TOILET WATER? , BY RICHARD HUDNUT it the cool scent of dew drenched clover in an enchant ing American toilet water by Richard Hudnutl The same re freshing coolness is echoed in a series of exquisite toiletries; Toilet Water, Cologne, Talcum, Dusting Powder and Sachet. In beauti ful new packages! Each 1.00.., Talcum 50i. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MENS ICr SHAVING SET I MEXICAN SPICK i BATH CRYSTALS *3t __ FOOT BALLS ■ 25c - 50c - $1.00 fi 5 LB. ASSORTED QO_ j CHOCOLATES | GAMES ; ROOK - PIT - FLINCH j TOURING - CONTACT » - XMAS CARDS With Your Own Name Monogrammed 25 Cards 98c Monogramning with smart new styling COME IN AND SEE The Most Beautiful BEAUTY BAR In America Authorized Distributor FOR NY3IH3FIY ITHY3 GIFT SETS $1.00 Evening In Paris GIFT SETS 95c to $7.50 Intriguing Holiday Creations ✓ f Only Skulf•• Ha* All Savan ot today’* Wanted Pen Featw** I I For any gift occasion, what finer gift than a Sheaffer Lifetime pen, matched ensemble, or desk set—beautiful, striking, and guaranteed for the owner’s lifetime! And, giving so much, what gift costs so little? Pans, $2.25 Up Ensembles, $2.95 Up Dry-Proof Desk Sets, $5.00 Up SEE OUR SELECTION! “His Name” STAMPED IN GOLD FOIL FREE ON ANY BILLFOLD $2.00 or up WE FEATURE | AMITY and MEEKER Pocket Watch . 98c CIGARETTE LIGHTERS . DRESSER SETS $1.00 to $9.95 CAMERAS 98c to $11.00 BOOK ENDS 98c SO’NEILL, JOHNSON DRUGS NEBRASKA [HE DAYS OF ONG AGO Fifty-Five Years Ago The f rontier. November It*, 1885 ( M. F. Harrington, of Atkinson, as located here for the practice of iw. He will office with Mr. Fahy. I The Dustin Dispatch lies before s and we have sized it up. Typo raphieally, it is perfection. Ezra . Sanders, foinierly of this city hd an employee of this office, is ts editor and proprietor. [ Two more newspapers sprang1 to existence in Holt county Inst ' eck. One at Cleveland and one ■ Dtfstin. One is wanted at Star id another is needed badly at limbers. Two more are in the ospective for O’Neill and we un jrstand that Balus, formerly of j le Star Sentinel intends to start le at Stuart this week. _ f he Frontier, November 26, 1885 J. E. West returned last night j »m Council Bluffs, where he had [ ?n for the past week pushing rough a new enterprise for, Seill, whieh proves to be a pork ;king establishment. Ten men] .rted work this Wednesday morn.! ; on tire building, just east ofl • creamery near the Northwest- j 1 tracks. The building will be c34 feet and is to be operated the O’Neill Packing Co., with! E. West as manager. Fifty Years Ago he Frontier, November 20, 1890 The glass front of the McEvony Bride building is in place and it ms up in good shape. The plas ers are at work and the building 1 be finished as soon as possible, rhe following clerks in the prin al business places of O’Neill itioned their employers to close ir places of business at 8 o’clock m., except Saturdays and ristmas week: Pat McManus, T. Daugherty, T. D. Hanley, VVm. McNiehols, James Gallagher, Frank Mann, Chas. O’Neill, Hay McClure, Janies McManus, Samuel Thomp son, Ed Boland and John Murphy. The following business houses agreed to the request of their em ployees: J. P. Mann, M. M. Sulli van, H. Wilson, J. Pfund, J. L. Mack, J. E. Smith, H. Hendrik son, H. W. McClure, C. E. Hall, B. Wton. The Frontier, November 27, 1800 , The fixtures of the O’Neill State | Bank are here and have been plac-1 ed in position and are very fine. The carpenter work is nearly com-) pleted and the building will soon be ready for occupancy. William W. Watson and Miss Ella U. Baldwin were united in the Inmds of holy matrimony on the Oth inst at the residence of Isaac | Baldwin, the bride's father at In man, by Rev. J. lie Los Wilson. A paper is being circulated around town by some of the boys; securing signatures for the purpose of organizing u militia company here. The company to prospect andi sink an aitesian well in O'Neill has | been duly organized and about $1,000.00 worth of stock subscribed for. On Wednesday morning at 7:30 •o'clock John Murphy and Miss Mary Gibbons, both of this city, were united in the bonds of wed lock, at St. Patrick’s Catholic church by Rev. M. F. Cassidy. Forty Years Ajfo | The Frontier, November 22, 1900 James DeYarman, formerly a resident of this city and county, was killed by an explosion in the Homestead Mills in Pennsylvania on November 10, 1900, at the age of 39 years. The population of Holt county at the last census was 13,633. The Frontier offered a prize for the Holt county resident guessing nearest to the population of the county. This prize was won by A. K. Wertz, of Star, who only missed it 133, as his guess was | 13,500. The following guesses were also submitted: Peter Greeley, Sur atoga, 19,876; Jane W'illiams, O’Neill, 27,000; W. B. Lower, Ew ing, 7,127; C. W. Hagensick, Joy, 8,047; Jacob Schaffer, O’Neill, 16,000. The Frontier, November 29, 1900 G. 0. Hazelet and family and A. J. Meals arrived in the city last evening. Meals and Hazelet re cently returned from Alaska. The work on the convent is pro gressing rapidly and it is expected the building will be completed shortly. Roscoe Conklin passed away on November 2, at Binghampton, N. Y., where he was visiting rela tives. He was 59 years of age. Roscoe was a resident of this city for several years and was Consid ered the classiest dresser in town. He left O’Neill about 6 years ago. His death came suddenly and up on investigation ot his apparel $1,400.00 was found in the various pockets of his clothing. Thirty Years Ago The Frontier, November 17, 1910 Mrs. C. E. Stout went down to Omaha Wednesday morning to spend a few days visiting relatives Mrs. Catherine Cook, one of the poineer residents of the county, died last Monday morning at the! * t } borne of her daughter, Mrs. Cassie Kennedy, at Jersey City, N. J., where she has resided the past year. She was 90 yars of age at the time of her death. The re-1 mains were shipped to this city for burial. The Frontier, November 24, 1910 William J. O’Connor, of this ; city and Emma O’Laughlin, of ; South Omaha, were married at St. | Bridget’s church in South Omaha ; last Tuesday morning. Married, at St. Patrick’s church, J Monday, November 21, 1910, Dr. J. A. Devine to Miss Mae Camp bell, Rev. W. J. O’Sullivan officiat-j ing. Twenty Yrears Ago The Frontier, November 18, 1920 j Mrs. P. C. Donohoe entertained! the ladies bridge club of block eighteen, Monday evening. Dainty refreshments were served. A dance at the K .C. Hall, fol lowed by a banquet at the Grand | Cafe, was tendered Mr .and Mrs. Chet Cooper by about thirty of their friends Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will soon leave | for Iowa to spend the winter. The Frontier, November 25, 1920 Dr. J. M. Caldwell, formerly owner of a large ranch north of J this city upon which he resided for several years, has accepted a call as pastor of the Presbyterian church at Valentine. For the past ten years Dr. Caldwell has been a resident of California. The Royal Theatre has been sold to J. B. Mellor and in the future will he run by Mr. Mellor and Mr. McMillan, they taking possession last Monday evening. Ten Years Ago The Frontier, November 20, 1930 One of the most destructive sleet1 storms that has visited this section j of the state in years began last I Wednesday night and by daylight, the trees, telephone, telegraph and electric light and power lines were hanging with a thick coat of ice that broke them down in many places. i Serial and Order Numbers (Continued from Page 7) 1479 1240 Evans Edward Stover 450 1247 Dan William Hein heimer 524 1248 Ardell Vincent Curran j 1519 1249 Claude Earl Pickering 8G4 1250 Arthur Wayne Kopp 910 1251 C. Jim Wadsworth 157 1252 Willard Ervin Thom son 1321 1253 Earl LeRoy McClana han 621 1254 Reinhold Reimer 339 1255 Melvin Luther Kurtz 476 1256 Vernon Everett Whit aker 839 1257 Marvin Raymond Karr 1203 1258 William John McNally 1650 1259 Wilfred Leo Seger 827 1260 Loyal D Hull 457 1261 Charles Edwin Russ-j ell 842 1262 Darrel Edgar Gillette J 1056 1263 John Erwin Gailligan 631 1264 George August Fick 1034 1265 William Harold Arm-| strong 1183 1266 Clarence Lee Brady, Jr. i 668 1267 Blaine Elton Garwood 1498 1268 Albert Theodore Widtfeldt 1301 1269 Wilbur Elvin Mitchell 1737 1270 Bernard John Straka 219 1271 Tommy John Dunn, Jr. 859 1272 Silven ulohoveck 1379 1273 Cyril Charley Peter 1688 1274 Delbert Peter Baum 431 1275 Irwin Glenn Dunlap 1115 1276 John Mick 951 1277 George Leo Wedige 400 1278 Sewell Johnson 586 1279 Robert Joseph Gal lagher 434 1280 Henry Joe Schmuecker 510 1281 Arthur Wymore John son 1096 1282 Henry William Wal ters 1234 1283 Jerome Sylvester Alien, 945 1284 Edward George Wink-j ler 140 1285 Ivan Bernard Bacon 170 1286 Edward Leopold Schneider 1572 1287 Frank J. Beelart 1628 1288 Matthew George Beha 1053 1289 Lyle Butler Anson 1104 1290 Mervin Leroy Johnson, 203 1291 Leslie Harland Clark , 1755 1292 Louis John Vinzenz 883 1293 Robert William Ruther 952 1294 Charles Stephen Peer mer 23 1295 Ray Frances Angus 425 1296 David Nelson Keidel 1429 1297 Le > Charles Phelps 583 1298 Frederick William Royal 820 1299 Russell Raymond Carr 20 1300 Alvin Jake Magers 335 1301 Eugene Russ Baker 343 1302 Floyd Monroe Revell 1167 1303 Marvin Edward Wabs j 1168 1304 Dewey Curtiss New ton 63 1305 Max Egneaus Hamik ! 1705 1306 Wayne Woodrow Douglas 982 1307 Hampson Marten Smith I 727 1308 Floyd Vernon Welan der ' 1619 1309 Edward Joseph Ries 223 1310 Floyd Charles Black 725 1311 Madard James Con nelly 334 1312 John Ilenery Meusch 760 1313 Richard George Smith 133 1314 Louis Frank Kliment 1516 1315 Clavin Roy Myers 599 1316 John Earl Davis 1730 1317 Elmer John Olberding 1157 1318 Everette Dorson Michoelson 745! 1319 Wayne Harlan Mar-1 cellus 350 1320 William Fredriech Grothe, Jr. 765 1321 Theodore William Backhaus 470 1322 James Austin Donlin 593 1323 Merriel Jack Stuart 758 1324 William Thomas Mur ray 175 1325 Wilson Woodrow Spangler 630 1326 Dewain Leonard Ux • rich 1305 1327 Robert Hiram Strong 302 1328 Lloyd Lewis Evans | 1386 1329 Albert Willard Latzel 1751 1330 William Edwin Lieske 934 1331 John Francis Kelly 1085 1332 Kenneth Charles Gans 1067 1333 Joseph Mark Hupp 1042 1334 Herschel Haven Miles 503 1335 William August Snow-; ardt 1635 1336 Alex Frickel 526 1337 Sylvester Joseph Schrad 501 1338 Victor Adolph Frickel 401 1339 Alfred William Walter 1677 1340 Ernest Lawrence Root 468 1341 Robert Ronald Carson 289 1342 Lester Robert Jones 262 1343 Raymond Arthur Winkler 1235 1344 Lawrence Walter Ru dolph 315 1345 Delbert Pershing War ner 430 1346 Fredrick Jacob Ernst 1507 1347 Kenneth Edward Plummer 217 1348 Carl Earl Wabs 114 1349 Rollo ThoiAas Berry 1686 1350 Arthur James Jerome 774 1351 Irvin Earl Gaughen baugh 699 1352 James Bernard Dono hue 786 1353 Charles Michael Schaat 130 1354 Gaines Vincent Rzes zotarski 21 1355 Francis Feme Davis | 771 1856 Vinton Kalmer Simon son 436 1357 Harlan James Van Conett , 214 1358 Herbert Jonathan Peterson ! 1530 1359 Alvin Wedige ! 581 1360 Leo Straka | 690 1361 William Joseph Er nesti 30 1362 Felix Joseph Laible 306 1363 Martin Joseph Walter 186 1364 Earl Laverne Penry 652 1365 Vernon Lowell Craig 360 1366 Clifford William Seger 164 1367 Laurance Eugene Ten bord 53 1368 Carl Charley Spangler 17 1369 Charles William Strong 1181 1370 Thomas Henry His eocks 195 1371 Mark Westlake Hend ricks 728 1372 Norris C. George 46 1373 Harold Benjamin Johnson 1625 1374 Clarence Eugene Shaw 116 1375 Herman Frickel 1101 1376 William Thomas Piei’ce 209 1377 Francis Benedict Torpy 613 1378 Floyd Franklin Butter, field 1239 1379 Earl Frances Dalton 805 1380 Frank William Kazda 237 1381 Leaon Eugene Neu meyer 228 1382 Clyde Lawrence Baker 1752 1383 Fredrick Gustav Tim merman 454v 1384 Connie C. Callaway ° 545 1385 Gerald William Fallon 1824° 1386 Earl Henry Doolittle 715 1387 Leo Leonard Burival 1172 1388 PTed Wagman 285 1389 Howard Gerald Tucker 1509 - 1390 Kenneth Brown Mor rison 967 1391 Clarence William Benash 528 1392 George Wresley Stull 495 1393 James Emmet Carney 882 1394 Melvin Geoige Pet tinger 1188 1395 Robert Edward Arm bruster 1477 1396 Delbert Francis Scott, Jr. 920 1397 Roy William Wayman 56 1398 John Arthur Cronk 921 1399 Richard Hansen 741 1400 Ivan Orran Baldwin 1540 1401 Earl Eugene Delong 1281 1402 John Mike Allhouse 548 1403 Vincent Guy Schoberg 1084 1404 Amos Roy Stracke 1799 1405 Gerald Elvin DeGroff 210 1406 Eugene Joseph Chmiel 1083 1407 Labern Harry Cadwall ader ; 713 1408 Lee Albert Hobbs I 1255 1409 Lyle August Walter i 634 1410 Arthur Ben Kaplan ' 152 1411 Wayne LeRoy Cuatt 390 1412 Chester Dee Brittell 249 1413 Russell Peshl Hipke 1143 1414 Joseph Peter Wallin ger ! 329 1415 Joseph Louis Sladek 284 1416 Brennan Briggs Davis 165 1417 Loyd Chester Taylor 466 1418 William Enoch Berry (Continued on page 4) *