The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1940, Page FOUR, Image 4
The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Ehtered at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska $2.00 One Year, outside Nebraska . 2.2b Every subscription is regarded m an open account. The names of wbecribers will be instantly re moved from our mailing list at ex piration of time paid for, if pub lisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in farce at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between pub lisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged ♦or on a basis of 26c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads lie per line, first insertion, subse quent insertions, 6c per line. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. R. R. Smith, sr., Mrs. Br aard Madison, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Smith, jr., and son, Dick, re turned Tuesday evening from Tacoma, Washington, where for: the past two weeks they were vis-1 iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Melvin Ord. Miss Betty McNally entertained twenty of her friends at a 7 o’clock “HILLBILLY COURTSHIP” Riotous Comedy in 3 Act* —Presented By— DORSEY YOUNG PEOPLE December 13 and 14 —At— DORSEY CHURCH I I Admission 15c and 25c i I Proceed* to go for the church. dinner at the M and M Saturday evening. Miss Betty, who leaves Thursday for North Platie, where the family will make their future home, presented each guest with a remembrance. Ira C. Sumers of Ainsworth, Ne bra.ska, was fined $35.00 and eosts 1 of $3.10 by Judge Rcimer of the Holt County Court, on a complaint signed by Patrolman John Meis trell on November 28. He was charged with carrying an overload on his truck, to which chetge he plead guilty. See Penney's large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 Edward M. Ryder, of Gordon Nebraska, was arrested on Novem ber 26 by Patrolman Harry Brt, charged with operating an over loaded truck. He appeared before Judge Reimer on December 4, pled guilty to the charge and was fined $10.00 and costs, amounting to $3.10, See Penney's large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 , - At the regular meeting of the, city council last Tuesday evening Fred McNally, who has been one! of the eouncilnien from the First ward for the pftst two and a half' years, tendered his resignation, as he is moving from the city. The resignation was accepted and Mayor Fersenbrock appointed It. 'L. Arbuthnot to fill the vacancy, which appointment was confirmed by the council. Deputy Attorney General Hush Clark was in the city last week on business. He appeared before the County Clerk, in accordance with an Alternative of Mandamus issued| by the Supreme Court of Nebraska in the Verdigris vote matter. The County Clerk refused to open the ballot box and he went to Lincoln Tuesday to appear before the court to give his reasons for not complying with the order. We un derstand the Supreme Court set December 10 for a hearing on an action to determine whether Swan son or Marsh has been elected Sec retary of State. See Penney’s large display of Christmas Gifts. 30-1 Outlaw Grocery IN WEST O’NEILL WINESAP APPLES Fancy Red Cl 1A Bushel j7 Pounds Oft' Fur . POTATOES—Large Size Red Triumph iQC l.ri-Pound I'echs jl 00- Pound y | QQ£ Bags '* ... ■ - GOOD CABBAGE II^C Pound . I BLEACHED CELERY Large Size Q< Bunch .. » DRIED FRUITS Are Cheap Here DRIED APRICOTS Fancy 2 Pounds For DRIED PEACHES Fancy i 2 Pounds Fur . R AI SI N S—Thom pson’s Seedless V 3 Pounds For CAPTAIN KIDD FLgUR A Good Flour Af^AT 48-Lb. Bar yl»VV Mrs. Lane's SALAD DRESS ING OR SANDWICH SPREAD Quart Glass Jars Fresh Fish and Oysters OYSTERS AAC Pint . WHITING FISH—Fancy Dressed and Headless AC Pound __0 Also—Perch, Haddock. Sal mon, Halibut and Pollock At Lowest Prices Smoked and Pickled Fisk of all kinds. CANNED GOODS SALE A carload of Canned Goods bought direct from the canneries at Lower Price* than you can buy any w here. Good Quality, Extra Stan dard tirade. No. 2 Size Cans of Tomatoes, Cut Green Beans, Spinach, Cream Corn, Hominy, Bed Beans 7Y2C Per AAC Dozen 00 For Case of ^4 4P 24 Cans 3 I */0 Assorted or Straight Cases FANCY JUNE PEAS No. 2 Cans AC Per Can f $1.00 Per Case of ^4 Qr 24 Cans 3«*#D Pt)KK & BEANS 2'i Size Quart Cans QC Per Can.f £. $1.00 Per Case of 94 AP 24 Cans 3I./J PEACHES—Sliced or Halve*. 2Vi Size 4 AC Cans . 13 Two Cans Ape For . Z3 FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 AC 16-Ounce Cans _ IV Eat well OIL SARDINES IK-Ounee Tall Cans .. OIL SARDINES Oval Cans _ ALASKA SALMON Large Cans _ Serial and Order Numbers (Continued from Page 8) ! 877 1419 Frank Bernard Frit- | ton I 247 1420 Albert Antone Havra nek 73 1421 Carlyle W. Washechek | 775 1422 Howard Arthur Mc Williams 1092 1423 Elmer Raymond Bowen , 821 1424 Clarence Andrew Sex ton 1112 1425 Anton Aloys Kaup 590 1420 William Henry Craw ford 659 1427 Richard Cecil Jarman 93 1428 Rudie Juracek 1732 1429 John Elmer Naber 1312 1430 I^aVem John Wedige 100 1431 Vincent Edward Ober mire 458 1432 Joe Francis Homolka 516 1433 Walter Clark Young 854 1434 John Richard Kollman, Jr. 575 1435 John Ernest Schwindt 442 1436 George Albert Latzel 870 1437 Marcellu8 Edward Schaaf 639 1438 Joe Paul Kaczor 1165 1439 Lengsene David Mud loff 1577 1440 Lester Coe Anson 1571 1441 Ralph Truman Thur low 664 1442 Charles Edward Kirk land 33 1443 Henry George Burival 1218 1444 Fred Richard Moon 1465 1445 Clyde Edward Van Every 614 1446 Hubert John Sweet 1768 1447 George McNair 749 1448 James Charles Oppen 198 1449 Basil Elenathon Beies 787 1450 Alvin Lawrence Spence 1198 1451 Martunies Hans Mad sen 707 1452 Everett Arthur Harris 489 1 153 Leo Gerald Gokie 207 1454 William Lorenzo Mil ler 1341 1455 Fay Willard Primus 194 1456 John Joseph Bauer 215 1457 Aloise Dan Mudloff 411 1458 Leon Leonard Kaiser 1003 1459 Bernard Otto Bau meister 307 1460 Harold Ferdand Sie bert 1461 1461 Melvin DeWitt Gunter 1073 1462 Fred Wallace Shane 1418 1463 Clifford Gerald Hahl beck 1389 1464 Glenn Eugene Bunnell 554 1465 John Albert Bogert 326 1466 William Straka 511 1467 Arthur Albert Block 1194 1468 Joseph Albert Krobot 851 1469 Charles Lowell Con arro 246 1470 Elvin Lavern Wilkin son 177 1471 Norbert Eugene Schaaf 304 1472 Conrad Frickel, Jr. 509 1473 Harry Gilbert Demp sey 213 1474 Melvin Cecil Hicker son ) 306 1476 Fredrick John Jansen 86 1476 Henry Laird 944 1477 Arnold A. Sorensen 954 1478 Paul Harold Lidgett 661 1479 Lawrence Leroy Smith 563 1480 Eli Wheeler McCon nell 480 1481 Robert Peter Ferris 571 1482 Marcus Aurelius Sny der 617 1483 Jasper Averell Hitch cock 254 1484 Gerald James Weller 373 1485 James Robert Coventry 1066 1486 Gerald Graham 823 1487 Robert William Fricke 662 1488 Itester Sydow 1491 1489 Harold Ross Asher 1485 1490 William John Ziska 857 1491 Harold Edward Con ners 1825 1492 William Dehnal 670 1493 Victor Luther Harley 1698 1494 Donald Otto Nlaaen 432 1496 Arnold Fred Redlinger 1529 1496 Raymond Emery Illy 821 1497 Edward Roseler 497 1498 Lawrence Elmer Skrdla 492 1499 Cleo Edwin Alderson 394 1500 Adolph Frank Sedivy 1746 1601 Orla Wendell North rop 1205 1502 Eric Seigfried Dankert 1762 1603 Earl Clifford Horn back 601 1504 Clarence Wilson Devall 996 1606 Roy Lorendo Johns 1313 1506 Arthur Fred Ziska 487 1607 Eldrey Ed Gaskill 1666 1608 Claude Charles Lier mann 1250 1509 Lawrence Harvey Farewell 628 1510 Edward Thomas Ver sa 1 706 1511 Anthony Giles Craig 551 1512 Clarence Fredrick Focken 1657 1513 Carl Fredrich Grill 932 1614 Earl Cahlen Bollen 564 1515 Louis Joseph Vitt 490 1516 Arnold Calvin Stewart 1583 1517 Herman John Janzing BAND CONCERT TUESDAY DECEMBER 10 H. S. AUDITORIUM 8:00 P. M. Band Selections Soloists Small Groups 16 Baton Twirlers Admission—15c and 20c 1715 1518 Kazimierz Walter Sojka 1727 1519 Edward W. Steins 984 1520 John E. Wallen 988 1521 John Huebert 874 1522 Roy Vincent Barta 1100 1523 Robert Harold Mann-1 ing 1475 1524 Wilbur Leonard Sydow: 475 1525 Thile Richard Poess- ' necker 1431 1526 Stanley Elwood Cobb 663 1527 Frank William Dvorak 1778 1528 Norman Gonderinger 788 1529 Victor Frances Matou sck 637 1530 George Thuer Nekolic Jak 1111 1531 Bircer Walfrid Fors berg 871 1532 Harold Leroy Young 736 1533 Robert William Gart ner 1360 1534 Alfred Thomas Dray ton 531 1535 Cecil Clyde Miller 446 1536 Ernest Raymond Brjnkman 277 1537 Lysle Archie Wright 1497 1538 Robert Donohoe 1092 1539 Melvin Andrew Meals 671 1540 Burtis Wesley Wood 1244 1541 Melvin Boyd Marcellus 309 1542 Hans Arthur Braun 1284 1543 Clyde Robert Burge 1348 1544 Carl Earnest Miller 1311 1545 Ross Oren Barnhardt 1617 1546 Gaylord Hodgin 1691 1547 Wade John Davis 812 1548 Howard Claus Devall 534 1549 Arthur J. Kuroede 686 1550 Virgil Du roe Hubby 1211 1551 James Dell Trobough , 1807 1552 Patrick Joseph Carr 1616 1553 George James Criss 1285 1554 Harold John Donohue 734 1555 Lloyd Edward Spence 242 1556 Leonard Henry Straka 849 1567 Glen Henry Wade 464 1558 Walter Albert Kick 800 1559 Thomas Leo Liddy 1041 1560 Merle John Fagan 566 1561 Gary Hoffman 1185 1562 Ralph Ronald Hoff man 1308 1563 Walter F. Ries 1554 1564 Delmar Lynn Spangler 301 1566 Lynn William Robeson 1803 1566 Robert Glen Ballagh 1275 1567 James Albert Diehl 1797 1568 Arthur Orvil Hayford 889 1569 Clarence Ray Briggs •406 1570 Lawrence Bowman Barnett 1350 1671 Clemens Ferdinand Ackerman 1222 1572 Marvin Casper Robin son 508 1573 James Edgar David son 158 1574 Leslie Willard Strong 924 1575 James Merrill Hols claw 376 1576 Carl Jacob Ohde 1447 1577 Edgar Paul Seger 1526 1578 William James Steskal 764 1579 John Aubrey Wood 1291 1580 Ernest Edward Schmidt 1229 1581 Kenneth William Houchin 1748 1582 Kermit F. Jefferies 229 1583 Edward Fridrick Heisei 999 1584 Earl Fredrick Wright 971 1585 George Michael Wilson 1272 1586 Edmond Carney 765 1587 John Junior Mathi^ 1673 1588 Leonard Raymond 1 Miller 818 1589 George Kenneth Beyer 1779 1590 Connie Bauwens 1651 1591 Vaden Archie Kive.t 957 1592 Roy Lawrence Wrisrht, 1206 1593 Leo Francis Smith 1618 1594 Ezra Gaius Winter mote 1818 1596 Warren Webster Murr 388 1596 Ralph Edward Hoff man 1569 1597 Lewis Raymond Ohde 879 1598 Lawrence Henry Ed wards 1319 1399 Willard Barton Malton 1696 1500 Millard Franklin Tracy 1766 1601 Jay Benjamin Larson 320 1602 Nie^s Marenus Mikkel 789 1603 Elmer Joseph Goldfus 1817 1604 William Kennuff Mc Elvain 891 1605 Arthur Charles Walter 279 1606 William Leonard Leidy 238 1607 Clarence Oliver Damme 525 1608 Lyle LeRoy Henifin 1097 1609 Gilbert Frank Benash 1061 1610 George Fredric Hall 160 1611 Andrew Schmidt 738 1612 Michael Aloysius Tro shynski 146 1613 Carl Arthur Miller 1440 1614 Clarence Edward Spence 669 1615 Emmet Clifford John son 758 1616 Arthur Darrell Grass 1462 1617 James William Mc Nally 323 1618 Melvin Ervin Lorenz 1166 1619 Cletus Vincent Sulli van 1539 1620 Herbert Henry Stein berg 1808 1621 Frank William Kil murry 587 1622 Lester John Oetter 1666 1623 Gordon Goetleb Kuska 997 1624 Norman Francis Tbg eler 900 1625 John Thomas Meis trell 1349 1626 Henry Vincent Placek 1129 1627 Harry Clifford Jones 624 1628 John Edward Jansen 1743 1629 Glen Cecil Jungbluth 1373 1630 Irving Watts Johnson 1739 1631 Harry Marvin Catlett 779 1632 Thomas Joshua Knoell 1583 1633 Wayne L. Catlett 514 1634 Floyd Faye Sanders 1655 1635 William Henry Stamp 1069 1636 Ted McKenzie 1186 1637 Albert August Wabs 1215 1638 Ernest Wilfred Gruen berg 1544 1639 Gerald Joseph Ball 1726 1640 Paul Nelson 452 1641 Peter Nickolas Sojka 761 1642 Dick Wilson Robertson 493 1643 Conie John Gokie 1199 1644 Ralph Robert Larson 1116 1545 Arthur William Rem ter 1357 1646 Louie James Havranek 1273 1647 Harlan Edgar Ninas 1801 1648 Leonard James Shane 986 1649 James Bernard Roth erham 733 1650 John Dan Plebanek 1563 1651 August Jefferson Schutt 1822 1652 John Walton Newman 935 1653 Claude Joseph Schind ler 437 1654 Leslie Clayton Perry 698 1655 Steve Patrick Nicho litf* 314 1656 William Gerhardt Rit terbush 716 1657 Melvin Patrick Andrus 1330 1658 Joe Edward Luth 626 1659 Dale William Foster 949 1660 Thomas Fouch Ham mill 1349 1661 Mancin Henry Van Conett 159 1662 John D. Andrus 542 1663 Dean Leslie Beckwith 1610 1664 Douglas Wayne Smith 1505 1665 Elmer Sylvester Berg strom 555 1666 Merwin Winfield Arter 1506 1667 Edwin Wilmer Spath 1466 1668 Ralph Ross Hifyne 1664 1669 Edward Simeon Prussa 570 1670 Bernard Howard Pond 1714 1671 Francis Patrick Weller 1772 1672 William James Boies 632 1673 Theodore Jesse Earner 1459 1674 Edward Hoag Clifton 1149 1675 Ray Edward Bradshaw 1585 1676 Theodore Levi Ander son 412 1677 Marvin Gust Anderson 1662 1678 Alvin Ralph Dixson 1359 1679 Robert Gregory Keat ing 1106 1680 Donald Claude Luben 1465 1681 Arnold George Lenz 1057 1682 Edward P. Seger 990 1683 Martin Leonard Siem sen . . 1517 1685 Dowe Raymond Dixson 691 1686 Lynis Loyd Northouse 708 1684 Cecil Lee Griffith 1503 1687 Norman Joseph Snyder 1800 1688 Charles Lee Childers 1374 1689 Clifford LeRoy Ander son 1048 1690 Glenn Henry Doty 1091 1691 Moran Andrew Petti john 1274 1692 Vergil Robert Allg house 1769 1693 Maywood VV. Brueg man 1160 1694 Harold Wayne Childers 1390 1695 Lester Leon Green (Continued on Page 5) Christmas Gifts and Toys Please come and see onr large selection of Dolls, ANN HOWARD BOX CANDY Cigars and Cigarettes in Christmas Wrap Pipes, Tobacco Pouches, Bill Folds, Cigarette Lighters and Cribbage Boards We will take advance orders on Plants and Cut Flowers. STANNARD’S MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD 90-H0RSEP0WER STANDARD ENGINE 93-HORSEPOWER HEAVY DUTY "LOAD-MASTER" ENGINE (Optional at extra cod on Hoovy Duty track) MASSIVE NEW TRUCK STYLING making these new 1941 Chev rolet trucks the best-looking as well as the best-performing trucks in the entire lowest price fieldj NEW LONGER WHEELBASE NEW RECIRCULATING ^ALL-BEARING STEERING GEAR greatly reduces steering effort— brings true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. NEW, MORE COMFORTABLE DRIVER'S COMPARTMENT with greatly increased leg room and better, form-fitting seat and back in cabs, giving much greater driver comfort. 60 MODELS ... ON NINE LONGER WHEELBASES ... A COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL LINES OF BUSINESS Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. “Chevrolet Dealers Over 23 Years” Phone 100 O’Neill. Nebr.