The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 28, 1940, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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DOLLTOP DESK Liithl n»k.—
Mte. Julia Graves 29-1
SIX TON Fairbanks Morse Wagon
Scale.—Watson Hay Co., Inman.
HOW IS THE GLASS in your car?
If broVen, come in and le< us re
place it. We have lots of glass
—Dick's Body Shop. 23tf
MODERN ROOM.—Phone 19f> L J.
800 Rawleigh consumers. No ex
perience needed to start. Large
sales mean big profits. Perman
ent. Full time.—Write Rawleigh’s,
Dept. NBK-2B2 104, Freeport,
111. 29-1
anywhere. Phone 5F13 or 6F3.
Max Berger. 29-3p
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment j
Glass?* Correctly Fitted j
Residence j Dr. Brown. 222 !
Phones 1 Dr. French. 242 i
William W. Griffin j
Phone 248
First National Bank Building
O'Neill, Nebraska
Auto Electric
Armature and Motor Winding
Our Specialty
O’Neill Abstract Co.
C. F. & Mabel McKenna
Real Estate - Insurance
| Insurance of All Kinds
[ O’Neill, Nebraska
(First Publication Nov. 21, 1940) i
Norman Gonderinger, Attorney
Notice is hereby given that The
Village of Inman, as plaintiff, has
filed a petition in the District Court
of Holt County, Nebraska, against:
J. T. Thompson and Lottie Thomp
son, his wife; John I>oe and Mary
Doe, husband and wife, real, true
names unknown, and Lot Four in;
Block Two, Inman Village. Holt i
County, Nebraska, defendants in
pliantiff’s first cause of action; An
drew N. Butler and Lena It. Butler,
his wife; First National Bank.
O’Neill, Nebraska, Richard Roe
and Mary Roe, husband and wife,
real, true names unknown, and Lot
Five in Block Two,' Inman Village,
Holt County, Nebraska, defendants
in plaintiff’s second cause of action;
Harry McGraw and Myrtle Mc
Graw, his wife; John Poe and Mary
Poe, husband and wife, real, true
names unknown, and Lots Five, I
Six and Seven in Block Three, In
man Village, Holt County, Nebras
ka. defendants in plaintiff’s third
cause of action; Frank Colman, Sr.
and Mary Colman, hia wife; The
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives, and all other per
sons interested in the estate of
Frank Colman, Sr., deceased, real
names unknown. The heirs, devis
ees, legatees, personal epresent
atives, and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of Mary Colman,
deceased, real names unknown,
Richard Roe and Mary Roe,
husband and wife, real, true '
names unknown, and Lots Nine,]
Ten, Eleven and Twelve in:
Block Three, Inman Village, Holt
County, Nebraska, defendants in
plaintiff’s fourth eauae of action;!
Inman State Bank, Inman, Nebras- j
ka, John Sobotka, Jr., John Doe i
and Mary Doe, husband and wife,
real, true names unknown, and Lots
Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten in
Block Four, Inman Village, Holt
County, Nebraska, defendants in
plaintiff’s fifth causfe of action;
Jennie E. Wilcox, Richard Roe and
Mary Roe, husb8W*>n«J wK4‘real,
true names unknown, and Lot One
in Block Eight. Pioneer Townsite
Company's Addition. Inman Vill
age, Holt County. Nebraska, Holt
County Assistance Committee, de
fendants in plaintiff's sixth cause
of action; Carl E. Wilcox and Ma
bel Wilcox, his wife; John Doe and
Mary Doe, husband and wife, real,
true names unknown, and Lot Two
in Block Eight, Pioneer Townsite
Company's Addition, Inman Vill
age, Holt County, Nebraska, de
; fcndants in plaintiff’s seventh
1 cause of action; Martha J. Mc
■ Cutchan, The heirs, devisees, lega
| tees, personal representatives, and
all other persons interested in the
l estate of Martha J, MeOutchan, ile
j ceased, real names unknown, Rich
! ard Roe and Mary Roe, husband
! and wife, real, true names unknown,
! and Lot Four in Black Nine, Pio
! neer Townsite Company’s Addition,
fnman Village, Holt County, Ne
luaska, defendants in plaintiff’s
eighth cause of action; R. M. Con
an! and Catherine C’onard, his wife;
The heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives, and all other
persons interested in the estate of
R. M. Conard, deceased, real names
unknown, Geo. W. Mellor, Holt
County Assistance Committee,
John Doe and Mary Doe, husband
and wife, real, true names un
known, and Lot Five in Block Nine.
Pioneer Townsite Company’s Ad
dition, Inman Village, Holt County,
Nebraska, defendants in plaintiff’s
ninth cause of action; Maysie Kel
ley, also known as Maysie B. Kel
ley and William Kelley, her hus
band, Inman State Bank, Inman,
Nebraska, Richard Roe and Mary
Roe, husband and wife, real, true
names unknown, and Lot Ten in
Block Nine, Pioneer Townsite Com
pany’s Attdition, Inman Village,
Holt County, Nebraska, defendants
in plaintiff’s tenth cause of action;
Paul S. Bittner, John Doe and
Mary Doe, husband and wife, real,
true names unknown, and Lot No.
20, Subdivision of I/ots Four to
Eleven, Inclusive, Blocks Twelve,
Thirteen and Fourteen, Inman Vill
age, Holt County, Nebraska, de
fendants in plaintiff’s eleventh
cause of action; Sadie Conger and
Lee Conger, her husband, Richard
Roe and Mary Roe. husband and
wife, real, true names unknown,
and Lots Four and Five, Block
Thirteen, Subdivision of Lots Four
to Eleven Inclusive, Blocks Twelve,
Thirteen and Fourteen, Inman Vill
age, Holt County, Nebraska, de
fendants in plaintiff’s twelfth cause
of action; as defendants; the ob
ject and prayer of said petition be
ing to establish and foreclose tnx
liens based upon the following tax
sale certificates, to-wit: No. 4798,
covering Lot Four in Block Two,
Inmun Village, Holt County, Ne
braska, dated June 1st, 1938, sold
at private sale to The Village of
Inman, the plaintiff herein; No.
4799, covering Lot Five in Block
Two, Inman Village, Holt County,
Nebraska, dated June 1st, 1938,
sold at private sale to The Village
of Inman, the plaintiff herein; No.
4801, covering Lots Five, Six and
Seven in Block Three, Inman Vill
age, Holt County, Nebraska, dated
June 1st, 1938, sold at private
sale to The Village of Inman, the 1
plaintiff herein; No. 4803. covering
Lots Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve
in Block Three, Inman Village, Holt
County, Nebraska, dated June 1st,
1938, sold at private sale to The
Village of Inman, the plaintiff here
in; No. 4804, covering Lots Seven,
Eight, Nine and Ten in Block Four,
Inman Village, Holt County. Ne
braska, dated June 1st, 1938, sold
at private sale to The Village of
Inman, the plaintiff herein; No.
I 4809, covering Lot One in Block
I Eight, Pioneer Townsite Company’s
Addition, Inman Village, Holt
County, Nebraska, dated June 1st,
1938, sold at private sale to The
Village of Inman, the plaintiff
herein; No. 4*110, covering Lot Two
in Block Eight, Pioneer Townsite
Company’s Addition, Inman Vill
age, Holt County. Nebraska, dated
June 1st, 1938, sold at private sale
to The Vlllago of Inman, the plain
tiff herein; No. 4813, covering Lot
Four in Rlock Nine, Pioneer Town
site Company’s Addition, Inman
Village. Holt County, Nebraska,
dated June 1st, 1938, sold at pri
vate sale to The Village of Inman,
the plaintiff hercdn; No. 1814, cov
ering Lot Five in Block Nine, Pio
neer Townsite Company’s Addition,
Inman Village, Holt County, Ne
braska, dated June 1st, 1938, sold
at private sale to The Village of
Inman, the plaintiff herein; No.
1816, covering Lot Ten in Block
Nine, Pioneer Townsite Company’s
Addition, Inman Village, Holt
County, Nebraska, dated June 1st,
1938, sold at private sale to The
Village of Inman, the plaintiff
herein; No. 4818, covering Lot No.
20, Subdivision of Lots Four to
Eleven Inclusive, Blocks Twelve,
I Thirteen, and Fourteen, Inman
i Village. Holt County, Nebraska,
I dated June 1st, 1938, sold at pri
! vate sale to The Village of Inman,
the plaintiff herein; No. 4820. cov
ering Lots Four and Five, Block
Thirteen, Subdivision of Lots Four
to Eleven Inclusive, Blocks Twelve,
Thirteen and Fourteen, Inman Vill
age, Holt Cou lty, Nebraska, dated
June 1st. 19.‘b sold at private sale
to The Villag> f Inman, the plain
tiff herein; fr the lien of subse
quent taxes • ler each of the fore,
going cert' jtes and for general
equitable .ief.
Thr ,d defendants and each of
them said twelve causes of action
are t, uired to answer the petition
of tht iftintH? on Or before the
80th da,- * December, 1940.
28-4 Its Attorney.
(First Publication Nov. 14, 1940)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 2824
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, November 12,
1490. In the Matter of the Estate
of Nicholas Miller. Deceased
Notice is hereby given to afl
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment of
Julius D. Cronin as Administrator
•of said estate, and will be heard
December 6, 1940, at 10 o’clock
I A. M., at the County Court Room in
O’Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
(First publication Nov. 21, 1940)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.
Estate No. 2811 . /.
In the County Court of Holt
Countv, Nebraska, November 18,
In the matter of the Estate of
Daniel Andrew Kief, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limit.
! ed for presenting claims against
I said estate is March 12, 1941, and
! for the payment of debts is No
vember 18, 1941, and that on De
cember 12, 1940, and -on March 13,
1941, at 10 o’clock A. M„ each day,
I will be at the County Court Room
in said County to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims
and objections‘duly filed.
County Judge.
(County Court Seal.)) 28-3
(First publication Nov. 28, 1940)
Estate No. 2805
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, November 26,
1940. '
In the matter of the Estate of
Eric Borg, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that the
Administrator of said estate has
filed in this court his final report
and a petition for final settlement
and distribution of the residue of
said estate, and that said report
and petition will be heard Decem
ber 18. 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
at the County Court Room in
O’Neill, Nebraska, when all per
sons interested may appear and be
heard concerning said final report
and the distribution of said estate.
29-3 County Judge.
D. R. Mounts, Attorney.
Miss Crez Scholz of Stuart visited
friends in O’Neill on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fernholtz drove
to Hartington on Sunday, where
they visited relatives and friends.
Mrs. K. Andersen and Mrs. L.
Stout entertained their bridge
club on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strong an
nounce the birth of a son on Mon
day. November 25. •
SI niff Peter W. Duffy and Ben
Engier left Thursday morning on
a business trip to Wisconsin.
Miss Mildred Miller, of Ewing,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bartley Brennan on Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Fernholtz returned on
Saturday from Omaha, where she
spent a few days visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagman of At
kinson spent Thursday here visit
ing their daughter, Miss Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gage and
son, George, of Dunning, Nebraska,
spent Thanksgiving day with Miss
Agnes Griffin.
Ed Beal, of Waterloo, Iowa, who
came last week to attend the fun
eral of his cousin, Charley Her
A BOY’S best friend may be
his mother—but a man’s best
friend is his bank account.
This 0uk Carries Ha
Indebtedness ef (Metro
or Stock haUacs.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
shiser. exports to leave the Last of
the week for his home.
John Casey of the Central Fin
ance Company, of Norfolk, has
been in O’Neill this week, while
Mr. Jonea was irr'Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ferris
drove to Pierce on Thursday-and
spent Thanksgiving day at the
| home of hia Aicrtts.
t V * .—
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Nelson and
| children and Miss Marie Reardon
| spent Thanksgiving at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Reardon.
Home made candies for sal^; at
i the M. E. Ladies Bazaar, Novem
ber • ;«). Golden Hotel Corner
! Store. 28-2
Miss Nadine Kilpatrick, of Fre
mont spent the Thanksgiving holi
days here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hill and
children, of Orchard, spent Thanks
giving day with Mrs. Hill’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick
Gene Kilpatrick of Norfolk spent
| Thanksgiving day here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kil
Mrs. Helen Simar and Ann Asher
returned on Monday evening from
Omaha, where they spent a few
days on business.
Miss Terry Nightengale left Sun
day for Omaha, where she will visit
j relatives and friends during the
I week.
Dave Gimmell, Jay Butler and
Nels Christensen, of E*wing, were
in O’Neill on business on Tuesday
of this week.
Homer Mullen and Ralph Mellor
drove up from Omaha on Friday
and Homer visited his family over
the week end.
Mrs. Helen Sireck drove to
Omaha on Sunday where she visited
relatives, returning home Monday
Miss Marion Dickson, of Norfolk,
spent Thanksgiving day here with
her parents. Judge and Mrs. R. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oppen of
Creighton, spent Sunday here visit
ing their son, Jimmie and Dr.
Ralph Oppen, of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, of
Meek, announce the birth of a
daughter on Monday, November
Herb Janzen entertained six
couples at his home on Wednesday
evening, honoring his wife with a
surprise party on her birthday.
C. E. Rice, of Lincoln, Assistant
Credit Manager of the Conoco Oil
/- ' -
Saturday, November 30
Will serve Turkey Sandwiches,
I'ie and Coffee, at the Comer
Store room in the Golden Hotel.
I '
Company, was in O’Neill on buai-'
; ness on Friday and Saturday of this
! week.
Miss Mary Jannette Kubitschek
| returned on Sunday to Omaha, af
ter spending the holidays at home
visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
F .J. Kubitschek.
Steve Davidson returned on Sun
day to Omaha, where he is a stu ;
dent at Creighton University, after
spending the holidays here with |
Glefcus Sullivan returned on
Wednesday evening from, Dubuque.
Iowa, where hg. Was called to attend
a meeting of the employees of the
Interstate Power company.
Miss Betty BigJin entertained!
• her bridge club at seven o’clock
dinner at the M & M Cafe, follow- j
ed by cards on Wednesday evening. •
Mrs. Jack Arbuthnot wan high
score and Miss Ruby Weisman, low.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlock of j
Norfolk returned to their home on 1
Thursday evening, after spending
Thanksgiving day here with her I
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Enright. I
— "
Mrs. Max Golden entertained the ■
Martez Club at a seven o’clock din
ner at the M & M Cafe, followed
by cards at her home in this city
on Monday evening.
Miss Ida Mae Noble spent!
Thanksgiving week end with her
parents, near Opportunity, she re
turned t > Lincoln on Sunday, where
she is attending the university.
Leo Marcellus and Bill Moore
will leave Monday for Los Angeles, j
Calif., where they will make their
home in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heyne and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Heyne of Newport spent Sunday
here visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dorlin Lockman.
Funeral services were held at■■
Stuart on Wednesday morning for
the father of Mrs. Gifford Bachman
of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Bergstrom attended the funeral.
J. D. Cronin, D. H. Cronin and
Richard went down to Grand Island
last Sunday, where we greeted our
new granddaughter, Miss Frances
Jane Cronin, three weeks old, re
turning home that evening.
Arthur Duffy of Petersburg and
his daughter, Miss Marie, of Lin
coln, spent Monday here visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ar
buthnot and Mr. and Mrs. P. C.
The Senior Class
of the
Is Presenting
“Guess Again”
A Comedy in Three Acts
In the High School Auditorium
At 8:00 P. M. Adm. 25c
Produced by special arrange
ment with Rowe, Peterson
& Company
A marriage license was issued to
Lawrence Mudloff of Star and
Miss Dorotha M. Stewart of Page,
on November 23.
A marriage license was issued
on November 25 to Edward Humpel
and Miss Doris Judge, both of At
Rev. V. C. Wright spent three
days last week attending a Youth
Workers' Conference at Hastings.
Outstanding leaders such as Bishop
W. C. Martin of the Omaha Area,
Professor Geely of Southern Meth.
odist University, Dallas, Texas,
were resource leaders.
Cash For Cold Weather
Theie is still time tn get ready for winter. See us for
cash t:» buj clothing—to fix up the car—to buy coal—to
purchase needed things for the home—to pay for medical
i.r dental attention—to take care of bills and meet emereg
cncies—or for any other purpose. Regardless of what
your money problem may be you'll receive friendly, helpful
C. E. Jones, Mgr.
First Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’Neill, Nebr.
Special Monarch
Finer Foods Sale
Monarch Fruit Cocktail 20°
Monarch Pitted Royal Cherries OCc
CAN . 40
Monarch Spiced Seedless Grapes
CAN .. 40
Monarch Youngberries 1®c
' CAN . 10
Monarch Bartlett Pears IQc
CAN . 10
Monarch Black Bing Cherries ^Cc
Monarch Spiced Crab Apples OAc
can .Oil
Monarch Whole Peeled Apricots QCc
Monarch Chop Suey Vegetables OCc
CAN ... 40
Monarch Coffee OCc
In 3-Pound Glass Cookie Jars. W
berry, Strawberry, Pineapple, Apricot and Red
Raspberry OCc
per jar 49
Monarch Pic-L-Joys ICc OCc
The Finest of Sweet Pickles . 19 TO 49
Monarch Chow Chow, Sweet Relish ICc
Sweet Mixed Mustard Relish—GLASS JARS . 19
Monarch Chili Sauce and Sea Food OCc
Monarch Salad Mustard lAc
JAR . . IU
Monarch Dry Mince Meat 10c
package ...... 14
See our Complete Monarch Canned Fruit
and Vegetable Lines. We will be pleased to show
them to you and you will be more pleased to serve
Schulz Store
Phone 230 O’Neill, Nebr. We Deliver
OUKSTION “Does ‘RPM’ reach work
ing parts quickly when weather
turns cold?"
ANSWIR Yes! “RPM" flows faster
gnu) “quickly "—it flows inttmntlyl
There's none of the “molasses-in
January” slowness about it. Fast
moving “RPM" saves engine parts
from oil-dry” starts.
M«rk«t«r* of Caleo Quolin*
Ford and Mercury Sales and Service ___