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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1940)
Over the County EMMET ITEMS Mrs. E. M. Govnin and son, Fred, of Scottsbluff, Nebr., spent the week end at the home of her father, Fred Beckwith. Mrs. Garvin was a former resident of this vicinity, movinp to Scottsbluff about 12 A Warm Friend in a Cold World! TOWN-CLAD* Heavyweight OVERCOATS $19.75 Smile when the Blizzards come howling into town! Town-CIads take the snap right out of frigid weather with their deep, thick, fleecy fabrics and snug, comfortable feel! You’ll be proud, too. of the dis tinctive sensation of owning a -Town-Clad. -• The handsome cut, the perfect fit, and the up-to-the-second styling are essential parts of Town-CIads! ’Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Others at $11.90 and $14.75 PENNEY’S J. C. PENNEY CO., Incorporated years ago. Relatives to visit Mrs. Garvin and son Sunday wejre Mr. and Mrs. Verne Beckwith and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and Leona Feme, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith and family. Miss Olive Beckwith was also a week end guest at her grand father’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abart and family were dinner guests at the Paul Schultz home in Atkinson Thursday, November 21, Nebras ka’s Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson and Doris, of Wayne drove to Albion and Petersburg, Nebr., Saturday, where they spent the day visiting friends. They returned home the same day. A group of frinds and relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tunender celebrate their wedding annivers ary Friday evening. The evening was spent in dancing and playing cards. Mrs. Floyd Butterfield was mov ed to her home from the Stuart hospital last Tuesday. She has been confined to her bed for the last six weeks but now is steadily improving. Dorothy Fox is help ing her with the work until she is feeling stronger. Miss Doris Patterson drove from Wayne, Nebraska, Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving Day at the home of her parents. She return ed Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmor and Walter were visitors at the Guy Beckwith home Saturday. Mrs. Guy Cole and Mrs. Esther Harris drove to Sioux City Wed nesday where they celebrated Thursday as Iowa’s Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fox and family, also Merna and Dorothy^ Fox drove to Miller, Nebr., Sunday to visit relatives. They returned the same day. Harry Werner and Spike Lawr ence spent several days' on the Niobrara river hunting this week. They are joined on Monday by John Conard and Pat McGinnis. Joe Jurgensmier called at the Leon Beckwith home Sunday even ing. Mr. Spindler and his daughters, Rose and Frances, were supper guests Thanksgiving Day at the J. H Patterson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Conard en tertained 18 at dinner Thanksgiv ing Day. Guests were: MrB. Esther Harris and family, of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and family and Gladys Schmor, Mrs. John Anspach of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGinnis. Mr. anrt Mrs. Frank Foreman and family drove to Ewing Sun day to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bair and family spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Theresa Roggasch at Duff, Nebraska. Substantial savings over prices usually asked for chains of this quality. Be prepared for muddy roads, snow and ice. S>IRE CHAINS 4.40-21 4.50- 20 4.50- 21 i , 4.75-19 6.00-16 Strap Type Pull-Out Chains 4" to 4.75", each.23c 5" to 5.50", each.29c 6" and up, each /.33c See your Gamble outlet for chains of all kinds, repair links, chain tighteners, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Ai Grehn and daughter, Ellen, of Fremont, arriv ed Thursday morning to spend Thanksgiving Day and the week end at the U. R. Tenborg home. They returned home Sunday. John Lowery called at the Alex McConnell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bair and fam ily spent Sunday with relatives in Bassett. Mrs. Al Grehn and Mrs, Ruth Wagnon visited Mrs. C. E. Ten borg Saturday afternoon, MEEK AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Borg and family were dinner guests on Sun day at the Sam Robertson home. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Johnson, of Spencer, and Mrs. Bill Langan and son, Gerald, were dinher guests of Mrs. E. H. Rouse on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robert son and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters on Thanksgiving Day. ..Haxel Mae Rouse, of O’Neill, spent several days the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Charle Luben and family spent Thanksgiving Day at the Warren Ferno home near Butte. Guests at the Roy Karr home on Thanksgiving Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Burt Ott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth and family. Mrs. Aaron Boshart is now stay ing with her mother, Mrs. Ann Lansworth. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Slaight and family and Mr. nad Mrs. Oliver, Ross and Shirley and Robert Swanson motored to Neligh to spend Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pfeil and fam ily and Miss Davene Loy spent Thanksgiving day at the Henry Martin home. Mr. and Mrs. Marriedy Hubby and bonnie and Bruce, of Atkin son, were supper guests of Mrs. Carrie Borg on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and family spent Thanksgiving at the John A. Robertson home. jQuite a crowd attended the ser vice at the Padock Union church on Thursday evening. Miss Stella Wood, of Albert Lea, Minn., a mis sionary of India, spoke on missions. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith, of Lexington, were dinner guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones on Saturday, they left for their home on Sunday. INMAN NEWS Mrs. Abbie Sanford, of O’Neill, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jane En ders, this week. Beryl Conger and family went to Lincoln Friday to see Lem Hoxie who is still in the hospital there. They were joined at Norfolk by Mrs. Lem Hoxie and sons. Mr. and Mrs. George Weingart ner and son, Darrell, of O’Neill, were dinner guests at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Julia Riley, Thanks giving day. Guests at the Leon Tompkins home Thanksgiving were their son, Dr. Chas. Tompkins and family, of Omaha, and her aunt, Mrs. Sarah Hutchins, of Orange, Calif. Dr. Tompkins leturned to Omaha that evening, but Mrs. Hutchins stayed on for a longer visit. The Methodist ladies met at the home of Mrs. Art Renner Friday afternoon, getting ready for their bazaar which will be December 14. Earl Watson and family .went to Neligh Thursday to spend Thanks giving at the Jay Butler home. Roy Goree and family of Long Pine and Jack Lewis of Sidney, came Thursday for a visit at the Mrs. Mary Goree home. Hardin Anspach left Tuesday afternoon for Lincoln, where he expects to enter a hospital for treatment. Mrs. E. F. Spann and son, Roger, of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hancock, of O’Neill, were week end guests at the Mrs. Hancock home. Mr. and Mrs. Haddan Geary took their son, Robert, to Omaha Satur day to have a cataract removed from his eye. Roy Hoxie, wife and daughter, of Whitefish, Mont., came Monday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Jane Enders. Virginia Watson, of Norfolk, was home over the week end. Mrs. Mary Goree and Mrs. Em ma Kivit left Sunday morning for California to spend the winter. Jim Sholes, Marvin Young and Martin Conard left Friday for Oregon to look over the country. Ralph Burival moved his family to Middle Branch Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth McKim of Clear water visited her daughter, Mrs. Art Englehaupt and family over the week end. Patrice, JfoVn aruf William Wat son and Gerald Sobotka were home from Lincoln over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hare, of Grand Island, spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colman, who re turned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Carey left Wednesday for Iowa to visit rela tives. Mrs. Lewis Kopecky ac companied them as Tar as Omaha where she will visit for a couple of weeks, and Miss Elsie Kruger went with them to Red Oak, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Renner went to Neligh Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs. Jones. Subscribe for The Frontier. Farmers - Ranchers Our goal is to provide you with a dependable and effic ient home market for your surplus livestock. May we be of service to you in the near future? O’Neill Livestock Comm. Co. PHONE 2 O’NEILL, NEBR. * Since 1935, beer excise taxes amounting to $2,574,376* have been turned over to the State Assistance Department for the support of Nebraska’s needy aged, for def>endenl children and the blind. Taxes paid by the brewing industry help to balance the state's budget and lighten the tax load on the individual citiaen. The bet. industry of this slate, employing about 9,000 Nebraskans, invites your co operation in protecting these benefits. We aak you to patronise only law-observing retailers and to report violations to the public authorities or to this Committee. •From State Liquor Control Commission. ■ Nebraska BREWERS AND BEER DISTRIBUTORS W COMMITTEE CHARLES E. SANDALL, State Director 710 Firt^. National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. (First Publication‘November 21, 1940) BUDGET SUMMARY HOLT COUNTY, 1941 FUND I. GENERAL Revenue estimated on a 1. County Clerk $5190.00 valuation of $17,600,000 2. County Treasurer . 9090.00 at 3 mills levy for 3. Clerk District Court 3475.00 General fund . $52500.00 4. Countv Judge . 3600.00 FEES (Est.) 5. Co. Supt. Schools . 5790.00 Oo. Clerk $2000.00 6. Co. Atty., Coroner .... 2990.00 Co. Treas. 7000.00 7. Register of Deeds . 2405.00 Clerk of Court 2375.00 8. Co. Sheriff .6110.00 Co. Judge 1500.00 9. Co. Assessor 7350.00 Register of 10. Co. Surveyor. 400.00 Deeds _1800,00 11. County Jail . 1050.00 Sheriff . 500.00 12. Oo. Court House . 3750.00 - 13. Court House Annex ... 2330.00 $15175.00 $15175.00 14. Supervisors . 5830.00 15. County Agent .. 2400.00 16. Miscellaneous . 6015.00 1. Vital Stat. _..$ 150. 2. Pub. Proc. 350. 3. Insurance .. 4. Pub. Defender 100. 5. Juv. Court_ 25. 6 Courts Juries Witness Fees 1500. 7. Feeble Minded .. 350. 8. Insanity Com. 160. 9. Comm. Dis. 490. 10. Sewing Center 2200. 11. Care Insane .... 12. Int. on Warr. 600. 13. Other Items— 100. -L._ Total L....-..—....,$67,676.00 Total .. .$67,675.00 FUND II. ROAD Est. Revenue, Gas tax $ 48300.00 Est. Expense .$48300.00 FUND III. ROAD DRAGGING Est. Revenue, Gas tax ... 3600.00 Est. Expense . 3600.00 FUND IV. COUNTY FAIR Est. Revenue, Levy . 1750.00 Pari-M 260.00 Est. Expense . 2000.00 FUND V. COYOTE BOUNTY Est. Revenue . 350.00 Est. Expense . 350.00 FUND VI. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Est. Revenue .— 525.00 Est. Expense . 525.00 FUND VII. BRIDGE Est. Revenue. Gas . 10500.00 Levy . 3600.00 Est. Expense . 14100.00 FUND VIII. UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF Est. Revenue . 17500.00 Est. Expense . 17500.00 FUND IX. COURT HOUSE BONDS Est. Revenue .—... 6000.00 Est. Expense .-. 6000.00 Total .-.$159,950.00 Total .$159,960.00 That a hearing on the foregoing budget will be held by the Holt County Board of Supervisors at their office in the court house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on December 9, 1940, from 9:00 o’clock A. M., until 12:00 o’clock noon of the same day. (SEAL) JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 28-3 County Clerk. Friday and Saturday November 29 and 30 VARIETY & ECONOMY The sanitary, well-stocked Council Oak Stores, with a wide range of quality foods and everyday “Values” fully meet all the requirements in pleasing the family at the table. BEEF HIND QUARTERS, Pound. 17c Buy a quarter of Beef and be well supplied with roasts and steaks regardless of the weather. Standing: RIB ROAST TER LB. Fresh BOILING BEEF PER 1 iC LB.. ■ 4 STEAK SPECIALS ROUND & SWISS STEAKS, lb 26c SHORT CUT STEAKS, Tb 25c SIRLOIN STEAK, Per Pound 20C BULK SAUSAGE I’ER LB. FRESH PORK ROASTS, Pound.12c For tender. Juicy Roast, you buy the Whole or Half of a 4 to 8 pound picnic. FRESH PORK STEAK, Pound...17c PORK NECK BONES.5 pounds 14c FRESH PORK FEET.. 5 pounds 14c SUPERB SLICED AND CRUSHED Large 00c PINEAPPLE ..NO. m CAN ZD Every item under the Superb label must be the world’s finest. It is for this reason that Dole’s Hawaiian pineapple is used exclusively for the Superb label. morning LIGHT No. 2>/2 Can 9c ICc PUMPKIN . 2 NO 2 CANS ID Lay in a supply for the pumpkin pie seawon at the special price. ANttO=BKF .If All lean beef. No bone, no Kristie, no waste. A cooked beef for sandwiches and delicious corned beef hash. At our special price it is a low cost meat to boil with veKetables. PLAIN AND FANCY 7 Pounds 7CC ASSORTED COOKIES . Z for ZD HAVE YOU TASTED NANCY ANN “The Better Bread” Pound 7c 74-Ounce 1Ac LOAF (l'/i-Ub.) LOAF IV council oak Pound 23c LLc COFFEE ... 3 pounds ..I.. W Save the empty baK« and start a beautiful set of 22-carat Gold Pattern Dishes. RED BAG COFFEE 3 'ZZ 39l RUGULAR AND QUICK COOKING Large 14c SUPERB OATS . - pkg. M Dromedary Pasteurized DATES 2 Packages FOR CRISCO Pound Can . 3-Pound CAN .. ' -_ FRESH LONG THREAD J/4-Pound *AC BULK COCOANUT ... cello bag III SUPERB EXTRACTED >flC-Ounce OEc PURE HONEY . ID jar Zd SUPERB BRAND CyPHP 10-Pound White... 47c ^Ec JinUr 10-POUND AMBER SUPERB BRAND A 200 Count IfiC CLEANSING TISSUE . L boxes ID 500 Count Box..—.19c A sanitary substitute for Handkerchiefs; also convenient and economical. LEVER BROS PRODUCTS Special For This Sale IIIV Small Package.- 9c Oflc LUX TOILET SOAP, Cake 6c PlMCn SMALL EAGKAGE.8« GIANT MC KllwU LARGE PACKAGE 20c PKG. 30 LIFEBUOY SOAP, Cake. 6c MARSH SEEDLESS # IOC TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT.0 for 13 TEXAS IOC JUICE ORANGES .. DOZEN 13 EMPEROR GRAPES 2 L„, 13c WRAPPED AND SIZED fOC DELICIOUS APPLES. . dozen 13 CRISP SOLID LETTUCE 2^f13c WESTERN GROWN r LBS. 4*C JERSEY SWEET SPUDS 3 for 13 MEET MA BROWN AND THE BOYS WMAY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY TVnAA 2:00 TILL 2:30 P. M. ASK FOR THE MA BROWN FEATURE AND ENTER THE QUIZ TUNE GAME.