The Biggest Line of All-Leather Shoes Ever In Our Store -OR IN THE COUNTY-— LEATHER COUNTER, LEATHER INSOLE, LEATHER SOLE-The manufacturers give a Cer tificate to every purchaser agreeing to pay them $5.00 cash and a new pair of shoes to the wearer who finds paper or fibre in the heels, counters, insoles or outsoles of any shoes made by us, bear ing any of our Trade Marks. Shoes For All The Family—Buy With Confidence ANTON TOY, Quality Merchandise FOR SALE krPI.ES, CUCUMBESRS. 1 % Miles S. E. of O’Neill on Highway I 275.—Leonard Larson. 14-3pj ONE CIRCULATING Heafrola Oil ! burner; one 6 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator, cheap.—Phone 10 16-lp SEVERAL GOOD BUCKS.—Ed Hall. 15-2 USED McCORMICK - DEERING Farm-A11 and trailer mower.— John Sabotka, Inman. 12-tf ONE GIRLS’ SNOW SUIT, brown and yellow, in good condition. Size twelve.—Call 231. 16-tf McCORMICK CORN BINDER, A-l condition. See any day but Sun day.—Fay A. Pucaett. 16-1 MISCELLANEOUS (GOLDEN SPIKE BEER. Dine and dance. Have a good time at—Fred BazeJman's Beer Parlor. 16tf SEE US for McCormick-Deering Machines and Repairs, also Her ache) cutting parts, shafts and gears* for John Deere and Dain mowers—^John Sobotka, Jr., In man, Nebr. 14-4 FOR RENT ROOM—Board if desired, for two school girls. — Mrs. Penisten, Phone 177-J. 16-lp NICELY FURNISHED 3-Room apartment.—Apply Dick’s Body Shop. 12-tf WANTED TWO GIRLS or 2 boys to room and board.—Mrs. James Oppen. 15-2 FULL TIME Life Insurance rep resentative, for this territory. Very attractive proposition to i right man. Wire or write—Roy D. Hiatt, Ainsworth. 11-4 FOR SALE OiTrENT FOR SALE OR RENT. Nice mod em residence.—See R. H. Par ker. 12-tf | W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska I DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH Ole* Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Pitted Residence ( Dr. Brown, 22S Phones } Dr. French, 242 mmmtmmtmtmmsmtmmmmtt ommmmmtmmmmmmmmmtn “ William W. Griffin | ATTORNEY Phone 248 First National Bank Building jj P’Neill, Nebraska jj (First Publication August 8, 1940) LEGAL NOTICE Henry Bardes; the heirs, devis ees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interest ed in the Estate of Fred Bardes, Deceased, real names unknown; Ed ith M. Bardes; Cleone Bardes; How. ard Bardes; Dwight Bardes; George Bardes; Paul Bardes; Archie Bar des; Louis Bardes; Flora Bardes; Florence Bardes; Louise Bardes; Henrietta Hatfield; Christian Bar des; Fred Bardes; Richard Nepper; Mrs. Richard Nepper, also known as Alvina,,Negper: Curt Nepper; Edith Wepper; Ida Vesar; Tillie Witt hamper,; ElisaUeth Bardes; i-’D-'f. the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all >ther persons interested in the ■state of Christian Bardes, De ceased, real names unknown; Em ly Deopke; Fred Strunk; Emma tfepper Kobman; Ruth EYnminger; Elmer Kobman; Julia Bardes anti Margaret Bardes, as Joint Execu trices under the Last Will and Testament of Fred Bardes, De ceased; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the Northwest Quarter of Section Six, in Township Twenty eight, North Range Nine, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, „ Nebraska, real names unknown: You, and each of you, are here by notified that on the 8th day of August, A. D., 1940, Julia Bardes, Margaret Louise Bardes, LeRoy Bardes, Jean LaBorteaux, as plain, tiffs, filed a petition and commenc ed an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, and each of you, interpleaded with other defendants, the ob ject and prayer of the petition be ing to have determined who are the owners of the Northwest Quar ter of Section Six. in Township Twenty-eight, North Range Nine, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, and to find, determine and fix the interest of each of said owners therein; to have the title to said real estate quieted and con firmed in such owners; to have said premises partitioned or if the same can not be partitioned without de preciating the value of the shares that then, said premises be sold in the manner and form as provided by law and the proceeds distributed after payment of costs and expenses according to the in terest of the parties in said prop erty; that each and all of the other defendants not found to have an interest in said property be for ever barred from any and every right, title, interest or claim in or to said real estate and for such oth er relief as equity and good con science may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of September, A. D., 1940. JULIUS D. CRONIN. 13-4 Attorney for Plaintiffs. (First Publication August 15, 1940) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 2811 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. August 9, 1940. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Andrew Kief, Deceased. Notice, is heteby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Daniel Andrew Kief, Deceased, and for the ap pointment of Alexandra Kief, as executor thereof; that September 5, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons con cerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-3 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney (First Publication August 15, 1940) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 23fi2 In the County Court of Hob County, Nebraska, August 13, 1940. In the matter of the Estate of Ste phen Donlin, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard Sep tember 4, 1940, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all per sons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. )(COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-3 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney (First Publication August 15,1940) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2809 In the County Court of Holi County, Nebraska, August 15, 1940 In the matter of the estate oi Marne McManus, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate art hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against . said estate In December Si, 1940 and for payment of debts is Aug ust 15, 1941, and that on Septem ber 5, 1940, and on December 6, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, Countv Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-3 Mrs. Bruno Jacobs Funeral services were conducted at the Dorsey church on Sunday, August 18, for Mrs. Bruno Jacobs, who passed away in her sleep on Thursday, August 15, at the age of 81 years, 7 months and 6 days. Services were in charge of the Rev. Mr. Walters of the Lutheran church of Walnut, Nebr. Hiesche Margaretha Oltmann was born January 9, 1869, at West Ochtersen, East Friesland, Ger many, where she grew to woman hood and was married to Bruno Jacobs of that place on the 26th day of October, 1889. In the spring of 1891 they came to America and located on a farm near Sparta, Knox county, Nebras ka. In 1903 they moved to Bazile Mills, Nebr., where she joined the Lutheran church. In 1907 they moved to Holt County near Star, which has since been her home. She leaves her husband and six children: Mrs. Lizzie Peterson, Plainview, Nebr.; Mrs. Margaretha DeVries, Roberts, Mont.; Mrs. Min nie Simpson, Silessia, Mont.; Ihno of Lynch, Nebr.; Henry of Verdel, Nebr.; and William of Star, Nebr., and 29 grandchildren. Pallbearers were the three sons and three grandsons. Flower girls were the granddaughters. In terment was made at Star. BRIEFLY STATED Norman Gonderinger made a business trip to Omaha on Wed nesday. Miss Betty Swarthout, of Omaha, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Beha over the week end. Junior Toy returned on Wed nesday from Lincoln, where he spent several days on business. A marriage license was issued on August 24 to Wilfred Kaup and Ruth Schaaf, both of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Walling re turned Sunday from Lincoln, where they visited for a few days. Max Wanser left Tuesday for White River, S. D., on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickey an nounce the birth of a son on Wed nesday, August 28. M iss Margaret Shearer returned on Saturday from her vacation to the Black Hills. Miss Helen Toy left today for Bayard, Nebr., where she will again teach for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla spent Sunday in Greeley, visiting the D. F. Wadman family. Complete line of School Supplies. —Stannard’s. 15-2 Harold Nelson, of Fort Wayne, Ind., spent Monday and Tuesday in O’Neill visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Connor, of Alliance, arrived in O’Neill on Tuesday to visit friends. Miss Mae Hammond, of Omaha, Nebraska, spent the week end in ; O’Neill visiting relatives. Miss Nadine Coyne left on Tues day for Omaha, where she will visit relatives and friends. i Mr. ami .Mrs. Francis Bnzelnian land son, and joe Martin drove to . ... . • . Norfolk on Tuesday evening to at tend a baseball game. Gus Caldwell, of Huron, S. D., visited friends in O’Neill on Satur. day of last week. Jean Kilpatrick and Miss Vivian Erickson, of Norfolk, spent Tues day in O’Neill visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick. Miss Mary Jardee returned on Tuesday from her vacation during which she visited friends at Den ver, Colo. Bill Haley, of Omaha, who has been here vjsiting relatives and friends, left Sunday night for his home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto and Bartely Brennan drove to Wayne on Sunday to visit Mrs. Brennan and her infant son. Ernest Bro, of Syracuse, New York, visited on Sunday at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins, daughter Jane, and son, Bob, and Charles Yarnall left on Saturday for Minnesota on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz and son, Jack, returned on Saturday from their vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. _ H. J. Hammond left on Sunday afternoon for Omaha, where he was called to serve as a member of the Federal Grand Jury. Hugh Boyle, of Omaha, left on Sunday, after attending the fun eral of J. F. O’Donnell in this city Sunday morning. Dorothy Jean Moore returned to Friend with Mr. and Mrs. Franz, and will visit there for a ouple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kurt/, return ed on Monday morning from Cald well, Idaho, whef$ they were visit ing relatives and friends. Hugh McKenna arrived on Sun day to visit at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenna for the week. Ed Olson returned last Satur day from the Veteran’s Hospital at Lincoln, where he has been re ceiving medical treatment. Frank Daly, of Omaha, arrived on Monday to visit his mother, • Mrs. William Daly and his sister, Mrs. J. J. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Beha an nounce the birth of a son at the O’Neill hospital on Tuesday morn ing, August 27. Miss Dorothy Jordan left Thurs day morning for Omaha, where she will visit Miss Lou Dwyer for a few days. Miss Catherine Keiser left Thursday morning for Sioux City, where she will visit friends for a few days. Mrs. Charles McKenna, who has been working in Sioux City fot the past two weeks, is expected to return home on Saturday.. I Sergeant’s PINE OIL DISINFECTANT DEODORIZES KILLS CERTAIN GERMS Banish dirt ana odors with clean, sweet j smelling Sergeant's PINE OIL DISINFECTANT - tor attic, cellar, bathroom, closet*. Keeps your dog and his sleeping place dean, sweet smelling, free of fleas. H • irjsvsyw'. * - ■,v A The Frontier has been notified by Ira George, bandmaster, that there will be no band concert tiiis Saturday night. Miss Ruby Weisman returned on Sunday from Osceola, Nebraska, where she spent her vacation vis iting at the home of her parents. VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR. ING in your home. Free In spection. Monday last day.— L. C. Eggert; call Coyne Hard ware. 16-lp Miss Mary Claire Waldman, Miss Mary Minahan and Emmet Carr left Thursday morning for Omaha where they will visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Eaton, of Lincoln, visited here on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Harry Starlin. Mr. E'aton is a brother of Mrs. Starlin, Miss Marion Dickson, of Nor folk, was here on Sunday to at tend the funeral of her uncle, J. F. O’Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Doyle, of Chicago, Illinois, who have been here for the past week visiting Mrs. Doyle’s father, J. B. Ryan, left on Monday for their home. The annual exhibit of the articles made in the rural and city schools of Holt County is now on display at the Holt County School Exhibit Hall on the court house grounds. Everyone is invited to attend this exhibit. Mrs. Max Golden and daughter, Constance left on Tuesday morn ing for Omaha, where they will visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Helen Sirek, son Ted, and daughter, Yvonne, returned on Monday from their vacation trip through the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walling left Tuesday for Davenport, Iowa, where they will visit for a few days. A marriage license was issued to Herman Kalvelage and Lucille Moeller, both of Stuart, on August 24. -— i St.John’s • . . SUNDAY September 1 THAT’S A DATE Month and Week End SPECIALS With the end of the Week and Month, also will end our Fruit Sale—don’t be disappointed— get your fruit for canning now, as good quality fruits will be hard to get after this week. PEARS, PEACHES, PRUNES, get our lower Prices. Beets, Carrots, Onions, Cabbage —get them by the bushel fresh from the garden daily. Our prices are lower than ever before. FLOUR OQc 48-Lb. Snow White .... 0# Sandwich Spread or Salad Dressing 9I»C COOKIES, Fancy OCc Mixed—2-Lb. Pkg. .... »0 DOG FOOD TEc 2 LARGE CANS FOR 10 Hill Bros. COFFEE OQc POUND . LQ PEANUT BUTTER OCc QUART Ztf Marshmallows OEc 2 POUNDS . fcO BACON, Sliced 10c POUND 10 ICE TEA in fancy glasses 15c VALUE AT ..... FRUIT JARS MASON.—Pints, Doz. BLACKBERRIES GALLON . CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE y%c OUR NEW PRICE—POUND 2.0 TENDERLEAF TEA—Use this brand for best results always—in Green and Orange Pekoe. Bring us your Eggs and get the Highest Prices Schulz Store O’Neill, Nebraska FREE DELIVERY PHONE 230 STRETCHES FER MILES You get heaps more value per gallon with “Calso”: getaway . . . smooth , anti-knock power . . . and mileage to make your gas-money stretch! It’s ' unsurpassed! THE CALIFORNIA COMPANY FOB EXIBA SIBVICE GIT CAL50 Gaiolina*Uniurpau«4 | —FOR SALE BY— LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Ford and Mercury Sales and Service O’NEILL, <*£ NEBRASKA * ' ~ • ' -**- -:r-f * •«»» '< - -ant. ■ '.-V «