The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 25, 1940, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(UK AND RED CEDAR f’.jata,
Oak Sweep Teeth and Oak Lum
ber.—Earl Wrede, O’Neill. 6-10
JUST RECEIVED. New stock of
Second Hand Furniture, includ
ing dining room suites, beds, mat
tresses, dressers.—Green's second
Hand Store. 9-3p
ONE GOOD Breeding Bull.—E.
W. Richter, Dorsey. 10-2
Dance. Have a good time at—
Fred Bazelman's beer Parlor. 9tf
HOUSEWIVES, F'or quick service
on refrigerator motors call—Viv
Halva’s Shop. 6-8p
SEE US for McCormick-Deering
Machines and Repairs, also Her
schel cutting parts, shafts and
geais, for John Deere and Dain
mowers.—John Sobotka, Jr., In
man, Nebr. 9-4p
—Mattie Soukup. 9-tf
FOR RENT—Elegant modern store
building in business center. Nice
Plate Glass Front.—R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebr. 1-tf
FULL TIME Life Insurance rep
resentative, for this territory.
Very attractive proposition to
right man. Wire or write—Roy
D. Riatt, Ainsworth. 11-4
k ■ --
Nellie Borgelt 11-lp
FROM MY PLACE Northeast of
O’Neill, one yearling Hereford
Bull, with horns, branded on left
ribs. Anyone knowing its where,
abouts notify—Bruce Johnson,
Walnut, Nebr. 12-3p
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasaea Correctly Fitted
Residence J Dr. Brown, 223
Phones j Dr. French, 242
William W. Griffin
Phone 248
First National Bunk Building
O’Neill, Nebraska
Auto Electric
Armature and Motor Winding
Our Specialty
For Fried Chicken
(First Publication July 25, 1940)
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received up to and includ
ing August 9, 1940, until 1 p. m„
of said day when they will be pub
licly opened and read* for the erec
tion of a school building in District
No. 202 in Holt County, Nebraska.
Plans and specifications for the
building can be secured from Ellis
Scholz, member of the building
committee, Chambers, Nebr., Route
One, The committee reserves the
right to reject any or all bids. The
building must be completed by Sep
tember 1, 1940.
11-3 Ruilding Committee.
-- - 1
(First publication July 18, 1940)
Notice is hereby given that by j
irtue of an Order of Sale issued
o me by the Clerk of the District
’ourt of Holt County, Nebraska,
n an action pending in saiu Court
cherein Mary I. Biglin is plaintiff
ind Daniel J. Cronin and others,
(this being case No. 13651) are
defendants, I will sell to the high
est bidder for cash at (he front]
door of the court house in O’Neill.
Nebraska, on the 19th day of
August, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
the following described premises
in Holt County, Nebraska
Northeast Quarter and the
West Half of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 30, in
Township 30 North of Range
11. West of the 6th P. M.,
to satisfy the sum of $1,151.69
found due plaintiff on her first cause
of action and the sum of $719.80
found due plaintiff on her second
cause of action and interest there
on and $80.06 posts of suit and
accruing .posts
Dated tfift f 7th day of July, 1940.
SHfKfcHntfflt bounty, j
10-5 ~.~ Nebraska. I
r-tc- — ■■ill §m -- -i rd
John F. Rohn, Fremont, Attorney
(First Publication July 18. 1940)
By virtue of an order of sale is
sued out of the District Court of
Holt County. Nebraska, upon a
decree of foreclosure in an action,
Case No. 13583, wherein John F.
Rohn, Executor of the Estate of
i Claus F. Rohn, deceased, is plain
I tiff, and Clara M. Reimers, et. al.,
I are defendants, 1, the undersigned
| sheriff of said county, will sell en
j masse on the 22 day of August,
1940, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the
west front door of the court house
in the city of O’Neill, County of
Holt, State of Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real
estate, to satisfy the decree, in
terests and court costs in said ac
tion. to-wit:
The north Half (N%) of the
Northeast Quarter (NE*4) of
Section Four (4), Township
Thirty (30) North, Range Ten
(10) West of the 0th P. M., and
the South Half (S*4) of the
Southeast Quarter (SEV4) of
Section Thirty-three (33),
Township Thirty-one (31)
North, Range Ten (10) West
of the 6th P. M., containing 160
acres more or less according
to government survey in Holt
County, Nebraska.
Dated this 16th (lay of July, 1940.
Sheriff of Holt County,
10- 5 Nebraska
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
(First Publication July 25, 1940)
Estate No. 2809
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, July 25, 1940.
In the matter of the Estate of
Marne McManus, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that a pe
tition has been filed in said Court
for the probate of a written in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of Marne Mc
Manus, Deceased, and for the ap
pointment of Patrick J. McManus,
as executor thereof; that August
15, 1940, at 10 o’clock A. M., has
been set for hearing said petition
and proving said instrument in said
Court when all persons concerned
may appear and contest the pro
bate thereof.
11- 3 County Judge
(First Publication July 25, 1940)
I). R. Mounts, Attorney
Estate No. 2805
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, July 19, 1940.
In the matter of the Estate of Eric
Borg, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
said estate is November 15, 1940,
and for the payment of debts is
July 19, 1941, and that on August
15, 1940, and on November 16, 1940,
at 10 o'clock A. M., each day, I will
be at the County Court Room in
said County to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
11-,'} County Judge.
J. O. Walker left Wednesday af
ternoon for Omaha on a business
Mrs. Charles Cordea, of Chicago,
is in the city visiting at the home
of Mrs. C. J. Malone.
Joe Cadwell, of Huron, S. D., ar
rived in O’Neill on Monday-to spend
a few days here visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dishncr left
Monday for Canada, where they
will spend their vacation.
Miss Mabel Erskine, of Omaha,
spent the week end here visiting
Lloyd James, of Atkinson, Ne
braska, spent Tuesday in O’Neill
on business.
Mrs. John Fox returned Mon
day from Sioux City, where she has
been for the past three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas spent
the week end visiting relatives and
friends at Atkinson.
Mrs. Marvin Johnson left Sunday
for Sioux City, Iowa, where she
will visit relatives for a short time.
James Donlin, of Minneapolis,
Minn., arrived in O’Neill on Mon
day to visit relatives and friends.
George O’Brien, of Grand Island,
was in O’Neill Wednesday and
Thursday on business.
Miss Mary Gokie had her ton
sils removed Monday. She return
ed to her home Monday evening.
September 1st, is your date at
St. John’s. 11-2
Mr. and Mrs. Everett McCauley,
of Omaha, arrived Tuesday to be
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W'eber and three
sons, of Waterloo, Iowa, visited
l\e.-e Tuesday at the home of Mr.
and-Mis. Cv,C. Betgi-ti'ohn while'on•
teea: .way to the B'ack Hills,
ipii.9 • •» • i v * r.. ”p'*r' :•**
* * - *
Mrs. Rose Long of Lance Creek,
Wyo., arrived here on Tuesday to
visit her mother, Mrs. Frank Ku
bitschek and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ward of
Tyndall, S. D., spent the week end ]
in O’Neill visiting relatives and
Miss Helen Wessel, of Omaha,
left Sunday for her home, after
visiting here at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed BuVge.
Junior Toy returned Saturday
evening from Lincoln and Omaha,
where he spent several days on
Mrs. Florence H. Jensen, State
manager of the Woodman Circle
of Omaha, arrived in O’Neill on
Tuesday to transact business.
Father R. A. Parr left Monday
for Chicago, where he will spend
his vacation visiting relatives and
Harry Bell, vocational agricul
ture instructor at Stanton, Nebr.,
visited July 17 at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Mathis.
Miss Elanora Taylor, of Council
Bluffs, arrived in O’Neill on Mon
day to be the guest of Miss Betty
Williams for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaw, of
Emmet, announce the birth of a
son on Wednesday afternoon, July
Charles Walling, of Fremont, Ne
braska, spent the week end in
O’Neill as the guest of his brother,
L. C. Walling, and family.
Mrs, Webb Kellogg of Sioux
City, Iowa, came to O’Neill on Fri
day night to attend the funeral
services for Miss Mamie McManue.
A marriage license was issued
on July 19, by the County Judge’s
office to Frank Krupicka and Olga
M. Luedke, both of Spencer.
Dr. J. P. Brown, C. C. Bergstrom,
Harold Lindberg, C. E. Lundgren
and Ted McElhaney returned on
Sunday from Park Rapids, Minn.,
where they spent the week fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pearson, and
children, of Neligh. spent Sunday
here visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Har
Gus DeBaeker, manager of the
J. C. Penney store, returned Tues
day evening from Sioux City, where
he attended a two day meeting of
managers from this distript.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walling re
turned Saturday from their vaca
tion, during which thev visited
* I
friends at Aurora, Columbus and |
Omaha, Nebraska.
Barney Walsh, of West Union,
Iowa, arrived in O’Neill Friday
evening to visit at the home of
Mrs. Teresa Connelly for a few
Mrs. F. M. Brennan, sons Neil
and Bert, and daughters, Devine
and Patricia, of Fort Benning,
Georgia, are expected to arrive on
Thursday evening to spend the bal
ance of the summer here at the
home of Miss Bernadette Brennan.
Lod Janousek and son, George,
and Louis Kopeeky and Lambert
Kerbel, of Inman, left last Sunday
morning for Minnesota, where they
will put in the next ten days fishing
in some of that state’s famous
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell arid
daughter. Miss Louise, returned
Tuesday from Chicago, where they
attended the Democratic conven
tion and visited their daughter and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Miss Ruth Kuklish, of Columbus,
Nebraska, who was here visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Burge left Sunday for her home.
Miss Ruth Burge accompanied her
to Columbus and will visit for
few days.
Mrs. Ann Jordan, daughter,
Dorothy, Mrs. Catherine Reiser
and daughter, Patti, and Terry
Wanser left Monday evening for
Custer, S. D., where they will vis
it at the home of Mrs. Jordan’s
and Mrs. Reiser’s sister. Mrs. L. M.
Sutcliffe and Dr. Sutcliffe.
September 1st, is your date at
St. John’s. 11-2
Miss Esther Lindberg left Sun
day for Omaha, where she will join
some relatives and then will take
a two weeks trip through Yellow
stone Park. ,
Vince Schoberg returned Sunday
from Spencer, where he spent his
vacation visiting at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Neil Brennan of Rapid City, S.
D., arrived in O’Neill on Wednes
day to visit his sister, Miss Berna
dette, and his brother, Tom, for a
few days.
Miss Genevieve Graves returned
Monday from Lyons, Nebraska,
where she spent the past five weeks
visiting at the home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Jane Buckley.
Mrs. James McManus, of Chi
cago, Illinois, arrived in O’Neill on
Friday night, being called here by
the sudden death of Miss Mamie
Miss Catherine Grady, Jack Gra
dy of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Paul
Montgomery of Pueblo, Colo., ar
rived here on Monday, being called
by the death of Harry Grady.
Miss Mildred Lawyer drove to
Ainsworth Monday to spend the
week at the home of her sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Han
sen. ,
Miss Ann Harty returned Wed
nesday evening from Grand Island,
where she was the guest of her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gokie and
family of Clearwater and Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Gokie and son of
Chambers spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gokie.
Mrs. M. E. Holmes and daughter,
Betty, of Omaha, arrived Tuesday
morning and are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Par
’* ■ -.» *v «
Mr. and Mrs. Lvle’ TLawyer and
family, who have been here visit
ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Lawyer and family and rela
tives left Friday for their home at
Albert Lea, Minn.
Miss Grace Connelly, Francis
Connelly and Barney Walsh left
Monday for Casper, Wyo., where
they will visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Tommy Connelly until
the end of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Max James and
daughter, Margaret Ann, of Bak
ersfield, California, arrived in
“It’s my Breed and Batter”
“Don’t ask me to violate Nebraska laws. I’m $
licensed beer retailer, and when customers ask me
to ’wink at the law’ as a favor to them, they really
are asking me to risk my job and the jobs of those
who work for me. My license is my bread and butter,
and I ran't afford to lose it.”
Patrons sometimes ask retailers to sell beer afgtf
closing hours, or sell to persons visibly intoxicated,
or to extend credit—all law violations.
Most beer licensees respect and obey the law and
operate clean, orderly places. They deserve yi*ur
patronage. Help us in our law enforcement program
. . . don’t ask retailers to violate the law.
710 First National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nabr.
O'Neill Monday evening to visit at
the home of Mrs. James’ mother,
Mrs. David Stannard.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burge and Mrs.
Harry Bowen drove to Berwyn,
Nebraska, on Tuesday, after receiv
ing word of the death of Mrs.
Pete Curtis’ mother, Mrs. Glider
well to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Walt Stein, Mrs. Jack Sal
mons, and Mrs. Mike Kirwin left
Monday for Minnesota, where they
will visit for the next week at the
home of Mrs. Stein’s and Mrs. Sal
mon’s sister and family.
September 1st, is your date at
St. John’s. 11-2
Roy Osborne left last Sunday
moaning for Casper and other
points in Wyoming, where he will
spend ten days or two weeks visit
ing old friends and incidentally
taking a few tf/wt from their many
streams in that section.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hancock of
Cheyenne, Wyo., visited in O’Neill
and Inman on Saturday of this
week, while on their way home af
ter attending the funeral of Mrs.
Hancock’s father at Newman
Mrs. H. J. Birmingham, daugh
ters, Lou, Barbara and Mardy, Miss
Nancy Froelich and Mrs. Charley I
Stout returned Saturday from
their trip through Yellowstone
Park, and from Butte, Montana,
where they visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, son
Bill and daughter, Nancy, left
Monday for Chicago, where they
will visit for a few days, and then
will go on to Washington, D. C.,
and New York City to spend the
rest of their vacation.
Mrs. Mark Williams, of Califor
nia, who is in O’Neill visiting her
son, Howard, and family, spent
Sunday and Monday in Omaha and
Council Bluffs, visiting her son,
Ray, and other relatives and
Mrs. Jess Mills, daughter Verle,
and son, Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Lawson and daughter, of
Omaha, spent the week end in
O’Neill visiting Mrs. Mills’ father,
Emil Sniggs and other relatives
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hynes and
children drove to Bonesteel, S. D.,
Sunday, where they met Hugh and
Rose Marie Dillon of Vancouver,
Wash., who are spending the sum
mer here visiting relatives.
Kookie Kutter Club
The Cedar Valley Kookie Kutter
Club met with Barbara Trow
bridge, July 17.
There were seven members and
$50 TO $1000
On Our
Present Contracts Refinanced
Payments Reduced
Cash Advanced
L _________
V ;
rf* ' •
seven visitors present. Chir new
member is Marjorie Noring.
In our project we have been mak
ing egg, meat and cheese dishes.
We practiced on our demonstra
tions. Three teams went to dem
onstration school at O’Neill last
-—• . 1
At the end of the meeting we
sang songs. The next meeting will
be with Mae DeLong, August 1.
Use The Frontier Want
Ads For Quick Results
4 Days — Commencing Sunday, July 28
hddie and Mona and their
“You Can’t Keep
A Good Man
A Comedy in Three Acts
Six Acts of Vaudeville
Company of Mona's Music Makers
14 PEOPLE 14 Roblee Sisters
Ticket Sale.7:30 — Show Starts.8:15
ADMISSION — 10c and 20c
One Lady FREE with each paid adult admission
ticket Sunday Night
In order to assist us in the liquidation of our
Banks, we are making a number of auction sales.
We now announce
An Auction
of our western Boyd County lands, four proper
ties including the Ball 160, 2 miles east of town,
the Berg 320 S W on the Keya Paha, the Hall 320
of pasture 8 S W and the Dwight Brown ranch of
1840 acres 10 miles S W—well improved, well lo
cated, well watered.
Naper Nebr., Sat. July 27
Sale starting at 1:30. Our next sale is at
Atkinson, Monday, July 29
at 1:30 we offer our five western Holt County
properties, from 160 to 1360 acres each. These
are better than average farms, grazing and hay
lands and include the Mullen, Sturdevant, Stili
son, Hermann and Gathje places.
We have already sold, and largely at auction,
our lands in Cherry, Brown, Rock and Keya Paha
counties, except one or two small places. We are
now starting on our Boyd and Holt County farms
and ranches. We must dispose of these lands
with all reasonable dispatch. These properties
are all clear.
We offer good terms. See our sale bills or
write for them. Consult our men about special
terms or time of settlement. M. O. Howard lives
in O’Neill. R. F. Reynolds, special representa
tive of the bank with Mr. Howard, will be at
Naper and Atkinson, some days prior to auc
tions. Inquire for them at the hotels. You may
also address the home office.
The Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank
99** , VU.V DI«M«V wnihpn
QUESTION “ What do you mean,
‘RPM’ is made for punishment?”
ANSWER The blistering tempera
tures of modern motors are so ter
rific—that “weak-sister" oils can’t
“take it” They deposit carbon,
sludge and varnish that play mis
chief with a motor’s “insides."
“RPM" keeps motors free from
these harmful deposits.
Marketers of Calso Gasoline
Ford and Mercury Sales and Service; ;
O’NEILL. .... ..NfettRASKA
• «V