The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 30, 1940, Image 7

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    Anti-Tank Squads Reinforce 'William Tell Line”
A Swiss anti-tank squad is pictured (left) on a small but well-protected link in its “William Tell line.’’ Prac
tically every border village of Switzerland has several of these fortifications. Right: Everlasting vigil is main
tained in danger zones. These iron sticks are a form idabie barrier erected against tanks of a belligerent
mechanized force. Switzerland’s army consists of 600,000 well-trained, well-equipped men.
Big Navy for U. S.? Yes, Say D’Alesandros
An indication of how he feels about the United States having a big navy is given by Rep. Thomas
D’Alesandro of Maryland, who Is shown with his four sons, all In naval uniform, during a recent visit to the
house of representatives in Washington, D. C. Left to right are Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro, 7; Nicholas,
5; Hector, 4; Joseph, 2%, and their proud father, Representative D’Alesandro.
i Duce Decorates Hero of Spanish War
Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy, resplendent in army uniform and
steel helmet, pins a medal for valor on the breast of an Italian hero who
lost his legs in the Spanish civil war. Mussolini, during the past few
weeks, has had occasion to review almost all of his troops.
Nazi Infantrymen Practice New Tactics
Gorman infantrymen, especially trained in parachute jumping, dem
onstrate how they leap from giant transport planes. The invaders from
t!:c sky carried light machine guns which can be put into action immedi
ately. "Fifth column” tactics such as these have been employed by the
invading Germans on a widespread scale.
Racket for Gun
Adrian Quist, 27, one of the
world’s ranking tennis stars, pic
tured in his uniform after having
completed his military training pe
riod at Victoria, Australia.
Works for Peace
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, 44, new
head of the Jewish Theological Sem
inary of America in New York, to
serve as liaison officer between the
White House and his race.
Solons Test Efficiency of Disputed Army Guns
First-hand information on the relative merits of rival rapid-fire guns Is obtained by a trio of legislators
on .he rifle range at Fort Beivoir, Va. Left to right: Sen. Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota, firing the Johnson
semi-automatic rifle; Rep. J. B. Snyder of Pennsylvania, firing the Thompson submachine gun; and Sen.
Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma, firing the Garand rapid-fire rifle. The three were among members of the house
and senate military affairs committees who sought information concerning the much-debated guns.
Fair Visitor . . . Relief Worker . . . Symphonist
Recent visitors to the United States, though for widely different reasons, include Mme. Teresa de Lopes
Contreras, left, wife of the president of Venesuela, who is here as a visitor to the New York World’s fair. Miss
Kyllikki Polyala, center, member of the Finnish parliament, is in this country in an effort to speed up relief
foi her stricken country. She is working with Herbert Hoover, former President. Sir Thomas Beecham, right,
famed composer and conductor of the London Symphony orchestra, pictured en route to Australia, where he
will conduct several symphonies.
As John D. Jr. Goes to the Fair
Without high hat, tails or fanfare, John D. Rockefeller Jr., oil mag
nate and philanthropist, shows up at the turnstile of the New York World’s
fair and gets tagged by a fair employee. Rockefeller, famed for his
dislike of ostentation, came as an ordinary citizen to sec the big show.
The tag, Incidentally, bears the legend, “Hello, Folks, I’m from-.”
The visitor fills in the rest.
Now Is It the Typical American Family?
Here is the camera debut of infant Theodore Woolsey Chase III,
whose birth was forecast months ago for the readers of a national women’s
magazine when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Woolsey Chase II,
were selected as the "typical young American married couple.” The fami
ly is shown in the Ellis hospital, Schenectady.
Queen of Posture
Posture Queen of America is Miss
Helen Dillard of New York city.
Miss Dillard was named by experts
to possess the qualities which make
for poise, beauty and health in walk*
ing, standing and sitting postures.
‘One-Term Man’
Referring to himself as a "one
term man," newly elected Gov. Sam
Houston Jones promises to "give
Louisiana back to the people" as
he takes his oath of office as forty
ninth governor of tliat state.
Mldwckt Walnut Co.. Council Bluffk. la.
of the most modern type
Write to ua lor booklet
For Their Sake®
If we would build on a sure foun
dation in friendship we must love
our friends for their sakes rather
than for our own. — Charlotte
Pull the Trigger on
Constipation, and
When constipation brings cm acid indi
gestion. bloating, dizzy spells, gas. coated
tongue, sour taste, ana bad breath, your
stomach is probably loaded up with cer
tain undigested food and your bowels don’t
move. So you need both Pepsin to help
break up fast that rich undigested food in
your stomach, and Laxative Senna to pull
the trigger on those lazy bowels. So be
sure your laxative also contains Pepsin.
Take Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative, because it*
Syrup Pepsin helps you gain that won
derful stomachcomfort, while the Laxative
Senna moves your bowels. Tests prove the
power of Pepsin to dissolve those lumps of
undigested protein food which may linger
in your stomach, to cause belching, gastric
acidity and nausea. This is how pepsin
izing your stomach helps relieve it of such
distress. At the same time this medicine
wakes up lazy nerves and muscles in your
bowels to relieve your constipation. So see
how much better you feel by taking the
laxative that also puts Pepsin to work on
that stomach discomfort, too. Even fin
icky children love to taste this pleasant
family laxative. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s Lax
ative-Senna with Syrup Pepsin at your
druggist today I
Miss Great Things
Those who apply themselves too
much to little things usually be
come incapable of great things.—
La Rochefoucauld.
Read This Important Message!
Do you dread thoae "trying year*" (88 to
6217 Are you getting moody, cranky and
NERVOUS? Do you fear hot Hashes. weak
ening dizzy spells? Are you jealoua of atten
tion! other women get? THEN LISTEN —
These symptoms often result from female
functional diBordera. So atart today and take
famous Lydia E. Plnkham’a Vegetable Com
pound. For over 60 years Plnkbam’a Com
pound has helped hundreds of thousands of
grateful women to go "smiling thru" difficult
days. Pink ham's haa helped calm unstruns
nerves and lessen annoying female func
tional "irregularities.” One of the most sffso
Hm “woman’s" tonics. Try ill
Present as Past
The present contains nothing
more than the past, and what is
found in the effect was already in
the cause.—Henri Bergson.
1 i-NT Tlta Outstanding BLADE VALUE I IJC
ntlll 1 Sing la «r to Ooublu Edge Blades IU
Short Solitude
For solitude sometimes is best
society, and short retirement
urges sweet return.—Milton.
Pleasant Companion
Good cbmpany in a journey
makes the way to seem shorter.
WNU—U 22—40
Variable Nature
Nature is a mutable cloud which
is always and never the same.
May Warn of Disordered
Kidney Action
Modern life with it* hurry and worry,
irregular habits, improper eating and
drinking—its risk of exposure and infec
tion—throws heavy strain on the wort
of the kidneys. They are apt to beeom*
over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid
and other impurities from the life-giving
Yofl may suffer nagging backache,
headache, dizziness, getting up nights,
leg pains, swelling—feel constantly
tired, nervous, all worn out. Other sign*
of kidney or bladder disorder are some
times burning, scanty or too frequent
Try Doan't Pilh. Doan’t help the
gi kidneys to pass off harmful excess body
waste. They have had more than half s.
century of public approval. Are recom
mended by grateful users everywhera
i Aik four neighborI