The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 29, 1940, Image 7

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    LJ ERE is a new department that
** we know is going to meet with
tremendous popularity with our
readers, for it brings you the op
portunity of combining pleasure
and profit. With jig, coping or
keyhole saw, you may cut these
designs from wallboard, plywood
or thin lumber. Each pattern
brings accurate outline of the de
sign, and complete directions for
making or painting.
Today, we are showing a yard
design that will appeal to many,
Prisoners Nabbed in Daring Tunnel Escape Plot
It’s Air Travel for Australia’s ‘Flying Casey’s’
A wholesale jail break was prevented by officiate of the Eastern state penitentiary at Philadelphia, Pa.,
when two 38-foot tunnels, dug by convicts, were discovered leading from prison cells. Left: A guard is shown
in one of the underground passageways. Right: The opening where convicts would have made good their
escape. Detectives, armed with machine guns, were rushed to the penitentiary when the plot was diucov
ered. One of the suspected inmate plotters committed suicide.
Preview of New Substratosphere Transport Plane
Two features of the Curtis-Wright substratosphere transport plane now being tested at a St. Louis, Mo.,
field are pictured here. At left can be seen the slotted wing flaps, four feet wide, operated hydraulically, which
reduce landing speed of the 36-passenger airliner to 65 or 70 miles an hour. They also increase the plane’s buoy
ance by 40 per cent by increasing the wing area. Right: A workman makes an adjustment in the retracting
landing gear. The wheels are operated hydraulically. During flight a housing closes over the retracted wheels.
Dust Bowl Prince
Youthful Clipper Passenger Reaches Home
According to police reports, Louis
Pellesier, refugee from the dust
bowl, posed as a French count and
was accepted by San Francisco so
ciety circles. But when he was un
able to pay his taxicab fare he was
arrested and exposed. Pellesier had
been employed on Treasure island.
Nine-months-old Cecily Williams is shown in her London, England,
home after she flew across the Atlantic in the Atlantic clipper. She made
the trip with her father, Capt. Fox Williams, who returned home to rejoin
CJie British army. Baby Cecily formerly lived in Los Angeles, Calif., with
her great-grandmother, a centenarian, who came to the United Statcu
as a baby in 1840.
Champ s Champ
Ajax Sailors Celebrate in Home Port
Three sailors of the British cruiser Ajax stage a little comedy in
which their beards play leading roles on their arrival at an English port.
The Ajax was one of the British cruisers that fought the German pocket
battleship Graf Spee off Montevideo, Uruguay. The Graf Spee was or
dered scuttled by her captain, Hans Langsdorff, who later committed
suicide in Montevideo, where the crew of the ship was imprisond.
I’annonia Pandur, owned by Gene
Tunney, former pugilist, pictured
after being judged best of breed of
the Komondoroeks at the Westmin
ster dog show in New York. He is
held by Miss Margaret Dorrlamm.
First Australian to hold a full diplomatic status In the capital of a foreign country is MaJ. Richard
Gardiner Casey, inset, whose appointment to the post of minister to the United States was announced recently.
Mrs. Casey Is pictured spinning the propeller of the Casey family plane in Sydney, Australia. She, like her
husband, is a licensed pilot. The children are Jane, 11, and Don, 8. With them is a young friend.
Reconnaissance Flights Probe Enemy Territory
Aerial reconnaissance flights over enemy territory are one of the most common of today’s war maneuvers.
Pictured here Is the headquarters of a British royal air force unit in France. Left: Airmen who made the
reconnaissance flight return with scores of aerial photographs of German positions, ammunition dumps and
other strategic points. Right: At headquarters the developed pictures are placed in appropriate positions on
a map of the Reich, and are examined under microscopes to And hidden details such as plane hangaiu, gun
positions, etc.
Rescue! Feline Survivors Reach Safety
Saposs Testifies
Admitting one-time membership
in the Socialist party, David J. Sap
oss, chief economist for the National
Labor Relations board, testifies in
Washington, D. C., before the house
committee investigating the labor
relations board.
asm ——mmmmm—i»
Rescued from electrocution were a mother cat and two of four kittens
who lost themselves in the control room of the pcrisphere at the 1940
Worlds fair in New York city. After a search of several days the feline
family was rescued from among the high tension wires. Two kittens
were dead. The mother cat promptly was named “Purrisphere.’*
War-Time Gibe
G. O. P. Leaders Discuss Convention Plans
From Germany comes this car
toon gibe at England. Chamberlain
says “God is our witness that we did
not want this war.” Winston Church
ill glumly replies, as he views sink
ing ships: “It’s sure we did not
want it like this.”
Making big medicine for the Republican party’s 1940 convention in
Philadelphia are John D. M. Hamilton, center, chairman of the Republi
can national committee; Harold W. Mason of Vermont, left, secretary,
and Henry Fletcher of Rhode Island, general counsel. The trio met in
Washington, D. G\, to discuss plans for the June convention.
for the long-ago days of “Gone
With the Wind” are recalled vivid
ly in these charming cutout fig
ures. Your own imagination
might turn them into the vibrant
Scarlett O’Hara and the reserved
Melanie Wilkes in person. And
your jig or coping saw plus a bit
of wallboard or plywood will pro
duce these figures for your yard.
Each comes on its own pattern.
The bcruflled hoop skirt lady at
the left is about 24 inches tall and
is given on Z9067, 15 cents—she
holds a box for flowers. The belle
at the right is on pattern Z9068,
15 cents—about 24 inches tall, and
a sprinkling can is in her hand.
Order numbers Z9067 and Z9068,
15 cents each, from: Aunt Martha,
Box 166-W, Kansas City, Mo.
For Sidewalk Supts.
Grand Coulee dam in Washing
ton furnished, this past season, the
newest improvement in accommo
dations for “sidewalk superin
tendents,” or those who like to
watch construction work. It con
sisted of a grandstand of 400 seats
and a speaker who, using an am
plifier, described each operation of
the workmen.—Collier’s.
To Check Constipation
Get at Its Canse!
If constipation has you down so
you feel heavy, tired and dopey,
It's time you did something about
It. And something more than just
taking a physic! You should get
at the cause of the trouble.
If you eat the super-refined
food most people eat, the chances
are the difficulty is simple-you
don't pet enough "bulk.” And
"bulk" doesn’t mean heavy food.
It’s a kind of food that isn't con
sumed In the body, but leaves a
soft "bulky "mass in the intestines.
If this common form of con
stipation Is your trouble, eat
Kellogg’s All-Bran regularly, and
drink plenty of water. All-Bran
Isn't a mediclne-it’s a crunchy,
toasted cereal. And it will help
you not only to get regular but to
keep regular. Made by Kellogg’s
in Battle Creek. If your condition
is chronic. It is wise to consult
physician. ^
Righting Life
Right attitude and right actions,
right most things, including life it
self.—B. C. Forbes.
Read These Important Facts!
Quivering nerves can make you old, haggard,
cranky—can make your life a nightmare ol
jealousy, self pity and "the blues."
Often such nervousness is due to female
functional disorders. So take famous Lydia
E. Pinkhsm’s Vegetable Compound to help
calm unstrung nerves aed lessen functional
"irregularities.” For over 60 years relief
giving Pinkham’s Compound has helped tons
of thousands of grandmothers, mothers and
daughters "In Ume of need.” Try ill
Best Medicos
The best doctors in the world
are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr.
Merryman.—Jonathan Swift.
Here Is Amazing Relief of
Conditions Due to Sluggish Bowels
yjslfllJ/XftmSYLl 11 you thilrk a11 lazatlvve
Jti FSZI71ifJ3:*Br an >,g«ibl. iaxatlv*.
So mild, thorough, refreshing, invigorating. De
pendable relief from sick headaches, bilious spells,
tired feeling when associated with constipation.
Wi+hmif Diclr *vt a 25c ^ oi NR from yQur
nlinoui KISH druggist. Make the test—then
If not delighted, return the box to us. We wilt
refund the purchase
Purchased Friends
Purchase not friends with gifts;
when thou ceasest to give, sucM
will cease to love.—Fuller.
Jo Relieve fffX gft
Misery o/^ ^ Wm