The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1939, Image 7

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    Antarctic ‘Snow Cruiser’ Goes for Trial
V- ' ‘ '«*•; . r- ■ i
Thousands of persons gathered In Chicago’s Grant park recently to view the “snow cruiser,” a huge glacial
dreadnaught built for Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s expedition to the Antarctic. In an experimental trip the huge
ice buggy traveled 15 miles per hour on its 10-foot wheels. Fifty-five feet long, the gigantic machine is built to carry
an airplane on its top. Steering levers control the wheels in pairs, although any one wheel may be turned sep
arately. Two 150 horsepower Diesel motors supply power for the cruiser.
May Head England’s ‘Rightful’ German Government
Should Great Britain set up a “rightful” German government (similar to the Polish government now
seated in Paris) as is rumored internationally, these three men would undoubtedly head it. They are: Dr.
Rudolf Breitscheid, left, former social democrat, who would be foreign minister; Dr. Hermann Rauschning,
center, one-time Nazi president of the Danzig senate, who would be chancellor, and Dr. Joseph Wirth, right,
former German chancellor, who would be finance minister. The three men are all exiles from Germany. The
rumor adds that Britain would loan the “government” 2,000,000 pounds sterling to defray expenses.
Former British and American
championship golfer, Pam Barton,
now does all her driving from be
hind the wheel of an ambulance.
With thousands of British women,
Pam volunteered for ambulance
service and is now in training.
Flees Exile
Fears that Ham Amin El Husse
in!, former grand mufti of Jeru
salem who recently escaped from
exile, may start a new' anti-British
terrorist campaign were expressed
by government officials. The mufti,
r w in Irarj, is held responsible for
the Arabs’ campaign of terrorism.
Aerial Musketeers Don Fighting Togs
Bound for an observation flight over enemy territory, these three
British musketeers of the air head for their bombing plane. Equipment
includes oxygen masks, telephone apparatus, parachutes and machine
guns. In addition to the gunners, the plane carries a pilot, co-pilot and
Convicted Pastor Fights for Life
Rev. Walter Dworecki, Camden, N. J., preacher, sentenced to die in
the electric chair, is getting another chance to prove his innocence. The
pastor will appeal his sentence, given him when he was found guilty of
plotting the murder of his daughter, Wanda, who was slain by a stran
gler who testified Dworecki hired him to commit the crime, lie is shown
receiving a final embrace from his daughter, Mildred. The appeal auto
matically postponed the execution date, originally scheduled for the week
•f November 12.
‘Zoned’ Sidewalks Encourage Friendly Loafing
Energetic pedestrians of Louisburg, N. C., may claim the sidewalk’s center lane, but space at right and
left is reserved for those who like a bit of friendly loafing. A tobacco auction town, in some seasons it is
crowded by farmers who like to visit for a spell. Pictures at left and upper right show the more ambitious
citizens in the center lane, while lower right shows a young couple occupying the corner drug store side
walk space thoughtfully provided by the “zoning” ordinance.
Spinach and Sleds—All Part of Byrd Expedition
Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, left, views with an approving eye the work being done by members of
his Antarctic expedition. His look is directed toward two carpenters assembling a dog sled at the Boston
army base. Right: the Popeye influence. Two members of the exploration party piling up cases of canned
spinach prior to loading it on the ships.
A vicious plant is this meat-eating
Venus fly-trap, found only in North
Carolina bogs. Here an innocent
bee .unknowingly .approaches .his
doom. Six tiny hairs inside the
doubled leaf act as triggers when
disturbed, causing the leaves to
come together, thus trapping Its
Here is poor Bernard Bee after
lighting inside the fly-trap and dis
turbing its "triggers.” The leaves
fold swiftly together, imprisoning
the victim with stiff bristles.
This action causes digestive juices
to flow, and the hapless bee will be
nothing more than a skeleton in a
few hours. He will have been de
voured by the plant. An enigma,
the Venus fly trap shows the transi
tion between plant and animal life.
Gardeners have had very little suc
cess growing the plant in other en
Tippling Melons May Provide New Alibi
Alibis for an alcoholic breath may take a new twist if melon grow
ers adopt the technique developed by Samuel Untermyer of New York,
lie gives his melons any desired alcoholic flavor by binding a small bottle
of liquor to the stem of the growing plant. The plant absorbs the liquor
through a tiny tube in its stalk.
6Dog Show’ Behind France’s Front Line
An army may march on its stomach, as Napoleon once observed,
but its feet have quite a bit to do with the ground covered. Here Brit
ish troops line up for foot inspection behind the front lines in France,
and the grinning Tommies exhibit their “dogs” to the commanding officer,
who, like all British army officers, watches carefully his men’s feet.
nr* n a ■ nr for any stove
Prompt 8hl pmrtDU Slnco 1883
Order Through Your Dealer
Tot Will Enjoy Her
Three-Piece Knit Suit
Pattern 6312
Mother or big sister! Knit this
three-piecer. It’s mainly in stock
inette stitch and the skirt is knit
ted to give the effect of pleats!
It’s a suit that gives smart all
year-’round wear. Pattern 6312
contains instructions for making
the suit in 6, 8 and 10-year size;
illustrations of it and of stitches;
materials needed.
To obtain this pattern send 15
cents in coins to The Sewing Cir
cle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W.
14th St., New York, N. Y.
Please write your name, ad
dress and pattern number plainly.
'T'HERE is no confection so wide
ly used and universally liked as
pop corn. It is a perennial ice
breaker at almost any social func
tion. Here is a recipe that is sure
to be enjoyed:
Honey Pop Corn Balls
1 cup honey of tartar
1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter
>,4 cup water 4 quarts pop corn
teaspoonful cream
Boil honey, sugar, and water
with cream of tartar until it turns
brittle when tested in cold water.
Add butter. Mix with warm pop
corn and shape into balls.
Foibles Tax Us
We are taxed twice as much by
our idleness, three times as much
by our pride, and four times as
much by our folly.—Benjamin
Pull the Trigger on
Lazy Bowels, and Also
Pepsin-ize Stomach!
When constipation brings on acid indi
gestion, bloating, dizzy spells, gas, coated
tongue, sour taste, and bad breath, your
stomach is probably loaded up with cer
tain undigested food and your bowels don’t
move. So you need both Pepsin to help
break up fast that rich undigested food in
your stomach, and Laxative Senna to pull
the trigger on those lazy bowels. So be
sure your laxative also contains Pepsin.
Take Dr. Caldwell’s Laxative, because its
Syrup Pepsin helps you gain that won
derful stomach-relief, while the Laxative
Senna moves your bowels.Tests prove the
power of Pepsin to dissolve those lumps of
undigested protein food which may linger
in your stomach, to cause belching, gastric
acidity and nausea. This is how pepsin
izing your stomach helps relieve it of such
distress. At the same time this medicine
wakes up lazy nerves and muscles in your
bowels to relieve your constipation. So see
how much better you feel by taking the
laxative that also puts Pepsin to work on
that stomach discomfort, too. Even fin
icky children love to taste this pleasant
family laxative. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s Lax
ative-Senna with Syrup Pepsin at your
druggist today I '* \
Service to Others
“You're good for something in
this world—for service of some
kind to your fellow men—or you’re
good for nothing.”—Dr. Reisner.
Rheumatic Pain Curbed
by Horae Lemon Recipe
If you suffer chronic, or acute pain or
swelling from rheumatism or neuritis, go
to any leading druggist and get a pack
age of the REV PRESCRIPTION. Mix
this doctor’s prescription at home your
self according to simple directions and
add the juice of four lemons. This mix
ture makes a full quart of the most eco
nomic and splendid medicine you can
use for your pain. Costs only a few cent*
a day. Hundreds acclaim it. Guaran
teed, for sale and recommended by lead
ing druggists.
WNU—U 45—39