FOR SALE _ GOLDEN SPIKE BEER — 10c a*sr bottle.—Fred Be.zelmcn Beer ftu-Ior. . |i 50tf TYPEWRITERS — Adding Mach hkk,—Sales and service and sup ines.—-C. W. McLane, Phone 22. Pkrkcr’s Real Estate. 12-4* WANTED ^SCHOOL BOY wants place to work for room and board. — Raymond Noble. Star, Nebr. 12-2t TORDSON Grass mower attach mvn,—ffm. G. Malenke, ONeill, Nebr. 12-2t* iSCHMOLLF.R — MUELLER Up right piano, like new. Will trade for chickens, cattle, hogs or what Have you.—Dick Morrison. 9-tf < _ MISCELLANEOUS SINGER’S American Auction School, Sedro Wooley, Wash. Term at O’Neill. Nebr., Oct. 16. Oldest, Large st—Reliable._8-llt* WE BUY, sell, exchange rewind ^electric motors.—Vic Halva Shop. 13-4* , FOR RENT WABTLY Modern house for rent or 1 3ak See Ed Hall, Hall Imp. Co. . ; • 12-tf j Y-TtOOM residence with garage. J Vic Halva. 13-1* t THREE Quarter sections of hay ] land. See John L. Quigg. 12- 1 I LOST AND FOUND ON TUESDAY afternoon, wooden box containing tools and miscel laneous articles on Highway 281 between Danceland corner and Midway or Danceland corner and Atkinson. Reward.—Notify F. M. Keating & Sons, Atkinson. 12-2t* | (First Publication July 27, 1939) PUBLIC NOTICE By resolution entered in the min utes of their proceedings, the Coun ty Board of Supervisors of the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, directed that public notice be given stating that said County has here tofore issued and has at the present time outstanding and unpaid judg ments and legally issued warrants as follows: Registered Warrants, Principal Amount—$33,955.53; Interest to 9-1-39—$1,503.09; Total $35,458.62. Judgments, Principal Amount— $31,632.75; Interest to 9-1-39—$1, 562.92; Total—$33,295.67. Said registered warrants and judg ments bear interest at the rate of lix per centum (6%) per annum and ill of said outstanding judgments md warrants plus accrued inter ?st are sought to be taken op and paid off by means of bonds of the principal amount of Sixty-seven rhousand and No 100 Dollars ($67, >00.00) bearing interest at a rate >f not to exceed two and one-half )er centum (2^%) per annum, >ayable semi-annually. Any elector of said County may ile a protest to such proposed ac ion with the County Clerk of Said bounty within thirty days from the list date of the publication of this otice. 1-3 JOHN C. GALLAGHER. SEAL) County Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 192-A An Ordinance providing for a levy to raise funds by taxation on property situated within the cor porate limits of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May, 1939, and ending on the first Tuesday in May, 1940. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAY’OR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. Sec. 1. That the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, make the following levy for taxation for the fiscal year be ginning the first Tuesday in May, 1939, and ending on the first Tues day in May, 1940, on the taxable property within the corporate lim its of the City of O’Neill, Ne braska. For general purposes 3 mills on the dollar. For street lighting, 2 mills on the dollar. For refunding bonds, interest and sinking fund,, 2 mills on the dollar. For intersection paving bonds, interest and sinking fund, 1 mill on the dollar. For warrants and interest thereon in street improvement District No. 2 within the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, Ms mill on the dollar. For warrants and interest thereon in street improvement District No. 3 within the £ity of O’Neill, Nebraska, Vt mill on the dollar. For warrants and interest thereon in street improvment District No. 4, within the City of O’Neill, Nehraska, % mill on the dollar. For warrants, bonds and interest thereon in Paving District No. 3 in O’Neill, Ne braska, % mill on the dollar. For support of band Vt mill on the dollar. For maintenance and improve ment of City Park, 1 mill. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publi cation as provided for by law. Dated this 4th day of August, 1939. H. E. COYNE, Mayor. Attest: C. W. Porter, City Clerk. 12-1 BRIEFLY STATED Woodroe Melena drove to Nor folk Monday on business. Miss Ethel Tasler spent the week end in Lincoln visiting friends. Harold Nelson left Wednesday for Omaha and Sioux City where he will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohaus and Mrs. Anna Jordan drove to Omaha Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. P. Gallagher, Hilda, and Miss Genevieve Biglin drove to Sioux City Tuesday on business. Miss Marjorie Learner, of Hart ington, spent the first of the week here visiting friends. , , ' r Miss Mary Ryan, of Sioux City, arrived here Friday to spend a few lays visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs'. St^inbaugh and son, Stanley, of Norfolk, spent the week and in O’Neill visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira George. E. J. O’Hern, of Neligh, was in O’Neill on business Wednesday and Thursday of this week. O. M. Herre and Harry Reardon made a business trip to Sioux City on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Loeffler and family drove to Humphrey Sunday, where they spent the day visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Curley Washechek and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clemons drove to Lincoln on Sunday where they visited relatives. Henry Grady returned Tuesday from Casper, Wyo., where he has been visiting relatives for the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W’alt Stein left Friday for Denver, Colorado, where they will visit relatives and friends for the next week. Bill Ryan returned Wednesday from Fort Crook, where he has seen attending the C. M. T. C. for the past month. Mrs. Lyndel Stout returned Sun lay from Lincoln, where she has 3een visiting at the home of her parents. Albert Rummel, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. 0. F. Rummel, tvill leave Sunday for New Ulm, Minn.r where they will visit at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rum nel for the coming week. T. S. Mains and daughter, Jane, left Thursday morning for Denver, Colorado, where Mias Mains has accepted a secretarial position. John Sullivan, John Carson, C. E. Wyant and Bill Eisele drove to Burwell on Tuesday to attend the rodoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leidy re turned last Friday from Cleveland, Ohio, where they had been attend ing the World Poultry Congress. Milton Gates, of Lincoln, special investigator of Lancaster County, was in O’Neill on business on Thurs day. Rev. C. J. Ryan, S. P., of Omaha, will arrive here Saturday, to take over the parish of Father J. O’ Brien, who is away on nis vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Herre re turned Thursday night from Kansas City, where they visited their son, Jimmie, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dixon. •mm,- • r - Emmet Carr returned Sunday from Custer, S..D., where he was visiting at the home of his sister and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Sutcliff. Miss Clarissa Teaquist, chief op erator of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company in O’Neill, left Friday for Gregory, S. D., where she wfH spend part of her vaca tion. W. F. FINLEY, M. D. | Phone, Office 28 I j O’Neill :: Nebraska I txntnmnnatmmiiiiiitmttiuumam mmtmmtnmmgmnwommumm | DOCTORS I BROWN & FRENCH Office Phone 77 I Complete X-Ray Equipment | Glasses Correctly Fitted I Residence (Dr. Brown, 223 : J Phones ( Dr. French, 242 :; MONEY To loan on homes. To build or re-build. F.H.A. and Norfolk Building and Loan Association, Norfolk, Nebraska. All kinds of Insurance and Bonds. JOHN L. QUIG, Agent O’NEILL, NEBRASKA I FREE I Prizes ■ I SEE THEM IN OUR I NORTH WINDOW Sale Starts Friday, Aug. 11 Closes Sat. Aug. 26 ’ ''”' ■/ ''i!'v fr V': ' V ■> i\ ' — _ . jj ’)Mi' • •, ^ ■ ;.; We have had the pleasure to serve you with better foods for years--and our business has shown a substantial increase each year-In appreciation we are putting on a store wide sale davs. We want everyboby that hasn’t been our regular customer in the past to call on us during this sale. )u can buy better foods for less money here. GET A TICKET WITH EVERY 25 * ** * i’i' . ' ** T_ . _ . *:* . . ... . 6 FREE Prizes SEE THEM IN OUR NORTH WINDOW NASH Coffee 1-Lb. Can 28c 3-Lb. Can 79c i CORN OR TOMATOES Extra Standard—Better Foods it i . vi iv * HEINZE SOUPS Any Kind — Our Price 1 Ac * Each lu ! COOKIES FANCY MIXED i \ Large 10c Package■' SALMON PINK 0 1-Lb. ^ Cans F°r 25c HEINZE KETCHUP 25 Cent Size Our IQc Price 17 VINEGAR High Test—Safe for any kind of Pickling Per Gal « CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Any Kind—Our Price Per Can CORNFLAKES Large 10 Cent Size 2 15° . PkKs. 13 FRUIT JAR CAPS&RUBBERS Mason Zinc Caps, doz. 20c Rubbers, 3 doz..10c Kerr Mason Lids, doz..10c BEANS WAX Or Green Stringless Per _Can BRANFLAKES Formerly 15 Cents Our 1 Ac Price IU PEACHES & PEARS FOR CANNING We get large shipments daily and right NOW the very best Quality—Get Our Prices! | HOME GROWN VEGETABLES—We get our daily supplies from the North Irrigation farms fresh and the quality this year is better than ever before—Our prices are lower—Leave J us your orders daily for tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, peppers, cabbage, lettuce, egg plant, dill, pickles and melons. SUGAR 10 LBS. SALE iQc PRICE ■# BROOMS GOOD VALUE K»ch 28 TOMATO JUICE Vi-GAL «IQ( CAN I # FRESH MILK QUART W CREAM '/j Pint 0TC ..l| ,, '• »ifi COCO* 2 Z. SALE PRICE ■/ ORANGES SWEET SUNKIST D°z. < Ac At III GRAPEFRUIT 6 Large Size AAc For fcV MATCHES 6 BOX CARTON SALE <| ’Jc PRICE 1 » GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 No. 2 Cans sale nrc PRICK GALLON FRUITS ALL KINDS GET OUR SALE PRICE KETCHUP LARGE 14 OZ. BOTTLE SALE 4 Ac PRICE m APPLES For Cooking, or Pie and Apple Sauce 5-Lbs. l . ^ LIFE BUOY SOAP 3 r 19 Schulz Store ' Vt* $ THE HOME OF QUALITY FOODS AT LOWER PRICES-WE DELIVER PHONE 83-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA ! .1 ——— i i —i ii ii ————■ " i ii——i RIPE OLIVES LARGE 20c CAN SALE | Ac PRICE lU MONARCH CAKE FLOUR 30 CENT PACKAGE SALE «|Q PRICE I* _ ROYAL GELATINE DESSERT All Flavors Pure Fruit 3 Packages 10c For 10 i ■——■ "■■■■HP——■