FOR SALE CARPET SWEEPER, — Call 231 SLEEPER Cab for Truck. Reason able. Lohaus Motor Co. 39-tf GOLDEN SPIKE BEER — 10c per bottle.—Fred Bozelman Beer Parlor. 50tf BABY CHICKS—For Sale March 14th and every Tuesday there after. Atkinson Hatchery 42-4t. GOOD USED Washing Machines, Lawn Mowers and Furniture. — Green’s Second Hand Store. 51-3* FOR SPRING Fries.—See Mrs. Wrn. Dailey after 4 p.m 1 block E. and 4 N, of Library. l-lt* MISCELLANEOUS^ TAKEN UP one sorrel colt. Owner may have by identifying property and paying for this ad.—Leonard Larson. 52-tf. NOW is the time to have your lawn mower sharpened. — Vic Halva Shop. «t* FOR RENT THREE ROOM HOUSE and a good garden spot of a couple of acres ir the country.—See John L. Quig. SLEEPING ROOMS.—Mrs. But terfield. 1-3 WANTED LAUNDRY, either family wash or individual.—Mrs. Butterfield. 1-3