‘Breath Smeller’ Determines Drunkenness A driver, stopped by highway police in Long Island, N. Y., prepares to blow up a balloon in a test for drunken driving on the highways. At the right a police technician tests the air in the balloon for alcohol con tent. Forty-eight out of 100 drivers stopped in Nassau county were found to have been drinking. Two World Beaters of 30 Years Ago Jess Willard, one-time heavyweight boxing champion of the world, in a plane used during his glorious days as a ring top-notcher. This 1910 pusher, owned by Clarence McArthur of Tampa, Fla., is an ancestor of the modern planes which took part in the American Air maneuvers in Florida recently. I IN THE 1939 MANNER About the only place straps are used for Support today are on street cars. Not, at least, on milady’s bathing suit. Strapless swim gar ments made their advent in Los Angeles during market week re cently. Naval Board Proposes U. S. Defense Bases Air, submarine, destroyer and mine bases, necessary to the adequate defense of the U. S. and its pos sessions, have been mapped by the naval board, which congress in 1938 directed to survey the coastlines of the United States and its possessions. Shown here are projects recommended in a report submitted to con gress by Secretary of the Navy Claude Swanson. These sites, in the opinion of the board, are best situated for defense bases. Mooney Cheers Billings in Folsom Visit Tom Mooney, recently released from San Quentin, Calif., prison by Gov. Culbert Olson after serving 23 years, is fighting to free Warren Billings, right, from Folsom prison. Billings was also jailed for the San ^rancisco Preparedness day bombing. THRIFTY TRAVELER Sergt. James "Jock” Scott has walked 31,300 miles in the past five years on doctor’s orders. He start ed from London, England, and re cently arrived in Seattle, Wash, on his world-circling tour. Mothers Shun Back Seat in Modern Life By PATRICIA LINDSAY WOMEN who can pride them selves on being modern moth- j ers never find it necessary to take a back seat even though their daughters may be extremely beau tiful and talented. When mothers complain to me that their daughters push them in the background (whether it be in the home or out socially) 1 take time to write them a long personal letter to help them out of their diffi culties I do. even though perhaps Billie Burke has kept her youth ful charm and beauty although she is the mother of a grown daughter, also in the movies. 1 shouldn't, ask them rather pointed questions—"How did you bring up your daughter?” "What happened to you while she was growing into an adult?” “Do you keep yourself up in appearance?” “Are you a woman your daughter and husband are proud to exhibit?” Those are poignant questions. It takes steady nerves for most com plaining mothers to answer. Let us assume that during the time when daughter was growing up, mother had no easy time of it. She had a lot of work to do and money was scarce. She sacrificed a great deal to give daughter nice clothes, a good schooling, and a healthy life. All right Her mother love dictated. She enjoyed doing that. Of course she hoped, and right fully expected, that when daughter did grow up she would be grateful for tms loving care. Perhaps daugh ter, during her difficult teens is, or was not. grateful. Perhaps she had been thoroughly spoiled. Perhaps for years she expected mother to do all she did do because mother never took the trouble to train daughter to be grateful. All that happens. Important Details To Watch You and I know that sheer ma terials are a nuisance for they do not permit the slightest careless ness! Our straps must never be pinned! If we wear more than one strap they must look as one through our blouse. A slip that is the least bit mussed will look untidy, and any slip should not show through the side closing of your dress! Nor should a slip show beneath the hem of your dress. The only way to shorten a too long slip is to hem it over—never, never knot the strap. Cut out toes in shoes are most comfortable and serve as much needed ventilators for the feet but they are hard on stockings! When you wash your hose be sure to scrub the toes well for how shocking to see a soiled toe peeping out from your shoe! Speaking about shoes—they must be aired frequently. It is a good idea to shake in the shoe a little deodorant powder once a week and leave it in over night. Before wear ing brush it out. That helps to keep your feet fresh. Here's to more careful grooming! Character Made Her Beautiful “When I first looked into Jenny’s beautiful eyes,” Bill told me, “I knew I had to marry her. She’s the most gorgeous creature in the world!” What Bill had really seen in Jen ny’s eyes was a person of charm and depth of character. She had made the most of herself. Her grooming was meticulous and she selected her clothes with great care. And she certainly had done a lot with that plain little face which the Creator had given her. But that wasn’t all. She had let her grand sense of humor (often an Ugly Duckling’s compensation!) carry her through life with colors! Shi lived happily, kept herself busy and proved to all the ugly ducklings thai not being beautiful is no handicap if you face facts. For Jenny got her man, and a mighty nice man at that! ® Belt Syndicate.—WNU Service. HCNPJ sew 4^~ Ruth Wyeth Spears NSlOtJ I OUTSIDE | (-FOR AN^^ EDGE FINISH “F)EAR MRS. SPEARS: With' the help of Book 1, I have just made a slip cover for a wing chair. I never would have tried it if your directions had not been so clear. I am now planning an other slip cover and draperies which I would like to trim in fringe. Will you please show me with a sketch how I should sew the fringe? Also should the draperies and chair match?—M. J. N.” So here we have the sketches showing how to apply fringe in the seams of slip covers and also for an edge finish. The raw edge of the material in the lower sketch is turned to the right side and fringe is stitched over it. Jlsk Me Another 0 A General Quiz The Questions 1. What furnishes the motive power to ships passing through the Panama canal? 2. What does the Statue of Lib erty hold in her left hand? 3. What is a barcarolle? 4. Who is the highest paid ac tress in the world? 5. Did Franz Schubert play the music of other composers? 6. How much will it cost to take the next census? 7. How old is the Nazi party? 8. Why does a star precede the number on some United States currency? The Answers 1. Small electric locomotives. 2. A book representing the law. 3. A popular song or melody sung by Venetian gondoliers. 4. Gracie Fields, the British co medienne, makes approximately $750,000 a year. 5. It is said that there is no record of his playing any music but his own. 6. The sixteenth census in 1940 will cost approximately $50.00Q,000. 7. It was founded in 1920. 8. The star which prefaces the number on currency means that the bill replaced an imperfect one. Safe Winter Driving Safe counsel for bad driving weather, according to police of ficials and safety engineers, is “when in doubt, use tire chains.” This warning was issued with winter driving conditions prevail ing, following a recent revelation by the National Safety council which said: “One fifth of all the people killed in traffic accidents in the United States throughout the entire year die in November and December alone!” Police as sert there is even a greater per centage of personal injuries and property damages directly trace able to snow and ice. Because of the conceded safety advantage of tire chains on snow or ice, police and safety engineers this year are urging their use when necessary in the interest of public safety, and because they provide the most positive anti-skid and traction yet developed. If figured draperies are used, the best effect is obtained if not more than one slip cover in the room is of figured material. Plain slip covers may match one or more of the colors in draperies, rug or wall paper. NOTE: Now is the time to give your house a fresh start. Crisp new curtains; a bright slip cover; a new lampshade; or ottoman will do the trick. Make these things yourself. Mrs. Spears’ Book 1— SEWING, for the Home Decora tor, shows you how with step by step, easy to follow sketches. Book 2—Gifts, Novelties and Embroid ery, will give you a new interest for long winter evenings. It con tains complete directions for mak ing many useful things. Books are 25 cents each; if you order both books, Patchwork Quilt Leaf let is included free; it contains 36 authentic stitches illustrated in de tail. Address: Mrs. Spears, 210 S. Desplaines St., Chicago, 111. Heat at Arctic Circle The Yukon river mining camp at Circle, Alaska, is but half a de gree below the Arctic circle and its winter temperatures run to 30 and 50 degrees below zero, but its householders stay warm as toast. Circle hot springs is the answer. Virtually every structure in the town is being heated by natural hot water. Don’t Aggravate Gas Bloating If your GAS BLOATING ia caused by constipation don’t expect to get the relief you aeeic by juat doctoring your stomach, What you need ia the DOUBLE ACTION of Adlerika. This 35-year-old remedy is BOTH carminative and cathartic. Carminatives that warm and soothe the stomach and expel GAS. Cathartics that act quickly and gently, clearing the bowels of wastes that may have caused GAS BLOATING, headaches, indi gestion, sour stomach and nerve pressure for months. Adlerika does not gripe—is not habit forming. Adlerika sets on tne stomach and BOTH bowels. It relieves STOMACH GAS almost at once, and often removes bowel wastes in less than two hours. Adlerika has been recommended by many doctors for 85 years. Get the genuine Adlerika today. Sold at ail drug (torts First to Act Among the wise, the brain acta before the mouth. ; . . . » More than Double Mileage More Traction • 4 Great Features You get much more protection from these great tire chains—and much more value for your money. Offi cial tests prove morethan double mileage,plus greater safety, better stopping power, easier starting on ice and snow. The best buy in tire chains because of 4 WEED AMERICAN features. (1) Bar-Reinforced cross links. (2) Weedalloy—a tougher metal. (3) Patent ed Lever-Lock End Hooks — positive fastening. (4) Side chains welded and hardened to resist wear. Ask for WEED AMERICANS by name— at better accessory stores, garages, service stations • AMERICAN CHAIN & CABLE COMPANY, INC. BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT In Busmess/or Your Safety Licensed to manufacture and sell Har-llelnforced Tire Chain* under T’nlted Btatetf and Canadian letter* Patent: American Chain A Cable Company. Ine.; The McKay Company; The Hodell Chat* Company; Pyrene Manufacturing Company: Dominion Chain Company. Limited: and Pyrao* Manufacturing Company ot Canada, Limited. / LARRY KURPIEL holds tip one of those easy-rolling, extra-tasty P. A. smokes he’s talking about. He goes on: “Out of every Prince Albert tin, I’m getting around 70 of the mellowest, smoothest ‘makin’s’ smokes ever. They’re so rich-tastin’ and fragrant that I know P. A.'s better tobacco!” Prince Albert’s specially cut, too (“crimp cut,” we call it) to roll quick and trim—to smoke slow, cooL 70 fine roll>your-own cigarettes in every 2-oz. tin of Prince Albert OopnUht, WW. K. i. fUynold* Totaco* Oo„ Wla«ton-ad«m. (I. C.