The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 28, 1938, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor
Entered at the Postoffice at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as Second Class Matter.
One Year, in Nebraska $2.00
One Year, outside Nebraska 2.25
Every subscription is regarded as
mn open account. The names of
subscribers will be instantly re
moved from our mailing list at ex
piration of time paid for, if pub
lisher shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription remains in force
at the designated subscription price.
Every subscriber must understand
that these conditions are made a
part of the contract between pub
lisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want ads
10c per line, first insertion, sub
sequent insertions, 5c per line.
(Continued from page 1.)
Road Program Not To Be Curtailed
The House committee on roads
which had planned a big fight
against proposals to drastically cut
the appropriations for federal aid
for highways during 1939 has won
its fight without the necessity of
floor debate. Word came to the 1
committee members that the lead- ^
erships will accede to all *the de
mands of the road boosters and
the 1939 program as outlined in the j
authorizations will remain status ,
quo. This assurance came follow
ing the president's message on
plans to increase relief expendi
The House had been debating the
1939 agricultural appropriation bill
in which the road money is carried.
The bill had cut the roads funds in
half as compared to 1938. The I
Toad committee members armed
themselves with data and statistics
and had campaigned among mem
bers to put the road money back in
the bill. Suddenly came word from
leaders that they would accept the
committee’s amendments to the
1939 bill. So the road boosters at
home can feel secure in their hopes
that the road work on regular high
ways including farm-to-market
roads will continue.
Unemployment Forces
The President’s message to the
Congress and his fireside chat about
the unemployment problem are
topics which members of the House
and Senate are discussing, with un
usual interest. With about fifteen
billion already spent to solve the
problem and the proposed expendi
ture of about four billion more, the
legislative situation threatens to
keep the Congress busy for another
sixty days. Many leaders admit
that their original plan to end this
session by May 16 must be changed.
Members on both sides admit that
the unemployment problem must be
solved and because no other real
solution, except to spend in order
to create more hfiylng power, has
been suggested, the new relief
legislation may have no serious
difficulty in passing. The fight to
“earmark” the proposed new relief
funds has already started.
May Not Get Wage and Hour Bill
Whether or not a new wages and
hours bill is to be offered to the
House and Senate is problematical.
Most members seem agreeable to
a modified bill which would call
for a 44 hour maximum week and a
26 cent minimum wage. But there
are certain definite signs to indicate
that perhaps the wages and hours
legislation may be deferred for
some time.
Some New Deal critics are un
kind enough to say that the five
billion dollar spending program is
not designed to prime the pump
so much as it is to pump the primary.
Ed Roseler of Boulder, Colo.,
arrived last Thursday evening, and
will spend some time here visiting
his mother, Mrs. Mary Roseler, and
other relatives and friends.
Senator Frank J. Brady of At
kinson spoke before the Woman’s
Club at their regular meeting in
the club rooms Wednesday night
on the subject of conservation.
The Benefit which was given for
St. Mary’s academy Wednesday
afternoon and evening at Dance
land was very successful, and a
large crowd reports a very enjoy
able time.
The Presbyterian Ladies Guild
will meet Thursday, May 5, at the
home of Mrs. Pete Heriford. As
sisting hostesses, Mrs. Art Cowper
thwaite, Mrs. Seth Noble and Mrs.
Dave Loy.
Mrs. R. E. Benson, who had
spent a couple of days vigiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Cronin, returned to her home in j
Omaha last Saturday morning.
Roy F. Griffin and son, Bill,
were in O’Neill Wednesday on busi
ness and visiting friends. Roy is
now located in Longmont, Colo.,
where he is operating the Host
Coffee shop.
Mrs. Paul Edmonds and little
daughter, Jean Carol, who had been
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Cronin the past week,
returned to their home in Omaha
last Monday morning.
Joe Mann, Hugh Birmingham of
O’Neill, Frank J. Brady of Atkin
son, and I. L. Watson of Inman,
left Thursday morning for Grand
Island where they will attend a
district meeting of the Taxpayer’s
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hammond en
tertained twenty-one guests at a
surprise party for their son,
George, on Saturday evening, his
fourteenth birthday. The evening
was spent in playing games and
Miss Grace Quilty has resigned |
ler position as junior leader with .
,he Recreation program, and has i
iccepted a position as operator i
vith the Northwestern Bell Tele- '
ihone company. She entered upon
ler new duties Monday morning.
The O'Neill Woman’s Club
vill meet at the club rooms in the <
ibrary on Wednesday, May 4, at i
!:30 p. m. Mrs. A. Cowperthwaite 1
Starting Friday, April 29
We will have 100 Men’s
and Young Men’s Suits
to choose from.
Double Breasted . . . Single Breasted . . . and
Sport Backs ... in all the New Shades! All
sizes, 34 to 46. These are new suits, made to
sell for $19.75 . . . For this !
THERE ii a distinctive
richness about Goetz
bel” Beer... a richness so in
harmony with mellowness
and complete ageing as to
produce a perfect symphony
of good taste qualities. No
wonder millions declare it
the finest quality beer from
every standpoint. Always
available at your nearby
dealer or favorite tavern.
(ountry (Cub
s• ■ cE list VjjjsP LABt> j *T- HW. MB. •
Phone 276 O'Neill, Nebr.
i ”' n
will review "And So, Victoria," by
Vaughan Wilkins.
Mrs. Jeanne C. Scott left last
Wednesday morning for Lincoln
where she will attend the annual
convention of the Nebraska Music
Teachers association, being held in
that city this week.
J. Ziggafoos, field man for the
State employment service, will be
in this city from 4 to G on Tuesday,
May 3, and from 8 to 10 on Wed
nesday, and in Ewing from 11 to
2 o'clock, Wednesday, May 4. In
terested parties can contact him
while here.
Chick Wyant and George Ab
douch drove up from Omaha Sun
day night. They returned to Oma
ha Monday night, where Mrs. Wy
ant is ill in St. Joseph’s hospital,
She was taken to the hospital last
Friday by her husband and her
mother, Mrs. Bill Cuddy.
Dr. F. J. Kubitschek and Miss
Anna Connolly of O’Neill, and
Charles Gonderinger, Charles Du
tan and Dr. Adolph Kubitschek of
\tkinson, left Sunday morning for
)maha, where Miss Connolly will
•emain as an employee of the
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.
Mrs. Marchmont Schwartz and
Wiss Mary Sinan of Omaha, left
Wednesday after spending a few
lays in O'Neill. Miss Sinan, who
s colaberating with Arthur Mul
en in writing his biography, came
to O’Neill to visit the place where
Arthur was born and spent his
childhood. Mrs. Schwartz nee
Rose Marie O’Donnell was visiting
relatives and friends.
Jerry Morrison, who has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R R. Morrison, returned to his
home at Anamosa, Iowa, Sunday.
His father and sister, Dorothy,
accompanied him and Bob will
spend a few days visiting, while
Dorothy returned to St. Theresa’s,
at Winona, Mini.., where she is
attending school.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for SAND GRAV
EL SURFACING and incidental
work on the O’NEILL-SPENCER
Patrols Nos. 81003, 81004, and
The proposed work consists of
resurfacing 22.2 miles of Graveled
The approximate quantities are:
3,952 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face Course Material.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract shall be fifty-five (55)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will
exercise general supervision over
the preparation of employment
lists for this work.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the County Clerk at
Butte, Nebraska, at the office of
the District Engineer of the De
partment of Roads and Iirirgation
at Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at the
office of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
The successful bidder will be
quired to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with his
proposal, a certified check made
payable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than two hundred
fifty (250) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
John C. Gallagher, County
Clerk, Holt County.
C. J. Tomek, County Clerk,
48-3 Boyd County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bid$ will be received at
the office of the 4 Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for SAND GRAV
EL SURFACING and incidental
work on the JAMISON-BUTTE
81006 and 81007 STATE ROAD.
The proposed work consists of
resurfacing 30.5 miles of Graveled
The approximate quantities are:
5,219 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face Course Material.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
me contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract shall be fifty-five (55)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director. National Reemployment
Service. Lincoln, Nebraska, will ex
ercise general supervision over the
preparation of employment lists
for this work.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Butte, Nebraska, at the
office of the County Clerk at
O’Neill, Nebraska, at the office of
the District Engineer of the De
partment of Roads and Irrigation
at Ainsworth. Nebraska, or at the
office of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to lOOCe of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal, a certified check made
payable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than three hundred
(300) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
C. J. Tomek, County Clerk,
Boyd County.
John C. Gallagher, County
48-3 Clerk, Holt County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for SAND GRAV
EL SURFACING and incidental
work on the NAPER-STUART Pa
trol No. 81008 STATE ROAD.
The proposed work consists of
resurfacing 2.1 miles of Graveled
The approximate quantities are:
359 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face Course Material.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this con
tract shall be fifty-five (55) cents
per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
zents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
iirected to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will ex
ercise general supervision over the
preparation of employment lists
for this work. ■>
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Butte, Nebraska, at the
office of the County Clerk at
D’Neill, Nebraska, at the office of
the District Engineer of the De
partment of Roads and Irrigation
it Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at the
iffice of the Department of Roads
md Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
The successful bidder will be re
tired to furnish bond in an
imount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with his
proposal, a certified check made
oayable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than thirty (30)
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
C. J. Tomek, County Clerk,
Boyd County.
John C. Gallagher, County
18-3 Clerk, Holt County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for SAND GRAV
EL SURFACING and incidental
work on the AMELIA WEST AND
Project No. 422 and Patrols Nos.
81013 and 81014 STATE ROADS.
The proposed work consists of
resurfacing 28.1 miles of Graveled
The approximate quantities are:
5,723 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face Course Material.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract shall be fifty-five (55)
cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will ex
ercise general supervision over the
preparation of employment lists
for this work.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office ot the uistrict engineer oi
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska,
or at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with his
proposar, a certified check made
payable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than three hundred
(300) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
John C. Gallagher, County
48-3 Clerk, Holt County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for Grading, Cul
verts, Two Bridges, Guard Rail
and incidental work on the Bassett
Atkinson Federal Aid Project No.
168-A-Unit 2 and State Project
No. 763, Federal Aid and State
The proposed work consists of
constructing 6.0 miles of Graded
Earth Road.
The approximate quantities are:
167,385 Cu. Yds. Excavation
33 Cu. Yds. Concrete for
3,985 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel
for Culverts
9 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Corru
gated Metal Pipe
124 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Culvert
132 Lin. Ft. 30-in. Culvert
104 Lin. Ft. 36-in. Culvert
44 Lin. Ft. 48-in. Culvert
160 Lin. Ft. 18-in. Culvert
Pipe for Driveways
200 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Culvert
Pipe for Driveways
44 Lin. Ft. 30-in. Culvert
Pipe for Driveways
20 Lin. Ft. 36-in. Culvert
Pipe for Driveways
384 Lin. Ft. Guard Rail
Bridge at Station 741 - 20
3 18-ft. Spans, Concrete Slab
, Bridge at Station 903 - 53
1 Multiple Space Concrete Slab
Bridge, 104-ft. long.
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this con
tract shall be fifty-five (55) cents
per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will ex
ercise general supervision over the
preparation of employment lists
for this work, and to the fact that
the contractor and subcontractors
will be bound by the regulations
effective January 15, 1935, jointly
promulgated by the Secretary of
the Tresury and the Secretary of
the Interior pursuant to the pro
visions of Public Act No. 324, 73rd
Congress, approved June 13, 1934
(48 Stat. 948), entitled, “An Act
to effectuate the purpose of certain
statutes concerning rates of pay
for labor, by making it unlawful
to prevent any one from receiving
the compensation contracted for
thereunder, and for other pur
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the District Engineer of
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska,
or at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
Ihe successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work or for any portion thereof as
provided in the bidding blank, the
bidder shall file, with his proposal,
a certified check made payable to
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation and in an amount not less
than the total amount, determined
from the following list, for any
group of items or collection of
groups of items for which the bid is
Grading Items—one thousand
two hundred (1,200) dollars.
Culvert Items—one hundred fifty
(150) dollars.
Bridge Items—six hundred (600)
Guard Rail Items—twenty-five
(25) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
John C. Gallagher, County
48-3 Clerk, Holt County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for GRADING,
CULVERTS and incidental work
The proposed work consists of
constructing 4.5 miles of GRAV
The approximate quantities are:
52,965 Cu. Yds. Excavation
308 Thousand Gallons Water
2i,926 Cu. Yds. Topsoil or Sand
Clay Blanket Course
15,336 Cu. Yds. Miles Hauling
Topsoil or Sand Clay
Blanket Course Material
3,731 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face Course Material
15 Cu. Yds. Concrete for
1,571 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel
for Culverts
80 Lin. Ft. 18-in. Culvert
228 Lin. Ft. 24-in. Culvert
64 Lin. Ft. 30-in. Culvert
168 Lin. Ft. 36-in. Culvert
32 Lin. Ft. 42-in. Culvert
220 Lin. Ft. 18-in. Culvert
Pipe for Driveways
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this con
tract shall be fifty-five (55) cents
per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will
exercise general supervision over
the preparation of employment
lists for this work, and to the fact
that the contractor and subcon
tractors will be bound by the regu
lations effective January 15, 1935,
jointly promulgated by the Secre
tary of the Treasury and the Secre
tary of the Interior pursuant to the
provisions of Public Act No. 324,
73rd Congress, approved June 13,
1934, (48 Stat. 948), entitled “An
Act to effectuate the purpose of
certain statutes concerning rates
of pay for labor, by making it un
lawful to prevent any one from
receiving the compensation con
tracted for thereunder, and for
other purposes.”
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the District Engineer of
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska,
or at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
i ne successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this work
or for any portion thereof as pro
vided in the bidding blank, the
bidder shall file, with his proposal,
a certified check made payable to
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation and in an amount not less
than the total amount, determined
from the following list, for any
group of items or collection of *
groups of items for which the bid
is submitted.
Grading Items—eight hundred
(800) dollars
Sand Gravel Surfacing Items—
four hundred (400) dollars
Culvert Item s—one hundred
twenty-five (125) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley, State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
John C. Gallagher, County
48-3 Clerk, Holt County.
(First publication April 14, 1938.)
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation in the State
House at Lincoln, Nebraska, on
May 5, 1938, until 10:00 o’clock
A. M., and at that time publicly
opened and read for Prime Coat,
Bituminous Mat Surface Course
and incidental work on the Staf
ford-Orchard Project No. 203-D,
Federal Aid Road.
The proposed work consists of
constructing 6.2 miles of Oiled
The approximate quantities are:
34,669 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for
Prime Coat, Applied
5,894 Tons Mineral Aggregate
(Coarse Sand)
3,867 Tons Mineral Aggregate
(Fine Sand)
1,982 Tons Mineral Filler from
Local Pit No. 1
205 Tons Powdered Asphalt
151,996 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for
Bituminous Mat, Applied
325 Stations Manipulation of
Bituminous Mat Surface
The attention of bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
covering subletting or assigning
the contract.
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this con
tract shall be fifty-five (55) cents
per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
intermediate labor employed on
this contract shall be forty-five
(45) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to all
unskilled labor employed on this
contract shall be thirty-five (35)
cents per hour.
The attention of bidders is also
directed to the fact that the State
Director, National Reemployment
Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, will ex
ercise general supervision over the
preparation of employment lists
for this work, and to the fact that
the contractor and subcontractors
will be bound by the regulations
effective January 15, 1935, jointly
promulgated by the Secretary of
the Treasury and the Secretary of
the Interior pursuant to the pro
visions of Public Act No. 324, 73rd
Congress, approved June 13, 1934
(48 Stat. 948), entitled “An Act
to effectuate the purpose of certain
statutes concerning rates of pay for
labor, by making it unlawful to
prevent any one from receiving the
compensation contracted for there
under, and for other purposes.”
Flans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, at the
office of the District Engineer of
the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation at Ainsworth, Nebraska,
or at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his con
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal, a certified check made
payable to the Department of
Roads and Irrigation and in an
amount not less than one thousand
five hundred (1.500) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any or
all bids.
A. C. Tilley. State Engineer.
C. L. Carey, District Engineer.
John C. Gallagher, County
48-3 Clerk, Holt County.