The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 24, 1938, Image 7

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    Austrian Youths Celebrate Hitler Coup
International News Radiophoto.
A contingent of the Hitler Youth Organization of Austria are shown parading through the streets of Vi
enna in celebration of the Nazis’ triumphant march into Austria. The successful Nazi coup spelled the end of
Austria’s existence as a nation and its beginning as a state of the German reich.
“The Law” in Austria Today
These German anti-aircraft machine gunners and thousands of others
like them are enforcing Germany’s will on Austria now, since that coun
try became a part of the German reich in Hitler’s bloodless coup. When
this photograph was made these gunners were merely playing at war in
maneuvers at Kissingen, Germany.
Field Marshal Herman Wilhelm
Goering, under whose direction the
plans for the Nazification of Austria
were successfully completed. Ad
dressing an audience in Berlin fol
lowing the coup, he declared that
Germany is determined further to
increase her army.
When Hitler Made Austria a German State
1—Adolf Hitler, who made a triumphant entry into Vienna after Germany took undisputed possession of
Austria in a bloodless coup, defying the world to interfere. 2—On to Austria went 100,000 crack German
troops like these as Hitler captured his homeland for the refch. 3—Armed German trucks and tanks such as
these patroled the streets of Vienna.
Arthur Seyss-Inquart, made chan
cellor of Austria by decree of Adolf
Hitler, following the resignation of
f Kurt Schuschnigg and the success
ful Nazi coup.
Czechoslovakia May Be Next
With informed observers predicting that Czechoslovakia will be the
next object of Adolf Hitler’s Pan-German campaign, following his blood
less subjugation of Austria, the government of Czechoslovakia has re
iterated its previous warning that it will resist to the last any attempt
to conquer it. President Edouard Benes (center) is shown conferring
with some of his military chiefs during army maneuvers recently.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
1—Beggar women and children in Pengpu, China, reap a harvest picking up after the looters who pillaged
the town following the retreat of the Chinese army. 2—The Spanish rebel cruiser Baleares, torpedoed and sunk
by a Loyalist destroyer in a sea fight off Cartagena. 3—Prof. Thurman W. Arnold of Yale university, who was
named by President Roosevelt as assistant attorney general to succeed Robert II. Jackson, who became solici
tor general.
Gandhi Emerges From Retirement
Mohandas K. Gandhi, better known to the western world as the
Mahatma, shown taking part In the formal opening of a cattle farm at
Haripura, India, in connection with the meeting of the fifty-first Indian
national congress. It was the Mahatma’s first public appearance in
a long time.
** inrinnniimimnrninnnnrmi < ' llllllMHi il—lllllllllll I HlliliiMiliM
Hopes that the Brooklyn Dodgers
may go places in the National
league pennant race were raised by
the addition of Dolph Camilll, who
was purchased recently from the
Phillies. Last year Camiili had his
best season Bince breaking into or
ganized baseball. Playing in 131
games, he batted .339, finishing
third in the home run standings be
hind Joe Medwick and Mel Ott with
a total of 27.
Most Rev. Arthur Cardinal Hins
ley, archbishop of Westminster, is
pictured in an unconventional pose
here. Cardinal Hinsley, one of the
live cardinals created by Pope Pius
last year, was snapped as he lighted
a cigarette, even as you and I, dur
ing a luncheon he attended in Lon
Spring Cleaning at Geneva
Workmen clean one of the four Calvinist heads of the famous Refor
mation memorial at Geneva, Switzerland, as part of the city’s spring
cleaning program. The memorial commemorates the career of John
Calvin, the Sixteenth-century religious reformer.
His Majesty Parades at Carnival of Nice
Climax of the brilliant social season at Nice, France, was the annual grand carnival which drew thou
sands of revelers from all parts of Europe. Here we see the float of His Majesty Carnival LX, which strikes
the keynote of the festive occasion.
Simple Patch Makes
This Quilt Block
Get out your scrap bag and get
ready to start your Calico Cat
quilt. Each cat patch measures
about 4 by 8 inches and is so easy
to apply. You’ll be delighted with
its colorfulness. Use it on a pil
low too; it’s very effective. Pat
tern 1583 contains accurate pat
Pattern 1583.
tern pieces; a diagram of block
which serves as a guide for plac
ing the patches and suggests con
trasting materials; complete, sim
ple instructions for cutting, sew
ing and finishing, together with
yardage chart; diagram of quilt
to help arrange blocks for single
and double bed size.
Send 15 cents in stamps or coins
(coins preferred) for this pattern
to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft
Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York,
N. Y.
Please write your rfame, ad
dress and pattern number plainly.
2 Steps in Fighting
Discomfort of
All it usually costs to relieve the
misery of a cold today—is 3/ to 5/
— relief for the period of your cold
15/ to 25/. Hence no family need
neglect even minor head colds.
Here is what to do: Take two
BAYER tablets when you feel a
cold coming on — with a full glas3
of water. Then repeat, if necessary,
according to directions in each
package. Relief comes rapidly.
The Bayer method of relief
is the way many doctors now
approve. You take Bayer Aspirin
for relief — then if you are not
improved promptly, you call the
family doctor.
Virtually 1 cent a tablet
Lenient With Others
Pardon the other person often,
, thyself never.
? Menthol Cough Drops 50
Both have an Alkaline Factor f
i; that helpt you raairt coldi I
Without Law
In the midst of arms the law
is silent.
To Get Rid of Acid
and Poisonous Waste
Your kidneys help to keep you weB
by constantly filtering waste mattei
from the blood. If your kidneys gel
functionally disordered and fail to
remove excess impurities, there may bt
poisoning of the whole system and
body-wide distress.
j Burning, scanty or too frequent un.
nation may be a warning olsome kidney
or bladder disturbance.
You may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dixziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puffineas
under the eyes—feel weak, nervous,' all
played out.
In such cases it is better to rely on a
medicine that has won country-wide
acclaim than on something less favor
ably known. Use Doan's Pills. A multi
tude of grateful people recommend
Doan's. Ask your neighborl_
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