The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 10, 1938, Image 7

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    As Pope Pius Celebrated 16th Anniversary’
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View of the interior of the Sistine chapel at Vatican City during recent celebrations that marked
the sixteenth anniversary of the ascension of Pope Pius XI as supreme head of the Roman C atholic church.
The Pontiff is shown seated on his throne at the left, surrounded by \atican dignitaries.
Pie-Eating King
Named by Bakers
Steven Busho, thirteen, displays
the equipment which won the pic
eating contest at the Associated
Bakers of America convention in
Chicago. Steven messed his mouth
a little around the edges, but
chomped and licked through to vie*
Peach Blossom Time in Dixie
■?: saw r ,.s, ,, , 1
June and Jane LaFontaine, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
LaFontaine of Atlanta, shown among the peach blossoms on the Frank
Hill farm near Fanthersville, Ga. Heavy blossoms foretell a bumper
peach crop this summer.
New “Dead” Ball Gets Once Over
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National league pitchers may look upon the new “dead” ball as a
• boon that will prevent batting sprees by opposing teams. These three
pitchers of the New York Giants, Hal Schumacher, left, Cliff Melton,
center, and Carl Hubbell, are shown looking at the new ball at their
spring training camp at Hot Springs, Ark. The new “dead” ball was
selected for the 1938 season in the National league at a meeting of club
presidents several months ago. At that time the American league de
cided to retain the so-called lively ball. The dead ball is expected to
reduce the advantage which hitters have enjoyed for several years over
pitchers and result in a return of base-stealing and “tight” baseball.
Badminton Champ
Retains Title
Mrs. Del BarkhufT of Seattle,
Wash., women’s national badminton
champion, shown ready to serve at
a tourney in which she defended her
title. Popular for many years with
men, the game of badminton has
been growing in favor among wom
en and is now played throughout
the United States.
Hitler Puts His Grenadiers on Skis
Apparently no phase of fighting is being left to chance by Dictator Adolf Hitler of Germany. Various !
branches of his armed forces are even now receiving war training on skis as witness this picture made on
the snow-covered mountain slopes near Oberwiesenthal. Members of the police force, the army and storm
troopers practice grenade throwing on skis, by using small clubs shaped like the deadly weapons. To make
the exercises more interesting, the training takes the form of a contest.
Scenes and Persons in the Current News
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1—Lord Halifax, who was placed in charge of the British foreign secretary’s office, following the resignation
of Anthony Eden in one of the most dramatic cabinet upheavals of the present generation. 2—Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain of England, whose policy of seeking an immediate understanding with Premier Musso
lini led to Eden’s resignation. 3—Anthony Eden, foreign secretary who resigned rather than pursue Italian
friendship, talks about circumstances which he held would indicate that Britain was yielding to pressure.
First and only woman Texas Ran
ger, Mrs. Frances Haskell Edmond
son, deputy sheriff of Bexar county,
Texas, is shown after her arrival in
New York recently to study metro
politan law enforcement methods.
Mrs. Edmondson, a daughter of
Charles N. Haskell, first governor of
Oklahoma, is also chairman of the
women’s division of the Texas state
Democratic executive committee.
Meet the Panda Sisters
Mrs. Ruth darkness, New York society woman, shown holding the
new giant baby panda, Mel-Mei, after a 15,000-miic trip from her native
Thibet, as she introduces her to her sister, Su-Lin, after their arrival at
the Brookfield zoo, near Chicago. As can be seen, Su-Lin presents any
thing but a friendly welcome to her new playmate.
•' _
Beef Trust on Milk Diet
Either cutting down on weight or overhead, cx-heavywelght wrestling
champion Stanislaus Zbysko (center) and the two Polish wrestling cham
pions he manages, Pietro Gobbo (left) and Wladek Cyganicwicz, ordered
one short milk and three straws after their recent arrival in New York.
^H/l*** • ■* *
Here’s the smooth swing of Jim
my Demaret, young Texan who hit
them far and hard as he defeated
Sammy Snead 4 and 3, in the finals
of the recent National Match Play
open at the San Francisco golf club.
Demaret showed ease of execution
and a coolness under pressure.
Nanking Broom Brigade Ready to Sweep Up
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Members of the “sweep up and clean up’ brigade of enforced Chinese labor shown at Nanking. The Jap
anese forces In control of the city have organized the civilian refugees into various bodies.
Cross Stitch and
Crochet Linens
Pattern No. 1422.
Two’s company and a smart
combination when you team up
dainty crochet and fetching 8 to
the inch cross stitch in a stunning
motif for towels, pillow cases or
scarfs! Either crochet or cross
stitch may be used alone. It’s
effective to use a monogram with
the crochet. Pattern 1422 contains
a transfer pattern for two motifs
6% by 9>6 inches, two motifs 5M»
by 5Vz inches, two motifs 4% by
lO’/h inches and two 5 by TVa
inches; directions and charts for
the filet crochet; material require
ments; illustrations of stitches
used; color suggestions.
Send 15 cents in stamps or
coins (coins preferred) for this
pattern to The Sewing Circle
Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave.,
New York, N. Y.
Please write your name, ad
dress, and pattern number plainly.
Dr. Pierre’s Favorite Prescription is s
tonic which has been helping woraes
of all ages for nenrly 70 years. Adv.
Every-Day Fasting
Holiday feasting makes every
day fasting, unless you save while
the money’s lasting.—Plautus.
Given Fast Relief
Take 2 Bayer
Tablets with a
full glass of
Crush 3 Bayer
Tablets in glass
of water—garglm
twice every few
The speed with which Bayer
tablets act in relieving the dis
tressing symptoms of colds and
accompanying sore throat is utter
ly amazing . . . and the treatment
is simple and pleasant. This is all
you do. Crush and dissolve three
genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets in
one-third glass of water. Then
gargle with this mixture twice,
holding your head well back.
This medicinal gargle will act
almost like a local anesthetic on
the sore, irritated membrane ol
your throat. Pain eases promptly;
rawness is relieved.
You will say it is remarkable.
And the few cents it costs effects
a big saving over expensive “throat
gargles’* and strong medicines.
Ana when you buy, see that you
get genuine BAYER ASPIRIN.
1 I
Virtually 1 cent a tablet
Happy for Life
Be glad of Life because it gives
you the chance to love, and to
work, and to play, and to look
up at the stars.—Van Dyke.
Help Them Cleanse the Blood
of Harmful Body Was to
Your kidneys are constantly filtering
waste matter from the blood stream. But
kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do
not act as Nature intended—fail to re
move impurities that, if retained, may
poison the system and upset the wboiu
pody machinery.
Symptoms may be nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness
getting up nights, swelling, puffins*
under the eyes—a feeling of nervouu
anxiety and loss of pep and strength.
Other signs of kidney or bladder dis
order may be burning, scanty or to*
Irequent urination.
There should be no doubt that prompt
treatment ia wiser than neglect. U*
Doan't Pills. Doan's have been winning
new friends for more than forty yearn
They have a nation-wide reputation.
Are recommended by grateful people tho
country over. Ask your neig/iborl