The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 30, 1937, Image 1

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    The Frontier
f Give Dinner Honoring
Pioneer Lady On Her
Eightieth Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hunter en
tertained a few friends Thursday,,
Dec. 23 in honor of Mr. Hunter’s
mother, Mrs. J. M. Hunter, who
was 80 years old that day.
The. home was deco-'1 ted with
Christmas ornaments. The center
piece for the table was a large
birthday cake decorated with a
wreath of holly and 80 candles.
Table favors were bright little
Christmas trees. Some antique
silver dishes were used, one being
a silver pickle dish that was a
wedding gift of Mrs. Hunter’s.
Nine guests were present, one
being Mrs. Hunter’s daughter, Mrs.
W. H. Brady of Calgary, Canada.
A two course dinner was served at
1 o’clock.
Margaret May McCormick was
born in Cedar county, Iowa, on
December 23, 1857, and lived there
with her parents for twenty-three
years. She was married to Joseph
Hunter on Feb. 17, 1881 and after
three years in Iowa they moved to
Nebraska where she has since made
her home. Thirteen years of this
time was spent on a homestead
near Mineola, and fifteen of them
^ on a farm near Hainsville. They
then moved to O’Neill where Mrs.
Hunter still owns her home.
Mr. Hunter died in June, 1926,
and for a few years after his death
Mrrs. Hunter spent her summers
with her sister in Tipton, Iowa,
and her winters in O’Neill, but for
the last six years she has made her
. home with her son at Star, Nebr.
' In spite of the fact that she has
has been a diabetic for ten years
she is very active, helps with the
lighter household tasks, pieces
quilts, and is busy with reading,
writing and sewing. She has many
correspondents and keeps up with
currents events and, in fact, is
quite interested in politics.
Mrs. E. R. Young spent last
week in O’Neill with her son,
Everett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ernst enter
tained for their sons and daughters
and their families, with a Christ
mas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dusatko
were shopping in O’Neill Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Seger gave an
oyster supper Saturday evening
for their children and their fami
lies. The Christmas tree was a
prize given by an O’Neill merchant.
Arthur Rellar was able to return
\ to his work at Spencer last week.
Glen Lorenz lost a finger while
sawing wood.
Miss Loree Abart of O’Neill,
spent Christmas at the Charles
Abart home near Emmet.
A very nice Christmas program
was given at the Werner school
j last Thursday afternoon. Miss
( Maxine McConnell is the teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seger and
son, Gerald, of Royal, were guests
at the Gus Seger home Sunday.
The young folks of this commun
ity who are attending school in
O’Neill are home for the Christmas
vacation. They are: Mary Ann
Winkler, Helen Marie Mullen,
Grace Bellar, LaVern Stahley,
Betty and the Lorenz brothers.
A pie social and a very interest
ing program were given at the
Dave Bellar school Friday night,
Dec. 24. Miss Lucille Hickey is
the teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Howard are
the pround parents of a baby boy,
born Saturday, Dec. 18.
Fred Beckwith entertained his
sons and their families at Christ
mas dinner at his home. Mrs. Leon
Beckwith and Mrs. Rex Beckwith
prepared the dinner for the twenty
two guests.
Timely Bulletins
Are Available
Bulletins available are: “Essen
tials in Turkey Raising,” “How to
Use Water on Trees,” “1937 Co-op
Corn Test Results,” “1937 Co-op
Small Grain Test Results” and
“Atlas Sorgo in Nebraska.”
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Carnes of
Neligh, were here Saturday and
Sunday visiting at the home of
Mrs. Carnes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Hamish.
Miss Mary Virginia Agnes ar
rived in O’Neill Monday afternoon
for a few hours visit with friends.
Mrs. John Duffy and daughter
arrived here the latter part of last
week to spend Christmas at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Simonson.
Mrs. Ben Gardy went to Peters
burg, Nebr., last Friday to spend
Christmas at the home of her
sister, Mrs. George Agnes. She
returned home Sunday.
Mr. W. I. Blaine of Grand Island
came to this city Friday to spend
Christmas with the Pete Todsen
family where Mrs. Blaine has been
visiting the past ten days.
The Presbyterian Ladies Guild
will meet Thursday afternoon, Jan.
6, at the home of Mrs. C. J. Malone.
Mrs. Fred Robertson and Mrs. C. B.
Scott, assisting hostesses.
M. F. O’Donnell arrived here last
Friday from Dallas, Texas, to
spend the holidays here with rela
tives and friends. He returned to
his southern home Wednesday.
Judge Robert R. Dickson and
W. J. Hammond drove to Omaha
Tuesday morning to attend the
State Bar association meeting be
ing held in that city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fanske came
Saturday from Wayne, Nebr., to
spend the holidays with their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. Olsen. The returned to
Wayne Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clausson
drove to Spearfish, S. D., last Fri
day night to spend Christmas with
Mrs. Clausson’s mother, Mrs. Della
Shaw King. They returned to
O’Neill Monday morning.
Prof, and Mrs. R. W. Carroll
and daughter drove to Spencer
Friday afternoon where they spent
Christmas at the home of Mrs.
Carroll’s parents. They returned
to this city Sunday evening.
Mrs. Don Enright and daughter,
Janet, went to Norfolk Saturday
afternoon for a visit at the home
of Mrs. Enright’s mother. Janet
remained for a weeks visit while
Mrs. Enright returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Schulz and
son, Carin, and Miss Loretta Bazel
man went to Colome, S. D., last
Saturday to spend Christmas there
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neyes and
family. They returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews
and daughter, Madge, came up
from Lincoln last Thursday night
to spend Christmas with the home
folks. Mrs. Matthews and Madge
remained here for a weeks visit.
Clarence Stannard and Evelyn
McManus drove to Grand Island
Wednesday, taking Mrs. D. Stan
nard there where she will take a
train for California. Mrs. Stannard
will make an extended visit on
the pacific coast.
Mrs. Julia Brown of Norfolk,
Mrs. John Kemp of Stockton, Calif.,
Mrs. Ned Pickett of Norfolk, and
George Noakes and daughter, Miss
Marjorie, of Wayne, were guests
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. N. Olsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney
and family drove to Orchard Sat
urday morning to spend Christmas
and Sunday at the home of Mrs.
McElhaney’s parents. Miss Mar
jorie remained at Orchard for a
week’s visit with her grandparents.
John Robert Gallagher and Jack
Frenking drove up from Omaha
Friday evening to spend Christmas
here. John will remain here during
the vacation period of Creighton
university, were he is a student,
and Mr. Frenking, with his wife
and children who have been here
visiting for a week, returned to
Omaha Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Eppenbach
of the Agee neighborhood cele
brated Christmas at their home
with a family reunion. Their
twelve children, six sons and six
daughters were all present. The
four oldest girls are married and
their husbands and children were
also present, making a total of
twenty-four in the group.
Boy Spends Christmas In
Jail For Stealing Horse
James Scanlon, 13, who had in
tended to spend Christmas in South
Dakota, but who spent the day in
the Holt county jail here, was put
on a train Tuesday morning with
his home at Chapman, Kansas, as
his destination,
James was picked up on a side
road near Butte, Nebr., last week
by Sheriff Wiley S. Barnes of Boyd
county, while riding a stolen horse.
The horse was stolen at the Wright
Bros, ranch near Ewing, and the
saddle and bridle were taken from
the Fred Tams ranch, also near
The youth told authorities he
took the horse so he could spend
Christmas with friends at Miller,
S. D.
He started north, passing thru
O’Neill on his way to his intended
destination. He was picked up in
Boyd county and brought to O’Neill
where he was lodged in the county
jail. No charges were filed against
the lad, and an uncle' of his at
Chapman, Kansas, sent money for
his fare to that place.
Cattle Prices 25 To 50
Cents Higher At O’Neill
Market’s Sale Monday
Top hogs at the O’Neill Livestock
i market brought $7.95 at Monday's
auction. All butcher hogs at 7.65
to 7.95; sows at 6.85 to 7.35; pigs
and shoats 7.70 to 9.00.
All classes of cattle were strong
to 25 cents to 50 cents a hundred
higher than a week ago. Next sale
j Monday, Jan. 3, 1938.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Miller enter
tained at Christmas dinner at their
home west of town. The guests
were, Adam Hays, Mr. and Mrs. A,
R. Vorce and sons, Bill and Alvin,
Mr. and Mrs* V. C. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. L. O. Johnson and son,
Marvin, Will Stephenson, Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Johnson of Lincoln,
and Miss Lona Cromwell.
An oyster supper was held at
the home of V. O. Johnson west of
O’Neill Sunday evening in honor
of Bill Vorce who is stationed at
Fort Warren, Wyo. Bill has been
in O’Neill the past month visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
The young folks of the neighbor
hood enjoyed skating on the old
bayou Christmas afternoon.
Bill Vorce spent last week visit
ing Carl Miller.
A group of friends and neigh
bors were treated to ice cream at
the J. O. Johnson home Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson will
spend New Years with Mrs. John
son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Van Every, in O’Neill.
A skating party and wiener
roast was given in honor of Bill
Vorce last Tuesday night. Bill left
Wednesday morning for Fort War
ren, Wyo.
A family dinner was enjoyed at
the Henry Wayman home on
Mrs. Fred Grandorf entertained
at supper Thursday for Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Johnson.
Howard Devall came home from
the CCC camp at Valentine Tues
day to spend Christmas.
Arthur Rouse made a business
trip to Spencer Tuesday.
Charlie Griffith came from North
Platte Thursday to spend Christ
mas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Griffith. Cecil Griffith,
who has been working there the
past several weeks, came with him.
Dinner guests Christmas at the
Orville Harrison and Elmer Devall
homes were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hicks and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Peterson and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Thomas and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Devall and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Linn.
Ralph Rausch returned to the
CCC camp at Humboldt Sunday.
Dinner guests at A. L. Borg’s
Christmas were Charlie Griffith of
North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Borg and Marvel, Bob Bergman,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith
and Cecil, Maude Rouse and Arthur
Mr. and Mrs, Virgil Hubby spent
Christmas at the Albert Kaczor
(Continued on page 4, column 6.)
Board Chairman Objects
To Right-of-Way Costs
At a meeting of the Holt County
Board Tuesday the question of the
cost of right-of-way for the re
routing of highway No. 8 from
Ewing to O’Neill was discussed and
a resolution passed by the Board
expressing the opinion that the cost
was not. excessive, and that prices
paid by the state were in line w ith
prices paid by Holt county for
rights-of-way. The resolution was
forwarded to State Engineer A. C.
Tilley at Lincoln.
All members of the Board but
Chairman Stein signed the resolu
tion. Chairman Stein raised the
objection to the cost being paid for
land necessary for right-of-way.
The majority of the Board however,
felt that prices paid by the state
were not excessive and were in line
w ith opinions of appraisers.
The Alpha Club held their an
nual seven o’clock Christmas din
ner Thursday evening; Dec. 23, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lansworth. All club members and
their husbands were present. Out
side guests were Donald Boshart
of Hastings, Ben McDonald of
Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hammerlin of Butte.
The table and rooms were beauti
fully decorated in blue and silver.
A small Christmas tree with blue
ornaments was the center piece of
the long table at which everyone
was seated. Six blue tapers were
used on the table A silver fruit
basket filled with cellophane cover
ed fruit was at each end of the
table. Sprays of holly were do
nated by Mrs. P. J. Lansworth.
Evelyn Simonson, club president,
was toastmistress. She introduced
five club members who responded
to the points of the star as fol
lows: Christmas Love, Minnie
Boshart; Christmas Gifts, Marie
Lansworth; Christmas Cheer, Mary
Widtfeldt; Christmas Thoughts,
LaVerne Robertson, and Christmas
Spirit, Rachel Robertson. Ben Mc
Donald, Donald Boshart and Grace
Hammerlin gave short talks. Harry
Lansworth responded for the men.
Marie Lansworth read a poem
written by one of the club mem
bers describing the men’s party
which they gave the Alpha club
Dec. 17.
The remainder of the evening
was spent in playing Pitch and
Bridge. High score was won for
the ladies by Grace Hammerlin, and
for the men by Ben McDonald. Con
solation by Nellie Boshart and
Dick Robertson Santa then paid
a visit remembering each person
with a nice gift.
Mid-Winter Mest Time
To (Jive Bot Treatment
The next six weeks is the best
time to treat horses for Bots and
intestinal worms. The Holt County
Farm Bureau will again cooperate
with veterinarians and producers
in doing this work in communities
where 100 horses can be treated in
one day. Interested producers
should get in touch with Agricul
tural Agent Reece as soon as pos
The best treatment is that of
giving a specially prepared capsule
containing carbon bisulfide which
will kill the larva of Bot flies and
also round worms found in all
horses at this time of year. Horses
treated early in the winter will gain
in flesh and require less feed.
Where whole communities treat
very little trouble from nose flies is
experienced the following summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson of
Omaha, spent Christmas here with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mains and
family. Mrs. Johnson is a sister
of Mrs. Mains.
Miss Mary Cullen came from
Omaha Wednesday night to spend
a few days here visiting friends.
Richard Fanske of Lincoln, was
here Saturday and Sunday visiting
with his sister, Mrs. Cobb Olsen.
Livestock Receipts At
Atkinson Are Light Rut
The Market Is Strong
Atkinson, Dec. 28.—Receipts of
livestock at the Atkinson market
Tuesday were very light, but the
market was strong in all depart
ments. Receipts of cattle were
about 250 head. Prices were quoted
as much as 50 cents higher than
those of last week. Hog receipts
were 300 head and the market was
Although there w'ere hardly
enough cattle on sale to establish
market quotations in all classes,
the following representative sales
indicate an advance of fully 50
cents over last week’s prices. In
cluded in the offering was quite a
large number of good fat cows.
Steer calves sold at 7.75 to 8.80;
heifer calves at 6.50 to 7.00; fat
cows reached a top of 5.90 with the
bulk selling around 5.50; canner
cows sold at 3.50 to 4.00; cutters up
to 4.50; bulls were quoted at 5.00
to 6.00.
Tuesday’s hog market was steady
on all classes. Light weight serum
pigs reached a top of 10.L0; fat
nogs topped at 7.95 with the bulk
selling at 7.70 to 8.00; fat sows
sold at 6.40 to 6.75 and feeder pigs
in all weights were selling at 8.00
to 8.50.
With the holiday season past,
the management expects a large
offering of cattle at the next sale,
Tuesday, Jan. 4, probably from
500 to 750 head. With cattle runs
slacking off, the market will devote
more time to the sale of horses
after the first of January.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kinkral and
sons, Fay and Calvin, of Madison,
Nebr., were here to spend Christ
mas at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Charles Sobotka and family.
Walter Jacox of Bassett and
Donald Wolfe of Atkinson, were
here to spend Christmas with rela
Leland Flora of Wayne visited
among friends here last week.
Levi Morsbach and Marva Con
ard were here from Neligh Satur
day visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brittell and
daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Miller went to Neligh Saturday
where they were Christmas guests
in the Harold Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leidy of
O’Neill, were here Saturday to
spend Christmas at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
spent Christmas at Norfolk as
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Doughty.
Miss Beth McKee spent Christ
mas with her parents at Gregory,
S. D. Miss Margaret Boyer is
spending the holidays with her
parents at Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ijunuak
are spending the holidays with rela
tives at Winside and Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lockman
and son, Denny, and Miss Marjorie
Heyne spent Christmas with rela
tives at Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Crosser
and Rex Butler spent Christmas
in Newport with relatives and
R. .J. Clapp spent Christmas with
relatives in Plainview returning
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren McClurg
and daughter, Marilyn Lee, and
Miss Laura Allyn spent Christmas
with relatives at Stuart.
Miss Joyce Outhouse is home
from Lincoln for the holidays, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Vernon Retke is here from Mar
tin, S. D., visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Retke.
Pete Cooper of Orchard, was a
Christmas guests in the J. T.
Thompson home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock °rd
family of Ewing, were here visit
ing Saturday at the Delbert Sholes
Walter Barnhart of O’Neill was a
visitor at the George Colman home
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Colman
and son of O’Neill, were guests in
the George Colman home here
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chicken and
Wilma spent Christmas at the
Donald Noe home at Allen, Nehr
Mr. and Mrs. John Anspach end
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Anspach end
family spent Christmas at the John
Conard home in Emmet.
(Continued on page 4, column 6.)
Ed O’Donnell came from North
Platte Friday and spent Christmas
and Sunday visiting relatives and
friends in this city.
Abe Saunto and sons, Clarence
and Fred, spent Christmas at the
home of the former’s daughter,
Mrs. Elmer Lohr and family, at
Columbus, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy of
Hastings, Nebr., drove up Friday
night to spend Christmas at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. H. McCarthy.
Miss Florence Malone came up
from Omaha last Friday and spent
Christmas with her parents, Judge
and Mrs. C. J. Malone, returning
to Omaha Sunday.
Howard Bauman and Mrs. Alma
Evans went to Omaha Wednesday
to bring Mrs. Bauman home from
a hospital there where she has
boen the past week.
Miss Nellie Toy arrived here last
Thursday from Herman, Nebr., and
is spending the Christmas holidays
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Antoi. ’’’ay.
Mrs. Charles Lanhatp returned
to her home in Omaha Sunday
night after spending Christmas
with her mother, Mrs. Mary Mc
Clellan and other relatives here.
Mrs. Max Golden entertained the
Martez club Wednesday evening at
the Golden hotel. Mrs. P. B. Harty,
Mrs, P. N. Cronin and Mrs. Ed
Cambpell were the prize winners.
Oliver Rummel drove to Stroms
berg Saturday morning, returning
that afternoon with his father-in
law, Albert Hillberg, who will make
and extended visit at the Rummel
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. LaPage and
daughter, Yvonne, of Omaha, came
up Friday to spend Christmas here
with her sister, Mrs. S. L. Thomp
son. They returned to Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kuska came
up from Norfolk last Thursday to
visit their son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Kuska, and the new
grandson. They returned to Nor
folk Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gallagher
and daughter, Helen, of Washing
ton. 1). C., arrived here Sunday and
will remain until after the first of
the year visiting with friends and
relatives here.
Miss Jewel Fanske of Omaha,
and Ed Fanske of Pierce, Nebr.,
were here Saturday and Sunday
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cobb Olsen. They are cousins
of Mrs. Olsen.
I). H. Cronin left Friday morning
for Nebraska City where he joined
Mrs. Cronin and the children and
they will spend the holiday season
with friends and relatives there
and in Omaha.
Hugh O’Donnell and sister, Miss
Grace, arrived from Omaha Friday
evening to spend Christmas at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. O’Donnell. The returned to
Omaha Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Morgan went
to Lusterville, S. I)., last Saturday
morning to spend Christmas with
Mrs. Morgan’s parents. They were
accompanied by Mrs. R. M. Mack
and Donald Mack of Winner, S. D.,
who had been visiting here since
Mr. and Mrs. William Credle and
daughter, Judy, came from Omah ■
Friday evening to spend Christmas
with Mrs. Credle’s parents, Mr. rn '
Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell. Mr. Cred'e
returned home Sunday and Mrs
Credle and daughter remained fo*
a weeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kazda Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kazda. J’- an
family, Mr. and Mrs. S. R T's’-l
and son Rnhby Dean of * tkin ^n
Mr. and Mrs. Norber* DM n ’
family, and John K'»
guests Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright north
east of O'Neill.
Nancy Dickson Wed
Sunday At The Home
Of Her Parents Here
At the home of Judge and Mrs,
Robert R. Dickson last Sunday
afternoon, Dec. 26, at four o’clock,
their daughter, Nancy, became the
bride of Mr. Roy G. Andersen of
Salem, Oregon, at a very pretty
The bride was met at the foot
of the stairs by her father. They
entered the library to the strain*
of Mendelsshon’s Wedding March
and joined the groom before an
improvised altar where the mar
riage was solemnized by Rev. H. D.
Johnson of the Presbyterian church.
The single ring ceremony was used.
The altar stood before a candle lit
window alcove and a tall silver tree
with blue lights and blue decora
tions. At each side were ivory
cathedral candles. The holders, tied
with blue and silver ribbon bows,
stood on Italian marble pedestals.
The rooms thruout were decor
ated with white pompons, southern
smilax and pink roses.
The bride was gowned in blue
crystal and wore slippers to match.
Her corsage was Talisman roses
and lillies of the valley. The bride's
mother wore a gown of satin with
silver lame jacket. Her shoulder
corsage was of gardenias.
Following the ceremony a buf
fet supper was served to the bridal
party and guests. The long supper
table was covered with an Italian
lace cloth, and held the bride’s cake
as a center piece surrounded by
white tapers in white holders and
pink rosebuds in white vases.
Immediately after the supper the
bridal couple left for Oregon. For
her traveling costume the bride
wore a two-piece suit of bronzine
green suede with black accessories.
Miss Nancy Dickson was born
and grew to womanhood in O’Neill.
She graduated from St. Mary's
academy developing a marked tal
ent for puinting and art. She at
tended and graduated from Wayne
normal college, and for the past
two years has been teaching in the
Norfolk city schools. She resigned
her position there to be married.
Nancy was one of O’Neill’s most
attractive young women.
Mr. Andersen is a son of Mrs.
Alvilda Andersen of Portland, Ore.,
and is a member of the engineering
firm of Lowe & Andersen of Salem,
The Frontier joins with the host
of friends of this esteemable young
couple in wishing for thenrt a most
happy and successful life.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Early
entertained relatives from Omaha
during the holidays.
Mrs. Guy Cole drove to Sioux
City Friday returning the same
day, accompanied by her sisters,
Mrs. Sybal Maring and son Keith,
and Mrs. Alice Bridges and sons,
Jimmie and Eddie, who visited her
over Christmas.
The Ladies Aid met at the home
of Mrs. Cecil McMillan Wednesday
afternoon. A business meeting was
held and a delicious luncheon was
Mrs. Clara Cole and son, Arthur,
were Christmas dinner geusts at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart en
tertained at Christmas dinner Mr.
and Mrs. P. T. Schultz and family
of Atkinson, Gib McCreath, Joe
Crawford and Keith Abart of
Wayne, and Elmer Von Seppern
of Wayne.
A bridpe party was held at the
home of Mrs. Frank Foreman Wed
nesday eveninp. Prizes were won
by Miss Harris, hiph; Mrs. Daliey,
cut prize; Mary Claussen, travel
in" prize, and Mrs. John Bonen
berper low. Christmas pifts were
ex 'han"ed and a delicious luncheon
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. John had as their
puests at Christmas dinner Mr.
and M’s. John Anspach and Mr.
and Mrs. Harden Anspach end
'am ly and M»-s. Huphes and
dau -hte*- of O’Ne'll.
Mr "nd Mrs. Dean Beckw’th of
S"ot.‘rbln*F returned home for the
ChnMmas season.
T ’’ - D Cronin went to Omaha
rv,0rnin" to attend the p.,r association meetinp.
M o*' 1 Mrs Norman La Pape of
- o- ont Christmas here with
Ms mint Mrs. S. L. Thompson.