(First publication Dec. 2, 1937.) NOTICK TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2634 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, November 24, 1937. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel D. Murphy, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate arc hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is March 23, 1938, and for the payment of debts is November 24, 1938, and that on December 23, 1937, and on March 24, 1938, at 10 o’clock A. M.. each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. C. J. MALONE, County Judge. s(County Court Seal) 29-3 J, D. Cronin, Attorney ( First publication Dec. 9, 1937) Emmet A. Harmon, Attorney LEGAL NOTICE Mary A. Coughlin; John O'Neill, Jr.,; Mamie O’Neill; Katie O'Neill; The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Per sonal Representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of John O’Neill. Deceased, real names unknown; All persons having or claiming any interest in Lots Nine teen, Twenty, Twenty-one, and Twenty-two, in Block "B” in O’Neill and Ilagerty's Addition to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, real names nnknown. You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of December, 1937, Addie L. Wrede, plaintiff, filed her MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Sewing of all kinds, relining coats, altering, etc. — Verda Fesler. 30-lp FUR COATS relined, repaired or altered. Dressmaking.—Mrs. C. M. Thomas, Phone 266-LJ. 29-4p 1 HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O'l^ill, Nebr, 2tf SALESMEN WANTED HUSTLER WANTED! to intro duce, supply demand for Rawleigh Necessities. Sales way up this year. Good routes open nearby. Rawleigh Methods get business. No selling experience needed. We supply Sales, Advertising litera ture—all you need. Profits should increase every month. Low prices; good values, complete service.— Rawlegih’s, Dept. NBL-252-63, Freeport, 111. 30-1 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Cattle, hogs and horses to sell. Auction every Mo.vlay. Service with a smile. — O’Neill Livestock Market. 27tf •-—-—I WHEN you have butcher stuff, either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart’s Market. 48tf WANTED TO RENT RANCH of about 2,000 acres. Can pay cash. Enquire i^his office. 29-2p FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—280 acre farm.—Tena Winkler, Atkinson, Nebraska 29-3 -1 FOR RENT—MODERN Residence. R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 16-tf FOR SALE Three nice finished quilts.—Mrs. L. G. Gillespie. 30 ALL COATS at Cost—At Helen Simar’s Apparel Shop. 29 WASH DRESS SALE—At Helen Simar’s Apparel Shop. 29 FOR SALE—Oil buri^r for fur nace in a residence. Will sell real cheap. — R. II. Parker, O’Neill, Hebr. 19tf FOR SALE—6-room house, has iJratft room, and lights and water, nearly modern, close in. $1260 will buy it.—See R. II. Parker. 6tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIG D* J. L. SHERBAHN Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska I DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 petition in i’ne District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which petition is to quiet title in fee in her the said Addie L. Wrede to the real estate above specifically des cribed as against you and each of you; that the Court decree her to be the owner thereof and that you have no right, title, or interest in or to said premises; that the Court decree that Mary A. O’Neill, who later married and was known as Mary A. Coughlin; John O’Neill, Jr.; Mamie O’Neill and Katie O’Neill were the sole and only heirs j of John O’Neill, Deceased. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of January, 19.18. ADDIE L. WREDE, 30-4 Plaintiff. (First publication Dec. 2, 1937.) LEGAL NOTICE T. J. Hurley, The Heirs, devisee,*, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of T. J. Hurley, deceased, real names unknown, Charles E. Bowers, Kathryne M. Bowers, The Ceres Holding Com pany, W. II. Livingston, George W. Parham, The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of George W. Parham, deceased, real names unknown, Lyman Waterman, N. P. H. Willis and all persons having or claiming any interest in Southeast Quarter Section 4; North Half Section 7; Northeast Quarter Section 8 and Northwest Quarter Section 9, Township 29 North, Range 10 and Northeast Quarter Section 12, Township 29 North, Range 11 West 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, real names un known, defendants are notified that on November 30, A. D. 1937, The Lincoln National Life Insur ance Company, as plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object of which is to have plain tiff decreed to be the owner in fee simple of the real estate above described; to have the title to and possession of said real estate quieted and confirmed in plaintiff; to have Vou decreed to have no title to, lien upon or interest in said premises; and to have you enjoined from asserting any title to, lien upon or interest in said premises; and to have any liens claimed by you against said prem ises decreed to he barred by the Statute of Limitations of the State of Nebraska, You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of January, A. D. 1938. W. J. HAMMOND, 29-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication Nov. 25, 1937.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2574 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, November 22, 1937. In the matter of the Estate of Edward E. Gatz, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administrator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard Decem ber 16, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons in terested may appear ahd be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. C. J. MALONE, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 28-3 J. I). Cronin, Attorney (First publication Dec. 2, 1937.) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the Matter of the Application of Julius I). Cronin, Adminis trator of the Estate of Jennie L. Crawford, Deceased, for Li cense to sell real estate. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY LICENSE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Now, on this 30th day of No KODAKS AT nEACH | And up 3 i 4 l 4 Come and see what we have to offer. Photo frames that will add to the beauty of your photos and home. O’NEILL PHOTO CO. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA COCUDIOSIS Bloody Scours in Calves Your money back if Condene doesn’t cure it right off the bat! 40% Concentrate Contains Buttermilk, Fish Meal, Meat Scrap, Soy Bean Oil Meal, Iodine, Limestone, Iron Oxide, Alfalfa Leaf Meal and Cod Liver Oil. Mix with 350 to 400 lbs. of ground grain and make your own lay mash for $1.50 per cwt. O’NEILL HATCHERY vember, A. D., 1937, this cause ] came on for hearing upon the petition and application, under oath, of Julius D. Cronin admin istrator of the Estate of Jennie L. Crawford, Deceased, praying for a license to sell the following de scribed real estate of the said Jennie I,. Crawford, and now the property of her said estate, to-wit: Southeast Quarter of Section Three, Township Twenty-eight, Range Thirteen, West of the Sixth P. M., Holt County, Nebraska; Northwest Quarter of Section Ten, Township Twenty-eight, Range Thirteen, West of the Sixth P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, for the purpose of paying debts owing by said deceased and allowed against said estate and allowances and ex emptions made by the Probate Court to the Surviving spouse of said Deceased and the costs and ex penses of administration, and it appearing to the Court from said petition that there is no personal property in the possession of the said Julius D. Cronin, Adminis trator, belonging to this said es tate, and that there is no personal property with which to pay debts, fees, allowances, costs and expen ses of administration and that it is necessary to sell all of said real estate above described for the pay ment of said debts, fees, allowances, costs and expenses. IT IS, THEREFORE ORDERED BY THE COURT that all persons interested in this said estate appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of January, A. D., 1938, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to the said Julius D. Cronin, Administrator of the Estate of Jennie L. Crawford, Deceased, to sell the above des^ cribed real estate of said decedenr to pay such debts, allowances, fees, costs and expenses. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that notice of the time and place of such hearing be given all persons interested in this estate by publish ing a copy of this order once each week for three (3) sucessive weeks in The Frontier, a legal newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation, in Holt County, Ne braska. BY THE COURT: ROBERT R. DICKSON, 29-3 District Judge. Across The Kitchen Table with Blanche Pease Nope, ’tisn’t opportunity knock ing at your door exactly, it’s Blanche again. Busy as I know you arc, I hope you 11 talk across the kitchen table with me, while we have a second cup of coffee. Just read in a paper that when a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mustard at a hospital in Logansport, Ind., Mr. Mustard de livered a fruit jar full of dimes to the institution as payment on the bill. It contained $45. But ser iously savihg your dimes isn’t at all a bad idea. Make a slot in a baking powder can, and drop in a nickel or a dime, or even a penny just as often as you can spare it. It is surprising how fast the money piles up. Save it for special furni ture for the house, some desired silverware, or even a humble oil cloth table cover. If a husband should happen to I stray into the realms of the Kitchen j Table column then let me advise him to throw sensible thoughts to the winds and buy his wife a lux urious gift for Christmas. A wo man will smile and thank her hus band for a new boiler, a house dress or pancake griddle which she needs, but its the cosmentics, the cobwebby hose, or the five pound box of chocolates which really cause her to ,wipe away the tears of joy. N _ _f - One of our editor friends says it doesn’t takej^experience to run a newspaper a* the subscribers are always ready io*tell you how to do it. " ■ ■■ -- BRIEFLY STATED -- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson are rejoicing over the arrival at their home Wednesday of a baby girl. Ambrose Biglm came Monday from Casper, Wyo., to spend the holidays visiting his mother and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett are the parents of a seven and one-half pound baby girl born to them last Tuesday. Th^y have named her Lois Eileen. \ - The Mellor Motor company are having the inferior of the office and showroom of their garage re decorated, in preparation for the showing of the new line of Ford cars. F. J. Biglin and son, Joseph, left Monday afternoon for Omaha, where Joe will receive further treatment for his eyes. They will return home the latter part of the week. Thomas Grady and sisters, the Misses Mayme, Rose and Catherine, of Denver, who were here attend ing the funeral of their brother, Ben J. Grady, left for their home last Tuesday morning. Emmet Wertz of Star, Louis Burival and L. M. Merriman of O’Neill, and V. V. Rosenkrans of Dorsey were callers last Saturday and each extended their subscrip tion and were recipients of a nice Kwik Lite electric lantern. F. B. O’Connell, secretary of the Nebraska Fish and Game commis sion, and Dr. Sullivan of Greeley, a member of the commission, were in the city last Friday visiting friends and looking after matters in connection with their official positions. Mr. and Mrs. George Agnes and daughter came up from Petersburg last Wednesday night on receiving word of the death of Ben Grady. Mr. Agnes returned home Sunday while Mrs. Agnes remained here for a visit of one week with her sister, Mrs. Grady. The funeral of Ben J. Grady was held last Friday morning and was very largely attended, attesting the high esteem in which this old time business man was held by the people of this city and vicinity. A large number of the American Legion boys marched from the church to the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Moss drove to Lincoln last Monday morning and attended a meeting of the Ne braska Association of Clerks of the District Court, returning home that night. Mr. Moss says there were about forty clerks from vari ous parts of the state in attendance and the new bookkeeping system that goes into effect Jan. 1, 1938, caused most of the discussion at the meeting. Emmet Carr of Stafford, was the first new reader to qualify for one of the lanterns offered by The Frontier to new and old subscri bers who pay their subscription one _t_ STANNARD’S Saturday Specials LARD ' <1/1 Per Pound ._ I *Tu BUTTER B /|flA Per Pound .. HUo PEANUT BRITTLE 1 f|« Per Pound . . 1UG SALMON—Red OR Sockeye, Lb. Can . tdli UNION LEADER TOBACCO 1C. 1 Free with 2 for lJU *■ - ■*» 4 J** Every Day FOLGERS COFFEE, Lb. Chocolate BOX CANDY ORo 1-Lb. Box . fcUC XMAS CANDY 1C. 1 Pound ...I Ju Chocolate Covered <)C. CHERRIES, 1 Lb. tUC VELVET Tobacco 7C0 1-Lb. Can __.»..lull CAMELS —LUCKIES — CHESTERFIELDS Per Carton - 2 Packages for. CHIVIOirr MOTOK DIVISION, Oommrol Motor* Solo* Corporation, DETIOIT, MICHIGAN__* Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. “Chevrolet Dealers Over 22 Years” Phone 100 * O’Neill, Nebraska year in advance. Emmet dropped in Friday, Nov. 26 and ordered The Frontier sent to his address for one year, and, although the lantern an nouncement had not been yet made, he received a Kwik Lite all purpose lantern. We hope that it will prove valuable to him. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Donohoe of Detroit, Mich., arrived in the city last Thursday evening to attend the funeral of Mr. Donohoe's brother-in-law, Ben J. Grady. They left for home Sunday going via Sioux City. Judge J. A. Donohoe, who was holding federal court in Bismark, N. D., and who flew from Bismark to Sioux City accompanied them as far as Sioux City where he took a plane to Bismark to com plete his term of court there. Phone 55 3 Free Deliveries Daily Fresh Milk and Cream Friday, Saturday and Monday SPECIALS ORANGES, Large Size, per doz...29c ORANGES, Medium Size, 2 doz.35c GRAPEFRUIT, Texas, 6 for. 25c CHASE & SANBORN Dated COFFEE, Lb.28c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 4 for ....*..23c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 6 for..24c Jersey Cream PANCAKE FLOUR, 3>/2-lb. pkg.22c COCOA, Large 2-lb. Can.19c TOMATOES, Ex. Standard Grade, No. 2 Cans, 2 for.18c PEANUTS, Fresh Roasted, Per Lb.10c BANANAS, Firm Ripe Fruit, 4-lbs.25c RALPH TOMLINSON, Proprietor Friday and Saturday, December 10 & 11 —————I II ■■■■■!— nil ■ — I M ■■II— Evaporated Peaches Our special price for this sale of J2C Per lb. must not confuse you as to the quality. The family will be delighted when these plump, meaty peaches appear on the table as sauce or in peach pie or peach cobbler. Green Beans Cut green beans. Deliciously tender and free from strings. Packed in a full No. 2 can and a very special value at gc per can. Ginger Snaps The general favorite for dunking purposes. We never seem to tire of the spicy flavor of ginger snaps. A special price of JQc per lb. for this sale. Navy Beans Nothing nicer for bean soup than these large, Northern Navy Beans. These bright mealy beans are also excellent for baked beans. A low price of 4 lbs. for J4C f°r the week-end. Council Oak Cocoa > k :j A cocoa we can recommend for both beverage and baking pur poses. It contains more rich chocolate flavor to the pound. For the holiday baking you can use a 2-lb. can at our special price of 14c per can. Candy & Nuts Buy your holiday candy and nuts now at Council Oak where you can make your selection from a complete assortment at popular prices. Council Oak Catsup Replenish your pantry supply of tomato catsup for the holi days. This week-end you can buy the large 14 oz. bottle for Iflc. Brown Sugar Golden brown sugar for butterscotch filling, desserts, baked ham, candied sweet potatoes and pancake syrup. The 2 lb. bag for 11* Council Oak Coffee A whole berry blend of the choicest South and Central Ameri can coffees. Selling at an every day low price of 27° per or 3 lbs. for 79°a The empty Council Oak bags may be exchanged for many useful premiums. Toilet Tissue Excello Toilet Paper is a real value at our every day low price of 5C per roll. Buy a supply at our week-end price of 2 big rolls for 'Jc. Blue Barrel Soap The soap that does the work of three ordinary cakes. It’s kind to your hands. The price is 2 big pound bars for J3C f°r this sale. Haskin’s Water Castile Cake. _4c Green Goods Specials DELICIOUS APPLES, SUNKIST ORANGES, RUTABAGOES, CAULIFLOWER, 5 Pounds.25c Dozen.25c 10 Pounds. 25c Each .12c