1 Maharajah Celebrates His Golden.Jubilee His highness the Maharajah of Bikanir is shown riding on an elephj>mt through the crowded streets of Bikanir to attend the thanksgiving service to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Maharajah's accession to the throne of his Rajput state. He is one of the wealthiest princes of India. De-Icer Promotes Air Safety it*:-:-: . : -:- :-:'-: * ww——s——i—as——h—wmhhmw—wwm -wm A mechanic shows a section of the new type of de-icers installed on T. W. A. planes to prevent possible forced landings and fatal crack-ups due to ice forming on the wings of the transports. Three tubes through which the air is forced every 47 seconds causing the specially treated and re-enforced covering to raise a distance of an inch and a half from the wing may clearly be seen. HUMAN ALARM CLOCK This enterprising man on a bicycle starts on his morning rounds on the Isle of Thanet, England, with an electric bell attached to the end of a pole which he places outside his customers’ windows and rings until he gets an acknowledgment. He doesn’t say who wakes him up. RACKET SMASHER {Racket-crushing, crusading young Thomas E. Dewey beams for the camera after his recent election as district attorney of New York coun ty. Running as a fusionist candi date on the same ticket as reform Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia he was elected by a landslide vote. Getting Ready for Fox Hunt A group of hunters painting numbers on their dogs before the chase in which members of the Virginia Fox Hunters association participated recently near Petersburg. Note the pained expression on “33X” in the center. After the chase the hunters were served with ‘‘Brunswick stew” cooked in a huge iron kettle out-of-doors. Hymn Without Words “Sung” by Deaf Mutes One of the strangest church services held anywhere in the world takes place every Sunday in the Cameron M. E. church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a service for deaf mutes conducted entirely in sign language. Here is a view of the choir of six as they “sing” “Nearer My God to Thee.” Not a word is spoken throughout the service, the sermon being delivered in sign language by Rev. August H. Staubitz. 9 Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Members of the German American Bund, a Nazi organization, pictured as they paraded in New York recently. 2—Premier Mussolini on the Arabian horse recently presented to him by the king of the Yemen In southeastern Arabia, reviews members of the Roman police force. 3—Florello LaGuardia, first "reform" mayor of New York city ever to succeed himself, shown after his recent victory over Judge Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Democratic nominee of Tammany Hall. UNBREAKABLE SPECS Miss Grace Fox demonstrates the durability of the new unbreakable eye-glass lenses c*.*veloped by E. G. Lloyd of Beverly Hills, Calif., as she uses a hammer in trying to break them. “Motorhome Is Trailer’s New Rival J. Roy Hunt, movie cameraman of Los Angeles, Calif., shown with his “Motorhome” which combines the best features of an automobile and trailer into one vehicle. The motor is alongside the driver’s seat. There are sleeping accommodations for two, a shower bath, toilet, electric stove, radio refrigerator, hot and cold running water and air conditioning. A two burner electric stove provides sufficient facilities for all the cooking done in the motorhome. The vehicle is equipped with a complete set of dish* ware. Storage batteries provide light and power. He’s America’s Star Farmer Herbert Lee Bristow, twenty-one years old, of Saluda, Va., who was, recently named the Star Farmer of America and awarded a cash prize of $500 at the annual convention of the Future Farmers of America in Kansas City, Mo., shells corn from the cob on his 203-acre farm. He received the award in recognition of his fine work in placing his mort gaged farm home on a paying basis. SCARLETT’S SISTER Margaret Tallichet, Hollywood's “Cinderella girl” who won the role of Careen O’Hara in “Gone With the Wind.” This is the biggest break in her career. Margaret started be hind a typewriter. Given a small part In a picture she made such an impression that studio chiefs gave her a long time contract. Skates Flash as Hockey Season Gets Under Way Members of the Chicago Blackhawks make a concerted attack on the enemy goalie in an attempted scor ing drive as the team opens ita season with the New York Americans at the Chicago Stadium. / “Ready, Take Aim—” Queer Duels Are Fought Two men stand tensely in cir cles 30 feet apart. A word from the referee and the duelists go at it. Three minutes later, it’s all over and the opponents’ white clothes drip with red—tomato juice. It happened in California. One man charged another welshed on a bet. The latter challenged the accuser to a duel. The seconds chose tomatoes at 30 paces. That reminds us of the old gag about the tough, uncouth young ster who defied the polite boy, de manding he name his weapons. The second lad wasn’t afraid. "Grammar at 20 paces,” he shot back. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I’m sorry" and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. If you're wise and if you want to hold your hus band, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For throe generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with l,ydla E. Fink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, tlius lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of Ufe: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. 1’re part ng for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle ago." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKIIAM’S VEOKTABLK COMPOUND and Go “Smiling Through," Self-Mastery I will be lord over myself. No one who cannot master himself is worthy to rule, and only he can rule.—Goethe. Safe Pleasant Way To Lose Fat How would you like to lose 15 pounds of fat in a month and at the same time increase your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent hips and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admiration? How would you like to get your weight down to normal ana at the same time develop that urge for ac tivity that makes work a pleasure and also gain in ambition and keen ness of mind? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh—then get a bottle ol Kruschen Salts which will last you for 4 weeks and costs but a trifle. Take one-half tenspoonful every morning—modify your diet—get a little regular gentle exercise— and when you have finished the content* of this first bottle weigh yourself again. Now you will know the pleasant way to lose unsightly fat and you’ll also know that the 0 salts of Kruschen have present ed you with glorious health. But be sure for your health’s sake that Sou ask for and get Kruschen Salts. Get lem at any drugstore In the world and If the results one bottle brings do not de light you—do not Joyfully satisfy you— why money back. ■.■ ■■ i. in. i ^ Courage Within Fortune can take away riches, but not courage.—Seneca. ..1 .. ' — i 1 'V 6^^ checks P GOLDS 0 FEVER LIQUID. TABLETS „ J salve, nose drops Headaohe, 30 minotas. Try “Rnb-My-Tltm”—World’s Best GET RID OF PIMPLES New Remedy Uses Magnesia to Clear Skin. Firms and Smooths Complexion —Makes Skin Look Years Younger. Get rid of ugly, pimply akin with this extraordinary new remedy. Denton'a Facial Magnesia wcuka miracles In clearing up a spotty, roughened com plexion. Even the first few treatments make a noticeable difference. The ugly spots gradually wipe away, big pores grow smaller, the texture of the skin itself becomes firmer. Before you know it friends are complimenting you om your complexion. SPECIAL OFFER — for a fow weeks only Here is your chance to try out Denton's Facial Magnesia a t a liberal saving. We wil« send you a full 6 oz. bottle of Den ton's, plus a regular size box of famous Milnesia Wafers (the original Milk of Magnesia tablets)... both for only 60cl Cash in on this remarkable offer. Send 60c in cash or stamps today. DENTON’S Facial Magnesia SEUECT PRODUCTS, Inc. ■ 1 4402—23rd Street, Long Island City, N. V. J ■ Enclosed find 60c (cask or stamps) for g ■ which send me your special introductory _ • combination. ■ 0 Name_...................... S ■ ■ 2 Street Addreat ................. J ■ City_____State_5