Cattle j| JNL I II ^ it d 111 ir*,r CHAPTER XIV The early sun was upon the broad main street of Inspiration as Billy Wheeler drove Horse Dunn’s tour ing car into the little cow town. Old Man Coffee, was in the back seat, this time without any of his dogs. Marian, who had been iftcuA if lac, /or 3. 9or\ e simple joys ofserenity, 'XOe thank tflee, ford. ‘dor the gentle touch of the friendly hand Of those who love and understand, "(jJc thank thee. £>rd. ^ Of all thy gifts the greatest three iff re friendship, Jove and fidelity. Jet others pray for the harvest’s yields, CJor t fie golden grains ofthe fruitful fields, Jdumbfy our prayer to thee we send jhat when we've reached our journey's end, Someone may say, dhrewelfgood friend. _ ***** from Ktnw Cirv Timet Four Strands of String Make Rug A durable scatter rug in cotton —quick to do, inexpensive, sturdy, colorful. It’s made of four strands worked together forming a stout "thread.” Made in three colors, you can have gay rugs for Winter —rugs that will fit the coloring of Pattern 5927. your rooms exactly. Crochet the medallions one at a time, some plain, some figured, and join them for this stunning diamond design. In pattern 5927 you will find com plete instructions and charts for making the medallions shown; an illustration of them and of the stitches used; material require ments; a photograph of the medal lion; color suggestions. To obtain this pattern, send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Household Arts Dept., 259 W. Fourteenth St., New York, N. Y. Please write your name, ad dress and pattern number plainly. Men Who Do When I look at history I see it as man’s attempt to solve the practical problem of living. The men who did most to solve it were not those who thought about it or talked about it or impressed their contemporaries, but those who si lently and efficiently got on with their work.—J. B. S. Haldane. ■ . I'LL NEVER GOTO } DINNER WITH A ( BOY AGAIN UNLESS I HAVE SOME PHILLIPS' TABLETS IN MY PURSE 1 J Often “acid indigestion” is dis tressing to you — and offensive to others. But now there is no excuse for being guilty. You simply carry your alkalizer with you — and use it at the first sign of “upset” stomach. Simply take two tiny tablets of Phillips* Milk of Magnesia when out with others. Or — if at home — you can take two teaspoons of liquid Phillips’. Both act the same way. Relief is usually a matter of seconds. “Gas,” nausea, “heart burn,” acid brealh — all respond quickly. Just make sure you ask for “Phillips.” BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com. Firm At the Omaha Market WNU—U 46—37 Don’t Neglect Them I Nature designed the kidney* to do ft marvelous job. Their task it to keep the (lowing blood stream free of an excess of toxic impurities. The act of living—ff/a Ustlf—ia constantly producing waste matter the kidneys mutt remove from the blood if good health ia to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Nature intended, there is retention ol waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffineaa under the eyes—feel tired, nervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passages may be further evidence of kidney or bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment la a diuretic medicine to help the kidney* tet rid of excess poisonous body waste. lae Doan's Pills. They have had more than forty year* of public approval. Are endorsed tne country over. Insist *a Doan's. Sold at all drug store*._