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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1937)
"’• II. Mingle g , », f &tate Engineers Office1 ' * * JiiSfiM __ VOL. LVIII. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937. No. 26 FINAL RITES FOR MRS. B. WALDRON HELD ON MONDAY Death Saturday, Takes A Pioneer Resident of This County Since 1879. Bridget Waldron died at her home in this city last Saturday afternoon, after an illness of sev eral months of ailments due to advanced years at the age of 86 years, 9 months and 21 days. The funeral was held Monday morning from the Catholic church, Rev. Walter Flynn officiating, and burial in Calvary cemetery. Bridget McDonald was born at Donn Feenie, county Mayo, Ireland, on February 15, 1851. On Febru ary 3, 1867, she was united in marriage to Thomas Waldron, the ceremony being performed at Hali fax, England. They made their home in England until the spring of 1870 when they moved to the United States and located at Pitts ton, Pa., where the family re mained until their removal to this county in the spring of 1879. On their arrival here they settled on a , homestead northwest of this city which had been the family home for many years and was owned by Mrs. Waldron at the time of her death. Mrs. Waldron leaves six children, four sons and two daughters to mourn her passing. The children are: James, Three Forks, Mont.; Mrs. Mary Jane Newton, Denver, Colo.; P. H., Nixa, Mo.; Mike J., Great Falls, Mont.; John, O’Neill, and Mrs. Elizabeth McKenzie, Sac remento, Calif. All of th'. children were present at the funeral except James and Mrs. McKenzie. Mrs. Waldron was one of the real old pioneers of this county. When she came to the county in 1879 there was not much in this section but bleak barren prairie with very few settlers. But in a few years that portion of the county settled rapidly and it was but a few years when practically every quarter in the vicinity of their homestead had a family thereon and a large num ber of: them came from the coal mining regions of Pennsylvania. She was well known and admired by all the old timers of the county and a large number of them were in attendance at the funeral Mon day to pay their last respects to one of the old timers of the county, whose ranks are rapidly depleting. PRICES RULE GENERALLY STEADY IN AUCTION AT O’NEILL MARKET MONDAY Prices at the O’Neill livestock auction ‘ Monday ruled steady to higher. There was a brisk move ment of stock and a ready market for all animals offered. Representative sales: Heavy 2-year-old steers-5.50 to 7.40 Best steer calves 7.65 Common steer calves down to . 5.50 Best heifer calves 5.25 to 6.35 2-year-old heifers .... 5.00 to 6.75 Bulls at ...5.00 to 5.85 Best heavy cows up to 6.50 Medium cows _ 4.25 to 5.50 Canners and cutters 3.40 to 4.25 Hogs. Top butchers, 175 to 250 pounds at 8.85; sows at 7.40 to 8.10; stags at 6.75 to 7.25; light shoats at 9.50 to 11.00; heavy shoats, 100 pounds and better, 9.25 to 9.65. Next auction, Monday, Nov. 15, including special horse sale. Tie With Kansas Costs Huskers In Prestige | The Nebraska Huskers lost a good deal of prestige last Saturday in their game with Kansas. They were held to a tie game, 13 to 13, and it looked for a time as if Kansas was going to cop the game. Kansas has been defeated by Ne braska for twenty-one straight j years and no one was of the opin-1 ion that the game would be a tough one, hence the surprise and disappointment when the best they could get was a tie. Another games of special inter est to the fans in Nebraska was that of Notre Dame against Pitts burg. Notre Dame scored first and held the lead of 6 to 0 until the last quarter. Then the Pitt power house got into action* and at the end of the game the score was Pittsburg 21 and Notre Dame 6. This coming Saturday Nebraska tackles the Pittsburg Panthers at Pittsburg and we hate to think what the result will be. But some I - -1 times the unexpected happens. One thing we are certain of if Nebraska could trip them they would mount to the highest pinnacle in football history the team ever reached. Pittsburg is now considered about the greatest team in the old U. S. A. While we still have a little faith in the Huskers we must ad mit that the game last Saturday took quite a little of the cockiness out of the Nebraska supporters. Atkinson Market LesS Active; Prices Steady To Lower On Feeders Atkinson, Nov. 9.—About 1,400 head of cattle were on sale at Tues day’s auction, including about 600 head of calves. Sales on some of the choice calves and yearlings looked about steady with those of a week ago, however the rank and file of stocker and feeder cattle ruled about 25 cents lower for the week. Heavy feeding steers looked as much as 50 cents lower. Cows of all classes ruled firm as did killing heifers. Best steer calves here sold at 8.65 with the bulk of the good ones selling around 7.50 to 8.00, while their heifer mates sold in a range of 6.00 to 6.35, and some right good kinds sold on down to 5.65 and below for reds and roans. The better yearling steers brought from 7.00 to 7.65 while right good ones were available at 6.50 to 7.00 and some on the brockel face and Short horn order sold as low as 5.00; yearling heifers carrying flesh sold largely at 5.50 to 6.00 while those on the stocker order brought from 4.75 to 5.50; best fat cows com manded 5.50 to 6.25 with good butcher kinds selling around 5.00 to 5.25; canners and cutters brot from 3.25 to 4.50; bulls at 4.00 to 5.10. About 200 head of hogs were offered. Top fats sold at 8.35 to 8.45; sows at 7.25 to 7.60; pigs all weights at 8.00 to 10.00. Next auction, Tuesday, Novem ber 16, at 12:30 p. m. Jensen Funeral Will Be At Winner Saturday Martinis Jensen died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Arnold, last Tuesday evening at 10:20, at the age of 78 years, 8 months and 18 days. An undertaker from Winner, S. D., came down the next morning and took the body to Win ner where the funeral will be held [ Saturday. Mr. Jensen is survived by his wife and eight children, four sons and four daughters. He was a pioneer resident of Gregory, S. D., having homesteaded a quarter of land within a few miles of that city when that section was opened for settlement. Several years ago he moved to this city, where he pur chased a home and lived here for a couple of years and then returned to the Rosebud. He had been mak ing his home with his daughter, Mrs. Arnold, for the past eight months. Another daughter is also a resident of this city, Mrs. Leslie Knepper. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold am! Mr. and Mrs. Knepper leave for Winner today where they will at tend the funeral Saturday. Toy Balloon Nearly Reaches Oklahoma Miller Bros. Chevrolet company of this city, received word of an other of their toy balloons that were sent up here P’riday, Oct. 22. This was picked up by A. T. Wil liams of Hazelton, Kansas. In his letter Mr. Williams said that the balloon was picked up on his farm, which is near Hazelton and that he is just six miles north of the Okla homa border. Manager Lundgren is still hopeful that he might re ceive a letter from Mexico an nouncing that one of the balloons had been picked up in that country. This last balloon traveled over 400 miles. Marriage Licenses John Edward Jansen and Miss Margaret Cuddy, both of O’Neill, license issued November 4. E. Fred Wagman and Miss Cath erine Snowardt, both of O’Neill, on November 4. William L. Vrooman of Venus, and Miss Esther L. Fraka of In man, on November 8. Raymond Coady of Atkinson, and Miss Rose Seger of Stuart, on No vember 8. Public School Notes The high school student body en joyed an interesting talk by Dr. Allen Bassett last Monday morn ing. Dr. Bassett is a missionary and educator in Bangkok, Siam. He related many of the strange beliefs and customs of the natives and described the high school in Bangkok where he teaches. The Juniors will soon be visiting you to sell tickets to the play, “Bashful Bobby.” They will ap preciate your support. Members of the Sophomore class who won the activity ticket sales contest enjoyed a theater party last Wednesday evening, followed by refreshments at the Johnson drug store. The English literature class has been studying the prose writers of the early 18th century, Dryden, Pepip, Defoe, Addison and Steele. Selections from these authors, which the class has read, show clearly the reflection of the time in which they were written. In English 10 the sentence gram matically considered is requiring deep consideration on the part of the students. The algebra 9 classes are doing excellent work in the study of op erations in signed numbers. The senior normal trainers en joyed a very interesting demon stration of reading in the first j grade Monday afternoon. First Grade Two newcomers to the first grade this week are Earl Mitchell and Patricia Breunsbach who formerly attended school in Neligh. This week we are taking up the study of Indians. In addition to reading and talking about Indians we have started an Indian museum. In our collection we have many lovely pictures. A birch canoe, a tiny papoose and a pair of beaded mocassins. Friday we plan to model dishes from clay, just as the Indians did many years ago. Second Grade An Indian project is being car ried out by the second grade pupils. For art work they are making free hand drawings to illustrate different phases of Indian life. We are happy to have Helen Wyant with us again after four weeks absence on account of illness. Third Grade For October Connie L. Williams, Bonnie Morton, Lois Sternes, Mav el Neal, Charles Jones, Bobbie Har mon received the prizes in health. Robert Coutts and Guy Harris are to be the doctors in charge of health inspection for November. Donna J. Richards has been away from school on account of illness. We hope she will be back with us soon. We have started our study of American Indians. Our room is decorated with pictures of Indians and their homes. On our library table we have Indian arrow heads, Canoes of birch bark, Indian dolls, axes, Indian blankets, rugs, moc casins, wigwam and tomahawk. In art class we are to make our own pictures of part of the Indian study we like best. Fourth Grade We are studying the people of the desert. We have listed all the things we would like to know about the desert. We have learned inter esting facts about camels, the oasis and fruits of the desert. The “B” reading group are be ginning a study of the Pilgrims. We plan to make booklets of Pil grim life. The “A” reading group have just completed a coast to coast trip with the Jones family. Part of the trip was made by plane. We enjoyed a report on airports and the instru ments found in planes. We are atempting to improve our room in spelling by bettering the number of 100 per cents each day. Fifth Grade Trying to beat his own record is the aim of each Fifth Grader in our speed multiplication wheel. Last week the Fifth grade found out why the New England states are such great manufacturing states, why Boston is called the “Hub” city, why these states are colder than other states equally far north and where our Thanks giving cranberries come from. (Continued on page 4, column 4.) CEREMONIES HELD FOR OBSERVATION OF ARMISTICE DAY Parade Of School Children And Veterans Precede Program At K. of C. Hall. Armistice day is bring celebrated in this city this afternoon, as well as in every other town and hamlet in the United States, and even in | foreign countries, as it marks tha nineteenth anniversary of the sign ing of the Armistice in the great World War. Shortly after 10 a. m. there was a parade on Douglas street headed by the O’Neill high school band and the children from loth the O’Neill public school and St. Mary’s academy, and a large number of veterans, members of the Ameri can Legion. They marched we^t on Douglas street to the K. C. hall where the program of the day was rendered. Senator Carl Peterson of Norfolk, was the speaker of the day and he delivered a stirring, patriotic address well fitted for the occasion. Following is the program ren dere at the hall: U. S. Military Academy—The Band U. S. Naval Academy The Band Selection . O, H. S. Glee Club Selection S. M. A. Music Dept. Star Spangled Banner —The Band Taps Woodrow Melena At noon there was a luncheon for the members of the Legion and their friends. The annual American Legion Armistice Day ball will be held j this evening and members of the j Legion are looking for one of the largest crowds that ever attended a ball in this city. Numerous Legionnaires from several parts of the county are in the city for the festivities of the day. Most of the business houses of the city closed at 11 o’clock this morning and wi* remain closed until late this afternoon. _ Large Number of Fires Add More Than 100 To Week’s Accident Toll An unusual number of fires last week were responsible for the large increase in accidents according to the records compiled by the State Dept, of Public Instruction and the Nebraska Press association. A total of 143 fires made accidents soar to 383 for the week ending Oct. 30. This is more than 100 over the 251 of the week before. Injuries and deaths came to 252, a fair-sized increase over the 227 of the previous week. Deaths totaled twelve, two less than the week previous. Auto Accidents Remain About The Same Just a very slight increase was noted in automobile accidents with ninety-four reported as compared with ninety of the week before. Injuries and deaths came to ninety four, also, a decrease of five from the previous report. Seven persong lost their lives in motor vehicle ac cidents. Three people were killed when drivers lost control of their cars, two died because of collisions, and a man lost his life when his ear was hit by a train at a crossing. Another person died from injuries sustained when his bicycle was struck by a car. The one disability reported came as the result of a collision. Although not as numerous as other accidents, the seriousness of bicycle car mishaps is only too apparent because of the number of children involved. In the last two months there have been thirty three accidents involving bicycles in which twenty-nine persons were injured, two disabled, and three killed. Twenty-three of the vic tims were children. A study of causes reveals that the bicycle rid ers themselves were as much to blame in the accidents as the auto mobile drivers in many cases. Some of these accidents occurred at in tersections, often the bicycle riders ran into cars, bicycle-truck acci dents were recorded, and several J DAN Local i— Roll Call Begins ^ — Friday, RedCrosb Nov 12 accidents occurred when bicycles got in the path of cars and avoid ing them was impossible. Eleven of these mishaps occurred for no apparent reason. Four hit and run drivers were reported. Injuries from collisions amount ed to thirty-three and nineteen re sulted when drivers lost control of their cars. Seven pedestrians sus tained injuries and five were hurt in railroad crossing accidents. Skidding caused two injuries and tire blowouts a corresponding num ber, while four people were put on the casualty list when cars hit obstructions. Five persons fell ofT moving automobiles, two were badly burned, one man passed up a highway stop sign and caused a mishap involving one injury, and two children on bicycles were hit by cars and injured. Three men broke their arms cranking cars and a man was injured when some in sulating material he was trying to balance in the rear of a truck fell against him when the vehicle went around a curve. One intoxicated driver and one hit and run driver were reported. Public Fires Contribute To Large Total The seventy-nine public fires contributed largely toward making the one hundred sixty-one total for other public accidents, the largest in some time. Injuries and deaths came to eighty-five. Football in juries were also a big contributor with twenty-seven injuries record ed this week. Oidy six children were hurt in school accidents. Three deaths and one disability were recorded. The disability and one of the deaths came when guns were accidentally discharged. The second death was attributed to a fall some time ago and the third occured from drowning. Play and sports were respons ible for forty-four injuries and fire arms contributed eight. Ten people were injured when they fell and three were burned. Four were badly cut. One teacher was bitten by a Black Widow spider and a bullsnake bit a very small girl in flicting a slight injury while a dog attacked another girl. Three peo ple had eye injuries and three more suffered from sandburrs. Two in fection cases were reported. Farm Accidents Increase Accidents on farms went up to thirty-five as compared to twenty one of the previous report. In juries increased to thirty, ten more than the previous week. One dis ability was reported. A farmer lost a hand in the rolls of a corn husker. Seven farmers were hurt by machinery and six were cut. Horses or cattle caused five injuries and four persons were hurt in falls. One woman on a farm was bitten by a rattle snake. One farmer was hit by a falling limb and injured, another was dragged a distance by his team of horses, a third fell under a wagon and was hurt, and still another had an eye injury. A small girl helping her brother shuck corn, got a sandburr in her throat which had to be removed. There were five fires. Industrial accidents totaled 34 with one death and fifteen injured. There were fourteen industrial fires reported. There were fifty-nine home ac cidents in which twenty-seven were injured or killed. One man died of burns when a stove exploded in his home. Eleven were injured in falls and five were burned. Five were injured in washing machine acci dents bringing the total for the past seventeen weeks to forty-three accidents of this kind. Thirty-one home fires were reported. s Ash Grove Project Club The Ash Grove Project club met at the home of Mrs. C. V. Cole on Nov. 3rd, for their Christmas les son. One new member was taken into the club making eleven mem bers and two visitors present. The business part of the lesson was taken care of in the morning. Roll call was answered by each repeat ing a quotation from one of their favorite poems. Singing of the “Song of the Month” was conducted by the song leader, Mrs. C. V. Cole. The lead ers then demonstrated "How to Dress Up Christmas Greeting! Cards,” after which a delicious, lunch was served which included1 the Green Salad and Mexican Or ange Candy, made from the recipes in extension circular No. 5547. In the afternoon the leaders demonstrated how to make various Christmas place cards, favors, toys, puzzles, baby bath mat, crib covers, holders, aprons, in fact they de monstrated gifts for every mem ber of the family, even one for the car. This was a very interesting lesson and very efficiently handled by the leaders, Mrs. C. V. Cole and Mrs. F. W. Hendrick. The next meeting will be Dec. 8 at the home of Mrs. Ewalt Miller. Henrietta Schrier Wins Chicago Trip On Her 4-H Work Henrietta Schrier, O'Neill 4-H club girl, has been awarded the distinction of Champion Holt county club member. This award entitled her to compete for one of thirteen awards given by the Chicago & North Western railway company to club members living in counties which it serves. Word was received this week that Miss Schrier was one of the lucky thir teen and will get a chance to attend the sixteenth 4-H club congress to be held in connection with the In ternational Livestock show at Chi cago November 27 to December 4. Miss Schrier won this award by carrying to completion three sepa rate 4-H club projects and acting us leader for two separate clubs. The club which she led and of which she was also a member was the Six Sewing Sisters which com pleted “Learning to Sew” and “Summer Clothes” projects. They now have their application in for a “Winter Clothes” project. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. F. J. Diahner, Pete Mor gan and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biglin drove to Sioux City last Monday on a business mission, returning home that evening. Mrs. Edward Campbell enter tained the Martcz Club last Tues day evening with a dinner at the Golden and afterwards with cards at her home. A lovely time is re ported by the members of the club in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington and family left Monday morning for Washington, D. C., after a ten day visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Donlin, and other relatives and friends here. Mr. Harrington has a position in Wash ington under the railroad retire ment act and expects to make that city his future home. The Fire Department was called to the Mellor garage last Friday evening about 10:15. A passerby noticed smoke pouring out of the flue and no one in the building and turned in an alarm. There was no fire, except in the furnace, the oil having flowed rather freely made quite a smoke and hence the alarm of the observer. No damage was done, except getting a few of the employees out of bed as they were dropping into dreamland. Mildred Leota Allen has filed suit in the district court asking for a divorce from Burton Dale Allen. In her petition she alleges that they were married on June 10, 1935, at Albion, Nebraska, and that she has been a resident of this county since Sept. 1, 1935. She alleges that he deserted her on Sept. 1, 1935, and that since that time he has failed to support her or their two-year old son. She asks that the court grant her a divorce, the custody of her son, attorneys fees and costs and such other relief as may be just and equitable. Twenty cars of O’Neill gunners drove to Chambers last Friday afternoon for a crow shoot. It is estimated there were at least 80 guns in the group. Some were a bit disappointed with the outcome but others had some good shooting, using about two boxes of shells. The crows were herded into a series of four groves, which made it easier for them to keep out of shotgun range. The bare trees did not afford as good cover as in previous shoots and the crows were wont to keep on the move to avoid the planes. The planes do not fly below 500 feet altitude and with the shooting below the black scavangers remained above the trees and on the move from one grove to the other most of the time. FARMER SEVERELY BURNED IN HOUSE FIRE THIS MORNING John Howard Suffers Burns When House On John Glaze Place Dear toyed By Fire. The house on the John Glaze ranch, with all its contents burned this morning. John Howard lived on the farm and was alone at the time of the fire. He suffered some burns at the fire and was taken to a hospital at Lynch. Mr. Howard was very severely burned about the legs and hands, the skin being almost completely destroyed. He was caught by flames when something in the house ex ploded. The doctors attending him report that if no complications set in he will recover. Four Injured, Two of Them Seriously, In A Truck Crash Last Week A serious motor accident occur red last Thursday evening about 7 o’clock near the New Deal gas station in west O’Neill when a truck in which were John Maring, 63, Miss Rose Burda, 25, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff, of Atkinson. The truck in which these people were riding was on its way to At kinson and ran into a truck parked on west Douglas street. The parked truck was owned by P. R. Jeffers of Pender. Both trucks were badly damaged. Mr. Maring and Miss Bruda were seriously injured and they were taken to an Omaha hospital the next morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wood ruff were injured slightly and shaken up some, but we under stand they were able to go home the next day. As far as we have been able to learn the other two are still in the Omaha hospital. Jensen-Cuddy Nuptials At Emmet Last Monday At the Epiphany church in Em met Monday morning at 7:30, a very pretty wedding was solem nized when Miss Margaret Cuddy and John Jensen were united in holy wedlock with Father Byrne officiating. The bride wore a navy blue suit with white accessories. She was attended by Miss Jack Cuddy who also wore a suit of blue. John Jensen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jensen, and is a promin ent farmer north of O’Neill, where the couple will make their home. Miss Margaret Cuddy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cuddy of O’Neill and has been em ployed at the John Conard store in J Emmet for several years, and has many warm friends in the com munity who wish them every happi ness in their new home. St. Mary’s Basketball Squad Starts Practice St. Mary’s started basketball practice last Monday night in pre paration for the first game of the season with Sacred Heart academy of Norfolk on Dec. 5. Letter men returning this year are: Bardy Kubitschek, Robert McDonough, Francis Connolly, forwards; Ro bert Shoemaker, center, and Ed ward Quinn and Francis Valla as guards. The coaching staff con sists of Jack Arbuthnot, Ben Grady and Matt Beha. Wagman-Snowardt E. Fred Wagman and Miss Cath erine Snowardt were united in mar riage at St. Patrick’s church last Monday morning. Monsignor Mc Namara officiating, in the presence of a few of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The young people will make their home on a farm southeast of this city. — CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heart felt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the as sistance and sympathy expressed during the long illness and follow ing the death of our beloved mother. Your kindness to us in our hour of sorrow will ever be held in grateful remembrance.— The Waldron children. Mrs. Adolph Block and Miss Ina Block spent Sunday at the Martin Conway home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clare and Chas. Thompson, of Chambers.