LOST AND FOUND TAKEN UP, at my place on or about August 1, three steers, about yearlings. One white face, one brockle face and one Red. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses.— George Baird, O’Neill. 23-5p MISCELLANEOUS YOU may not appreciate the value of good eyesight until you begin to lose it. Sec Perrigo Optical companyat Golden Hotel, in O’Neill, Monday, Nov. 16 26-2 GET your saw gummed now.—Vic Halva Shop. 24-2p WANTED—names, men under 26 who are willing to work for $75.00 a month while training to become aviators or ground mechanics. One year’s training given by U. S. Air Corps. Costs absolutely nothing. Flying Intelligence Service. Box 522, Milwaukee, Wis. 22-4 Drs. Gadbois and Baisinger, Nor folk, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists, Glasses fitted, will be in O’Neill at Dr. Carter’s office all day Tuesday, Nov. 9. 24-2 I HAVE eastern money to loan on farms and ranches. I also loan money on city property.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf 0 HELP WANTED WANTED—Office girl.—Inquire at this office. 25-2p WANTED TO BUY IF YOU have cockerels for sale, we can probably find buyers.— O’Neill Hatchery. 24 SIXTY feet 1% inch galvenized Sipe; also % pump rods.—Barn art’s Market. 22tf WHEN you have butcher stuff, either hogs or cattle for sale, see Barnhart’s Market. 48tf FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfur nished.—Mrs. E. D. Henry. 24-2p FOR RENT—MODERN Residence. R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 16-tf FOR SALE WE have a fine Registered Perch •eron Stallion, 5-years-old, weight 1950-lbs., for sale. Would trade for young horses or cattle. Also good Jack for sale,—Cooney Bros. Route 2, Wolbach, Nebr. 25-lp RETORT heating stove, used very little, in good snape.—John Addi son, Opportunity. 25-2p Drs. Gadbois and Baisinger, Nor folk, Nebr., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists, Glasses flitted, will be in O’Neill at Dr. Carter’s office all day Tuesday, Nov. 9. 24-2 REGISTERED Herefords: Year ling range bulls, bull calves; also cows and heifer calves.—W. G. Sire, Inman, Nebr. 22tf CHOICE Duroc spring boars; also yearling Shorthorn bulls.—Frank Loock, Spencer, Nebr. 22-flp ONE DOdge 4-door sedan; One Chevrolet coupe. In fine condi tion mechanically. Will sell at a very reasonable price.—G. A. Fox Store. 21tf FOR SALE—Oil burner for fur nace in a residence. Will sell real cheap. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 19tf AFFIDAVIT forms for statement of age, for use by liquor stores and beer parlors. For sale at The Frontier office in pads of 100. FOR SALE—6-room house, has bath room, and lights and water, nearly modern, close in. $1250 will buy it.—See R. H. Parker. 6tf HOME LOANS FARM LOANS RANCH LOANS I Am Now Making Loans JOHN L. QUIC, Dr. J. L. SHERBAI5N Chiropractor Phone 147 Half Block South of the Ford Garage—West Side of Street W. F. FINLEY, M. I). Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DR. J. P. BROWN Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence Phone 223 (First publication Oct. 28, 1937.) LEGAL NOTICE May E. Riale and all persons having or claiming any interest in the Northwest Quarter of Section Eight. Township Twenty - nine, ! Range Ten, West of the Sixth P. M., Holt county, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants, are hereby notified that on the 21st day of October, A. D., 1937, Walter C. Young, as plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt county, Ne i braska, against you, the object and prayer of which are to have plain tiff decreed to be the absolute owner in fee simple of the North west Quarter of Section Eight, Township Twenty-nine, Range Ten, West of the Sixth P. M., Holt county, Nebraska, and to have the title to and possession of said premises forever quieted and con firmed in plaintiff; to have the mortgage from Gilbert M. Brown to Michael J. Stafford, covering the above described real estate, dated October 15, 1906, in the sum of $460.00, and recorded December 5, 1906, in Book 92 at Page 3 of the Real Estate Mortgage Records of Holt county, Nebraska, and there after on June 20, 1907, assigned and set over by Michael J. Stafford to May E. Riale, which assignment was recorded October 21, 1909, in Book 98 at Page 490 of the Mort gage Records of Holt county, Ne braska, adjudged and decreed to have been fully paid and satisfied and no longer a lien upon said premises and unenforceable and barred by the Statute of Limita tions of the State of Nebraska; to have you and each of you adjudged and decreed to have no title to. lien upon or interest in said premises, or any part thereof, and to forever enjoin you from assert ing any title to, right, claim, lien or interest in said premises or any part thereof adverse to plaintiff and to remove the clouds cast upon plaintiff’s title by reason of your claims. You are required to answer said petition on or before the (3th day of December, 1937. WALTER C. YOUNG, Plaintiff, By Julius D. Cronin, 24-4 His Attorney. (First publication Nov. 4, 1937.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE State of Nebraska, j Madison County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the District Court of Madison county, Nebraska, duly and legally entered on September 8, 1937, in an action in said Court pending, wherein Patrick Kielty is plaintiff and Brid get Kielty, Mary Malone, Frank Malone, John Kielty, Rose Kielty, James Kielty, Alice Kielty, Mary Kielty, Agnes Grosserode, Henry Grosserodc, Thomas . Kielty, Julia Kielty, Rose Brogan Brink, Elmer Brink, Bernard Kielty and Kate Kielty are defendants, directing me as Referee in said case to sell at public vendue for cash the follow ing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The West Half (WVi) of Section Nine (9), Township Twenty-five (25) North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P. M. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the powers vested in me as such Referee and pursuant to said order, I will, on the seventh day of De cember, 1937, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day, on the premises in Holt county, Nebraska, sell the above described real estate to the highest bidder for cash. Said sale will remain open for at least one hour. EARL E. MOYER, 25-5 Referee. (First publication Nov. 4, 1937.) NOTICE OF PRORATE OF WILL Estate No. 2634 In the County Court of Holt county, Nebraska, November 2, 1937. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel D. Murphy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of Daniel D. Murphy, Deceased, and for the appointment of Bridget A. Murphy and Dennis F. Murphy, as executors thereof; that November 24, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving I said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the probate thereof. C. J. MALONE, County Judge. (County Court Seal) 25-3 J. D. Cronin, Attorney PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00—Mr. C. E. Yantzi, superintendent. Morning worship 11:00—Youth’s Call. Young f’eople’s Rally 3 p. m. Evening Service 7:30—This will be a union service and the closing popular meeting of the Rally. "Highland Youth" a colored motion picture will be shown. Dr. Bassett, a returned missionary, will speak. The public is invited. H. D. Johnson, Pastor. METHODIST CHURCH A. J. May, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a.m.—Speci al music by the choir. Sermon sub ject, “The Christian’s Assurance.” Epworth League 6:30. For the evening service we will join with the Presbyterians in a special youth program at 7:30. Choir rehersal at the church Fri day, 7:30 p. m. The church reception and social affair at the church last Tuesday evening was well attend and every body greatly enjoyed the evening. The program consisted of games conducted by Mrs. McElhaney and Mrs. Porter. Musical numbers pre sented were: solo, Charles Yarnall; xylophone solo, Miss Elizabeth Graves; solo, Clarence Selah, and a piano duet by Miss Ruth Kraemer and Archie Bowen. There was also a community sing of popular num bers and old time songs with Mr. Bowen at the piano. Pie and whipped cream and coffee were served at the close of the program. Nearly 100 were present. Over the Back Yard Fence Orchids to Ruth Ann Biglin for the best wreck of the week. Brick bats to Williams and Calvert! ’Nuff said! And speaking of or chids the gold medal of the week goes to Joe Curran for being the life of the party, although Leo the football hero made an awful cute nurse-maid to Oswald, Poppy Ham mond’? elephant. By the way, I hear that Didge Jordan has reformed these days. She’s walking the straight and narrow path, 'er I mean keeping to the right, no the left, I mean the center! Oh, well, Didge always gets what she wants! UI—y"—m» And Suffer the Aches and Pains from Rhumatism? When You Can Get Relief! An old remedy that has given relief to many, and will do the same for you. This is not an electric pad or a lina ment, but a treatment that is easy and pleas ant to take! And you get that oh so good feeling! $1.00 gives you five treatments. Start now and get quick relief. Send $1.00 plus 3c to cover postage to Lightning Pillow Co. BASSETT. NEBRASKA kGet the Habit! It H Eat J “MASTER BREAD” ■ ^ me Sner^ ! • • • • al"'a>'s frcsh! Friday and Saturday Specials TWISTED CINNAMON ROLLS—Doz. 10c JELLY ROLL—Each .10c ASSORTED COOKIES—per dozen 10c VIENNA BREAD—per loaf .8c 1-lb. Box Bunte’s CHOCOLATE MINTS 29c WATCH FOR OUR DAILY SPECIAL Bread and Rolls Baked Fresh Morning and Afternoon Daily McMillan & markey BAKERY It rather elevated my eyebrows to hear the T. N. T.’s swear that all their business goes to Bau man’s now, and it shoved the last six up an inch, when I heard that Bobby Sauers kicked Nicky Coyne in the head. All of which brings to mind the fact that Nicky and Bobby are working their way thru college by matching fingers! *• *, f Eighth wonder Of the w’orld—the nonchalance with which Rose Mary Biglin walks in at 3 a. m., and the way Ruth Ann is holding her nose in the air on account of someone told her she was the best dancer he had ever danced with. Know who, Leroy? Nothing like a lick of Jeep Par kins sucker as an appetizer after twenty kids have stood in line in front of you; and after she and Brownie had worked so hard win ning it with their Saturday night fling! Here and There: Charley Yarnall dressed in. sol dier outfit saying, “I'm in the dough, boy!” Some one ought to really donate Jean Biglin a trip to France so she could show them how a real Apache dancer flings it. Nice work, Harriet! Didn’t even get the car out of the garage, but then it’s the man who pays. Well as the postman says to Lanone and Midge, “There’s no male for you.” It’s a cinch it won’t bother Midge and Lanone only waited until Sunday night! —Miss D. Tective. BRIEFLY STATED Judge Jesse Root of Omaha, was looking after legal matters before the district court last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novak and son, Louis, of Bristow, visited here Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lod Janousek. William E. Ragland of Neligh, and Miss Lillian Coolidge of Amelia, were granted a marriage license in county court last Wed nesday. Bernard Fitzsimmons came up from Omaha last Thursday night and spent Friday visiting old time friends in this city, returning home Saturday. Lutheran services will be held at the Episcopal church on Wednes day, Nov. 10, at 7:30 p. m., con ducted by Kev. Wm. G. Vahle of Atkinson. Bingo! Have you seen those nice milk fed chickens and turkeys at Grady’s. Just come in with a few thin dimes and see what we THE AMERICAN LEGION Spencer, Nebraska PRESENTS STERNIE STERNBERG And His Band Thursday, November 11 at the SPENCER AUDITORIUM (Legion men presenting their paid up 1938 cards will be admitted FREE!) All Ladies 25c ! can trade you in the line of de licious eats for your Sunday dinner. STANNARDS Chocolate Covered CHERRIES 0CP Per Pound C.UU Chocolate CANDY inP Per Pound lUbup KLEENEX 10p 200 Sheets I u U ICECREAM ICp Pints lUu Ann Howard BOX CANDY 7Cp Per Pound I UU Salted PEANUTS ICp Per Pound -I UU Probak Razor Blades Cn 4 for . UU FOLGER’S COFFEE OQp Per Pound _'_ £Ju RIDICULOUS REDUCTIONS We’ve Wrecked the Prices bn All Leftovers, Broken Lines and Odd Lots, in A Sensational Starts Nov. 6 Ends Nov. 9 i • It's, housecleaning, and you good housekeepers know what a real Old Fashioned cleaning is— Drawers are delved into, basement cleaned, shelves gone over—And, was our face red, when we tound things we didn't even know we had. We don’t want this stuff hanging around—so we’ve smashed the prices beyond recognition! Grab your small change and Hurry for these Bargains! SATURDAY—MONDAY—TUESDAY ONLY Boys’UNION SUITS Heavy Ribbed . . . Natural. Regular 69c value—now 3pc 7 WOOL JACKETS Boys All Wool Zipper Dress Jacket. Sizes 2 to 10. Regular $2.98—now $149 14 Pr Boys Jimmy Style DRESS PANTS Regular $1.98 value. 2 to 8. To match jackets above—now $1.09 Boys’ SHIRTS For Work. ' 12 Ms and 13 25c OUT THEY GO! Just 8 LADIES FROCKS Regular $1.98 Value. Not all sizes—at 24 SILK DRESSES The Quality is there ... the styles are good, but they’ve been steady board ers too long!—Values to $7.90— 6 LADIES COATS . Good Styles ... Colors! Sizes, 2-16s, SI 1 3-18s, and 1-20. Values to $19.75— A A 17 WASH FROCKS For Ladies, that sold for $1.98! We COf don’t want them—Yours for— OUTING 36-in. Outing Flannel . . . . heavy!—8 yards $1 CURTAINS 14 Flounce Curtains that are worth 98c—now 49c PRINTED SILKS 43 yards. Values to 98c—now 33cyd CURTAIN SCRIM Dotted Swiss and Colored Figures. Just 110 yards—now 10c:! 6 Wool JACKETS For GIRLS! Zipper Front . . . A Real Value! In Navy, Green and Wine. Regular $2.98. One 12, Two 14s, Two 16s and One 20—now $1.49 DRESS SHIRTS Boys Tom Sawyer Shirts . . . Regular 79c and 98c values— now 59c SLIPS 3 only. Size 36. Kickernick, regular $1.98—uow $1.19 22 BLANKETS 25% Wool.. . 72x84. New plaid colors. Sells regular for $4.49! Special at— $3.98 PLAY SUITS Made of Hickory Stripes or plain colors. Odd lot of 27 we don’t want—now ' pair Lined Jackets FOR MEN—THAT WEAR i $M9 20 yds. Brown Silk Crepe _ A 12 yds. Wine Silk Crepe 12 yds. Metallic Silk Crepe ** ' d Regular 98c Values! COTTON BATTS 72x90 .'. . Stitched. First Quality. Regular 59c—now 2 for. SHOES Broken sizes . . . Odd Lots ... In Children’s, Girls and Womens. Values to $3.98. If your size is here— $1 TH€ feROUUn m^DOnflLD Co.