The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 21, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    *■" ————— ,
(First publication Oct. 14, 1937.)
Estate No. 2631
In the County Court of Holt
county, Nebraska, October 13, 1937.
In the matter of the Estate of
WANTED—names, men under 26
who are willing to work for $76.00
a month while training to become
aviators or ground mechanics. One
year's training given bv U. S. Air
Corps. Costs absolutely nothing.
Flying Intelligence Service. Box
622, Milwaukee, Wis. 22-4
I HAVE eastern money to loan on
farms and ranches. I also loan
money on city property.—R. H*
Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 2tf
TAKEN UP, at my place on or
about August 1, three steers,
about yearlings. One white face,
one brockle face and one Red.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying expenses.—
George Baird, O’Neill. 23-5p
STRAYED into my pasture on or
about July 1, 1937, a cow. Owner
may have same by proving pro
perty and paying expenses.—T. T.
Hartigan, Inman, Nebr. 22-3p
SIXTY feet 1V4 inch galvenized
pipe; also % pump rods.—Barn
hart’s Market. 22tf
WHEN you have butcher stuff,
either hogs or cattle for sale, sec
Barnhart’s Market. 48tf
R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 16-tf
*■ •
ROOMS for sleeping or housekeep
ing.—Mrs. Frank Howard. lfitf
PIANO, Busch & Gertz. Will sell
reasonable if sold at once.—Mrs.
Hannah Donohoe, O’Neill. 23-1
WAGON, wide tire, suitable for
cable outfit, $35. See any day but
Sunday.—Fay A. Pucktt. 23-lp
17 ACRES improved, joining In
man, Nebr. Price $1050. Terms.
M. H. Claridge, Stuart, Neb. 23-lp
BUY A FARMAI.I, or a 10-20 at
auction. Used and in good shape.
Also new and used furniture and
hardware. Dexter gas - power
washer, overstuffed mohair suite,
piano, new Heatrola and used cir
culating heaters, coal ranges, Phil
co and Zenith radios, new bedroom
suite, new mattress, buffet, chairs,
table, utensils, and many other
items. Win prize in guessing
contest. How long will the brand
new McCormick-Deering No. 3
separator spin? It will then be
sold at auction. A big, unusual
sort of sale at your own prices,
staged at Stuart on Saturday,
October 23, at 2 p. m., by Norris
W’. Coats, dealer in Furniture,
Hardware and Implements. Watch
for the bills. 23-1
REGISTERED Hereford*: Year
ling range bulla, bull calves; also
cows and heifer calves.—W. G.
Sire, Inman, Nebr. 22tf
CHOICE Duroc spring boars; also
yearling Shorthorn bulls.—Frank
Loock, Spencer, Nebr. 22-6p
ONE DOdge 4-door sedan; One
Chevrolet coupe. In fine condi
tion mechanically. Will sell at n
very reasonable price.—G. A. Fox
Store. 21tf
FOR SALE—Oil burner for fur
nace in a residence. Will sell real
cheap. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill.
Nebr. 19tf
AFFIDAVIT forms for statement
of age, for use by liquor stores and
beer parlors. For sale at The
Frontier office in pads of 100.
FOR SALE—6-room house, has
bath room, and lights and water,
nearly modern, close in. $1250
will buy it.—See R. H. Parker. 6tf
James O’Connor, Deceased.
CREDITORS of said estate are
hereby notified that the time limited
for presenting claims against said
estate Is February 11, 1938, and
for the payment of debts is Octo
1 vr Id, 1938, and that on November
11, 1937, and on February 12, 1938,
at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will
be at the County Court Room in
said Countv to receive, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
County Judge.
(County Court Seal) 22-3
W. J. Hammond, Attorney
j (First publication Sept. 30, 103*.)
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Kale issued to
me by the Clerk of the District
Court of Holt county, Nebraska, in
an action pending in said Court
wherein The Penn Mutual Life In
surance Company is plaintiff and
Ed Jenkinson and Ethel Jenkinson;
are defendants, I will sell to the
highest bidder for cash at the front
door of the court house in O'Neill,
Nebraska, on the 1st day of No
vember, 1937, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
the following described premises in
Holt county, Nebraska
Southeast quarter of section
thirty-five, township twenty
nine, north, range twelve, west
of the 6th P. M., containing
160 acres, more or less, accord
ing to Government Survey, in
Holt county, Nebraska,
to satisfy the sum of $2,291.23
found due plaintiff and intereest
thereon and $21.05 costs of suit and
accruing costs.
Dated this 27th day of Septem
ber, 1937.
Sheriff of Holt County,
20-5 Nebraksa.
Sunday School 10:00—Mr. C. E.
Yantzi, superintendent.
Morning Worship 11:00—“Heav
en’s Call to the Church ”
Evening Service 7:30—This will
be a union service. Rev. A. J. May
will preach.
The choirs are planning special
music for each of the services.
H. D. Johnson, Pastor.
> I Am Now Making Loans
Phone 147
Half Block South of the Ford
Garage—West Side of Street
j W. F. FINLEY, M. I).
Phone, Office 28
j O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasses Correctly Fitted
Residence Phone 223
A. J. May, Pastor
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning Service at 11 a. m.—Speci
al music by the choir. Sermon by
the pastor.
Epworth League at 6:30.—Chas.
Yarnall, leader.
Union evening service at 7:30 at
the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. F. J. Biglin and son, Joseph,
went down to Omaha Wednesday
morning for a couple of days visit.
E. J. Ramold, of the O’Neill Food
Center, made a business trip to his
former home at Gregory, S. D.,
Mrs. T. S. Mains leaves Friday
evening fo» Rosebud, S. D., where
she will spend a week visiting her
daughter, Miss Evelyn Mains.
One of our cynical friends says
that the new agricultural income
parity plan is as dizzy as the New
York Giants after the world series.
Mr. and Mrs. Cob Olson are re
joicing over the arrival of a young
daughter, who was born last Thurs
day at the home of >lr3. Olson’s
parents at Wayne.
The annual masquerade dance of
the members of the O’Neill country
club will be held at the Golden
hotel, Monday, Nov. 1. The party
will begin at 9 o’clock.
Anyhow this talk about Japan’s
outrages against China serves to
take the mind of the public off such
things as thejf Klan, the Supreme
Court and the slump in the stock
market. is _ s
Mr. and Mrs. George Agnes and
little daughter came up from Pet
ersburg last Saturday evening and
spent Sunday visiting relatives and
friends here, returning home Sun
day evening.
C. E. Cronin, James Tuor and
Jack Menzel drove up from Grand
Island Sunday afternoon and spent
a few hours visiting relatives and
friends here returning to Grand
Island that evening.
Lewis Cambre, who had been
visiting friends here for a week,
was called to his home at Indian
ola, Iowa, last Monday morning
by a message announcing the sud
den death of his father.
The Misses Margaret, Helen and
Katherine Carroll of Spokane,
Wash., who had been visiting at
the home of their aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne, for a
week, left last Friday for their
Pete Sullivan came up from Lin
coln last week for a weeks visit
at the homes of his brothers, John
P. and M. P. Sullivan and to in
cidently try his hand on some of
the Holt couuty pheasants and
President Rosevelt’s statements
about our duty to the world may
be noble and high minded but some
how or other they remind us of
the pronouncements of Woodrow
Wilson before we got into the
World War.
Meetings will be scheduled in all
Holt county communities starting
next week to discuss the 1938 agri
cultural conservation program.
Schedules will be mailed out as
soon as they can be planned by the
county committee.
Mr. and Mrs. ||enry Godack, of
Omaha, came up' Saturday after
noon for a weeks visit with rela
tives and friends and to enable Mr.
Godack to enjoy the opening of
the pheasant season and incidently
bag a few ducks.
W. R. Easton of Fremont, man
ager of the Elkhorn Valley Real
Estate company, was transacting
j business in this city Wednesday.
Mr. Easton says that in the past
six months he has sold 70,000 acres
of Holt county land.
A great deal of complaining has
been heard from the traveling pub
lic on the condition of highway
No. 20 between this city and Page.;
They say that the road is full of
ruts and extremely dangerous, ex
cept at very low speed.
Says a famous millinery design
er: “When a man is depressed he
takes a drink—a woman buys a
hat.” Yes and then when the bill
comes in the man is depressed some
more and goes out and takes an
other drink. This is what may be
called another vicious circle.
Clarence Bergstrom was down in
Lincoln last Saturday to witness
the Nebraska-Oklohoma game.
Clarence says that it was raining
so hard when he reached the field
that he stayed in the car and wit
nessed the game via radio, like a
lot of the rest of us did at home.
According to the New Jersey De
partment of Agriculture most pigs’
tails show a tendancy to curl to the
left. Maybe the porkers are try
ing to curry favor with Henry Wal
lace and the United States D. of A.
.Get the Habit!
■V Eat
. C r . f • • • • always fresh!
• me &fter(jy.
Friday and Saturday Specials
Frosted %
See Our Other Specials!
Bread and Rolls Baked Fresh Morning
and Afternoon Daily
McMillan & markey
JCcitfS ^nUi'tiu
1 m CftQWH ei«
1 6IVES 193* POWER, iB'lilifliyS"
I Try it' Get a lanMul of 1938 StandardiM
I £lw -
Here's Where to Fill Up Your Tank—
I1 I I
(Continued from page 6.)
Sunday at the Orville Harison and
Elmer Devall home6.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindburg,
who went to California about three
weeks ago, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Gannon, being called there on ac
count of the serious illness of Mrs.
Lindberg’s and Mrs. Gannon’s
sister, returned home Friday. The
sister they were called to see died
Sunday, just a short time after
they had started for home.
Lloyd Rouse is on the sick list
at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg
spent Monday at the Eric Borg
About one and three-quarters
inches of rain fell in this locality
over the week-end, and it came
gently, all soaking into the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Auker and Mr.
Fehr drove to Van Tassel, Wyo.,
Saturday for a visit at the home of
Mi's. Auker’s brother. They re
turned home Monday and report
about five inches of snow in Wyo
ming when they left there, and
came thru snow until they reached
Whitney, Nebr.
Milo and Morris Jones spent j
Sunday at George Conard’s.'
Horace Rouse and family were
guests at the Havis-Winchell wed
ding Sunday in O’Neill.
Morris Graham and son, Russell,
spent Sunday at George Hansen’s.
Quite a few neighbors attended
a party at the Oliver Ross home
Saturday night.
_____ v
A group of persons return
ing home after midnight
were puzzled by seeing a
man near the top of a tele
phone pole. He seemed to
be busily at work. One of
the group investigated.
The explanation was sim
ple. In the telephone office
a short time before, several
telephone lines in the busi
ness district had suddenly
gone out of service. Some
thing had happened to a
telephone cable.
Telephone cables are not
often damaged but when
one is, it calls for immediate
action. It didn’t take long
for repairmen to locate the
trouble. By getting to work
on it at once, it was repaired
before daylight and morn
ing telephone calls.
± -*•
It is our policy to main
tain your telephone service
as free as possible from in
terruptions, errors, and im provide the
best possible telephone ser
vice at the least cost to the
public consistent with fair
treatment of employees and
the financial safety of the
l'er Pound --- Jl U
LARI) 17p
In Cartons, per lb. --110
Chase & Sanborn, Lb. £U0
Soda Crackers 1Q«
2 Pounds - IUU
Union Leader
•3 Cans IUU
Per Pound Luu
Per Pound lUu
200 Size I ub
4 for UU
25c Size .— I du
POP CORN, Ready and Good To Eat
Large Bag .20c
Carton - - - $1 '20 Packages - - - - 2uC
PURE APPLE BUTTER, 12-oz. Jar.:.7C
Friday and Saturday, October 22 & 23
Bartlett Pears
Our Superb Label is reserved for large, lucious Bartletts that
are firm in texture; still they must be tender and mellow. As
you enjoy these delicious pears as salad or sauce you will pro
nounce them “positive perfection.” This is your opportunity to
buy the large can of these fancy pears for J7C
Peanut Butter
Council Oak Peanut Butter for this sale in the big 2 lb. jar for
only 21c- No other spread for bread can be bought at this low
price. The price of 2 lbs. for 21c should lead to more peanut
butter in cakes, cookies and other home cooking.
Angel Food Cake Flour
Now that the weather is cooler, the -family expects more of
the light, feathery angel food cakes such as are made from Robb
Ross Cake Flour. This quality product for this sale at 2(k
per package.
Navy Beans
Buy a supply of large, mealy, northern navy beans at this sale
for baked beans and for delicious bean soup. Our week-end price
on these fancy beans is 3 lbs. for J3C
Lemon Cookies
A large, round lemon flavored cooky. Average 30 to the pound.
For this sale a special price of these fresh baked cookies of
2 lbs. for 25c- • ®
Honey Krushed
Tested and Approved by Good Housekeeping. Crushed wheat
and honey for flavor and as a natural aid to digestion. This
wonderful health bread sold only at Council Oak Stores.
Free Tumbler
Buy 2 packages Kellogg’s Krumbles and get a fancy blue
tumbler. For this sale we have a special price of 21c on this
combination offer.
Campbell’s Tomato Juice
When you drink Campbell’s Tomato Juice you have the satis
faction of knowing you are drinking the best. For economy you
will buy it this week-end in the No. 5 can or near \\ gallon cans
at the special price of J9C Per can
Superb Spinach
Spinach is rich in vitamins and essential food minerals. Su
perb Spinach is absolutely free from grit and can be bought at
the special price of J3C 'n the large No. 2'/z can.
“Red Bag” Coffee
Try this sweet, mild coffee at our special price of Jgc per
pound, or 3 lbs. for 52c> "hen you will agree that its popularity
is not due wholly to price. “Red Bag” has a distinctive flavor
not found in other popular priced coffees.
Gold Dust lc Sale
Gold Dust will remove stubborn dirt. Buy a supply at our
week-end price. Buy a large package for 17° a°d >ou can buy
a stamped package of the small Gold Dust for Jc.